Teacher's Pet


Published on Jul 9, 2015




When fifteen minutes had passed, I shamelessly left the Prom's banquet hall to meet with Mr. Allister. He didn't tell me what room he was in, so I checked in with the receptionist.

"Room 304," the receptionist recalled, "and don't forget this."

He chuckled then handed me a key card and flask. Alcohol, I thought. Thoughts quickly ran through my head, but I forgot them all when I realized I was about to be in a room alone with the sexiest teacher on the planet. All the hints he had dropped during the Prom ran through my head.

When I got to the room door I knocked at first, but there was no answer. I was about to try the key card when I heard "It's open!" from the inside. I pushed the door open to the dimly lit hotel room. The room had a relaxing, romantic feeling.

I imagined what awaited me. I thought about seeing Mr. Allistar's muscles bulge from carrying heavy things. I thought about having a good view of his butt when he bent over.

"Mr. Allister," I yelled, "where are you?"

"I'm in here!"

I followed the sound of his voice to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. When I didn't find him there, I left the flask on the counter and went to the last room — the bedroom.

When I walked through the doorway I saw Mr. Allister shirtless. He looked like he just had a workout because his whole body was glowing from sweat. His jawline looked best when he clenched his teeth, and I'm pretty sure I could hear him panting. He was only wearing dress pants.

My knees felt weak again. I felt my heart beat faster and faster. I could feel a drop of sweat forming on my forehead.

"Oh, I didn't see you there," he said when he looked up. He smiled his sexy smile and continued folding his clothes into his suitcase.

"Mr. Allister —," I was interrupted.

"Please, call me Cameron. We're both adults here, am I right?" He smirked.

It felt like my knees were about to give in. "Y-you look hot," I stammered, "I-I mean bec-cause you're sweating. Why don't you turn on the A.C.?"

"I don't like using A.C. It always makes me too cold, y'know?"

"Yeah, s-sure."

"Parker, it looks like your sweating too. Do you want a drink?"

Without my answer, he walked towards the door and put his arm around me. He led me to the living room.

"Here, take a seat." He went into the kitchen and picked up the flask. "Parker did you bring this?

"Yeah. The guy at the receptionist desk told me to give it to you." He grabbed two shot glasses and placed them on the coffee table. "Mr. Al — I mean Cameron You didn't strike me as the type of guy who drank..."

He smirked. "Well, you don't know that well!" he chuckled.

I forced myself to laugh with him but it seemed believable.

He continued, "I've just had a lot on my mind recently." He poured a shot and downed it all at once.

"Mr- I mean Cameron, you can tell me." I put my hand on his back when he leaned towards the coffee table. He gave me a warm smile which made me feel at home.

"Well, I've had feelings for someone for a long time now and I haven't him how I feel about him..."

"Him? Can I ask who it is?"

Cameron smiled and leaned closer to me. I felt his body heat on my body. I loved his warm breath on my face. He pressed his lips against mine and gave me a lingering kiss. He pulled back smiling.

"I hope that answers your question," he whispered slyly.

Me? I'm Mr. Cameron Allister's crush, I thought. I almost passed out from the thought of it. I smiled back and went in for a hug, but I was still confused as to why he liked me.

"Umm, Cameron," I asked as we made eye contact, "what do you see in me?" He had a longing look in his face.

He chuckled, "You're different Parker. I can't out my finger on it, but something about you makes me attracted to you..."

His comments raised my libido up so much that that I jumped in for a kiss this time, pulling his neck closer. I then pulled back remembering something that could get us in trouble.

"As much as I want this to happen, it can't. You're still my teacher and I'm your student."

"Helloo. Earth to Parker? You seem to be forgetting that you graduated last Wednesday. We're at the postponed Prom! I'm not your teacher anymore!"

He took charge over me, forcefully shoving his tongue into my mouth. He seemed to have more passion for me than I had for him. He leaned towards me until he was on top of me. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our tongues were lost in each other's mouths.

"Parker, wanna take this to the bedroom," he whispered. He face lit up when I nodded, making him look like a kid who had just gotten a toy he wanted. It made him more attractive.

Cameron picked me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He eagerly and passionately kissed me, going down my neck. He kept up with the mood while walking into the bedroom.

He unbuttoned my tuxedo jacket and ripped my shirt off. I reached for his belt, but by the time my hands got there, Cameron had already taken it off. He quickly took of his pants and helped me take off mine.

Cameron carefully lay me on the bed. He got on top of me and started kissing my neck. He whispered something hot into my ear which made me groan with pleasure. I hugged him tightly while he sucked on my neck. He nibbled on my ear, making me hug him tighter. He seemed to be doing all the work.

"Parker, do you want to this to the next level? If we do, I can't promise that I'll be gentle." I nodded, and he had the same attractive childish expression he had earlier on his face.

He took of his underwear and took of mine as well. I saw his full on boner and his big cute bare butt. The feeling of our dicks touching felt amazing and it seemed to take Cameron to a whole other level of pleasure.

Cameron kept kissing me over and over again. He moved down licking my nipples and blowing on them, seeming to know the pleasure that came from it. He licked me all the way down my stomach until he reached the head on my boner. He sat up for a moment to pump my dick before going in.

He licked the head of my dick and deep throated it all at once. The feeling of my entire penis in his mouth made me groan again. I put my hand on his head, guiding him and continuously pushing his mouth onto my dick. He didn't come up for air once until he was ready for the next step.

Cameron turned me over and slapped my butt hard. I yelled from pain, but it only seemed to make him more attracted. With my consent, he slowly slid his dick into my butt. I sighed from relief because it didn't hurt as much as I thought. He pushed it all the way in, and slowly pulled it out. He kept with his rhythm, slowly speeding up.

He pulled my torso up so I was on my knees and hands. He stood up with his knees on the bed. This time, I pulled his dick closer and put it into my butt. He pounded me repetitively going faster and faster. My groaning made him go faster. He put his hands on my back feeling me all over.

"Harder, harder!" I yelled. He grabbed the back of my shoulders to get more leverage. He seemed to keep pounding me harder and harder, faster and faster, without showing signs of tiring out. We both panted and we were sweating all over. Cameron cried out.

I heard continuous moans coming from him, and it sounded like he was about to com. He pounded harder and faster. He pulled his dick out of me and pumped it himself. With his strength he flipped me over with one hand and I watched him, feeling himself, pumping his dick to the sight on me. He cried out with pleasure as he came onto me. He laid down on me, kissing me again over and over. He rubbed his cum over me.

"Parker, you're all messy now," he panted as he smirked, "we should wash that off shouldn't we?" He hinted towards the bathroom. I became excited again when he picked me up and carried into the shower.

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