Teachers Summer Training

By John Roberts

Published on Aug 10, 2006


I kneel at his feet and lick and suck off the drops of cum from his cock, balls and pubic hair. When he is satisfied, he says, "Now scoop off the cum from your chest and eat it; and don't miss a drop." When I clean up the mess, he pulls off the plastic sheet and says, "Lie on the bed and put your hands behind your back. When I do, he buckles new cuffs on my wrists and locks them together. He does the same to my ankles, and then throws a blanket over me saying, "Get some sleep CUNT; I'll be back in a couple of hours to continue your training."

Since it was no use to resist, I laid on my stomach, tasting the last of the piss and cum in my mouth; I close my eyes, breathing slowly, trying to drift off to sleep.

IV. The CUNT learns to bathe his master.

Hours later, the door of the bedroom open, overhead lights are turned on, and he walks into the room. "I take it you've rested well CUNT. It's time to continue your training. Get off the bed and follow me."

Since he did not remove the cuffs from my wrists or ankles, I have to struggle to stand up. There is barely six inches of chain separating my ankle cuff, so it is impossible to walk. When I didn't move faster enough, he spins around and walks up to my face slapping me hard. "Maybe you didn't hear me CUNT. I said, FOLLOW ME!"

Then he takes a long black cord, loops it around my cock and balls and jerks me toward the door.

First I shuffle; then I hop trying to keep up with him. He leads me once again into the living room where he demands that I stand at attention.

Walking around my body, he growls, "You stink. Would you like another cold shower, or are you ready to learn how a slave cleans his master's body before he cleans his own?"

"Sir, please. I want to be taught how to serve you in the bathroom."

"Wonderful. You said just enough. Bathroom, where not only do I have a shower, but also a toilet." Bending over he unlocks my ankle cuffs and puts them aside. Then he picks up the balls cord and leads me to the bathroom, "Let's go CUNT" As I follow meekly, I don't know what he has in store, but I'm sure it will be humiliating.

He takes me directly to the shower stall and orders me to kneel He in turn, takes off his clothes and stands above me stroking his soft cock. "What do you think I'm going to do first, CUNT?"

"Sir, I don't know." "Come on. What's one thing you don't want to do?" "Sir, I didn't like drinking piss." "You mean my piss?" "Yes, sir."

"Well that's because you haven't had enough training. A good slave wants to drink his master's piss as much as he wants to eat his cum.. You haven't learned that yet. But you will, starting right now. Keep you eyes on my cock and open your mouth."

As soon as I do, he begins shooting a stream of piss right into my mouth. Jerking on the cord around my balls, he yells, "Swallow, CUNT!"

He aims his hot, salty piss stream all over my face, and what hits my mouth I swallow in disgust. The piss hits my face and hair and runs down my chest onto the floor. When he finishes, he laughs and walks out of the shower leaving me kneeling in and covered by his piss. I want to cry I am so ashamed of myself. I am submissive. I've let him torment me. And my cock stands out hard and sensitive showing him that I like his treatment, and that I will endure more.

Coming back to me, he taunts, "How do I taste CUNT? Get use to it. My piss is going to become a steady part of your diet. Now it's time to be trained in the proper way of bathing your master. Kneel down by the toilet and lick the seat until I call for you."

I shuffle over to the toilet and follow his disgusting order not wanting to anger him. He turns on the shower and stands under the cascading water enjoying the hot stream, while I kneel on the cold hard tile floor licking his toilet seat.

"Get the wash rag and soap and get your ass over here CUNT! It's time you wash my body." I hurry to the shower, but with my hands and feet tied, I cannot follow his orders. He knows this, but he berates me any way forcing me to my knees and pissing on my head. Then he removes all restraints, and orders me into the shower with him.

"Soap up the rag CUNT; then give my ass a nice kiss and wash it very well." He bends over, and I kiss his ass; then I wash it respectfully rubbing the soap down his legs and over his feet; he turns around, points to his cock and balls. and says, "Kiss them!" I do as he orders, and I wash his cock and balls.

