Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Jun 27, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: We are flowing student Jay and his qust to become the sub he is now. This flashback will continue in the next couple chapters until we learn more about his present day adventures!

Teacher and Slave Part 4

Almost a week went by during which I hadn't had to wait naked in the restroom on my knees Then it was time for the next PE class. Our teacher had gotten quite accustomed to me helping putting away all the things we had needed during class, so again, I was late up to the shower. As usually almost everybody was already gone but I noticed that one set of clothing was still in the locker room. I didn't think much of it, quickly got rid of my clothes and went to the shower.

When I opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. Philipp, Markus' friend, was slowly jerking his fully erect cock under the shower. I couldn't do much more than stare, baffled, but my dick reacted immediately and got hard. Philipp grinned: "I knew you would like the show, Jay. You didn't think I wouldn't know that you are Markus' bitch boy? I've seen you sucking him after sports. And now it's my turn! Get here!"

I couldn't grasp what was happening and stood there in shock. I mean he looked really hot, soaped up, his hard cut cock in one of his hands, his abs glistering from water and soap. Something in me just wanted to turn around and run but another part - a growing part - wanted to comply and serve him. Torn I just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights.

He didn't wait long. "I said come here and get on your knees!" with that he quickly got to me, grabbed my arms and pulled me to the shower, turned me around against the wall. Then he slapped my rock-hard cock.

"I didn't ask. And your dick says you want it too! It's still hard, even after I slapped it. You like being used, don't you? I always wanted a personal cocksucker, but Markus got to you first. But he's not going to have use for you for a while. But that doesn't mean that you should stop serving your classmates. And I know you want it!"

With that he pushed me down. And he was right. I wanted to enjoy his cock, I wanted to please him and be his cocksucker. When he pushed his cock towards my mouth I opened it and let him in. I slowly sucked on his dick used my tongue on the tip, glans and foreskin. While the warm water ran over both our bodies, I felt my hand slowly reaching to my aching dick.

Philipp began moaning obviously enjoying my treatment of his dick. I felt it pulsating in my mouth and he began moving his hips back and forward starting to fuck my mouth. At least he didn't seem to mind me stroking my dick.

He sped up and his moaning got louder. Then he grabbed my head and pushed in further. Thankfully, my throat was better trained and I didn't gag that much anymore. While I jerked off with fast strokes, he now fucked my face fast and hard. I felt his dick becoming even harder and with a final shove and a deep moan he erupted in my throat. Rope after rope of his delicious cum flew out of his cock and into my stomach.

That was enough to bring me over the edge and I came heavily on the floor and my front. It was the first time I came with a dick still in my mouth and throat and I really enjoyed the feeling.

He breathed heavily and collapsed on the wall but he didn't move. So his cock slowly softened in my mouth and I could enjoy the last drops of his cum on my tongue and him towering over me as well. I was soaking wet but happy. It had been a different experience from the ones I've had with Markus. Not as forceful, not as hard. But he also took what he wanted, what he needed. And deep down I was happy that I could help him out and serve him.

After a few more moments of him breathing heavily, and enjoying the post-orgasmic feeling he pulled out and looked down on me. When he saw the mess I had made on my body and floor he smiled.

"I knew you would love that, the little faggot you are, Jay. And believe me there is much more of my juice for you to enjoy.", he said. Then he pushed my hand from my cock with his left food and pushed onto it.

"But you will suffer if you tell anyone, especially Markus, what happened here today. Don't try anything!" And with that he slapped my balls, hard enough that it hurt a little but not hard enough that I was in real pain.

"I will let you know when I need your service again." With that he grabbed his towel and left me in the shower. Quickly I got up and washed the cum from my body, while my dick was still hard and I had to get off again before it would go down.

Of course I was late for my next class, but I didn't really care. After this experience my head was just elsewhere.

When I headed home after school, Philipp got a hold of me just after I had left the school building.

