Teachers Summer Training

By John Roberts

Published on Nov 10, 2006


This is one of my stories in which I see myself finally coming to terms with my submissiveness and my desire to become the slave of a Male Master. If you are offended by man to man sexual contact, then go elsewhere. Otherwise, enjoy, and send critiques.

Part 3 ended like this:

As I lay on my side, he slides in behind me, and I can feel his cock against my legs. He throws his arm over my side and grabs my cock and balls. I groan, but I don't try to move against his hand. I try to close my eyes and rest because I know he'll be working me over later.

Part 4 My submissive limits are severely tested.

The first twenty-four hours of my chosen summer training have been more difficult than I could ever have imagined. The cyber banter that took place the last three months with Master Walt was obviously designed to have me drop my guard and trust that he would allow me to live out my submissive fantasy of the straight man wanting and then learning to suck another man's cock, and then returning unaffected to his daily life. Little did I know that once I came under his control, he would exert his dominance as he rudely drug me into the submissive role that I thought I wanted more than anything.

As I fall asleep, my mind races through the humiliating possibilities that tomorrow would bring. And, I will have no choice to but to submit. Up to now, there has not been anyway to escape, and 14 days seem like a long, long time to endure his training and punishments.

I am awakened by his stirring on the bed behind me. Since I have never sleep even close to another man, I feel unsettled and weak. Master Walt wastes little time shouting, "Get up cunt! It's morning and you've got a long day and night ahead of you. I've got some work to do in town, so two of my friends are coming over to continue you summer training. Doesn't that sound great Johnny? The pathetic little teacher now becomes the trainee."

I let out with a weak little groan mumbling, "But, sir. Please. We talked for months about me serving you. Can't you just lock me up somewhere until you get home?"

My protests elicit an angry response from Master Walt, "Who'd the fuck do you think you are, pussy? Your safe little classroom is gone. You've told me for months that you wanted this, so now you're here, and you will obey me without hesitation or else you'll suffer."

Grabbing the back of me head, he jerks my eyes upward as he glares down at me. "I didn't force you to come here. You freely put me in control, begging me over and over, so now you're whining about what I want. You'll do anything I want until I am done with you. Don't even think about trying to run away either, unless you plan to take off naked and cuffed. That would really look good on the papers. "Local highway patrolman picks up veteran teacher walking along the road naked wearing bondage restraints."

A sharp, stinging slap across my face gets my full attention. "Now get the fuck off my bed. Get on your knees, crawl over to that corner. Put your hands behind your back and you face against the wall. And don't move until I tell you to."

I slide off His bed and onto my knees crawling quickly to the far corner of the room and awaiting my fate. I can't help but to glance around to see if there is anyway to escape. I am ashamed of myself for being so weak and trusting. I could have continued to live in my fantasy world and have avoided having my submissiveness exploited. But to my despair, I feel my legs rubbing up against my cock and balls as I crawl and my cock begins to get engorged with excited blood revealing my darkest desire. Seeing my reaction Master Walt laughs and says, "I don't want your puny little slave cock to go unnoticed. Instead of facing the wall, knee facing the center of the room. My friends will love to know not to listen to any crying and whining from you. If you really don't crave this kind of treatment, then you wouldn't be so hard."

Walking towards me, he picks up a piece of leather from his night stand. "This little belt will keep your cock nice and hard so that the more sensitive it is, the more you'll want to perform in order to earn some relief." He snaps the leather belt tightly around my cock and balls making my cock grow harder and my balls get redder. "See how you like that for a while, cunt."

So, here I am, the day just starting and already my submissiveness has resurfaced and will be put to the test very soon. Before he leaves, Master Walt puts a black cloth bag over my head and pulls the drawstring tight. He whispers in my ear, "This will help you to remember to obey whoever comes calling. Have a good time today, bitch." I hear the door close and the room is silent. I could dare move and try to get out, but this seems like a desperate attempt that surely will fail, so I remain kneeling in the corner waiting for the others to arrive and take control.