After he rinses off, he laughs at me and says, "Now suck my nipples and lick my armpits before you wash them." He grabs my head and directs it to his left armpit. I lick it all over. Then he moves my head to his left nipple. I lick and suck it until I feel it get hard. The I do the right one, licking and sucking until it is hard. Finally, I lick his right armpit. "Now wash my chest and back so we can get on to other things." As soon as I am finished, he rinses off and orders me to stand with my legs spread and my arms outstretched against the wall. When I get in position, he takes a brush instead of a wash rag and scrubs my body until it is bright pink. My skin is on fire, and he torments me more by shutting off the hot water and spraying me with only cold. I take his abuse silently until he turns off the water and throws me a towel.

After we are both dried off, he says,"You're not finished CUNT. It's time for your enema. I'm going to fuck your asshole the rest of the day, and I want it nice and clean so that I can fill it with cum. And besides, once I cum in your ass, you're going to have to clean my cock and balls with your mouth. And I don't think you want to eat shit do you?"

"No sir. I don't."

"Good. They we should get started. Kneel down by the toilet." When I get into position, he handcuffs my wrists around the toilet so that I cannot stand up and release the enema that he will shoot up my ass. He leaves me in the bathroom while he goes to prepare the enema mixture. When he returns, he is carrying a large red bag bulging with liquid. A hose with a nozzle hangs below the bag. I can feel when he moves in behind me; he lubes my ass with mineral oil shoving one, then two, and finally three fingers up my ass; then he shoves the intruding nozzle up my ass.

As soon as he releases the stop, the hot liquid rushes into my bowels distending my stomach and causing painfully hard cramps. He lets the fluid run until the bag is empty and my guts are swollen.. I moan in pain, but he shows me no mercy. He laughs, pulls out the nozzle and shoves a butt plug up my ass to keep the fluid trapped.

"You'll be here for a while CUNT, AND IT WILL BE PAINFUL! But you'll get use to it. I plan to clean you out more than once; this is only the first of more enemas today." All I can do is groan in pain as he places a clock where I can watch the time creep by; then he shuts out the light and leaves me in the windowless bathroom to suffer through the enema."

With my arms extended and locked around the toilet, my movements are restricted, and I cannot relieve the pain in my abdomen. The tile floor is hurting my knees, and the butt plug is punishing my ass. Although I have an urge to expel the fluid, I know better than to commit such an act. I would be severely punished even to the point of being made to roll around in the mess, not be permitted to clean up , and then locked in a room to endure the filth. I glance at the clock, 30 minutes of pain, and I'm starting to sweat from the forced exertion.

Then all of a sudden the door swings open and I turn my head to see him walk in carrying a plastic bottle. "While your insides are getting cleaned out, CUNT, I'm going to take care something else. I like my CUNTS, HAIRLESS! So this stuff will take care of what little you have on you fuckin' body. So hold still."

He rubs the hair remover all over my legs, my cock, balls and belly. At first, it feels cold; then it begins to heat up, adding to the discomfort I am already experiencing. "In just a few minutes, the first enema will be over cunt, and you will be bare ass naked.

Fifteen minutes later, he reaches around the toilet and unlocks the handcuffs. "Get on your feet CUNT and stand in the shower." Even though I am almost doubled over in pain, I creep over to the shower and stand up fighting the force of the pain in my gut. Once again he tortures me with the ice cold water ordering me to wash away the hair. Once I am rinsed, he orders me to clean the drain trap of the hair. "Now get your ass over to the toilet CUNT!. Bend over and put your hands on the seat."

When I get in position, instead of removing the butt plug, he begins beating my ass with his bare hands, alternating between cheeks as I writhed in pain. He swings with all his strength, and I know my ass will be reddened with hand marks. Then he grabs my shoulders and roughly shoves me to my knees, "Open you mouth CUNT, I have to piss and you're my toilet!" He begins pissing in my mouth, then on my face and chest, just to humiliate me. The hot salty piss fills my mouth and burns my eyes. I swallow all I can until he is done; I am ordered to stand up and bend over again. He grabs hold of the plugs and jerks it from my ass; then he resumes the barehanded beating; this time I have to struggle in order to keep the fluid inside; I cried out, "Please sir; I can't take it anymore. Please! Please!.

