Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Aug 22, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: We've just finished the flashback. Classes have just ended and Jay had received a message that John will come over in an hour

Teacher and Slave Part 8

I wondered what would happen next. I knew I needed to end this before I got even further down the rabbit hole. John was my student after all and I couldn't risk getting even more exposed.

On the other hand, remembering the last time I was made someone's bitch at a school, had brought back good memories. After all, Philipp had been my first boyfriend, we had become a couple after that threesome in the shower. And even though I still had to service Emir, Markus and some others, had to wait naked in the restroom stall in each break, it was maybe the most fun time in my life so far. I was happy because I didn't have to search for sex actively looking. I was taken care of and could live out some of the fantasies I didn't know I had before, that I was an exhibitionist, a sub who loves to get used and humiliated during sex, that it felt good waiting for an orgasm and having them controlled. I guess, Philipp would also have kept me locked if chastity play had been a thing back then. But he only touched my dick to edge me, for some CBT or with one of his feet. Otherwise he ignored it and forced me to focus just on his, making me ignore it as well.

He also tried to embarrass me, at least some time. I remember one time where he gave me a (big) dildo for my birthday which I almost opened in front of my mum before realizing what it was and quickly bringing it into my room (to open and directly play with it). Or when he took my underwear and I had to go free-balling at school.

But back then we were all students and I never had anything with a teacher (not that we had any good looking ones anyhow). I knew there was no way this could go on with John, even though the memory of him dominating me in the shower let my cock twitch again. This needed to stop, today.

But I had no idea how I could convince him to hand over those pictures, but maybe I could come up with something before he came over. So I texted back "See you then!" and hurried back to my rooms.

While two students had to share one room, we teachers had two rooms. A living room with a small kitchen and a bedroom with a small adjacent bath, which had a toilet and a sink. If we wanted to shower we needed to use the communal showers in our floor. First, I had to take care of some of my toys, which lay around in my bedroom. I needed those when I was locked to release at least some horniness while not being able to play with my cock. Then I tried to put everything away which could incriminate me. I had some magazines which he shouldn't find; I even deleted my browser history on both my phone and my PC just in case. I had my porn hidden in a secured folder already, so at least that shouldn't be an issue.

Then I looked in the mirror at my sink. I looked exhausted, fearful, not as happy and positive as usual. I also saw a dry patches of cum in my hair. To my shock I remembered that he had cum all over my face in the lunch break and that I must have missed it when I cleaned myself afterwards. It must have been there the entire afternoon even during classes. Embarrassed I peeled it off, ran it between my fingers. I just couldn't help it but to put it in my mouth. The salty crust tasting really good.

While doing that I racked my brain to find out how I could convince him to give me the pictures and possibly videos he had made. I thought about trying to promise him better grades, but he was a good student and even though he did not excel he never seemed interested in getting better grades. And he was only in my PE class and in sports he excelled – so I didn't think that might work. Maybe I could bribe him, but his parents were rich and benefactors of the school. He must have more money already than I will ever make.

What else? I could quit. Then at least he could not hold anything over me. But if he published the pictures I would still be in trouble and wouldn't be able to work as a teacher (and maybe any other job) anymore. Should I play along then? I asked myself when I noticed that I ran out of options. I liked being dominated and it had felt great getting surprised, taken advantage of and used. But the longer this would go on the higher was the possibility that I would be found out, which would not only lead to me getting terminated from my job but maybe even going to jail. Even though he was already 17 and of legal age for sex with people of any age, as a teacher I was forbidden to do that. I would always be the one at fault, irrespective of who was in charge. So becoming his sub and letting this continue wasn't an option, even though I felt my cock grow when I thought about it.

So I saw only one chance: to reason with him and try to be authoritative enough to convince him to hand those files over. The chances for that were slim, especially as he hadn't listened to me at all in the shower. But that had been a different situation. He had found me naked with a chastity cage around my dick.

That brought me back to another problem. How would I explain the cage around my cock when he asked? The truth was out of the question. Maybe I should tell him that it was a dare with a friend who could go longer without touching and that we had exchanged keys, so I couldn't open it. Yeah maybe that could work. Maybe he wouldn't comprehend that but he might believe it. And if not, I could always tell him that it was none of his business.

