Teachers Summer Training

By John Roberts

Published on Aug 1, 2006


This is one of my stories in which I see myself finally coming to terms with my submissiveness and my desire to become the slave of a Male Master.

When the last vibrations of the final school bell of the year faded away, my heart begins pounding in my chest. This summer will be like no other. I have over a period of three months submitted to and been dominated by another man over the Internet. He has ordered me to analyze and reveal to him the most intimated details of my sex life, demanding that I go back as far as I could remember, reconstructing every exciting and humiliating moment. He has set various scenarios for me and required me to respond to him in great detail. Each time I read, "Leave nothing out," I cringed as I would if I were kneeling naked before him. Then I got to worked, writing page after page, making every effort to please him. Now, those confessions will be used as part of the slave training I will endure this summer.

I. My slave training begins.

I arrive 10 minutes ahead of the time that I was ordered to be at his house, so when the vibrations of the doorbell fade, I hear his commanding voice put me in my place for the first time. "You're early CUNT. When I tell you to be someplace at a particular time, I mean only at that time, not early and not late. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I say meekly.

"Good. Now get down on your knees and kneel with your mouth pressed against my door until I decide to let you in. And even if your hear someone coming toward the house, Don't you dare move!. You wanted to be my slave and now you've got your first lesson."

Without hesitation, I drop to my knees, place my mouth against his door and wait. When the 10 minutes passes, he jerks open the door and yells, "Stay on your knees CUNT and get your slave ass in here." Once I crawl through the door, I hear it slam, and my apprehension begins to build.

"What have I done to myself, " I thought.

But before I can change my mind, he grabs my hair and I follow him, still on my knees struggling to keep up. He stops in the middle of his large living room, jerks my head backwards so he can stare directly into my eyes. "Now, CUNT, I'm ready for you. Are you ready to start your training?"

"Sir, I don't know. I think I want to leave. I'm scared, and I don't think I can go through with this."

Jerking again on my hair, he savagely slaps me across the face and screams,"Wrong answer CUNT! It's too late to think about it. You're here, and I'm not about to let you leave. When you told me that you were ready last week, I made plans to train and punish you until I am satisfied, so now the time has come. Your ass is mine until I say you can go."

As I tasted my own blood, I bowed my head and whimpered, "Okay, sir. I'm sorry. I'll do what ever you want. Please don't punish me anymore."

"Cunt, if you behave and willingly submit to my training methods, I won't have to punish you. Of course, I will be very difficult to please, and you will have to submit to some things you may not like, but that I say are a necessary part of your training. Then, I'll just have to punish you. But believe me, the punishment will be than the actual training. So get it in you head right now that I am in total control and you are my slaveboy. Now stand up so we can get started."

When I stood up, he makes me face away from him. I hear him unszip a bag and remove some items that he throws on the table behind me. I gasp because to my surprise, he slips a leather blindfold over my eyes and fastens it to my head. "This will keep your mind on becoming a good slave. Don't worry, I'll take it off when I want you to see something important."

Next I feel him buckle a wide collar around my neck. This gives me little room to move my head, so there will be little chance of avoiding his torments. To the collar he adds a leash, which when he clips it on, he jerks hard on it to show his total dominance of me. The force makes me step forward in order to catch my balance. This angers him, because I feel another stinging slap across my already sore face. "Look CUNT. You aren't concentrating. Do I have to whip you before you learn to stand at attention when I'm working on you?"

"Sir, No sir. I'm sorry. I'll be more careful," I whimper again.

Once I get back into position, he says, "Hold out you arms." I hold them out immediately, and he locks restraints on both wrists and above both elbows.

"You'll find out what these are for later, CUNT. They'll make it easier for you to obey me. Now stay where you are and spread your legs."

With my hands still out in front of me, I spread my legs apart and wait. He grabs first one ankle and then the other locking cuffs to each one. Then he locks a leather cuff above each knee. "Almost done CUNT. You'll find that these cuffs are very comfortable and can be worn for a long, long time without causing any damage. Yet they are high security and impossible to remove without my assistance."

This information just made me more afraid, but my cock betrayed me, revealing my secret desire to submit to man and be his slave. And there was no way to hide my cock. Seeing it stick out from my body, he laughs and says sarcastically, "CUNT, I'm amazed by how eager you are to be trained. Once you become a disciplined slave, you'll be worth some money, and I can rent you out to some of my friends."

Hearing this really scares me and I cry out, "Oh NO! Please sir, I just want to be your slave. I can't do it for anybody else. Please! Please!"

This time he punches me in the gut doubling me over, "Shut the fuck up CUNT! Your ass is mine!. You can't escape. You're all alone, so don't make me angry with you whining. I'll tell you what you'll do and where you'll do it. Now stand up straight."

Grabbing the leash and dragging me along, I follow him to a corner of the bedroom. "Now stand here with your legs spread and you hands at you sides while I finish getting you ready for the night." Not knowing what to expect, I do as he orders.

