Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on May 20, 2024


------------------------Chapter 32----------------------------------

"...But let's make it a challenge!"

I heard the other students ask. "What do you mean?"

"I knew you are interested. Do you have two cookies John?", Felix continued

"Sure, wait a second, why do you need them?", was John's answer

"Well, I thought that we can put them on their heads, aim for them and the two who cum last, need to eat them. What do you think?"

Most of them were cheering but I could see that both Nils and Huy were a little bit hesitant. The others got up, some still with their beer bottles in one hand and walked closer to us, when John said:

"You heard him fag and André! Get on your knees, back-to-back and enjoy a final cum shower before the night ends!"

We did as we were told, both of us without any hesitation. I wanted to taste their cum and being surrounded by all those jocks and their cocks, felt just right. Most of them were already playing with their dicks and when Felix saw that he said:

"Hey! No cheating. All of us start at the same time."

The hands slowly left the dicks and finally all nine guys were standing around us. John put one cookie each on our heads and then Felix said:

"Ready ... Steady ... Go!"

And all the jocks started to jerk like crazy but for Omar who very determined played with his cock but by far not really fast. But his dick was rock hard already as he was standing right in front of me. As I looked around, I could see that most of them had their eyes closed or looked up as they beat their meats. Emil was moaning already as did Nils, when suddenly Jacob stepped forward and shot his load on my head and the cookie on it. He grunted a bit as I felt three shots hitting my head. Next, I heard Chris grunting behind me, then John who I didn't see as well. Felix was next, he shot over mine and André's heads. Next was Emil who shot only a few drops on my cookie. Omar was next even though he hadn't gone crazy hard on his dick and as the orgasm hit him and he shot his cream all over me. He still had much left. Now only three were left: Huy, Nils and Michael. Only Nils was in my line of sight, so I couldn't tell how far the others were, but Nils seemed really close. At almost the same time I heard all three step forward, then I heard moaning, which sounded like Huy. And then at almost the same time Michael moaned and shot his load, while Nils also moaned.

All of them had come and I couldn't tell who had been last. But I felt cum dripping through the fabric of my mask as I waited for them to decide.

"Hmmm. That was really close! What do you guys think?", Felix said, still panting a little bit.

"I think Nils was the last one, but I don't know whether Huy or Michael were second last.", John said.

Most of them agreed and as they didn't reach a conclusion who had been second last, finally John said:

"I think we should let our fag taste our cum one last time -- or should we give it André, for his sexual awakening? I think, when we can't decide, we should give it to one of them!"

"That's a great idea.", Huy said which was greeted by laughter but most of them also agreed as well. So John asked André:

"Do you want to have it, André?"

"Sorry John... I'm just so tired ... I don't think ... I can take anything anymore...", I heard the boy's weak voice, clearly exhausted. I heard some movement as John got on his knees and said:

"Don't worry, boy! You did great today! Don't you agree, guys?" All the others cheered and laughed, praising the boy who had been a virgin only a few hours back while John took him in his arms and I heard him kiss the boy deeply. Then, when I looked back, he had grabbed him and lifted him on his arms and walked with him on his arms to his bed, dropped him there and gave him a kiss before he covered him with the sheet. "You're such a good boy and we're going to have so much fun together, but rest now!"

Then he turned back and said: "Ok I think it's time to wrap things up. But first: Let's eat some cookies!"

Nils already head the cookie in his hands and his face showed clear disgust. Omar handed me my cookie as they started to chant "Eat... eat..."

The cookie was already soggy and I could only see a few drops of cum on it but with different colours. I put it in my mouth and it just tasted weird, between the sweet of the cookie with some chocolate bits and then the a little bit salty taste of cum didn't go so well together. But I managed to gulp it down. Nils was struggling more but he finally managed to get it down to the cheers of his friends. Then they cheered at each other with their bottles and drank the last sips of beer, while I was still kneeling between them surrounded by soft cocks of fit teens who had just cummed on André and me.

