Teacher's Pets

By The Nonentity of Anonymity

Published on Sep 19, 1999



Teacher's Pets by The Nonentity of Anonymity

Standard disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction intended for use by adults. Do not progress further if you are under 18 or if pornography is illegal in the area in which you live.

Part One

The classroom was, unusually, buzzing with activity in the middle of the Religious Studies lesson. They had a new substitute teacher, Mr. Hart, who was a lot more interesting than the class had imagined teachers could be. He was also quite attractive, and several of the girls in the class had a crush on him already. He had launched a discussion about the Garden of Eden, and had pretty much left everyone to argue creatively amongst themselves.

"It was entirely Eve's fault," said Dan. "She shouldn't have been so stupid as to obey a snake above God."

"You're always blaming the women," said Jennifer. "Adam didn't have to eat the damn apple just 'cos Eve told him to."

"Women have a lot more power over men than I think you realise, Jen," said Mr. Hart.

"Exactly!" said Dan. "So if it wasn't for her, we'd probably still all be in Eden, naked and infintely happy."

Jen had become pretty tired of this by now. "I don't know why we can't do that anyway," she said.

Steve, from a couple of rows behind, laughed slightly at this. "You offering to come into school nude from now on?" he asked, provoking the intended response from the rest of the boys in the class.

"No," continued Jen, after they had calmed down, "but if it wasn't for the school's dress code and the fact that everyone one else would think I was a freak and spend the whole day staring at me, then I probably would. I don't find anything embarrassing about nudity."

Mr. Hart had been listening with interest for the entire discussion, but at this point the bell rang. The class all started filing out. Jen felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Could I have a quick word?" asked Mr. Hart. Jen was in no hurry, so she lingered until everyone else had left. "You're doing great in these lessons," he said, "and it looks like you're enjoying them too-"

"Yeah, I'm really having great fun now," she said. "We never used to do this sort of thing with Ms. Perch."

"However," continued Mr. Hart, "the Maths isn't looking quite so promising. I'm not blaming you," he added quickly, "but I don't think Ms. Perch can have explained the material very well. Either that or you didn't think what she was talking about merited your attention. So, what I was thinking was a bit of extra tutoring sometime?"

This didn't downhearten Jen half as much as it would have done if it had been Ms. Perch asking this. "Sure," she said. "What time were you thinking?"

"Well, a few afternoons a week, when you're not doing anything. I'd be happy to start now, if you've got no plans."

She shrugged. "No, that sounds great." She sat down again, not entirely sure she wanted to spend much free time studying, but glad to have an opportunity to boost her grades a bit before her parents got her report card.

"One other thing," said Mr. Hart. He hesitated before continuing, "Were you serious about not being embarrassed about nudity?"

"Oh, yeah," she said. She prided herself on never feeling any shame about getting undressed with anyone watching, or showering with anyone. She'd even masturbated in her friend's bed during a sleepover once, when she was pretty sure her friend had been doing the same.

"In that case," said Mr. Hart, then hesitated again. Jen was a very attractive 5 foot 8 blonde, and he had been particularly interested in her ever since he had started taking these classes. He plucked up the courage to continue, and asked, "would you object to the idea of doing these tutoring sessions nude? It's just that, I've always had a similar attitude, and I find it much more comfortable not wearing clothes, don't you?" Jen was a little surprised by this, but, when she thought about it, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all. "You don't have to," said Mr. Hart, "but if you don't mind I think I'd like to take my clothes off now."

"Ah... sure, fine," was all she could say at first. She sat there for a while, watching him take his jacket and shirt off, until she realised she ought to start doing the same. She slipped off her jumper, then unbuttoned her blouse and took that off, along with her dress. She was now just wearing her red 34C bra, and her matching red lace panties. She looked up, and saw that Mr. Hart was also down to his underwear - a pair of plain white boxers. He walked over to the door, and locked it.