"Come with me. We need to talk." He said, grabbing me and not even allowing me to answer.

"What do you want from me?", I asked after a few minutes, where I had followed along in silence, a little afraid of what would happen.

"We're going to my place and talk there!", he said, seemingly not willing to have any small talk on our way, while he hurried towards his parents' house.

I knew that he didn't life far from my place but - never having been to his - I was astonished that it was only a 5 minute walk from home, so I wasn't worried that I wold get scolded by my mum, who was waiting for me at home.

He invited me in and guided me to his room after we left our coats and shoes at the entrance, as well as our schoolbags. He quickly got out of his sweater and pointed me to do the same. He had a really nice, stylish t-shirt underneath, whereas I was only wearing an old, plain white T, which didn't even fit me well. I was ashamed when I got out of my pullover, but he didn't even bat an eye. He looked really sexy when he stood in front of me and I couldn't help checking him out. When I looked up to him, I saw him grin.

"So you really are a little faggot, Jay?", he started not waiting any second to cut right to the point.

I looked at him in shock. I never would have thought that he would want to talk to me about that especially in such a frank manner. I got red almost immediately.

"W... Wh ... Wh... What ...", I started, stuttering. But he would have none of it.

"I don't really care about that. But I know that most in our class wouldn't want a fag in their midst. So you wouldn't want me to tell anyone. You're already a loner - and believe me it would get worse!"

It was brutal hearing him say that. I might have known this - deep down at least - but it is a completely different thing hearing a classmate saying it. Embarrassed and sad I looked down, not knowing what to say.

"Look at me!" he called on me and when I looked up I saw him smile. "I know that Markus is using you. And I know that he hasn't had a girl for quite some time, so I don't think it would be enough for him to get off by you only once a week after sports in the shower. So tell me what you do for him!"

I didn't want to tell him anything, still in shock of him talking straight-forward about me, and what I had to do - did? - the last couple of months. When I didn't answer quickly enough he stepped forward grabbed me on the shoulders and looked me deep in the eyes. Then, I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist him. He just had this dominant look which said 'obey' and his eyes just were beautiful. That just hit the spot with me.

"Tell me!"

And so I did. He laughed when he heard that I had to wait for Markus in the restroom naked with the door unlocked.

"Nice! You will do the same for me! At least as long as Markus is out of the picture. But that won't be enough! It seems that you like to serve and be used! My parents are both always working late and my brother's rarely here, so you will come with me, when I want you to, after school and serve my needs and maybe help with my homework as well! And when you are here you will be naked! Understood?"

I couldn't believe what I had heard, and I really didn't want to do that. But he still looked deep in my eyes and my resistance just melted away.

"Understood?", He repeated a little annoyed when I didn't answer immediately.

"Y... Yes.", I finally answered reluctantly.

"Good! Now do as I said!", he said letting my shoulders go.

I looked at him not understanding what he wanted.

"I know you aren't dumb! You just agreed that you would be naked in here! So strip! And get on your knees afterwards. Or...", he stepped closer, a dangerous expression on his face.

I stepped one step backwards, than hastily got out of my T-Shirt, then my Jeans and socks. My cock had already reacted and seemed to like him dominating me. I felt that it was already at least half stiff. Then I stopped and looked at him pleadingly, ashamed.


Slowly and blushing I pulled my underwear down and my dick sprang to full attention during that. When I pulled out of them I remembered that I had to go on my knees, which I did.

"Well done! I knew you would enjoy that! And I am going to enjoy it as well."

Then he turned around, took off his jeans and his boxershorts. He gave me a full look of his smooth tight ass. He was just so beautiful. He didn't have much body hair, but I saw that he had some hair in his butt-crack (I would get to know that as well). He had such a nice slim athletic form, and not a gram of fat (or muscle) too much. When he took his football shorts and pulled them on, I could see his low hanging balls and the tip of his uncut cock.

My cock got even harder when I watched him change, which he noted with a grin when he turned back around.

