Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Jul 11, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: We are still continuing in the flashback of how our fag Jay came to be the sub he is now. he has just been used byy Philipp for the firsts time.

Teacher and Slave Part 5

As it was Monday when I became Philipp's bitch I had to resume being naked in the restroom the next day again. Philipp didn't show. Neither the next day but the restroom was also quite busy during the break. After school on wednesday I had to accompany him and service him. As I had made the mistake of not getting naked immediately when I got inside he put all my things outside without telling me and when he was done with me he just shoved me outside stark naked. Thankfully he didn't hide my clothes and nobody came by. I was not only embarrassed but also kind of excited being naked outside while I hurried to put my clothes on.

The next week after sports Philipp was waiting for me again naked and already with a hard-on while he was soaping himself.

"Get on your knees, faggot, and crawl to you bone. I know you want it!", he told me and of course I did as he asked. I had kind of given up on resisting him while he used me because I not only saw no chance of preventing it but also because I actually enjoyed what he was doing and what I was allowed to do.

When I took his dick in my mouth to slowly blow him, I heard him moan a little while he continued to let the water run over our bodies with him still being soapy. After a few moments he took my head and made me deepthroat him. He bent over me and reached for my butt. He slapped it once which made me groan a little but then he did something I did not expect: he reached into my crack and moved his fingers alongside it. His still soapy fingers reached for my virgin hole and played with it. When he forced one finger in I tried to wiggle out, but I was locked between his hand in my crack and his hip with his dick deep inside my throat.

"I think its time to take all of your holes.", he said as he pushed another finger in. That hurt even though his fingers where slippery. When I tried to get out more forcefully he smacked my butt with the other hand.

"Don't! It will just hurt more." With that he pulled his fingers out a little, and pushed in again which he repeated a few times. It hurt the entire time and I really didn't like it. When he pulled out completely, my body relaxed again, even though I feared what would happen next.

"You should get my dick really wet, or it might hurt even more!", he said while he pushed it in even deeper. For a few more moments he used my throat really hard. When he pulled out, his dick was glistening wet. I tried gasping for air while he pulled me up and pushed me against the shower wall.

"Please ... don't!", I tried pleading still being out of breath.

"Don't argue! I will take your second hole whether you want it or not! You might as well enjoy it, and I know you're going to, little faggot!", he said while pushing the shower on. Then he reached for his shower gel and squeezed some of it on my back. He quickly spread it across, such that it foamed. With the same right hand he now reached in my ass crack and soaped it pushing a finger in again. With all this soap, it didn't hurt that much anymore but it still didn't feel good. The second finger followed soon after, which felt not as bad as before.

After a few moments of him fingering me, we pushed a third finger in. I whelped because of the pain, but couldn't escape his grip, even though I tried.

"You need to relax or it will hurt even more, when the real thing gets in. And believe me I will take you cherry now." With that he pulled out and slapped my ass hard. It stung really bad, but my dick who had gone almost limp by his rough treatment before, sprang back to attention and a moan escaped my mouth.

"So that's what you like. Well you can have that!"

He slapped me again on the other cheek. Two more even harder hits on each cheek followed.

"Your ass is glowing nicely red. I think that it's ready now."

He positioned himself behind me. I heard him stroking his dick, with his soaped hand. Shortly after I felt his dickhead at my ass-crack.

"Please, don't..." I tried to reason with him but he cut me off.

"Shhh... Just relax. I will be careful but you need to relax or it will hurt. But that won't change that I will own that ass." With that he pushed in a little, which already hurt and I whimpered a little. When he heard it, he slapped me again and pushed in even more the entire cockhead getting in. I didn't even notice that because of the sting. Another slap followed. Immediately after he pushed in completely and I noticed it just when his hip pushed against my ass. He moaned.

"Oh my god, you're so tight, just as I thought."

It wasn't as bad as I feared it would have been, but it still felt weird feeling his hard rod in my ass and hurt a little. Philipp waited a few moments, to let me get used to it. But when he pulled out and then pushed in again it started to really hurt and I whined again. This time he didn't care but starting with a slow pace he fucked me, holding my shoulders while the warm water from the shower ran over my back. At first, he moved only a little in and out, but when he got faster his movement increased as well.

"Better than any pussy I fucked before!", he moaned.

With that he pulled out completely and pushed in again in one go with some force. I cried out surprised. Then he drilled my hole even harder, pushing in really hard while grabbing my hips to get in even deeper. Thankfully, my ass had got a little used to his dick penetrating me and it didn't hurt that much anymore and he could move more easily than before.

"I want you to cum while I'm fucking you. So grab that little dick of yours and show me how much you like it! Or you will not cum at all today!"