Grabbing me by the hair this time, he jerks me upright, flips up the toilet seat, and slams my ass down on the hole. "Get rid of it CUNT! And make it quick." I bear down expel all of the fluid sighing deeply in relief, even with the lingering pain. But before I was able completely relax, he grabs my hair and pulls me off the seat. Turning me around to face the toilet, he shoves me to my knees, locks my wrists around the toilet again, and yells, "Get ready, CUNT! You're about to receive number 2."

This time I am forced to hold the liquid while kneeling with my face just above the toilet hole that I had just filled with the enema I had expelled. Then to torment me further, he does not use a butt plug, and he covers my body with a heavy, wool blanket, that blocks out the air and light, and makes my bruised ass hurt even more. The heat begins to build almost immediately, causing the excruciating pain in my guts to be even worse . This time I can not control myself and I begin to panic. "Oh, please, please let me up. I'll do anything you want. Sir, I can't take it. Please!"

My outburst angers him, and he returns to the bathroom in a rage. "You fucking CUNT! You're dam right you'll do anything, starting right now. I'm going to punish you for being such a pain in the ass." He jerks off the blanket, unlocks the cuffs, and orders me to stand. I jump to my feet, and turn my back to the toilet thinking he is going to let me expel the fluid. Instead, he berates me again, "Who the fuck you think you are CUNT? I didn't tell you to do that." Then he slugs me in the stomach doubling me over. As I moan in pain, he says, "Now stick you finger up your ass and follow me. Anything leaks out and you'll be licking it up."

So, with one finger up my ass and my other hand holding my gut, I stumble along behind him. He leads me outside into the yard, where he says, "Now you'll see what real suffering is. You are going stand here in the sun, holding your ass until I'm satisfied that you have been punished had enough. Then we'll see."

I can't believe what I am hearing ears. I am all but broken, ready to fall on my face from all the punishment and pain, and yet he orders me to stand in the hot sun holding an already painful enema.

With the sun beating down on me, my strength is fading rapidly, and my legs begin to shake and buckle. I know he is watching, so I try to maintain my balance. With my finger in an awkward position, my arm begins to cramp and my ass hole is burning and irritated. Sweat is running down my face and body, and I am very thirsty. I keep telling myself, "Hold on; if you don't, he'll punish you even more." At the point of exhaustion, with me wobbling noticeably, he walks outside and up to me. Without saying a word, he buckles a collar and leash around my neck and growls, "Get on your hands and knees CUNT!"

"Oh no! What is he going to do to me now?"

He takes the leash, straddles my back and sits on me like a horse. 'Ride me to the house, CUNT; I've got to finish cleaning you out so I can fuck your ass!" It's all I can do to ride him the few yards to the house and keep the painful enema inside. When I get to the back door, he pulls out a whip from his back pocket and begins beating me again, yelling, "Get up CUNT! RUN! RUN to the bathroom before I change my mind." I run to the back door and inside while he continues to beat me with the whip. It is all I can do to get to the toilet in time. I quickly sit down and shove out the contents of my bowels, crying out in pain. I am hot, thirsty, and sweaty, my spirit broken, ready to let him do anything he wants.

When I am done on the toilet and sitting quietly, he gets in my face, throwing me a washcloth and towel. "You disgusting CUNT! Clean yourself and get your ass in the front room. You've got fifteen minutes." I drag my filthy, hairless body into the shower and stand under the steaming hot water trying to soothe my tortured flesh while keeping one eye on the clock. Even though he promises to fuck my ass, I don't want to be punished because I took too long in the bathroom. As I wash off, my cock hardens again when I think about submitting to him. With time growing short, I shut off the water and prepare to go to the front room and resume serving him.

I cautiously crawl into the front room, trying not to anger him in any way. I present myself to him, naked and hairless; my cock is hard, and I am ready to do anything he wants. When he turns around in his chair, he is naked; with my eyes downcast, all I can see is his cock and hairy balls hanging heavily between his legs.

"I know you like what you see CUNT, since you are the one who ask to suck my cock. And now you are my cock slave, for as long as I want you." He gets up, walks over to me carrying four leather restraints. "This time you put them on CUNT; show me what a well trained slave you are."