The first thing I feel is him buckle my ankle restraints to a bar. When he is done, I can no longer

move. He whispers in my ear, "Step one, CUNT!" Next, I feel a bar against my knees. He locks

the kneecuffs to the bar and further restricts any movement.

When I begin to breathe heavily, he speaks into my ear again, "Relax, CUNT. This part won't hurt. I just want you understand with any doubt who is the boss here." This doesn't help, but I know better than to resist, so I try to quiet myself.

Once the bar is in place, I feel him move behind me. I jump a little when I realize that he is naked. He slides his hard dick against my as and laughs, "This is for later, CUNT. I'll give every inch I've got." Then he reaches around grabbing my cock and stroking it a few times making me moan loudly. "Don't get too excited, CUNT! You haven't earned the right to cum yet. You've got a lot of work to do." And just to torment me further, he grabs my cock again and pumps it a few more times. Then he grabs my balls and squeezes them making me groan again.

With a harshness in his voice, he growls, "Put your fuckin' hands behind your fuckin' back cunt." He locks them together and then I hear him walk away. "What more can he do to me? I think to myself.

I don't have to wait. He slides my hard cock through a ring buckles a strap around my balls and then pulls two longer straps through my spread legs. After buckling a belt around my waist, he pulls on the straps and ties them to the back of the belt. "This will keep you puny fuckin' cock hard and sensitive because you may need to be punished later, and I want you to be ready. This is how it might feel." Taking some kind of whip, I hear him swing it through the air.

I let out a low cry of "Oh no!" that turns to a scream when I feel the horrible stinging strands bite into my cock and balls. The one blow is enough to make me cry, and even though I cannot move but a few inches, I try to relieve the pain of the whip.

"That one was just to warn you of what could happen if you don't obey CUNT. So get the message and do what you are told. Now drop to your knees."

I kneel on a towel and wait. "Bend over and put your forehead on the floor and the top of your head against the wall." I don't hesitate. The pain in my cock and balls still lingers. Kneeling by my head he clips two cords to the sides of my slave collar. Then he pulls one to one side and hooks it to the wall, and jerks my head the other way and hooks the other. Now I cannot move my head in any direction.

I begin to panic and breathe heavily again when he grabs my cuffed wrists and jerks them upward sending a shooting pain through my shoulders. Slapping me on the ass with his bare hand, he yells, "I told you to relax CUNT. The more you fight this thing the more difficult it will be to endure. I here to fulfill your wish to be trained, not to injure you. You'll just be more obedient when I let you out of this."

When the pain in my shoulders subsides, I feel him tying a cord around the bar between my legs.

When he begins to pull the bar backward and up, I let out with another uncontrolled groan. "You just can't seem to learn CUNT. I was done, but now I'll have to add a few more torments and add to the time you'll have to kneel there all tied up."

Restrained as I am, I could not imagine what else he could do to me, but manages to inflict more discomfort to my already ravaged body. First he ties my two big toes together making even more difficult to move. Then he grabs my hard cock, loops a cord around the head. After he cinches it tightly, he pulls on the cord and ties it to the bar between my knees. Then he takes another cord and ties it around my balls.. Then he pulls on them and ties the cord to the bar between my ankles. My discomfort begins to grow, and I breathe heavily and whimper.

He laughs, "Now you can whine and whimper. You're going to stay tied up like that until I think you're ready to be my slave. Turning out the lights, he says, "Sweet dreams, CUNT! I'll be back later when I know you are good and ready to play my games."

When the door slams and I am left alone and in the dark. I breathe hard and moan trying to compose myself for the time I will have to endure this humiliating position I have allowed myself to experience.

II. My time in hell.

Although he said that he would not hurt me if I complied with his demands, I knew that this first, harsh torment was designed to test my limits and to break my spirit so that I would not and could not resist him when he released me. So, I try to keep myself calm although I have no way of knowing how long he will leave me in this uncomfortable situation.

After only a short time, my cock softens, but the cords around the head of my cock and around my balls keep constantly pulling in both directions, so if I try to rock forward or backward, I am reminded of the restraint by a sharp pain.

Besides my cock and balls being tortured, the extreme angle that my arms are in, causes them to go numb and for an agonizing pain to creep into my shoulders. I find myself moaning, and trying to relieve the pressure. Nothing is working. The heat in the room causes me to sweat heavily, another obvious way to torment a prisoner/slave. My knees ache, yet no movement is possible. I have been locked up and tied down with great attention to detail. I am in hell.

The longer I am left in this position, the more the pain and discomfort takes over, and all I can do is moan and groan. Suddenly, after what seems like eternity, I hear the door being opened and footsteps on the floor walking toward me. Slapping me on the asscheeks, he asks, "How are you doing slaveboy? Suffered enough?"

"I cry out, "Yes, sir. Please let me up. I'll do anything you want. Anytime. Please! Please!."