The closer it got to 5 PM was the more excited and anxious I got. I had no idea if any of my ideas would work, how John would behave, what he would want or expect. Again I checked everything, took a seat and waited. John didn't show after the hour had past. Quarter of an hour later, he was still not there and I was getting really anxious. I stood up and paced around in my room, knowing that I wouldn't be able to do anything as long as the confrontation with John wasn't done. My nerves really got the best of me.

After half an hour I cursed him under my breath, when he was three quarters of an hour late I was a wreck because I had no idea why he was letting me wait or why he wouldn't let me know when he would come over.

An hour down I decided to calm my nerves and turned on the TV. Just when I sat down, my room door opened without a knock and John strode in. He was wearing the grey sweatpants of our school and a white form fitted shirt, which really highlighted his gorgeous physique.

"What the fuck!", I said and stood up.

Just when I wanted to scold him for being late and letting me wait, he told me basically interrupting me:

"Listen, Mr B, I know you probably want to try to convince me to give you those pictures I took. But I do not care about anything you could offer me. Money? I have enough and more than you most certainly. Better grades? I'm doing fine and my sport's grade are the best of the class. If you're going to quit, I'm just going to publish those pictures anyway, so you will not get another job. You're only chance is to serve me, whenever I need your mouth or ass! Understood?"

I was flabbergasted, not only did he not explain why he was an hour late, he also confirmed my worst fears that nothing I had to offer would work. But I had to try.

"Listen, John, I do not care who you think you are. But this kind of behaviour just won't cut it!", I said, trying to get my composure back, with all the authority I could muster. "Yes, you surprised me in the shower and did things to me, I didn't want or ask for. But this will not continue. Nobody will believe you, when you tell them, that I made you do that, or that I molested you somehow into ... whatever happened there in the shower. So it would be much easier, if you just deleted those pictures and we both would go on. No harm was done, so there will be no consequences!"

I tried to argue with him. But my voice was shaking a little bit flustered by his confident behaviour. I couldn't even look him in the eyes but looked downwards, because I feared I couldn't win a staring battle. While I was talking he walked in front of me and I saw the outline of his impressive dick through the fabric of the sweatpants, slowly moving with every step. This was quite hypnotic, mesmerizing and I couldn't stop staring, while he was talking. As soon as he stood in front of me, already inside of my comfort zone, I heard him laughing.

"Whom are you trying to convince? Look how you're staring at my cock, almost drooling over it even though it's still behind the fabric of my sweatpants. We all know you are gay, you never made a secret out of it. We all know those rumours about gay teachers and male students, so everyone will believe me when I tell them that you had asked me to suck my cock because you were horny. On the other hand, nobody even has to know it was me who got a blowjob. I could just post the pictures anonymously in our school forum and you wouldn't be able to answer any questions. And when they see the cage you have on your dick, they will know your kinks and that you are a pervert, your life will be destroyed and you will never be a respectable person ever again. Wouldn't it be easier to just play along and follow my orders?"

With that he grabbed my cheeks between his thumb and index finger of his right hand and made me look up, into his green eyes. I almost lost myself in them. I wanted to back away, try to argue, but I just couldn't. He had me. There was no way out, and I wasn't sure anymore, if I wanted out. But I couldn't react either. With his left hand he fondled in one of his pockets, took out his phone and turned it around. To my horror he had a picture of my face covered in his cum and his dick resting on it as his screensaver. And even my cock-cage was on display.

"Or do you want everyone to find out that you are a cock-craving faggot?", he asked me.

Half-heartedly, I tried to reach for the phone, but he pushed my hand away lazily.

"Having my phone would do you no good. I already stored the pictures in my personal cloud. Don't make me ask that question again!"

I closed my eyes and the tension left my body. I knew I was defeated. Not that I had been able to put up much of a fight. But I knew I didn't have any chance now, not anymore. This picture was damning. When I opened my eyes I saw him grinning. He knew he had won.

"What do you want?", I asked trying to avert my eyes. But he held my head firm in his hands.

"You'll see! But first you need to strip!", he told me, letting go of my face.

Hesitantly, I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. I looked at him pleadingly but he had this serious look, so I slowly opened my jeans, pulled them down and stepped out of them.

"Go on, faggots aren't supposed to wear anything whenever possible!", he told me annoyed that I took so long.

"Please...", I tried to reason with him, but he just stared at me unmoved. He wanted to humiliate me and I knew no way out. So I grabbed waistband of my trunks and pulled them down, exposing my locked cock to him, again. I looked at him expectantly but he didn't move or say anything. He just had this smug grin, when he noticed that my dick was still locked. Then I noticed that I still had my socks on, quickly pushed them off, then tried to cover my privates.

