Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Aug 8, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: We are still continuing in the flashback of how our fag Jay came to be the sub he is now. After he had not had an orgsam for a few days, he is horny on his knees in the shower waiting for Philipp to arrive.

Teacher and Slave Part 7

Only when I heard steps and saw the door handle slowly move downwards it dawned on me that I had no idea if it was Philipp who would be coming or some random guy who just happened to be there. I started to sweat, looked around and realized that I would not have any chance to hide before the door finally opened. But my cock as usual had a mind of its own. If it's possible it even got harder than before, almost hurting, and some pre-cum started to show at the tip.

While I was still looking around, the door was pushed open – and thank god – Philipp was standing there, grinning. "Well done, Jay!", he said, "I knew you were looking forward to this, but I didn't think you would present yourself as such a little slut."

With that he grabbed his bulge and took a few steps until he finally stood right in front of me.

"Open up your present, fag!", he told me. I didn't care about the intended humiliation anymore. Having been involuntarily chaste the last couple of days had made me so horny that I needed some release. And if that meant sucking dick, so be it. I had learnt to enjoy dicks. So I didn't hesitate to open his jeans, pulling it down. Before I could reach for his underwear to get my bone, he grabbed my head and pressed it on his groin. He was wearing boxers and his dick was already at half-mast tenting the fabric.

"This is what a real man smells like! Now kiss my dick and tell me what you want and how much you want it."

His musk was really great, manly; I don't know how to describe it any better. A little sweaty, a little testosterone and I'm pretty sure that I smelled a little bit of pre-cum. I savoured the aroma, then kissed his shaft through the fabric. He moved my head back in my neck, so I would look up to him. He looked at me expectantly and I knew what he wanted to hear:

"Please, Philipp, I want your cock deep inside of me! Please, let me suck it, please! I really need it"

"You are such a little faggot bitch, aren't you?", and when I didn't respond immediately, "Say it!"

"Yes! I am your little f-f-faggot b-b-bitch. I need your cock and make you happy!", I answered reluctantly even stuttering a bit, getting red due to the humiliation.

"Go ahead and pull my underwear down! But don't touch my dick, yet!", he told me and let go of my head. While I pulled I heard him getting out of his shirt. Then he stepped out of his trousers and underwear, socks and shoes, grabbed them and put them on a sink, so they wouldn't get wet. I saw him taking something out of his pocket, a small package, which I didn't recognize. He turned back, in front of me, grabbed my head, looked me in the eyes and spit on me, while his dick was just dangling in front of my face.

"You're such an eager bitch!", he told me again, "I was so looking forward to using you again!"

He pulled my head forward, closer to his crotch and moved his hips left and right so I was smacked by his half hard dick repeatedly.

I was so mesmerized by him taking full control that I tried to grab the tip with my open mouth, but I couldn't catch it. Philipp laughed at my feeble attempt, but finally stopped, right in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I was in trance trapped inside my animal brain just following my instincts. I didn't care about my dick anymore I just wanted to pleasure it, smell it, feel it, taste it.

"Kiss my dick, fag. Then take the tip in, and show me what you learnt."

And so I did. I used my tongue the best I could having pushed the foreskin back with my lips. I outlined the contour of his cockhead with the tip of my tongue, playing a little bit with the lips on his piss slit. I heard him moan and before I could continue he just pulled my head close ramming his cock deep inside my mouth and throat, so my nose was deep inside his pubic hair. Then he slowly got on his knees, thereby forcing me to go down, so I was on all fours. All this time his dick was in my throat and I wasn't able to breathe fully. I felt getting dizzy and my gag reflex started to kick in. After a few seconds more of what seemed like an eternity he let go of my head and pulled out.

"Oh, boy, I truly missed that mouth of yours during the weekend! And not only your mouth, but also your other hole! But get on my cock again and take it all the way!", he told me, while I was catching my breath his dick hard as a rock in front of me.