Then one after another they put the bottles away, grabbed their clothes and left. All of them seemed happy and exhausted and before they left all thanked John for the night. Most of them just ignored me but for Omar patted my cheeks and winked down then ran his hand over my head before he left together with Chris and Felix. When only Huy was left John went to a drawer, opened it and pulled a buttplug out. I eyes widened when I saw the size of it. At the base it still looked as thick as at least five fingers and it widened to be at least as wide as a fist, while it was egg shaped.

"Get on all fours! I've got something you're going to wear over night until I allow you to pull it out. I want you to keep our seed inside of you!"

I was so tired I just obliged and he walked behind me.

"Wow! Your pussy looks really well used. And I don't think you will have any problems getting this inside."

I felt the tip and John immediately started to push and, indeed, my sphincter offered almost no resistance after it had taken two dicks at the same time a few times this evening. I felt my ass almost pulling the plug in until the base was resting between my cheeks. It was big and I knew I wouldn't be able to walk normally as it would hit my prostate with every step. But at the same time I had already felt empty again and the plug filled that void. As it rested inside of me, both John and Huy slapped one cheek respectively than Huy said:

"Such a hungry hole!"

I felt a hand on my neck, which opened the collar, then the mask was pulled off. My eyes had to adjust for the light, but John didn't give me any time, as he stood up, grabbed something, opened the door to his room, threw it out and said:

"Now get out of here! I need to get some sleep! See you tomorrow!"

When I tried to get up, he just pointed down and I crawled out until the door closed behind me. My clothes were lying on the floor and I quickly put them on before I walked back into my room, stripped and fell into my bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep immediately as filthy as I was.

I woke up with my phone ringing. Not my mobile but the phone in my room. As I opened my eyes I noticed the sun shining into my room. Groggy I stretched then stumbled out of my bed until I reached the phone and picked it up:

"Mr B, how are you? Why aren't you in class?", I heard the secretary of the headmaster asking.

"I'm sorry ... I don't know what happened but my alarm must not have gone off ...", I stuttered in response not really awake Then I looked down on me, saw the cumstains from last night, started to feel the plug and knew I wouldn't be able to go to class looking like this. So, I continued. "But it might be because I am not feeling so well and I'm not sure if I will be able to teach today. It's my stomach..."

"Mphff... You could have said something earlier... But I'll try my best to get someone to take over! Next time don't wait so long to tell us... Get well and if you need something or a doctor you know who to call."

"Thank you! And I'm sorry..."

"Take care, Mr B" and then he hung up.

I still wasn't really awake, so I slowly walked back to the bed and fell on my back. I felt my joints and muscles ache from the torture of yesterday. Well torture is not the right word as for the most part, they didn't torture me. The more I thought about it I realized that I actually had enjoyed the evening: Even when John had almost completely ignored me, hadn't used me properly or when they made me watch while Huy had fucked the boy. And I had loved it, when the other teens joined and made me their bitch, their faggot, nothing more than two holes to receive their dicks. I had completely given up on myself, no longer caring about the consequences as long as I could feel their dicks inside of me.

John had done a marvellous job the last weeks since he had surprised me in the shower. He had transformed me from a well respected teacher into his cock whore, his faggot, willing to do anything and enjoying it. Now that I had some time, slowly all the things he had done to me, had made me do came back to my mind, from the first time he had made me his, over the first spanking, the first public humiliation; the time he had made me drink a strangers piss or when he had used me together with his brother; The time when he secretly let Huy use me before he made me his slave or the time he officially introduced me to Huy. Thinking about all the sex made my cage feel tight and I couldn't help but playing with my nipples and running my hand along the piss slit poking out of the cage. I was moaning even starting to hump while I remembered all the sex and all the seed the boys had pumped into me.

But then I started to remember the bad times as well. The humiliation when they had made me run naked through the hallway. The forced milking and worst of all the time he had me rescued by Steven just so he would break up with me. Then I thought even more about it and realized how fucked up it was that he had made me teach that little boy how to suck dick, deepthroat and how to get fucked. I even remembered that he had exposed me to people he had no chance of controlling. I gulped when I realized how many people already knew that I was in fact John's bitch and not only his teacher.