I felt humiliated and knew that that was what he was going for. But nonetheless I got my right hand on my dick which wasn't as rock hard and hadn't gone soft. While he fucked me even harder I could only stabilize myself with one hand on the shower wall and it was quite difficult for me to keep my balance while jerking my dick. But at the same time I had this weird feeling which seemed to emanate from my guts every time he pushed in deep and which I knew from jerking off and the pain slowly subsided.

While his hips smacked against my ass and thighs, I felt my orgasm building up really fast. I could feel that Philipp wouldn't last much longer either. His breath had gotten quicker and his moans got even louder. Then he grabbed my hair, pulled my hair back and with one final deep and hard thrust I felt him shooting deep in my guts. That pulling back of my head brought me over the edge as well and I shot my load all over the floor and wall. I breathed heavily and had to rest my head on the wall supporting my body with both arms again as Philipp had rested himself on my back as well, while he took a breath and recovered from his intense orgasm.

His dick slowly got soft in my gut and when he pulled it out after a few moments, he said:

"Oh my god, that was the best fuck I had in a while. You did really well! We're going to do this again soon! Now turn around and get down on your knees to worship and clean my dick."

With that he pulled my around and pushed me to my knees and his dick into my mouth before I could say anything. His dick still tasted a little salty from his cum which I also felt in my guts leaking a little out of my sore asshole. But otherwise it wasn't as disgusting as I would have expected. Philipp moaned again while my hungry tongue cleaned his cock.

"You're such a good boy.", he said. "An eager little faggot. Soon you will crave being filled from both ends from real men. Look you're even getting hard again."

He was right of course. I couldn't believe that I had just been fucked by him, lost my virginity to him even came during that and was now again on my knees in front of him cleaning his cock and getting hard again. Unconsciously I even reached for my cock which he kicked away with his foot.

"No, you won't cum again!", he ordered. "Maybe later today, when you're at my place. But you need to be good for that! You better prepare yourself for that! Now, we should get ready for class!"

With that he left me, kneeling on the tiled floor dripping cum out of my abused hole. I tried to clean myself quickly, but I was late that day in class which made Philipp deny me another orgasm at his place where he fucked me again. He even told me that I was not allowed to jerk of at home because I was late at class but should train my hole that it wouldn't hurt that much. And with that he sent me home again.

But when I got out of my clothes at home getting ready for bed, I saw that his cum had leaked out of my ass on my briefs. At first, I was embarrassed but when I took them up and smelled his cum and my dick sprang to attention. I pulled my underwear on my nose, lay down on my bed jerked a little and fingered my sore hole which was a little loose such that even two fingers went in without hurting until I erupted heavily on my chest, face and underwear just remembering what had happened today how I had lost my virginity.

The next day however, was a totally different story as my ass hurt and I wasn't able to walk normally. Philipp grinned when he saw that but didn't say anything. At least he left me alone that day. I was quite happy about that as I didn't know what I would tell him if he asked me if I had played with myself and cum after he had sent me home. And I didn't know what he would have done if I'd told him the truth. And I never was a good lier.

Thankfully, he didn't fuck me again that week, even though he fingered me every time I had to blow him be it in the restroom or after school. I did it as well at home when I jerked because I didn't want him fucking me to hurt that much anymore. On the weekend he had asked me to come to his place as his parents wouldn't be there where he used me a few times. My ass kind of got used to getting fucked but it still didn't feel that good. To be honest I still like sucking better than getting fucked (with a few exceptions).

The next week arrived and I didn't expect something different. I kind of got used to serving Philipp after PE or in the restroom and nothing else had happened even though there were some close calls in the restroom with other people going there to relieve themselves while I serviced Philipp.

On a Wednesday I was waiting in the restroom as - well - usual naked and on my knees. I heard the door open shortly after I got in and steps coming to my cabin. Most people usually use the first ones, so I expected that the person walking back there was either Philipp or someone who needed to pee, as the pissoirs were close by as well. When the door opened I already started to say

"Hi, Phhh...", but to my shock it was not Philipp but an upperclassman, who I had seen at school, but did not know. When he spotted me in there, he kind of tried to turn around but when he noticed that I was naked, on my knees and with a hard dick - because of course... - I saw a smile come up his face and he quickly entered the cubicle and closed the door behind him.

"What do we have here? Are you waiting for someone... or something to happen? I didn't even know that this was a cruising spot! But I actually need some relieve, in more than one way. You don't mind, do you?", He asked and came one step closer now towering directly in front of me. He put a hand on my shoulder to hold me down, when I tried to get up.