"Now, bitch!", he yelled when I wasn't fast enough and I quickly complied. As he had let go of my head, I immediately grabbed his ass checks, which were really firm, to push his dick all the way in my mouth. I gagged a little but as I was able to do it in my rhythm, it wasn't too much. While I moved my head back and forth, I felt him leaning over me, sliding a hands along my back to my ass. He slapped one ass check, then the other each a few times. I felt a little burning but I was so focussed on pleasing his dick, that I didn't mind or care. As his upper body was now directly above me I really struggled to move my head on his cock to please him. When he noticed he started to pump and move his hips rhythmically, now fucking my mouth.

Suddenly, I felt a still new sensation, as Philipp reached between my cheeks with his hand pushing the index finger into my asshole. Even without any spit in went in slowly but it hurt a little. When he pulled out he slapped my asshole and said:

"I'm going to enjoy ramming every inch of my cock in that tight little pussy of yours!"

And with that he pushed two fingers in, which he must have spit on, because they went in quite easily. He played a little with my hole, preparing it for what was coming. Having been fucked just a few times, it still was weird feeling something in my ass, but I had already started to get used to it sometimes even enjoying it. After a minute or so of him pumping my throat and fingering me, he straightened himself again, after he had slapped my ass a few more times, then grabbed my head again and pulled out. Then he pushed my head down on the tiled floor so my ass was sticking out and my back was truly arched.

"Stay that way!", he told me while he was getting up and behind me. He grabbed my hips and moved them so his cock lay between my ass cheeks. When he air-humped me a little bit, I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Please, Sir, fuck me!", I begged him, being totally lost in the thought of pleasing him. I didn't care about anything else anymore, not my dick, not my horniness. I just wanted to please him, to use my hole and to fill me up.

"Oh, I will! And as you've asked so nicely I have even brought some lube, which I stole from my brother's stash. Be grateful, bitch!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I told him. Then I heard him ripping open something – I assume the package he'd brought – and felt a cool liquid dribbling down my ass crack and on his cock. He quickly spread it on his cock and in my crack pushing some into my anus. Then he spread my cheeks open and rammed his cock in me in one go.

I yelped out of surprise and pain.

"Shut up!", he told me and pressed my head on the floor but resting inside of me without moving, giving me a few seconds to adjust. After a few seconds I felt his dick move out again. When his dick was out I felt empty and my ass twitch. But not for long. He aimed again and rammed back in and this time a moan escaped my mouth. Then he began to slowly pull out again, then back in with force, this time without pulling out completely.

Then he bent over my back and whispered in my ears without stopping ramming his cock deep inside of me:

"Bitch, be happy that I had to jerk off in the second break, because I couldn't hold it any longer. Now, you can enjoy getting used even longer. That's what you crave, isn't it?"

With that he jerked my head to the side, spit on it again, while only moans escaped my mouth because of his slow but hard fucking. And I don't think I would have been able to articulate any straight thought or answer his question.

Then he straightened himself again, grabbed my hips and started railing me with hard, fast and deep strokes. My whole body was shaking when he changed back to his slow rhythm after a minute or so. I really was in heaven while he used me so skilfully and I think pre-cum must have flowed out of my dick in a constant stream, but I didn't even care, my dick just didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was his cock inside of me. Each time his hips slammed against my ass cheeks it sent a shiver down my spine which concluded in a moan out of my mouth. It was mesmerizing getting fucked that way I lost complete awareness of my surroundings. So it came at a total shock, when I suddenly heard:

"What the actual fuck?" in front of me. Still in trance I looked up and saw Emir standing there with just a towel around his hips. Not really realizing that we were caught, the only thing that I really noticed was the outline of his huge soft cock showing through the fabric of the towel. Remembering how that dick had felt in my throat filling it up completely made me lick my lips.

"Is this another 'dare', fag?" He asked with a sarcastic undertone, just when another deep push hit me deep inside and only a moan escaped me.

"I knew you were a cock hungry faggot, when I saw you kneeling in the restroom stall naked with a hard cock, but I didn't expect that you were so needy that you would give up your pussy anywhere at school. Mind if I join in, mate? I could really let off some steam.", He asked Philipp.