I needed to think about that and what I should do and maybe a shower would help. I looked at my watch. Everyone should be in class right now and for at least 30 more minutes so I would have some time to not only get some fresh thoughts in my head but also clean myself from the cumstains and sweat from last night. I put on some shorts grabbed a towel and walked to the closest shower.

The cleaning water felt good as it ran down my down my skin, along my aching muscles. Slowly I woke up completely as the exhaustion was swept away slowly. Then I pulled the plug out and felt a stream of cum leaking out. I felt my pussy and it was puffy and open and wet. I turned around such that my back face the mirror bowed and spread my cheeks just to see a gaping hole waiting to be filled. It took all five fingers without a problem and even the palm -- almost. But after cleaning out I remembered that I was supposed to keep it in, so I pushed the plug back in moaning, dried myself and slowly walked back into my room where I fell back on my bed.

I felt fresher now, better, relaxing in my bed when suddenly I heard someone knock on my door. I yelled: "One second", got up and put some shorts on before I looked at my watch: It was lunch break already. When I opened the door Omar was standing there, the middle eastern exchange student who also played in my Volleyball team. As I greeted him, he pushed himself forward and me into my room. As the door closed behind him, he grabbed my head and pulled me in for a deep kiss before I could say anything more. Surprised I returned the kiss while his other hand started to knead my ass. Then I realised that Omar had recognized me the night before. I had completely forgotten about that. Yet his tongue felt so good so I didn't mind the surprise.

Soon he let go of me and instead grabbed my cage between my legs and said:

"Wow, you're still caged. Does John have the key? Ahh... I don't care..."

Before I could respond, still flabbergasted by him storming in like this he continued:

"You know I always thought you were hot and I was really annoyed that you always took your time to get in the shower. I had guessed you might also be gay, but when I thought I had recognized your voice yesterday, I was so happy! I always wanted to have sex with you. And you really know what you're doing..." -- "I wish" I muttered under my breath -- "... You know I had a few teachers back home who begged me to let them play with my dick but none of them could handle me quite as good -- and you even took a second dick down your hole at the same time... Fuck..."

He stopped again, obviously remembering the last night and this time I was able to get some words in. I tried to get some authority in my voice but with him holding my cage through my shorts it wasn't that easy:

"Omar! What are you doing here? What do you want..."

My voice trailed off and I bowed my head realizing my position. As my gaze reached his jeans, I could see a bulge tenting it a little. He was horny.

"Well... when I heard that you called in sick, I wanted to make sure we didn't exhaust you too much yesterday and didn't hurt you! And I wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about me telling anyone. I know that even teachers have urges even though I have never seen such a horny and fit teacher who is willing and eager to take so much dick. But I have no intention to tell this..."

Then he grabbed me by the chin and pulled my head up so I needed to look into his eyes.

"... But if you want, I could really use a warm mouth right now and a loose hole!"

His voice had so much authority, so much force that even though it was a question, an offer, I just couldn't help myself and almost automatically my hands moved to the buttons of his jeans and opened them. He grinned and let go of my head and cage and I dropped on my knees, even saying "Yes Omar". Just as I was there, I pulled the jeans and boxers down and his huge tool sprang into action. I licked my lips before I put them on his glans and used my tongue to wet it. Omar just stood there, moaning and running a hand through my hair. I slowly worked my way up the shaft, slowly moving forward and backwards until about two thirds was in. Then I started to struggle but continued to blow him trying to fit the entire rod in my mouth and throat. When he noticed he held my head so I couldn't retract too much and after a while I managed to push myself completely on his dick. As the day before it only barely fit and filled me completely. Omar still held my head and started to slowly fuck my mouth while I tried to massage the underside of his shaft with my tongue. They were long strokes pulling out until only the glans was still in my mouth and then pushing back in completely. As in the night before, he had quite some stamina and didn't hurry to nut into me, so I could enjoy his huge dick for quite some time. He moaned as he fucked my mouth slowly leaving me enough time to breathe between each stroke and I barely gagged. Suddenly he started to get faster showing his wilder side and then he pushed in one last time. I felt his dick pulsating as he shot his hot load deep into me.