"I shouldn't think anyone else would want to come in here," he said, "but just in case." He then went back to the front of the classroom, and took off his boxers. Jen couldn't help but staring for a moment at his prick, which seemed huge, even though it was totally un-erect. She didn't want to make the situation too awkward, so she carried on stripping too. She laid her bra on the desk, giving freedom to her pert breasts, which she was very pleased with - they were very big, for her age. She had matured fast. This was shown too when she took off her panties, and revealed some definite signs of pubic hair growing around her pussy. Mr. Hart, however, seemed not to take any time to admire her young body - she was surprised to find that she was rather disappointed by this.

"Right, shall we begin?" he said, as if the situation was perfectly natural. She sat down, and listened attentively. The next twenty minutes or so was very informative, and she learnt a lot about various mathematical equations, but her attention was constantly diverted towards Mr. Hart's dick, which was, slowly but surely, stiffening and pointing further upwards throughout the lesson. One time, she was so hooked on this sight (the first time she had actually seen a penis, she realised), that she didn't notice when he asked a question.

"Jen?" he repeated. She snapped back after a moment, but hadn't a clue what he'd just said.

"Uh, sorry, what?" was the best she could come up with.

"Was something... diverting your attention?" he asked. He casually glanced down, then, as if noticing his erection for the first time, said "Oh, right. Was that it?" Jen was pretty stumped for an answer, and so didn't say anything. "You know, Jen," he continued, walking towards her, "you don't have to be embarrassed about it. We've agreed there's nothing shameful about seeing each other naked, haven't we?"

"I-I guess..." she stammered.

"So, if my cock decides to get hard, there's no problem there, is there?"

"Well no," she said, blushing slightly, "it's just the first time I've seen an actual..." she trailed off.

"Cock," he said, finishing the sentence for her. "That's another thing, if we can see each other nude, we shouldn't worry about hearing about it either. And if seeing and hearing are alright," he continued, moving closer to her, "then I don't see why the other senses should be taboo either." Saying this, he reached out a hand towards her breast, and lightly touched her nipple. She bit her lip as he stroked up and down, round and round her tit, and she tried not to be embarrassed. His hand then moved lower, and carressed her stomach, as his other hand brushed her cheek. Then, he moved down lower still, to her cunt. He delicately cupped his hand round it, causing her to inhale sharply. He rubbed slowly, using the palm of his hand, not actually penetrating her pussy lips. He continued this for a while, then stopped. He took her hands and encouraged her to stand up. She did so, still in a sort of trance, unsure as to what was going on. When she was stood up, he took a few seconds to properly admire her body - her breasts were beautifully firm and ripe, with short pointy nipples sticking straight out at the end; her pussy was exquisite - the hair was exactly the right length. As he looked at it, he saw a drop of wetness form between her legs, and watched it roll down the inside of her left leg.

"Touch," he said at last. "There shouldn't be anything wrong with touching each other's nakedness either, should there?"

"No," she murmured, after a pause, still slightly dazed.

"Touch me," he said. She didn't move, so he took her hand, and placed it against his chest. "Touch me," he said again. She held her hand against him. There was quite a contrast between her smooth pale skin and his rough, hairy, tanned chest. She began stroking, having regained some confidence now, but didn't go too far down just yet - she ran her hand around his pecks, entwining her fingers in the hair as she went. Soon, he took her hand again, and moved it down, past his firm dick, until she could stroke his balls. She did so for some time, but then she took his cock in both her hands, of her own accord, and began stroking up and down its length, which she thought must have been at least a foot. He was content with this, until he lifted her hands away again, and placed them back by her sides.

"And," he said, starting to stroke her nipples again, "what about smell? Should that be forbidden?"

"No," Jen said again. It was almost a whisper this time. Mr. Hart smiled, and knelt down in front of her. He moved his head forwards until his face was inches away from her pussy. He could see little drops of wetness forming between her cute cunt lips, and oozing their way out. He reached round her and grabbed her ass in his hands, pushed his nose forwards until it was almost brushing against her pubic hairs, and inhaled deeply. Her juices, which he could see were oozing out from her pussy even faster now, smelt gorgeous. He clenched her butt-cheeks even harder, squeezing them together against each other, as he took in her exotic aroma. He only faintly heard Jen's voice calling to him from above.