I meekly go about my work locking the wrist and ankle cuffs; then I stand at attention waiting for further instructions. He then throws another kind of cuff at my feet. "Pick it up CUNT; it's a cock and ball harness. It will make your puny little balls stick out from your hips and keep your cock hard. Not that you need something to keep your cock hard. Looks like all I have to do is mention the word cock and yours gets hard. Right CUNT?"

"Yes sir. I'm your cock slave." "Good. Get on your knees." He walks up to me, grabs the back of my head and rubs his cock and balls all over my face. "Feels good doesn't it CUNT!" "Yes sir." "Since you have made it through the first stage of training without being too much of a pussy, you can now have the reward that you earned. Follow me to the bedroom and there you can suck my cock; lick my balls, and eat my cum. I'll just sit back and relax; I'm not going to tie you up because I want you to do all the work. I want you to show me that you have earned the right to suck me."

I crawl behind him to the bedroom. He sits down on the side with his feet on the floor and says simply, "Enjoy yourself CUNT; AND DO A GOOD JOB!" When he spreads his legs, I crawl between them and look at his cock and balls. His cock is soft and thick laying on top of his hairy balls. I can feel the heat of his body as I reach between his legs and take his cock and balls in my hands. I immediately open my mouth and suck in the head of his cock; then I swirl my tongue around the mushroom shaped as he takes a deep breath. The blood begins to rush into his cock making it swell and harden. Within seconds, my cock sucking has excited him and the size of his erect cock fills my mouth. I lick the one side of his cock running my mouth up and down the shaft. Then I lick the other side wetting his shaft with my saliva. Sliding my mouth to the base of his dick, I lick his balls, wetting his hair as I go. I suck one nut at a time into my mouth as I swirl my tongue around the soft, hairy flesh. Then I bury my face between his legs under his balls to excite him even more. He hasn't said a word, but his movement and his occasional groan tells me that he is satisfied with my performance.

I lick and suck his balls again. Then I slide my tongue up and down his shaft finishing with sticking the tip of my tongue in his piss slit. I covered his cock head again trying to take as much of his cock in as I can. Then I suck hard trying to make his climax and shoot his cum into my mouth. His cock grows thicker, and I feel a throbbing in his balls. I bob my mouth up and down on his cock keeping up the friction that is bringing him close to cumming.

As I tighten my mouth muscles around his cock and milk him hard, he grabs my hair and begins to moan loudly. "Oh, you fuckin' bitch cocksucker; I'm going to filled your guts with my cum. Eat it CUNT! Eat it all!"

I feel and taste the first few heavy, tangy globs of cum shoot into my mouth, and I swallow them.

He continues pumping his cum into my waiting mouth, and I eat every drop. I have eaten my own cum many times, so his cum does not gag me. He tastes as good as my own. All I can think of is eating him over and over just to taste his cum. I want to be his cocksucker anytime he wants.

When his spasms subside, his dick begins to soften, and he pulls his softening cock out of my tired mouth. His cock is wet, but clean of all cum. I have eaten it all. "You are one fine cocksucker, and since you love to suck my cock so much, then you should also be willing to play my bondage games to earn the right to suck me again. Are you willing CUNT?"

"Sir, I want to suck your cock, but I don't know if I can endure your games. I'll try."

Grabbing my head, he yells, '"You fuckin' cocksucker!"

Then I feel his cock begin spurting globs of cum into my mouth. I taste the sperm and quickly swallow all I can while I continue sucking him. Spasm after spasm shoots more cum into my mouth, and I swallow it all.

"Don't let go of my cock CUNT. I want you to keep it in your mouth until it's soft again. Just keep sucking" I do as he says, and gradually his cock hangs in my mouth. I suck the last bit of cum from his cock, and he shoves me away. As I sit back on the floor, he gazes down at me and says, "Pretty good for the first time CUNT. Why don't you crawl up here in bed and lay down. We're both going to rest a while. When I get in bed, he rolls me on my stomach, pulls my wrists behind my back and locks them together. He takes my ankle cuffs and locks them together. "Lay on your side and don't try to play with your cock, or I have to punish you. You'll get to cum when I say you can."

As I lay on my side, he slides in behind me, and I can feel his cock against my legs. He throws his arm over my side and grabs my cock and balls. I groan, but I don't try to move against his hand. I try to close my eyes and rest because I know he'll be working me over later.

Next: Chapter 4

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