"You're such a fag! Greedy for any cock and a cum-hungry bitch!", he told me as his orgasm slowly subsided. He let his dick get soft in my throat while I struggled for air. He ran his hands through my hair while he called me names and only pulled out when he noticed that I had problems struggling for air. I moaned as he left my mouth and almost unconsciously, I moved my head forward to taste the dick again. There formed a drop of cum which I licked off then leaned back and whispered: "More!"

I looked up and saw him grinning, happy that he had shot his load. But when I looked closer, I saw something else. I could recognize some signs of triumph in his eyes as he looked down on me.

"Fuck! Your mouth is even better than I remembered from yesterday. And I'm so happy that my guess was right... You see, I thought I recognized your voice... but I wasn't 100% sure. So, I took the chance today and got here when I heard you'd called in sick. And then I saw the outline of your cage through your shorts, showing it off and telling me, that you are what you showed yesterday: a fag who does anything for the chance to touch a real dick... We're going to have so much fun... Sometimes even Chris and Felix can join in to have some real fun... with all three dicks inside of you, as we had yesterday..."

I gulped when I heard him say that, and for a second, maybe even more I wanted that and pictured myself sandwiched between those three hot bodies as they used me. Just being their toy to be played with and used. But instead, I whimpered:

"Please don't..."

He grinned down: "Don't worry... I will not expose you for what you are. That is your responsibility. Yet I could see in your eyes that the thought of hot sex with your students turned you on..."

Then he pushed his dick back into his pants.

"... and I'm guessing that it won't be too long until you beg me to get both of them to join us... On the other hand though... I don't know how John got you to be our bitch yesterday, but from what I've seen, he will not hesitate to expose you and show you off. I hope you enjoy that! But for now... until our next training session!", he said, he winked, turned around, and before I could respond, left my room.

Now, I was alone and slowly the weight of his words made me think again. I had thought about the last couple weeks just a few hours before and this encounter brought those thoughts back. And what worried me more, as I thought about it, was that I wasn't sure about myself anymore. In the beginning I had resisted at least somewhat and he had to make me do his bidding, but now? I didn't even question him anymore, I did as I was told irrespective of how dangerous it was, how it could expose me. Even worse I enjoyed it and became a cock-whore, willing to get any dick. As I thought about it, I noticed my cage getting tight again as if it loved the thought of being a mindless whore. And my mind wandered and I asked myself when I would be used next. Maybe I should send a message to John... or Huy. Absentmindedly my hands wandered towards my nipples and I started to play with them, while I dreamed about all the things the boys might do with me. Maybe they would expose me even more and I could have even more Sex from so many different students. Maybe my Volleyball team would use me after a match. I loved the thought of it but I also knew that this might ruin me. Yet, it still felt so good thinking about all those meaty cocks!

Then my thoughts went to André and I wondered if John would make me play with him again, teach him or maybe even let him fuck me again. But when I realized that I kind of wanted that, I stopped dead. No! That just went too far, he was just too young and I might go to jail if that came out. This needed to stop. And the only way I could think of was to resign and leave the school and get a job in a different business. I just needed to hope that John would not publish me, or report me with all the damaging pictures and videos he had. But if he did, there was no other way around and I just had to hope for a lenient judgement.

I stood up, surprised by my own courage, and got some proper clothes. Some finer trousers and a proper shirt. I got my hair in order and cleaned my face and then walked to the headmaster's office. His secretary was sitting before and as he was on the phone pointed me to a seat. His name was Valentin and he was a fit guy, probably in his early thirties. Only when I took a seat, I noticed that the plug was still inside of me. And I knew when I went back to my room to take it out, I might not have the guts to come back. So, I sat down and waited anxiously until the secretary put down his phone. He looked at me curiously and said:

"For real, you don't look so good, Jay. Is everything alright?"

"I... well... No... That's why I need to speak to the big boss. Does he have time?"