"Mr Hart...!"

He slowly backed away from her cunt, released his grip on her smooth buns, and stood up, thinking that perhaps she was going to tell him to stop this now. And then what? He desperately wanted to fuck her, but he couldn't commit rape.

"Yes?" he asked nervously.

She murmured softly, "Can I taste you now?"

He was too overjoyed to say anything, but the look in his eyes told her everything that she hadn't figured out from what he'd done already. She got down on her knees, and found herself right in front of his cock. She no longer had any doubt that it was at least a foot long. She opened her mouth, and placed her lips just round the head. She sucked just on the tip, flicking her tongue round it for a few seconds, then backed off, opened her mouth really wide, and dived onto his dick. She took in a surprising amount first time, and her tongue action made his hips jerk forward involuntarily, so even more of his member was shoved down her throat. It was all she could do not to choke on it. She licked for a while longer, then released almost all of his cock, up to the head, which she sucked on, before throwing her head forward again, and taking in so much this time that she felt his pubes brush against her chin. He was surprised by how skilful she was at giving head, while she continued to work his dick up and down. After some time longer, she felt it began to twitch in her mouth. She immediately began sucking and licking harder than ever, and grabbed his ass, running her fingers up and down the crack, eager for his cum. The contents of his balls shot up his cock, and into her mouth. She wanted to try and swallow every drop, but there was so much of it that she couldn't help but lose a few drops down the sides of her mouth. His hips bucked, making it all the more difficult, but it tasted so wonderful to her. As soon as his orgasmic convulsions had stopped, she withdrew her mouth to the head again, then licked it cleaner than it ever had been. When she had finished that, her tongue traveled across her chin, trying to get every remaining drop she could.

While Mr. Hart was reeling from the absolutely expert blow-job he had just experienced, Jen stood up, with lust in her eyes. Before he could react, she grabbed the back of his head and kissed him passionately. As her tongue viciously explored the inside of his mouth, he could taste the salty flavour of his own cum. He remained relatively passive to this kiss, but she reached down one hand and squeezed his ass affectionately, while the other made sure his mouth stayed pressed against her own.

Eventually, she released her grip, and broke the vacuum that had formed between their lips. She stepped backwards and started behaving very bashfully.

"Oh, dear," she said, biting her lip, looking very guilty. "I've been a bad, BAD girl." Then her eyes narrowed, and took on an incredibly erotic look. "I must be punished," she said.

Mr. Hart's cock had hardly had time to go limp since she had sucked him off. She was being very sexy, astonishingly well. He wondered if she had had much experience in this area.

Meanwhile, Jen turned away from him, walked to the nearest desk, and bent over onto it. She closed her eyes, as she exposed her butt-hole to him, and rubbed her breasts against the cold wood of the desk. He stepped towards her, and positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her ass. He eased gently inside her, with surprisingly little difficulty. The size to which her hole must have already been stretched was pretty much the final clinching proof that she had done something like this before. He began pumping in and out, rubbing his hands along her butt-cheeks, occasionally venturing into her pussy. She moaned loudly as he carried on filling her with his long, hard, meaty prick. It was barely any time at all before he erupted again, firing his cream deep inside her, setting off a series of pleasurable feelings for Jen, and making it impossible for her to hold her own orgasm back any more. They both screamed together, Jen making a sticky mess on the desk, and Mr. Hart making an even stickier mess in her ass.

When the sensations had finished for both of them, he lay on top of her, and started fondling her tits soothingly. She was the first to speak.

"Well, this tutoring session has been very informative. I can't wait till next time."

"Neither can I," he smiled.

Part Two

When Jen returned from school that day, she went upstairs and flopped onto her bed, thoroughly exhausted by the day's events. Homework would have to wait - she was in no mood for that sort of thing now. She was irritated when her rest was disturbed by a knock on the door, but only until she saw who it was.