"Be my guest, he has two holes to use." Philipp answered seemingly not too worried that he as well just got caught fucking another dude in the showers. And he hadn't stopped or changed his rhythm since Emir had entered.

Emir stepped in front of me, dropped his towel and revealed his beautiful, fat cut cock, which was already slowly hardening. Then he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up, so he wouldn't have to get on his knees for me to reach his cock. Philipp was still grabbing my hips so my arms couldn't stabilize me anymore. So I tried to steady myself by grabbing Emir's hips.

When his cock touched my lips I willingly opened my mouth, using my tongue to please his glans and get it wet. Slowly he pushed deeper and deeper, while Philipp had slowed his pace. I think after he had seen the monster Emir was wearing he was interested to see if I would be able to get it in completely.

Not that I had a choice in that matter. When half of Emirs penis was in my gag reflex first kicked in. He pulled out a little but the next time he pushed in until almost all his dick was in. The shaft was so thick that I almost couldn't get my mouth wide enough open so it would fit in. He had already reached my throat, when I spasmed because I had to gag. So he again pulled out almost completely just to ram it in in one go. Surprised I didn't even fight back and I'm not sure if I would have been strong enough to keep him from doing it. He still held my hair firmly. After a few seconds I started to struggle for fresh air simultaneously gagging because of the big rod penetrating my throat, but he wouldn't let go and even though I tried to push myself away with my hands, it was to no avail. He was just too strong.

Just when I thought I would pass out he pulled out allowing me to grasp for some fresh air. He pulled my head up so I looked up to him.

"That's what you want, some real dick in both your holes, isn't it?, he asked and when he noticed the spit from Philipp he spit me in my open mouth, then he pushed his now hard dick back in it, this time only half of it, just using my mouth without deepthroating.

Philipp had again started to fuck me in his usual rhythm pulling out slowly but pushing in really hard and I already heard him moaning. During one of Philipp's deep pushes Emir also pushed his shaft into my throat completely as well. They both started to get into a rhythm that they pushed in completely and pulled out at the same pace and time. I could not do much about it, but Emir seemed to notice when I struggled more and didn't push that hard every time. Then, when both of them were deep inside of me, I heard Philipp say:

"This is so hot what you're doing to him. He's really good at getting his throat used, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's a natural faggot. He is wired so he pleases real men. He needs cock whenever he can get them deep inside of him. His pussy seems really tight, I would love to rip it open. Do you think we could change, so I can enjoy it too?", Emir asked.

"Sure, I wanted to use his throat again anyhow. I need to feed him his lunch!", Philipp said laughing. After one last hard push he slowly pulled out, panting already a little. It felt weird that there was no longer in me. I felt empty, even though I still had a dick in my throat pumping.

Then, surprisingly he rammed his dick back in moaning, while I yelped again:

"Ohhhhhhhh, you're gonna enjoy this tight pussy! I'm already missing it."

Then he pulled out and let go of my hips.

"It's all yours, mate! I prepared his hole otherwise I think you would split him apart!", he told Emir still laughing, who also started to pull out. He jerked my head back, so I was almost upright, pointing down on me and said:

"Look at that hard little prick he has. He is a real cock-loving faggot. Staying hard without being able to touch himself just by serving real men on both ends. Look, he's even leaking!"

With that he spit at me again and suddenly let go of my head such that I almost fell down and only barely managed to catch myself before I fell and to stabilize myself on all fours. I heard Emir laugh while he moved to my back and got on his knees. In the meantime, Philipp had also gone around, had gone on his knees and held his juicy, wet looking dick in front of my head, which I willingly took in. He didn't need to tell me and I didn't hesitate. He positioned himself to be slightly under me, so he wouldn't have to work so much but could let me do the sucking. And I happily obliged. It had felt weird not having a dick inside of me. Going up and down on his cock felt good, felt right.

I could smell him as he must have sweated quite a lot while he fucked me and his skin was shining wet from his sweat. I heard him moan, when I started sucking him. Suddenly, he stopped me by grabbing my head and he told me:

"No matter what happens next – don't you dare to bite!"