"I hear you CUNT! Relax! I know you're ready. But we're going to do this my way. Don't forget who is in charge." He removes the blindfold and for the first time I see all of the cords tying my body down.

"This is going to take a while, so where should I start, CUNT?"

I cry out, "My arms, sir. Please, my arms."

"Okay, the first one is for you. The rest you will have to earn." He releases the tension on the cords holding my arms up, and I let out with a groan, "Thank you sir. Thank you."

He keeps my arms locked together behind my back, but at least I am able to feel them again. Grabbing my cock with one hand and my balls with the other, he asks in a very mean tone, "How the fuck are these CUNT?" As soon as he begins to rub them, my cock responds and begins to harden, once again showing that I like to be treated like a slave. Laughing, he says, "No need to answer CUNT. I see you are eager to continue with your training and discipline. Let's get rid of these cords."

He releases the tension on my cock and balls' cords, and once again I feel a moment of relief. After releasing the bar holding my ankles up and apart, I am able to move around enough to relax even more. Leaning over to my ear he asks, "If I release your head CUNT, I'll expect a blowjob, right?"

"Yes sir. I'm ready to suck your cock and lick your balls. And I promise to do a good job."

"I know you will. And you'll eat my cum, all of it."

He unhooks both sides of my collar, and for the first time in hours I can kneel up right even though I am still naked with my hands cuffed behind my back, and my legs spread and locked wide apart. I feel exhausted, but I know he will continue training me to be his slave, so I keep myself calm and ready to follow his orders.

Taking me by the shoulders he twists my restrained body toward the bed where he sits down facing me. He is naked, his legs are spread wide on either side of my kneeling body, and his cock is hard. "Look at my cock and balls CUNT, and describe them to me; tell me all about them."

Even though I feel completely humiliated, and sorry that I got myself into this mess, I do my best to please him. I remember that he told me the punishment for disobeying is much worse than doing what he wants.

"Sir, you have a beautiful cock. It is long, at least seven and one half inches long, and thick, almost as big as my skinny wrist. The flesh looks soft, inviting me to stick it in my mouth. To get it wet with my saliva, and to suck it until you cum in my mouth. May I kiss the head, sir?"

"Not yet CUNT. You've got to tell me more, so keep going."

"Yes sir. I see your beautiful cock is engorged with blood, and when it throbs, I see your thick veins, and I'm eager to run my wet tongue over them. Your balls look heavy and full of cum, ready to shoot into my waiting mouth. I see that you have removed the hair from them so that I can easily lick them with my tongue and suck them into my mouth. They are darker in color than you reddish cock, but ready to be licked by me."

"Not bad CUNT. I think you are very afraid of being punished, but I also know you really want to suck my cock. Yours is wet with your own cum. Now I've got you right where I want you bitch, ready and willing to be my slaveboy. So I'm going to tell you right now; not only are you going to eat me anytime I want, you will also be ass fucked by me, anytime I want. And, if I get the notion, you'll eat and fuck anybody I bring home. Time to suck my cock, bitch."

Grabbing my head, he pulls my face down on his cock and orders, "Start lathering my cock and balls. I'll tell you when I'm satisfied."

I open my mouth and suck in the head of his cock swirling my tongue around the head. It is thick and round, but I work hard sucking and licking and all the while tasting his cock. Then I pull away from the head and run my tongue up and down the shaft. I lick the underside from his balls to the tip of his cock nibbling the flesh as I go. He must approve because I hear him moaning as he holds my head in his hands. Once his shaft is lathered, I move down to his balls licking and sucking on his flesh. As I wet him down, my face becomes covered in spit, so I rub my whole face on his cock and balls while I let my tongue hang out as I flick at his shaft.

Finally, he gives me the word, "Suck my cock back into your mouth CUNT; I'm almost ready to cum, and I don't want you to miss a drop of my hot cum."

I close my mouth around his shaft sucking in over half of it. Then I begin to bob my head up and down keeping a hard suck on his dick. I flatten out my tongue and use it to rub against the underside of his shaft when I push it into my mouth and pull it out. When he is close to cumming, I feel his thighs tighten up and his cock get larger. When he lets out with a loud groan, I taste the first glob of cum as it shoots out of his cock and into my mouth. The first glob is followed by several others as I struggle to swallow all of his cum. It is salty, but not unpleasant. I have eaten enough of my own cum not to gag on its taste. He doesn't know this, but it has helped me to accept the humiliating experience of eating another man's cum.

He rocks back and forth for several moments sliding his cock in and out of my mouth until his cock stops throbbing and spurting cum. I lick him until his cock gets soft. Then he pulls out of my mouth, gets up and walks to another part of the room. He leaves me kneeling, still naked and restrained on the floor beside his bed. As I try to relax my arms and legs, I think, "What will he make me do now?"

Emails welcome!

Next: Chapter 2

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