"Hey, Jen," said her older sister Danielle cheerfully, as she poked her head round the door. "What's up? You look pretty whacked out."

"Hi, Dani," Jen replied. "Yeah, it's been a fairly exciting day," she continued, failing to suppress a yawn.

"Really? Do tell," Danielle said, coming over to sit on the bed next to her.

"Mmmm... No, I think I'll keep this one under my hat for now," Jen responded with a sly grin.

"Jen!" snapped her sister, in mock fury. "I have ways of making you talk - you know that as well as I do."

"Not telling!" Jen pouted and folded her arms.

"Okay, you asked for it..." Danielle stretched out her fingers, leant towards Jen, and pounced. Jen had no time to react before she was being tickled to death. She giggled uncontrolably, and tried to shout at Dani to stop, but she continued relentlessly. Eventually, when the older girl had succeeded in bringing tears to her sister's eyes, she released her from her torment, but kept her pinned to the bed. When Jen had calmed down, Dani was laying on top of her, and planted a deep kiss on her lips. Their mouths opened and their tongues began tasting each other in a passionate embrace.

Oh, did I forget to mention they were lesbians?

Jen pushed her lover off, so she was next to her on the bed, then rolled on top of her, parting Dani's legs with her own. "I fucked a teacher," she said, her nose centimetres away from Dani's.

"You dirty whore! Which one?"

"Mr. Hart."

"Oh my God, that substitute guy?" Dani asked, wide-eyed. "I'm impressed! How'd you get him?"

Jen outlined the basic story, then described in detail what happened in the classroom. Dani listened intently, getting hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter. When Jen described how she was fucked in the ass, Dani had to start fingering herself. Jen noticed, but obviously she didn't mind. In fact it encouraged her to start doing the same.

"Then he reached up and squeezed and fondled my tits," she continued, closing her eyes and remembering the moment, "pumping his huge dick in and out of my ass..." She had totally drifted away now, and was simply masturbating herself slowly while thinking about the afternoon.

"Jen?" Danielle's faraway-sounding voice brought Jen back to reality. "I want you to show me."

"Hmm?" she mumbled, opening her eyes.

"I want you to show me everything he did to you," repeated Danielle.

A naughty smile spread across Jen's face as she got of the bed, stood Dani up next to her, and said "Get undressed."

They both stripped, and enjoyed the sight of each other's bodies as they did so. When they were both completely nude, Jen made a grab for her sister's tits, which she envied because of their size, but Dani gently pushed her back.

"No!" she scolded, "I want you to do to me exactly what you did to him. But take the foreplay as read, OK? I'm horny enough already."

"Well," said Jen, savouring the memory for another moment, "the first really bad thing I did to him was to suck him, until he came in my mouth."

She knew that talking like this turned Dani on, and this was evident in the way she parted her legs, stuck two fingers into her cunt, spread the lips apart slightly, and simply said, "Well then?"

Jen grinned, then got down on her knees in front of a lover for the second time today - but this time it was her sister's crotch in front of her, not her teacher's. She took in the aroma which she knew so well, sniffing deeply, then got closer and rubbed the tip of her nose around Dani's pussy, and poked briefly inside. Then, she buried her face deep inside her sister's cunt, tickling her face with all the hair which had been allowed to grow freely, and stuck out her tongue. She lapped up the wetness from around Dani's pussy, but didn't venture inside yet. She knew how Dani hated being teased like this, but she enjoyed it herself. She continued licking all around her cunt lips, occasionally darting her tongue inside to taste her sweetness, while Dani had closed her eyes in ecstasy and was fondling her own breasts, mashing them together, flicking the nipples. Then Jen retreated for a moment, making sure she had cleaned up every drop of wetness from outside Danielle's pussy, before jumping right back in, thrashing at her cunt, licking along her clit, poking right in between the lips, sucking desperately, making her sister scream above her. She frantically tongues Dani, until her screams reached a peak, and she exploded, sending a flood of her sticky cum streaming onto Jen, most of it going into her mouth. She loved the taste of her sister in heat, and had had a lot of experience of this kind - but very little experience, contrary to what Mr. Hart had believed, with men. In fact, except for one time at a party, her sister was the only person Jen had ever made love to. But she didn't mind; Dani was plenty for her to cope with.