Then I felt Emirs big hands on my hips. And it dawned on me what would happen next. I was scared. Philipp's dick had hurt a bit and it was in no way comparable to Emirs. And I knew Emir wasn't a gentle guy but always took what he wanted how he wanted.

I felt Emir's dick splitting my firm ass cheeks apart and rubbing between them. Then he positioned the tip of his uncut dick at my wet pussy. Sucking him had made his dick wet as well but even just the tip of his cock felt like he would rip my ass in two halves. So when he rammed his entire 10'' cock deep inside of me in one fast move it felt as if I was impaled from behind. I wanted to scream but Philipp's dick in my mouth prevented it and I only barely managed not to bite him.

"Oh my god, he is so tight. I gonna love destroying that hole!"

Emir did not give me any rest, any chance to adjust. He wanted to hammer my hole, and he did. With long strokes he pulled out just to ram his dick back in. But each time he did that he hit something inside of me which felt really good and after some time I had started to get used to the girth of his cock and the pain subsided.

"Damn it, bitch, suck my cock." I heard Philipp say. I had been so overwhelmed by Emir's monster using my pussy, I had totally forgotten the dick still in my mouth. So I started sucking again and Philipp let go of my head. But it was not easy. Each time Emir pushed deep inside of me and hit that sweet spot, it sent a shiver down my spine and waves of ecstasy through my body. But that also meant that I lost focus on Philipp's cock. Annoyed, he grabbed my head again and tried to force his cock deep inside my throat. But being on all fours my hands prevented him from pulling me so far down that he could deepthroat me.

"Deeper, faggot. Don't resist!", he told me. But I was completely spaced out by Emir's fucking. After he had impaled me with his cock one more time deep, he stopped shortly and bent over me. I wasn't really aware of my surrounding anymore. The two cocks filling me from both sides were my entire world at that moment. So it came as a total surprise when Emir grabbed both my arms and jerked them back. I lost my balance and practically fell on Philipps dick which was now entirely in my mouth and throat.

Emir crossed my arms on my back, held them with one hand and started fucking me again with full force. Philipp, finally happy that he could ram his cock fully inside my throat, also started to move his hips and fuck my mouth. He held my head in place and each time he pushed forward his pubes pressed into my nose and I could smell him.

Now, I was totally out of control. I was just two holes getting used by cock not being able to do anything about it. It was heaven. That moment I realised that this is who I was. That I was a cockloving faggot, that I needed dick inside of me, that I wanted to please men, that I wanted to get used, not being able to control how I was handled. When that realization finally kicked in I let go completely enjoying every second, every push, every pull; Philipps scent, the moans of Emir and Philipp while they used me; even the sweat and testosterone of all those schoolmates which had showered today which was still in the air. It was almost total sensory overload and I cannot tell you how long they used me.

What I can tell you is that every time Emir hit that sweet spot I felt even better. Then suddenly I felt something familiar in my stomach. First it felt like I had to pee but soon it started to feel real good. A sensation slowly built up and got bigger and bigger with every hit from Emir and Philipp. Then, the strongest orgasm I have had so far erupted deep inside of me. My entire body first stiffened, it spasmed while rope after rope shot out of my dick. I think I even blacked out from the intensity of my orgasm.

My ass clenched, my throat clenched which sent both Emir and Philipp over the edge as well. With a loud grunt Emir emptied inside of me while he continued fucking me. Philipp pressed my head on his tense body while shot his load down my throat.

When I started to recover I felt Emir bowing forward, while I was still stuffed by two slowly softening cocks. Then I heard a slobber like Emir and Philipp were kissing.

"You were so right, Philipp, his holes really are amazing. He's just born to have them used by cocks. He's tighter than any of the guys I've fucked recently and so eager to please. It seems that he enjoys getting used from both sides, he even came without touching himself. The perfect faggot. You should keep him, definitely! And I bet your brother would enjoy him, too!"

