Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Jun 13, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Teacher and Slave Part 3

The warm water ran over my body while I tried to grasp what just had happened to me and what this would mean for the future. When I looked at the mirror on the opposite wall, I saw that my face and hair was still covered in John's cum. Absent-mindedly I reached in my hair, took some of his cum in my hand and put it into my mouth. It still was a little salty but I savoured the taste. I always liked eating cum and even though I did not know in what his assault would result, I just couldn't stop myself. It was instinctive.

But after a few minutes cleaning/eating the cum from my face I remembered that I still had to teach a few classes in the afternoon and that I would have to hurry up. I grabbed my shampoo bottle and quickly finished. When I soaped my body, I could feel my cock still straining against the cage, and I knew deep down that I had enjoyed being used like that. But I also knew, that this couldn't go on. I couldn't and I wouldn't risk my job and I knew that I had to end it and talk some sense into John as soon as possible.

After that I quickly towelled myself, got into my clothes and to my rooms to prepare the next two classes. I knew I wouldn't be able to really able to concentrate during the classes after what just had happened, so I decided to test my students and have them do an impromptu exam, which I always have prepared.

While that students did this, my thoughts returned to the time 20 years ago, which had shaped my sexuality and had made me the sub craving to be dominated I am now.

------------------------ 20 Years Ago (right after we left in Chapter 2) -----------------------

After Markus had left, I still lay there resting against the shower wall, trying to catch a breath, while I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened, more out of reflex I swiped one rope of spunk from my torso and guided it into my mouth. While I tasted it I noticed that my dick was still hard, hurting and pulsating even though I had just cum. I touched it slowly fearing it would hurt more, and while I collected my cum on my body to eat it, I slowly stroked my dick almost in a trance. It didn't take long until I felt another orgasm building up. I increased the speed of my hand and shortly after two or three more ropes of cum erupted out of my pulsating cock which I also eagerly collected and swallowed. For a short moment I felt whole and good.

Then I got up and started the shower. As soon as I felt the water running over my body a thousand thoughts just overwhelmed me. I knew I just had been violated, I knew Markus had just forced himself on me, but I also knew that it had felt weirdly good. I knew I had complied with his demands even when I didn't have to, like when I swallowed my own spunk. It had just felt natural. I knew that I had just cum twice because of the violation but I also felt that this shouldn't feel so good. Was I a faggot? Did I like boys instead of girls? It might seem clear, now, that this was the case, but then I hadn't accepted that, yet. And when I was attacked in the shower - and liked it??

Right then I couldn't bear those internal contradictions, and knew I couldn't get back to class and see Markus again. I felt like I was going to get sick. So, I stood under it for a minute or so just lost in thought. After another minute of cold water to refresh myself, I quickly dried myself and changed into my regular clothes. But I still didn't feel right so I went to the school's secretary and asked if I could leave. I think I didn't look good either because she gave me my pass, told me that she would inform the teacher and sent me home.

My way back was like a trance. At home I collapsed onto my bed and just lay there - I don't know how long. Then slowly the events of today caught up to me and I had to face the reality. When I thought about the things Markus had done to me, how he had used me, how he had taken what he wanted, while I was not able to muster much resistance, while I even got hard. Hell, I got hard by just thinking about it. Then, I finally realized that I must be gay. That must have been the reason why my body reacted the way it did.

The more I thought about that the more it made sense. I had jerked off, thinking about other boys, before. But back then I decided that my body reacting the way it did to the must have been because I was attracted to other boys and not because of being dominated and being used. That realisation came later. I decided that I didn't want to be thrown around by Markus, I didn't want to be at his disposal whenever he wanted me to be. I would just avoid him, always stay in crowds of my classmates such that he couldn't do anything but would also not be tempted to out me to the rest of my class, or worse the school or my parents.

That was easier said than done as I wasn't that popular at school. But it worked the next couple of days until the beginning of the next week when I had to go to the restroom in a break. I hadn't even noticed that Markus had followed me but just when I had opened my trousers and pulled my dick out I was grabbed by him and turned around.

"You didn't think you could escape me, did you? I know that you truly want more of my dick and I need to let out some steam. So get on your knees." Markus said.