"You liked my show?", he asked presenting himself to me.

I blushed but couldn't get enough of the view. He had such a nice athletic body. His muscles showed but he wasn't bulky. I was kind of disappointed when he grabbed his schoolbag, took some homework out and sat on his desk to do it. I couldn't believe he would just ignore me.

After a few minutes I cleared my throat trying to catch his attention. When he didn't react, I said "Philipp?", quizzingly.

"What?", he asked clearly annoyed without turning around.

"My mum's waiting for me at home. If I don't get home soon, she'll worry and I might be in trouble."

"I don't care. I just want to finish our Maths homework. Afterwards, I will show you what I expect from you! But if you want to prepare, you can crawl under my desk. I think you can find something to do there!", he said still not looking back to me.

I got the hint and tried to stand up to get to him. He seemed to sense that and told me "to stay on your fucking knees and crawl over!". Humiliated I followed his orders and crawled there like a dog. As his desk was quite large and stood kind of in the middle of the room it wasn't that difficult to get under it. When I reached it, I saw that the tip of his dick was peeking out of the shorts, which he had pulled back a little.

It was clear what he wanted me to do, but I still hesitated. All the other times someone had forced himself onto me, made me suck dick. Now I was supposed to suck it without being forced. So it took me a few moments but then my instincts took over. I wanted to suck that dick, I wanted to worship it and make him feel good. And I wanted to swallow his cum. It had tasted so good before. So I slowly bent forward and took the tip of his cock into my mouth. With my lips I pushed his foreskin back. I couldn't get his dick deeper into my mouth because it was still in his shorts, so I had to try a few things to please him. With my tongue I caressed his piss slit and his glans. I also moved his foreskin with my lips slowly back and forth.

After a while I heard him moan. And a few more moments later he pushed his chair back, pulling his dick out of my mouth.

"I knew you were a good cocksucker and I knew you were craving for my dick in your mouth. If you could see the disappointed look on you face right now. If you want more of it, crawl here and get it!"

I really wanted more of it, so I followed his orders. But when I almost reached him he again pushed the chair back further, laughing out loud.

"Come on further, little fag!"

This time he let me get closer, before he pushed back again. The third time, when I almost reached my target he stood up, grabbed my head and pushed it into his groin. I smelled him. I felt his hard dick through the fabric of the shorts pressing against my face. And I wanted more!

"Ok, now listen, Jay!" he said, "You will do as I tell you to. Again, when you are at my place, you will always be naked and you will stay in my room on your knees as long as I tell you. You will not get up, unless told to. I will tell you, what you can or cannot do. You are not allowed to touch your little cock in here and you will not cum but when I tell you to. And you will tell no one of our arrangement! Understood?"

"Yes" I mumbled my face still pressed on his groin, his hard dick pressing against my face through the fabric of his shorts.

"Ok! Now pull down my shorts. But don't use your hands!" he ordered me.

I looked up to him kneeling my hands on the floor. I felt humiliated, being treated and having to behave like a lapdog, when he let go of my head. "Come on, go ahead. I know you want it!", he teased me. And of course he was right, even though I would not admit it. So I slowly moved my head up, grabbed the waistband of his shorts with my teeth and pulled them down. It was quite difficult actually, as his hard dick tented the fabric and the waistband almost wouldn't expand that far. It finally reached his cockhead and his dick was pressed down. When I finally pulled the shorts down entirely it snapped back up again, brushing along my cheeks.

Being so close to his balls, I could smell them really good, and it almost took my breath away. Even though he had showered (well we had kind of showered together), it was kind of sweaty but masculine. It kind of rewired me and I knew that I wanted more. I wanted to please him. That might have been the final straw for me realising, that I was not only gay but that I also wanted to please my partner. Then I had no concept for that and didn't know that it was called being submissive, but deep down being this way, just made me happy (for which my throbbing dick which had received no attention during the entire time, was testament).