Time passes slowly, but even though the wooden floor gets harder by the minute, I stay put. The bag is hot, but even though I could take it off, I don't. There is no way to tell if someone is watching and testing my obedience. I begin tell myself aloud, "I'm so stupid. Why did I come here and let this man take control? I feel helpless. I've got to do something."

Just as I pause to take a breath, a different male voice gets my attention. "Go ahead, pussy. Try to get away. I want to tell Master Walt that I had no choice but to punish you. You could use a good, hard beating to keep you in line. Shut the fuck up and crawl towards my voice."

Knowing that I had better obey, I let out a half-hearted, "Okay sir" as I get on all fours and crawl to him. Unable to sense how far away he is, I crawl right into his legs. I feel him reach down and release the hood. When he pulls it off, he says, "Kiss and lick my feet." He sits back in a chair and lifts one foot to my lips. "Lather up each toe, cunt. I want both feet clean before my friend gets here."

I think to myself, "I can't do this. All I wanted was get a chance to suck another man's cock, not this."

My hesitation is met with anger, "Open your fucking mouth, cunt and get to work!" As I close my mouth around his right big toe, he strikes my lower back and ass with his belt. My whining moan gets me another taste of his belt. The stinging sensation tells me to shut up and clean his feet like I was told to. When he is satisfied with my work, he switches feet and I take care to lather each toe of his left foot. His feet don't smell, but have clearly been covered and the sweaty taste is stingingly salty.

"Good enough slave. Take a drink of water before we move on." I'm thankful for this relief and tell him, "Thank you sir."

"Master Walt tells me that you are a teacher who hooked up with him wanting to learn to be a cocksucker. Did all the young bucks in your classes get to you? Did you fantasize about being on your knees surrounded by young, hard cocks needing to be eaten? Come on, cunt. Tell me the truth."

"No sir. I didn't want to suck my students' cocks. Something awakened in me during a vacation from school. I wasn't anywhere around them when I began to have these desires."

"Yeah, I know all about you straight cocksuckers. You think about sucking cock all the time, but you're too much of a pussy to do anything about it. But here you are, naked and on your knees, ready to fulfill you fantasy. Before I give you what you want, you've got to admit that if you found yourself like this, naked and on your knees, in the middle of a group young, hard, hot studs, you'd eat every one of them and gobble down their cum, no matter if they kept you there all night long and fucked you mouth five times apiece. Admit it now, cocksucker."

"What will he do if I admitted that I'd suck every cock in the room as many times as they wanted?" I didn't know, but I looked up at him meekly and said, "Sir, I would want to eat every cock in the room, as many times as they wanted. But that's not why I'm here sir. I just wanted to experience what it would be like to eat a man's cock. I'm not gay, and I don't want anyone else to think I am. Please, sir, I'm telling you the truth."

"You may not be gay, but you definitely are a submissive pussy. That's why I agreed to come here and take over for Master Walt. We've been friends for years and have share many sexual experiences with guys just like you. You'll get to suck cock, but along the way we are going to have a lot of fun at your expense. You're just a pathetic little boy who needs to learn to perform and obey. When we're done with you, you'll have no doubt who you are. And we'll always know where you are! We'll always have right where we want you, ready for us to use and abuse. There is nothing you can do cunt, so get use to it."

His words are devastating. I am not prepared to endure his or anyone else's abuse. I came here to suck cock only, but instead, I am being held captive and threatened with all kinds of degrading and humiliating acts. As reality hits me, my cock begins to soften, and face reddens with shame and embarrassment.

Seeing that my cock hangs limps, my new Master shoves me to my back, gets up from his chair and grabs a black tube with a matching ring attached. Without saying a word, he grabs my cock and slides it inside the tube; he loops the ring around my balls and secures it with a small padlock. "We won't be needing your cock. You're here to please us and not yourself. Now, get back on your knees. Unzipping his pants, he growls, "You are going to get your first lesson in sucking my cock and eating my cum, you fuckin' little slut."

I moan quietly and he slides his hardening cock toward my waiting mouth. "Get busy and lock your pussy lips around my cock and balls. Let's see how much you really want to suck me."