"Oh... I'm sorry... let me see, I'll ask him!"

He got up, opened the door to the office and after a muffled conversation I couldn't understand, he turned to me and told me to get in.

"Hello Sir!" I greeted the principal as he pointed me to a chair. When I sat down, he looked at me, and I looked at him and gulped. He was about 15 years older than me and quite muscular. He still had full hair and only a few grey ones and a well-groomed full beard on his chin. I knew that he was about two meters big and had an impressive, sometimes even intimidating presence. All in all, he gave off so much natural authority that even the worst students did when he told them to do something. It helped that he was one of the few black people at school, which made him stand out even more, so that no one dared to give him any shit. I had seen tiger moms become purring kittens from his authority alone.

"How can I help you Mr. B?"

"Sir..." I stopped, took a deep breath then took all the courage I had and continued. "Sir, I'm sorry but I have to resign effective immediately. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this will cause, but something happened..."

He looked at me, first shocked, then curious and a little angry:

"What do you think? We have a contract and I cannot, I will not let you go that easily. You are a good teacher and I have not heard any complaints until your little stunt not so long ago, running naked through the halls. Quite contrary, your teams accomplished much and your students are better than average. I even had parents call and praise you. So, no! I will not let you go, if you don't give me a good reason... Does it have something to do with that naked run of yours?"

He looked at me sternly waiting for my response. What had I been thinking? That he would just let me go, of course not. Looking into his eyes I knew that I would have to give him some reason. I had to avert my eyes, before I said:

"Yes... No... Well kind of... But that's only one part. I made a stupid mistake..." -- Trying to stay as vague as possible -- "... And now a student holds something over me and he is trying to use it to make me do things."

He still looked sternly and almost growled: "You need to be more specific!"

I couldn't look into his eyes any longer and shrunk a little into the chair, thinking how I could put it, I gulped, then said:

"I allowed myself to be photographed in compromising positions without my knowledge, but they would hurt my reputation and that of the school, so I want to leave before it gets any worse..."

"What kind of pictures? Naked?"


"Well, we had a few times students tried that and it never was a problem, so I think your good. Or are they more compromising?"

"Yes..." I gulped again.


"Sir, please..."

"I can only help you, if you tell me!"

"Sir..." I looked up and the expression on his face clearly commanded me to answer, I gulped again then looked down and slowly said: "Sir, I don't know how to put it, but I am gay and I am into a few kinks. The student surprised me while I was wearing one of those kinks..."

"What kind of kinks?"

"Well, I like rougher action and part of that for me is... is... chastity." Somehow it felt good to say it. When I looked up, his face was still stern, but I thought I could see a little grin forming somewhere.

"So, you're not touching yourself... How is that compromising?"

"Well, that's not it. I'm wearing a device to prevent me from touching myself."

"Like one of those belts from the Middle Ages?", he dug even deeper.

"No, Sir, it's just around my di ... penis and balls."

"So, what, how is that a problem in a picture? I don't think anyone would even bat an eye."

"Sir, I'm sorry but there is more... There was also inter... intercourse."

Now one of his eyebrows went up. "So, he surprised you while you had sex, I'm guessing you were the sub. And he took a picture of that? But that's just an intrusion of privacy and you could go to the police and report him for that... or was it public?"

"Well...", I gulped again and then I just spilled it, "It was in the shower, and he not only surprised me but made me suck him, and he filmed it."

I looked down, silently. He wasn't speaking as well. Probably, he was shocked that one of his teachers had sex with a student. Then I heard him open a drawer, closing it again and he stood up. I could see his shoes as he moved before his desk, leaning against it directly in front of me.

"Look up!", he commanded and slowly I looked up to him along his body. Was I hallucinating, or was there a big bulge, of a hard cock? No, my mind must play tricks on me because of the cage. I looked up at him. He was so manly, such a hunk. His arms were crossed before his breast as he looked down on me.

"How did it feel, when he pushed you down and made you suck him? Tell me boy!"

-------------------------End chapter 32---------------------------

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