"You really like being on your knees serving my every need. Good boy!", he said, "Now lick my balls and dick clean."

Slowly, I got my tongue out and licked his balls. One after the other I used my tongue and my lips to pull them into my mouth and bath them. I heard him breathing a little faster seemingly enjoying the treatment I was giving his balls. Then I slowly ran my tongue from the base of his penis up to the tip which was still covered by his foreskin. While doing that I felt him shiver and a moan escaped his mouth. When I looked up I could see that he had his eyes closed while I was doing that. I used my tongue to play a little with his foreskin, trying to reach the glans and his piss slit. Now, he moaned even louder and I felt that it wouldn't take much more for him to cum. So I ran my tongue back to his balls thereby retracting the foreskin further exposing the glans completely. I played a little with his balls and his shaft before again paying attention to the glans which I carefully cleaned with my tongue sending more shivers through his body but without taking it completely into my mouth.

Being to his service, making him happy really felt good for me and my penis was leaking even more even though I hadn't touched it during the entire time. When I started to get back along the shaft I heard him moaning again, this time more of frustration (and yes I have to confess I stopped 'cleaning' his cockhead when I felt that he was getting close again). That was when he grabbed my head and pressed his dick into my mouth where it was willingly accepted. I knew he wanted to cum - and I wanted him to do so deep inside of me. He mercilessly fucked my mouth and pushed deeper inside with every push. I wouldn't have been able to escape even if I wanted to because he just held my head in a firm grip. Every time he pushed his dick inside of my throat I could feel his pubic hair on my nose and it just felt so good having his dick deep inside.

As I had guessed he didn't take long before I felt his dick getting even bigger and pulsating stronger. But then he did something I didn't expect. He pulled out and rope after rope of his hot cum landed on my face and hair. He still held my face in place so I couldn't move my head away.

After he had recovered his breath he said: "Now you're marked as my bitch boy. Go ahead and clean my cock, there might be some juice left for you!"

I happily accepted that invitation trying to get some of his cum. His dick went soft in my mouth and I got a few drops while his ropes of cum dried on my hair and ran along my cheeks dripping on my breast.

"Now, cum for me all over your body." he said, still towering over me not moving.

I knew it wouldn't take long as I was really horny and leaking already because of the way he had treated me. On my knees I leaned back, supported myself with the left hand and grabbed my junk with the right. Philipp moved with my head so his dick stayed inside my mouth. After maybe two or three jerks I felt my balls contracting and I came with 6 or seven ropes of cum hitting my body, one even hitting me in the face. My orgasm was so hard that I almost blacked out and I had to support myself on the floor so I wouldn't fall back. When I think back now to this scene I still get hard every time.

When Philipp had felt that I was starting to cum he pulled his dick out of my mouth and stepped back a little so he wouldn't get hit. When I had caught my breath again I looked at him smiling, happy and I saw him smiling as well.

"Well done, Jay. Now get your things and leave. My parents will be back soon and I think you need to be home as well!"

I looked at him not really realising what he meant. Only when he grabbed my clothes and threw them to me I understood that he wanted me to leave right now.

"Could I get a towel to clean me, please?" I pleaded with him.

"I don't have a spare one and I don't really care. So get out. Hurry or do you want my parents to see you like that. And don't forget you're only allowed to put you clothes on at the door."

Beaten I took my clothes and my backpack got out of his room towards the door. There I grabbed my underwear and tried to clean me at least a little bit. Those felt really awkward when I got into them still wet from our cum. I hurried as I didn't want to be surprised by his parents in this state and then ran back home. There I hurried into our bath avoiding my mum and cleaning my face and hair which had clearly visible traces of his cum on them. I think I jerked of two more times on that day thinking about what just had happened and smelling the cum crusted underwear.

------------- End of part 4

I hope you liked the fourth part. If you have any comments or want to help proofread it, please send me an email!

Next: Chapter 5

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