"Finally, boy, sometimes you're really slow. But we will take care of that! Now get on your knees and cross your arms behind your back. There is no reason for modesty here.", he said looking disapprovingly at my hands protecting my junk.

I knew the position he wanted me in, and slowly I obliged. He now stood directly in front of me, reached inside of his sweatpants and pulled his dick out. Even soft it was really impressive. Almost the size when hard, maybe `only' 7.5'' instead of 9'' and uncut. It looked amazing and I couldn't help it but I felt my dick getting hard and I was wondering, what it would feel like when he fucked me.

"Now look at my dick, a real dick, and listen! You will be my boy and sex servant when we are in private. My dick will be everything you crave and serve. Understood?"

"Yes.", I said slowly captured by his swinging cock in front of my eyes

"Yes what?"

"Y---Y---Yes, Sir?"

"Good boy! You are not going to punish me for anything you find me doing on school grounds, or stop what I am doing in any way. You will do anything I say, but I will not endanger your job or standing. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" I answered, relieved that he promised me that I would not have to do anything what would jeopardize my job.

"Whenever I tell you, you will go wherever, get naked and wait on your knees for me to arrive. Whenever you are in your room you will be naked and the door will be unlocked even at night. When I want to come over I'll send you a message and you will wait ready on your knees in the middle of this room straight behind your door. When I'm here you will only move, when I tell you to. When you abide by this rules, then – maybe – I will not show those pictures to anyone. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Sir!", I gulped but agreed to his rules. Those rules were concerning but what chance did I have?

"Now, get up and lean on the wall spreadeagle, your legs spread and only your hands on the wall."

I got up, looked at him anxiously, not knowing, what he would do next, but did as I was told.

"You see, I had told you twice to be ready, when I arrive. I even gave you one more hour to get ready. But were you ready boy? Naked? Kneeling? No you weren't. You were a bad boy and you need to be punished for that! 60 minutes not being ready...hmmm... I think that means 30 spanks on each cheek, for each minute don't you think, faggot?", he really enjoyed how he could humiliate me, while I felt his hand on my left cheek slowly moving.

I didn't know how – or better – I didn't want to react, but my cock was twitching in its cage in anticipation.

"I've asked you something! But if you don't know, we can also make 60 on each cheek!"

"Please, John! I did not know what being ready meant. Please don't do that!", I pleaded with him.

"That was your second mistake, now. It's Sir, not John, when we are in private. You aren't allowed to call me by my name! You're not worthy. So sixty it is.", He told me angrily. John grabbed my hair, pulled my head back a little, then smacked my left cheek with his right hand, quite forcefully, but not too hard.

"Bad boys, need to be punished. Wouldn't you agree Mr teacher?", he told me laughing a little. "But you need to count loudly or I might forget where I was and start from scratch."

Another smack hit my right ass cheek, then again my left, then right, before I finally started to count "four". He spanked me without hesitation. It was more the humiliation of getting spanked like a little boy by my own student than the pain which brought tears to my eyes. On the other hand I felt my dick getting harder, pressing against its case, with every hit I took. After the first 60 hits my bottom started to get really sore and I started whimpering, and I heard him commenting:

"Your ass looks like a tomato right now. Maybe it will get even darker!"

And with that he not only hit harder, but also faster. It really started to hurt and I knew I would have problems sitting afterwards. When he was done, my butt burned like hell and I guess it would be glowing if the light was turned out.

"Look at that." He commented mockingly, still holding my hair but grabbing my caged junk with his free hand, and then fed my pre-cum to me, which I eagerly licked from his palm. "Big strong teacher enjoys getting spanked like a little bad boy. He's even leaking a lot! Then this next part will be even more up your alley – literally!"

With that he positioned himself behind me. I felt his dick which had gotten hard, while he spanked me, humping my crack a few times. Then I heard him spit on his dick and in one go shoved it inside of me. I groaned because of his size being overwhelmed by the sheer force of him ripping me open. The spanking had at least kind of numbed my ass and the pain there distracted me from the brutality of his assault. He didn't give me any time to adjust to his huge dick, but began to rail me hard straight away. He took long strokes, pulled out almost completely just to push in again quickly. He didn't give me any rest but let go of my head just to grab my hips to have even more control over me.