"S...S...Sorry, dude. I .. I .. I d... d... didn't expect anyone to come.", I stuttered, franticly thinking about something to explain myself. "Y... Y... Y..You know, this was a dare between me and some classmates. They dared me that I would not stay naked in a restroom in school for an entire break..."

I kind of trailed off while looking up to him he was buffer than Philipp or Marcus, more muscular like one of those handball players. I later learnt that he was 5 years older than me and 4 classes above. He was Turkish, which you could hear a little but also saw with his little bit more olive toned skin. He had black curly hair, which was cut quite short. He also had grown a short beard, so he looked even older and more mature. He wore a blue tank-top and kind of tight grey sweatpants, where you could see the outline of a quite noticeable dick. His green eyes were piercing right through mine and they told me that he knew that my story was bullshit.

"You seem to like that dare, it seems, even though you got surprised by a total stranger." With that he brushed my dick a little with his right shoe. "And I think you like exposing yourself in here! But there are consequences when you get caught. And I think I know exactly what I want from you if you don't want me to tell this to everybody!" And with that he grabbed his dick through his pants.

After my cock had betrayed me again I was now at his mercy. He knew it and had spelt it out, but I knew it as well. And - to be honest - I was curious what he was hiding down there. It looked really big and juicy. Its shape was starting to be even more visible, as he was starting to get hard. He was wearing boxers below his grew sweatpants, which did nothing to hold his dick back. The cockhead already showed and I saw that he was cut. I wondered how that would be like as all the other dicks I had sucked were uncut. But what really made me excited was the base of his cock which looked even broader than his cockhead.

While I was still wondering about his cock he grabbed my head and pressed it against his groin. He smelled a little sweaty but manly and good. He tilted my head a little such that my mouth was above his dick and I opened it almost automatically but I almost couldn't grab his shaft through the fabric because of its girth.

"Yeah, good boy.", He said while he rubbed my head alongside his dick. Then he let go pulled down his pants and revealed the monster he was packing. Not that I had seen many dicks until then but this one is still one of the biggest I have ever had. It must have been about 10 inches long and almost as thick as a beer can - and it wasn't even fully hard yet. No I got a little anxious because I didn't see a way to fit it in my mouth but on the other hand I also wanted to try. There was a full bush of pubic hair, which - believe it or not - made the dick even more impressive

So I grabbed his dick without him having to tell me, rubbed it a little and guided its head to my mouth. When I tried to get it in I almost couldn't get my mouth wide enough open to get it in. So at first I used my tongue to play with it and the frenum. I even kissed it.

I heard him moan a little, and knew that I did a good job.

"Get it in! I want you to feel it inside!" He said and I willingly opened my mouth as far as I could. It went in but when only half of it was in, I felt that I had to gag. So I moved my head back and forth and used my hands to jerk his dick as well. I even tried to get it in deeper but it just was too big.

"Get those hand off!", he told me and I obliged. After a few minutes he pushed his hips a little bit forward trying to get in deeper but I moved my head a little bit backwards when I felt him pressing. I was afraid he would destroy my throat. Actually, I think it was quite an achievement that I was even able to get his dick in as far as I did, but it wasn't enough for him. He pulled his right leg over my shoulder to stand on the rim of the toilet bowl and before I was able to react he grabbed my head with both hands and supported by his leg which prevented me to retract he pushed his hips forward. I felt my gag reflex but I couldn't get away. He now pushed even deeper and after a few moments it slipped behind my tonsils deep down my throat. He exhaled heavily and just held my head firmly in place.

His dick filled my entire mouth and throat and when I tried to breathe I couldn't. After a few seconds I tried again but still I couldn't get any fresh air. I started to struggle but I was positioned so badly that I had no chance getting away and he wouldn't let me. I started to try to get away harder and after a few more seconds he let my head go. Happily I got back and recovered my breath, breathing heavily.

"Oh, it seems your liking it: You're even harder now.", he teased me, while he pulled me around such that my back was resting against the wall of the stall. "Now open up again. We need to hurry the break won't last forever."

He came closer and while I still was trying to get some more air he pushed his dick into my mouth again. First only half of it, which I was able to pleasure with my tongue. He then bend down and grabbed my hands holding them above my head against the wall. Now he pushed even further deep down my throat again. I couldn't retreat as I the wall was blocking my way back.

This time he started really fucking my throat. At first, he moved only a small bit, not even leaving my throat. It felt like he got deeper each time. Each time he pushed deep his pubic hair prevented me from even trying to breathe but there was no chance anyhow. Whenever he felt that I was struggling too much he would pull out of my throat so I could catch a breath through my nose but he never left my mouth entirely und would just shove his dick back in and started to fuck my throat again. Each time he pushed in I gagged and he moaned enjoying my contracting throat around the base and tip of his enormous cock.