Those humiliating words cut deep, but I do as he says, and I cover his cock with my mouth shoving in a much as I can. When the head of his cock hits the back of my mouth, I gag a little and back off only long enough to take a breath and suck his shaft back into my mouth. After five or six slobbering strokes, he grabs me by the hair and says, "Just to the head now. Lather, lick and suck until I tell you to stop."

Steadying myself with my left hand on his thigh, I hold his cock with my right and for a full five minutes, I worship the head of his dick as it gets harder and engourges with blood. I use the tip of my tongue on the slit and swirl my tongue around and around the head. He moans his approval and grabs the sides of him head as he jams his cock all the way down my throat cutting off my air supply. I struggle and choke against his grip, but he does not let go until I stop fighting him.

When he pulls his cock out of my mouth, he uncaringly says, "Get to work on my balls. I'm not ready to cum yet." Even though my humiliation grows, I don't hesitate; I hold his balls in one hand as I lather his balls and lick and suck the sensitive area behind them. His louder moaning tells me that he is getting close to climaxing and shooting his sperm into my mouth.

He waits a little longer letting me work on his balls. Then he orders me to take his cock into my mouth. As soon as I close my lips around his cock, grabs my head and forces my mouth up and down his shaft. Between gagging and gasps of air, I hear his shout, "I'm cumming you fucking little cock sucker; I'm cumming."

His cum is body temperature as it fills my mouth; sticky, hot, salty and thick. I swallow every drop I can until he pulls out of me. His cock is still hard and wet with saliva and sperm. As his breathing begins to return to normal, he says, "Clean it off, pussy. You're not done yet."

I dutifully lick him clean as his erection begins to soften. "That's not bad for a first time, bitch. How's your little cock and balls feeling?"

I had not paid attention to myself, but now I feel that my cock has filled the tube and is eager to be release. When he grabs my chastity tube, he feel how hard I have gotten. "Seems you like you job. Is that right, cunt?"

Fighting the urge to cry and say "No, please let me go", I meekly answer the humiliating question, "Yes sir, I do. Thank you for letting me suck your cock."

"Goooood. Another male voice sounds over the intecom, "Hey Boston, let me in; Walt called and told me he's got a brand new bitch that wants to suck my cock."

I just bow my head and wait on my knees facing the chair that just held the man whose cock and balls I just licked and sucked and whose cum I ate and still taste in my mouth. Master Boston walks over and gives me a slight kick in the ass, "Your new friend is here, so you'll get to take care of him as soon as he is ready. In the meantime, stay right where you are, on your knees. How's my cum taste?"

When I don't answer him, he grabs the back of my head jerks my eyes upward to meet his, "I asked you a question, cunt! Answer me! How does my cum taste?"

In a near panic state with my heart beating hard, I whimper out, "Sir, it tastes good. Thank you for letting me eat your cum." Satisfied for the moment with my response, Master Boston releases my hair and shoves my face to the floor. "Stay there and don't move cunt!"

As I kneel so submissively waiting helplessly to be used by the two men, I halfheartedly try to convince myself that I could try and get away; I think, "Someone will surely help me and understand what happened."

But as before, I am brought back to reality when I hear the second man's boots heels as he walks through the door. He is greeted by Master Boston, "James! Great to see that you could make it. How the hell are you? And are you ready to have some fun with this bitch?"

Master James answers, "I'm good. I got excited when Walt called to tell me that he had this fucking so-called straight pussy who he'd been talking to on the Internet showed up at his door today begging to learn to suck cock. Is that the little fucker over there?"

"That's her. She's sucked Walt and me, but still has her cherry that we are going to have fun popping."

All I can do is moan in despair and try to remain calm. Then I hear the boots walking toward me as I kneel facing the chair. I find myself staring at the feet of a large man towering over me. I hear him unbuckle his belt and unzip his fly. "Your turn cunt. You can't suck my cock like this."