"Faggot, you're so tight, I can't believe it. You don't get much action, do you? But this will change now!"

To be honest I couldn't muster any resistance to him or his humiliation anymore. When I get dominated like that, treated like that, I always give in. I embrace my inner sub and give my Dom what he needs and wants. Some part of my conscious mind still knew that this wasn't right. Another part of me was humiliated that I had not only been spanked by a student but also enjoyed it and now got railed really hard by him. But my subconsciousness enjoyed his fat cock deep inside of me, sliding in and out and in and out, ramming me really good. I heard myself moaning when his hips slammed on my ass cheeks the pain having already made place for the pleasure of getting fucked.

"Yes bitch, that's how you like it!", I heard him tease me but I barely registered that. Again I was too focussed on his dick and the pleasure that came from it. When he stopped for a short break I started grinding myself on it, lost in thought and just happy that I was filled again. Moaning no longer thinking about the consequences that he was my student. That ended abruptly when he told me:

"That's right, teacher faggot, work that dick, work it really good!"

That snapped me back to reality and I stopped what I was doing, ashamed that I had lost control again. But that didn't stop him, instead he started hammering me again. And then I felt it. He used me so hard that he also hit my prostate and I could feel the pressure building up inside of me. With each hit it got harder and harder to ignore. I knew I didn't want to cum, to give him even more leverage above me. So I tried to focus on something else, supressing the good feeling building up in my stomach. I just hoped he would be done before it was too late. But he had more stamina than in the shower and he railed me longer than I expected he could last. It was a race against time – which in the end I lost. I had held my orgasm back for some time but during sequence of especially hard and deep fucks I just couldn't keep it any more.

I felt my dick which must have leaked the entire time, swelling and hardening even more, pressing against the metal of the cage, while it flopped around with every push of John. Then I felt the first rope of cum shooting out of the piss slit of the cage, then another one and another one flying right on the wooden floor. But I had tried to supress it, so there was no real pleasure in cumming as I had ruined the orgasm for myself. During that my ass checks clenched together, which also brought John over the edge. With a loud moan he pumped his seed deep inside of me, not stopping the railing, while the last few drops of my cum dribbled on the floor from the cage. It was – of course not fulfilling – having this type of ruined orgasm and I was really embarrassed that I had cum after that spanking and while getting fucked by my student.

John had stopped now, panting in post-orgasmic bliss. When he finally pulled his softening cock out, he grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart.

"Your pussy is gaping open. That's how I like my bitches!", he said laughing still a little out of breath and pushed three fingers in with ease. He fingered me for a few seconds then told me to turn around I happily obliged while I tried to cover the puddle of cum on the floor. But to no avail. While he first fed me the spunk and ass-juice on his fingers he afterwards pushed his cock into my mouth to lick it clean he reached over me and saw the mess I had made.

"You're a true sub faggot, aren't you? Cumming with a locked dick while getting fucked and after such a spanking that your ass is shiny red, shows me that you truly love getting treated like the bitch boy you are. But we can't get this precious cum get to waste, can we? Get down and lick it clean!", he told me, grabbed my hair and pushed me down on all fours. I tried to look up pleadingly for him to stop, but I couldn't as he firmly held my head and pushed it down on my cum. So humiliated and broken and started to lick the floor clean. As soon as I began I didn't need any more encouragement. I tried to get every drop – I always loved eating cum and today was not different. So even after he let go of my head I continued and looked up only after I was finished. Looking for his approval but all I saw was his grin and in his eyes the knowledge that he had me and that I would do as he said.

"Now kiss my feet, before I leave and don't stand up before I'm gone!" he told me and when I started kissing his feet, smelling his sweaty socks, he continued. "Remember, boy, you are mine now. As we've seen today you don't need access to your dick, so that cage stays on, all the time. And don't forget: when I call, you come! Don't dare ratting on me or those pictures and the video I have just filmed of you licking your own cum from the floor with a gaping open pussy with cum dripping out of it!"

I looked up in horror and just noticed his smartphone in his right hand, which he was about to put into his pocket. With that he pulled his feet away turned around walked to the door and said mockingly just before leaving:

"You're leaking from your ass! You should clean that good juice from your floor as well. I wouldn't want to leave too many spots here, if I were you! See you around, big bad teacher!"

------------- End of part 8

I hope you liked this part. For now the flashbacks are finished. If you want me to revisit the past again, let me know!

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 9

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