Being completely out of control while a monster-cock just uses your mouth and throat made me even harder and I really wanted to jerk off while he used me but as he held my hands I couldn't. Even today I get hard every time I think about that encounter.

After a few repeats of shorter, then longer strokes I felt that he was breathing faster and his dick started to pulsate a little. I knew he was getting close. And he started to no longer care about me getting some air. He sped up with fucking my throat, pulled out almost completely once, deep in again...twice, deep in again and the third time he moaned and came deep down my throat. I don't know how many shots he fired down there but it felt like a lot because he rested quite some deep inside of me while he let go of my arms and supported himself on the wall during the after-orgasm bliss. I really wanted to jerk off but I didn't dare to do it, trying not to look as gay as I was.

Still I couldn't breathe with his cock deep down my throat even though it already started to get soft and a little smaller. I started to struggle more as it had been some time since fresh air had reached my lungs. Finally, when I thought I would black out he stepped back and his dick slowly retreated from my throat, and out of my mouth. I almost collapsed grasping for air.

"Well done, little fag. That was really hot. You took it really good, better than my usual bitches!", he said. "Now clean it! I don't want your drool all over my cock."

With that he took my head and pressed it at his almost soft dick and even though I was still trying to recover from the lack of fresh air breathing heavily I obliged. I took it back into my mouth and thoroughly used my tongue to clean my saliva off. I enjoyed having his dick back in my mouth even after the assault. It was just so gloriously thick and meaty. Then, I let go and worked his shaft with my lips and tongue to get everything cleaned. I heard him moan again from the treatment his dick was getting but when he was content that it was clean enough he turned to the toilet bowl.

"Now, to what I have come here for. You better hold my dick and target the stream good. You wouldn't want me to piss all over your clothes! I don't think that would be so good for your next class."

In horror I quickly crawled on his side, but when I reached for the shaft with my hand he pushed it away.

"You're not allowed to touch it with your hand, fag. Only your mouth and hurry! I can already feel it coming."

I wanted to protest but I noticed him starting so I quickly took the base between my lips trying to prevent the stream from hitting my clothes. That movement however was too fast and the first drops hit my T-Shirt before I was able to redirect it into the bowl again. I felt the piss pulsating in his cock while I tried to steady the yellow stream. I felt so degraded but my dick stayed hard the entire time. When the stream was drying up and only a few more drops where left he quickly pulled around and shoved his dick back into my mouth before I could protest.

"You should try to squeeze out the last drops. I don't want any spots on my underwear. It's just right for you!", he told me and held my head so I couldn't retreat. I was so disgusted. While before his cockhead had tasted so good now the bitter piss almost ruined it. There were a few more drops coming out but at least not much and when he felt that nothing more was coming, he released my head. While I was coughing from the disgusting bitter taste he reached down, grabbed my underwear, rubbed it on his crotch and dick to dry it.

"Here's a memory for you to jerk off to. Some real man juice and smell.", He said and tossed it on my naked body. Then he just grabbed his pants and boxers and pulled them up, turned around and left the stall. When I had recovered from what just had happened I looked down on myself and noticed the drool on my upper body which must have happened while he face-fucked me into oblivion. Looking further down I noticed my white briefs lying on the floor between my legs. They showed a few wet sports. Then I noticed my dick which astoundingly wasn't hard anymore. Still to this day I'm just not into piss-play that's just not for me.

While I tried to grasp that I had just been used by a much older schoolmate I heard the bell ending the break, which snapped me out of my dreams. I used my underwear to dry my breast, put it on as well as my other clothes when I spotted the few drops on my shirt but I knew nobody would notice it as I wore a hoodie above it. I cleaned my face and hurried back into class, where I saw Philipp grinning, when I entered.

When he took me home to him to service him he told me that he wanted to get a blowjob during the break but he was too late and he had heard that someone else was already in the stall. He even took a peek. He complimented me on taking that dick that well.

"I hope he didn't spoil you! I know I'm not that big but I can handle my dick quite well. And I know you're hard with me as well. Watching you getting used that hard made me really horny!" He said while I turned bright red having my ordeal be watched by him. Back at his place he immediately pushed me on my knees when I was done stripping and used my mouth really rough. But I didn't mind as he let me play with myself and it didn't take long till he came. I was almost there too, but when he was done he shoved my hands away denying me a much needed orgasm.

------------- End of part 5

I hope you liked the fifth part. In the next few chapters we will continue to follow the school life of our 'hero', and how he came to be the sub he is now.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

If you have any comments or want to help proofread it, please send me an email!

Next: Chapter 6

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