When she had finished licking up Dani's cum, she stood up, put her arms around her, and kissed her, parting her lips with her tongue, giving her a chance to taste her own juices. When Dani had fully recovered from the mind-blowing treatment she had just recieved, she started licking her own juices from Jen's mouth.

"Mmm... you're improving fast," she said when she had the chance. "Can I take you up the butt now?"

"Oh, I don't see why not," said Jen, smiling, "but I think you might need a hand..." With that, she opened one of the draws of her bedside table, revealing a whole range of assorted dildos and vibrators. "It's up to you, but if we want to be totally realistic, I'd use Johnnie here." She picked up a thick, 11 inch, double-ended dildo, admired it for a second, then gave the head an affectionate lick.

"You want me to use Johnnie?" asked Dani. "Wow, you must have been a really bad girl." She grinned. "I like it. Now bend over."

Jen obediently turned towards the bed, and bent over it, once again exposing her ass completely. Dani watched, and began easing Johnnie inside her own pussy, letting out a little moan as he slid in. Then, when she was satisfied he was firmly in place, she pushed his head against the opening to her sister's ass-hole, and began rubbing. But she could not resist pushing deep inside for very long. As Jen's butt was penetrated by this huge rubber prick, little more than a soft moan escaped her lips - she was more than used to it by now. The first few times Dani had fucked her, it had made her sore, but now she was highly trained, and confident her ass could take anything anyone wished ram into it. So now, as her sister violently fucked her, driving Johnnie the dildo deeper and deeper into her butt and her own pussy, nothing but pleasurable sensations flooded through both their bodies. The feeling was the same yet different from being buggered by Mr. Hart. The fact that it was now her incestous lesbian sister probably made it more exciting.

Dani, however, had not been fucked by any boys recently, so making a comparison was more difficult. But she was certainly enjoying it, as Johnnie slid in and out of her, making slurping noises as it went. She decided to speed up the pace a little, and started bouncing up and down onto Jen, who's ass was taking this pummeling very well. Although her sister did this to her a lot, the orgasmic sensations were even better this time, and it didn't take as long for her to cum either. Dani kept pumping the dildo deep into her, and Jen moaned loudly as all the muscles in her groin area suddenly tensed, before releasing her sweet nectar onto the bed. Dani also convulsed at about the same time, and sprayed more of her juices onto Jen butt-cheeks, while screaming wildly at the orgasm pulsing through her.

Part Three

Jen was still lying on the bed, but had been rolled over, so her butt was now lying in the wet part of the mattress created by her pussy. Dani was lying on top of her, slowly rubbing up and down, grinding their cunts and breasts together. They were also both sucking on one end of the dildo they had just used, so they could taste each other's remaining cum. When they were satisfied it was totally spotless, Jen removed it from her mouth, and her sister's, and placed it on the bed next to them.

"I love you," was all she said.

"I love you," was the response, followed by a brief but exciting tongue kiss.

"You ought to meet Mr. Hart," said Jen. "I think you'd really like him."

"I'm sure I will," said Dani. Jen was sure he'd want to fuck again tomorrow, so they began to discuss when the could try and organize a threesome.

At school tomorrow, Jen hung around again after their class with Mr. Hart. When everyone else had left, he closed and locked the door, leaving the key in the lock.

"Well, shall we begin?" he said, cheerfully.

They began undressing, and as her blouse fell to the floor, she said, "I think I should warn you... I've been a very bad girl."

"Really?" said Mr. Hart, as his shirt joined her blouse. "You must tell me about it."