I kneel upright and pull his jeans down to the tops of his boots. Then I reach up and slide his briefs down exposing his hardening cock. Master James then sits down and orders me to finish taking off his boots, socks, and pants. I remove first one boot and then the other. Afterwards I take down his jeans and lay them aside. Putting a hand on my shoulder, Master James says, "Slide my briefs off with your teeth and hold them in your mouth." Feeling humiliated, I obediently do as he says. They both have a good laugh as I kneel before them with a man's briefs hanging out of my mouth. To further humiliate me, he pulls the briefs out of my mouth and hangs them around my neck. He laughs at me again as he grabs my ears and pulls my head down to his crotch.

"Take a good sniff bitch. You've got a lot of work to do and a long night ahead of you." I smell his masculine scent and know that I am at his mercy.

Master James holds his cock in his hand and says, "Start licking my balls cunt. I want you and me to really enjoy this." His two hairless balls are big and I cannot possibly get them both in my mouth at once, so I gently suck on each one and lick him with my tongue. When he slides forward I know to lick and suck behind them. As I work on his balls, he strokes his cock as it gets harder. I glance up to see a thick, heavily veined cock that I will have to suck. It is as straight as I have ever seen, and even though I feel humiliated that I am submitting to another man, I crave his control and my deep desire to eat his cum is overwhelming. I begin to moan and groan as I get more and more excited as I lick and suck his balls.

Master James notices my fever and comments to Master Boston, "This cunt is really getting in to this blowjob. I'm just about ready to shoot my load down his throat."

To me he says, "Get your fuckin' mouth down on my cock. You've got me so hot that I'm ready to explode." Grabbing my hair, Master James slams my mouth down on his dick. "Eat me you fuckin' whore! Eat me!"

I suck for all I'm worth. I feel his cock widen, and I taste cum seeping in to my mouth. Master James stands up and begins fucking my mouth, jamming his dick to the back of my throat and pulling it almost all the way out. Over and over his rapes my mouth as I try to maintain a grip on his shaft. After three or four minutes, he makes one last lunge at mouth and holds my head as he cries out in a deep guttural voice. When he pulls back slightly, glob after glob of cum flows into my mouth. I swallow and suck as his cock keeps a steady, throbbing spasm as he rocks back and forth. He keeps his cock in my mouth until it begins to soften; then he pushes me backward and sits down in the chair.

I now feels how hot we both were as I feel the sweat pouring from my body begin to cool. We both breathe deeply for several moments before he speaks.

"So, Walt was right; you really want to be a cock sucker. I know plenty of guys who love to stick their cocks in your mouth. Right now, we're going to take a rest and give you a chance to think about how much you like what you just did."

Master James yells, "Hey, Boston! Let's watch this cunt jerk off his pathetic little dick off and eat his cum for us,"

"Okay; come on bitch; get out in the middle of the room and face us on your knees." I reluctantly crawl to the center of the room when a key for my cock lock is thrown to me so that I can release myself and perform for them. I cannot hide my excitement. As soon as the tube is removed my cock starts to harden. I grasp my dick in my right hand, and I begin to jerk off. After a few strokes my cock is hard. "Stick you other hand up your ass pussy and fuck yourself. You ass going to have to get used taking our cocks." This I don't like to hear, but I so as I am told. The spectacle amuses them and they begin to chant, "Cum, cum cum!"

As humiliating as this is, I feel myself getting close, so I slide my hand up and down my shaft faster. As I begin to moan from the impending climax, I hear Master James growl, "You'd better catch every funkin' drop of cum in your hand bitch or you'll be cleaning the floor with your tongue."

I shake my head in acknowledgement and then feel my cum just at the head of my cock. I pull my left hand from my ass and position it to catch my sperm as it shoots out of my cock. A loud cry comes from deep inside of me as the first drops of cum shoot from my cock and into my hand. My spasms are hard to control, but I manage to catch all of my cum. As I slow my jerking motion, I stare at the pool of cum in the palm of my hand.

"Eat it, cunt. It's all yours!" Without hesitation, I lick the sperm into my mouth and swallow it all. To me, it tastes good.

Master Billie Bear demanded that I submit this part of my story to the Nifty files, and I am ordered to ask if other Masters would like to give this sub further direction and demands. darkroad53@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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