And with that they high-fived each other and pulled out. I was so exhausted that I fell to the ground into my poodle of cum because I couldn't support myself, panting heavily. But I was in a post-orgasmic bliss. The world didn't really matter and I hadn't yet realized that Philipp and Emir knew each other before (or that this had been a set-up). All I could think about was how good it had felt getting used from both ends and I dwelled on that thought for some time.

"See you at training!" I heard Philipp say.

"Yeah! And thanks for sharing him ... again!"

Then, I heard a door open and close again.

"Hey Jay! You should get up and clean yourself or the next class will find you here. But maybe that's what you want!", Philipp told me laughing.

Slowly I came back to my senses and noticed the state I was in. Still shaking, exhausted I got up clumsily, moved to the shower and turned it on. My mind was trying to cope with the way I had just been used so I was kind of in auto-mode, just doing the things I knew without thinking, almost like a robot. The cold shower brought some of my spirits back. I had to support myself on the shower wall and the water ran through my hair down my back and between my ass cheeks. Suddenly Philipp smacked my ass.

"Ouch!", I squirmed now finally waking up.

"Don't be a sissy, Jay. You took our cocks like a champ, like you were born for it. Now spread your ass for me. I want to have a look at your pussy."

I did as he asked as I wanted to please him.

"Look at that. It's pulsating, like it wants more, gaping for it. It seems that Emir deposited quite a load inside of you. It already drops out."

With that he reached on my rosebud, pushed three fingers in without any problems, fished out a glob of Emir's cum, positioned himself behind me and fed it to me by pushing those fingers in my mouth. Eagerly I cleaned his fingers with my tongue while he grinded his hips on my ass. I moaned and I think I would have gotten hard again, but I was just completely drained after the spitroasting I had received. When he let go of me he told me to turn around:

"I didn't think you would take it without any resistance, that someone you barely know would come in and join the fun. But I was wrong. You really enjoyed getting surprised and then used from both sides, didn't you? Did you know that Emir is my coach in Handball and that he plays in my brother's team? I learnt a lot from him since I surprised him with one of my teammates after training, when I had forgotten something in the locker room. Since then he had shared a few of his bitches with me and today was my day to pay him back. You did really good, better than most of the boys he normally has. It really shows that you are a born faggot."

With that he stepped directly in front of me, grabbed my balls and dick with one hand, reached behind my head with the other, leaned forward and forced his tongue into my mouth. Dumbfounded I let him kiss me. I never expected this kind of affection from him. It was my first real kiss and I didn't really know what to do but after a while I reciprocated using my tongue as well. After a few seconds he let go, pulled down my balls until I winced then stepped back. He grabbed his clothes and before he left the shower he said:

"See you tomorrow, Jay!"

I stood there, with the water still running over my body, more confused than ever. My tormentor had just kissed me, after he had rented me out to his coach, who had already used me once before – not stumbling onto me in the bathroom stall by coincide as I had thought before. I couldn't get my head around that but I knew that I had to leave soon, if I didn't want to answer question on why I was under the shower when I should have gone home already.


A snapping of a finger brought me back to reality. I looked up and saw one of my students trying to get my attention. When I looked around, I saw the pupils of my last class looking at me. I recognized my student and he asked me whether they could return the tests and leave as it was almost time and everyone wanted to end their school day. It seems that I had sleepwalked through my courses thinking about my past and how I had become the sub I most certainly am. I told them to leave their test papers on my desk and leave. I didn't dare to stand up as my memories of the first time I got turned into a cock hungry bitch had made my dick to try to get hard. Even though it was locked away safely it pressed against my briefs and jeans and I feared that my bulge would be visible and I had enough problems already.

After they had left I grabbed the papers and pushed them into my bag, stood up, readjusted and got on my way back to my rooms. Just when I left the classroom, I felt my phone buzz. Looking at it I saw a message from John which read:

"I'll be at your room in an hour. Be ready!"

------------- End of part 7

I hope you liked the seventh part. For now we are leaving young Jay and continue with the fate of older Jay. If you want to hear more about younger Jay's adventures, please let me know!

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 8

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