They continued stripping, and when they were both completely nude, he raised a hand to her breast and began stroking, until the nipple was standing to attention, then he moved onto the other one. His other hand moved down to her pussy, and found that it was already very wet. She had been thinking about what would happen in her special tutoring session all day. He too was already more than horny enough, so he decided to speed up the pace of things a bit.

"So," he said, as he pushed his hips forward, so the end of his penis just brushed the outer lips of Jen's young cunt, "what have you done that was so bad?"

"Well," she said, "why don't I show you?" With that, she lifted herself up, so that his cock was just pressing against her pussy opening, then she fell forward and immediately impaled herself on his rigid prick. It felt so good inside her, she started pumping herself up and down onto his dick with such vigour that his legs couldn't hold him any more. His knees buckled, and he fell over backwards. She went with him, and continued fucking him so hard that they both hardly knew what had happened. Jen and her teacher screwed for ages on the classroom floor, his cock rapidly and continually thrusting into her sweet cunt, his balls slapping against her smooth ass, his hands groping her divine round breasts, his fingers brushing her hard, dark nipples, he breathing heavily, she moaning and screaming loudly. They climaxed simultaneously. Mr. Hart spurted what seemed like gallons of his sticky white spunk into her pussy, while Jen screamed as loud as she could, and was drained of every drop of girl-cum she thought she had.

At this moment, Dani appeared at the door. Jen opened her eyes and smiled at her, as she silently let herself in. Jen wriggled off Mr. Hart's prick, sexily waving her ass at Danielle as she did so. Then, to distract him, she planted a passionate kiss right on his lips, then started rubbing her breasts in his face. Dani ran over to where the fun was and sat down next to them, still without the teacher noticing. Then, without hesitation, she clamped her juicy red lips round his juicy purple cock-head, and started sucking furiously, marvelling at the size, while her sister went to even more lengths to keep him preoccupied by sticking her juicy pink pussy right in his face, and grinding her hips up and down, so he had little option but to start licking. Soon he noticed the thorough attention his dick was currently recieving, and idly wondered what was going on. Eventually, Jen was grinding up and down so hard that Mr. Hart could see under her, and saw Dani, with his cock between her hands, sucking hard on the end, and obviously enjoying it. She looked up and caught his gaze. He looked pretty shocked, but not in a mood to do anything about it. She kept staring into his eyes erotically, while she released his throbbing prick from her firm grasp, and knelt down, with her thighs either side of his own.

Jen was starting to notice that her cunt was being neglected. She looked down, and saw Mr. Hart staring at Dani. Dani was now straddling him, ready and waiting to impale herself on him.

"Oh," said Jen, "may I introduce my sister Danielle? She's been a very bad girl too, you know, Mr. Hart."

Dani raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh, really?" Mr. Hart asked, somewhat weakly. "Well then I think you should be punished as well, don't you?"

Danielle only smiled, then she threw herself forward onto his rigid cock, just as Jen started pounding her pussy into his face again. As he was fucking Dani, waves of pleasure rippled through her, and she had to hold onto her sister's breasts for support. This just made Jen buck her hips harder to Mr. Hart's face, and as he continued giving her a good sound licking, his hands met Dani's and started squeezing her breasts with her. Then his right hand travelled down to her ass, rubbed the cheeks for a short while, then he pushed a finger into the crack and carressed along there too. Soon, his middle finger dared to penetrate her anus, and explored her butt-hole.

With all this grinding and fondling and licking and groping and moaning and groaing from all of them, it wasn't long before the cum started cascading. Jen was the first, it was Mr. Hart's two fingers in her ass that sent her over the edge. As her juicy wet cum splattered onto Mr. Hart, this drove him out of control. He shot his load deep into Danielle, who was cumming at exactly the same time. When the spasmodic climaxes had ceased, Jen collapsed on top of Mr. Hart, and they both lay unconscious on the classroom floor. Danielle, however, still had some energy left in her, since she had only joined in halfway through, and she took it upon herself to lick the other two clean...

Want to know what happened next? I might let you know later!

I am the Nonentity of Anonymity.

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