Then I panicked and looked around. But Markus blocked every way out, so I realized I couldn't escape. We were at the urinals and even though this specific restroom wasn't very busy usually, we could be found quite easily. I didn't want to be found by other people sucking Markus' dick. I didn't want to suck him at all, but if I had to do it (and I knew it would happen soon), it shouldn't happen so openly. When he sensed my panicked look and felt what it was about, he shoved me into an open stall and pushed me down on my knees.

"Now open my zip and get to it." He growled at me, while I felt my dick getting hard again. I knew better, now, than to touch it. Markus had made that one clear in our first encounter. And I wanted to end this quickly. I opened his jeans slowly pulled them down. He wasn't wearing any underwear, so his flaccid dick was in plain sight and then my instincts took over again.

I licked the base of his cock, then the tip, before slowly guiding it into my mouth. It seems that I took too much time because just after the tip had entered, he grabbed my head and pulled it on his dick. I quickly had to gag again but this time he didn't stop. He pushed further and shortly after he reached my throat, he pushed it all deep inside. He just held my head in position. Due to his pubic hair, I was nearly unable to breath and but what I smelled was intoxicating. He smelled like a real man full of energy and dominance. He smelled really good to me.

When he finally let go, I quickly tried to catch my breath again but quickly returned to worshipping his cock. That's really how it felt to me back then already. For me at this moment he had just the prefect dick and deep down I wanted to please him. He noticed that he hadn't make me get back on his cock.

"I knew you wanted to suck my dick and that you liked it, faggot! Go ahead and show how much you like it!" he said with a grunt.

Something in me still wanted to disagree but his smell and the taste was just overwhelming. Slowly I licked along his shaft then took it in my mouth again.

After a while just moving my head slowly and not very far, he just lost his patience again. He pressed my body against the wall of the stall, grabbed my head again and pushed his dick as far as he could into my mouth and throat. I felt my gag reflex kicking in, but he just didn't care, and just before I thought I would pass out he moved his hips back. While I tried to catch a breath, he moved forward again now fucking my face relentlessly. I barely was able to breathe but he didn't care, and I felt my cock getting really hard, pulsating against the waistband of my briefs.

He sped up even more now grunting and moaning a little. Then after a while which seemed to take forever, he pulled out almost completely then pushed it in again with a big moan. I felt his dick pulsating in my mouth shooting his load into my throat while I tried to get away, tried to catch a breath but he just held my head in place, breathing heavily and pushing his pubes into my nose. Just when I thought I would die, he slowly pulled his dick out enabling me to breathe at least through my nose.

His dick still rested in my mouth slowly getting smaller, after he shot his load. "Clean it up", he said, "and don't waste any drop. I don't wanna see any stain on my jeans!" Then I felt his shoe between my legs. "Look what we have here. You really seem to enjoy sucking my cock, cocksucker!"

I looked down and noticed that my dick was hard as can be was poking out of my still open trousers, already leaking without any stimulation. Slowly he pressed the sole of his shoe against it pressing my cock against my stomach, while I still tried to clean his cock from my spit and gulping down the last drops of his cum. They tasted really good and I wanted more of this.

"Listen, faggot, we will repeat this. Every second break you will come here get into this cubicle, get naked and on your knees and wait for me! I might come, or I might not come. But you wait here and keep the door unlocked. You don't wanna know what happens if you don't oblige. Understood?"

With that he pulled out completely still towering over me, while pressing his shoe on my cock.

"But what happens if anybody else comes in?", I tried to argue.

"I don't care. Maybe help him out as well?", he said laughing, "I know you like it, and I know you want it. Just listen to your dick! And if you're not here when I come, I might just tell everybody what a cock-sucking faggot you are..." He looked at me demandingly, and when I didn't react promptly, he continued louder "Understood?", while increasing the pressure on my dick.

"Ok." I gave in, defeated.

"Good!" he buttoned up. "Oh and one more thing, after PE, always get up to the shower late. I will want you to clean me and help me out there." Then he removed his shoe, turned around and left the cubicle and me, embarrassed, but somehow happy, alone and on my knees.

Just by touching it I came all over the floor, saving only a few drops for me. Thankfully nobody else was in the restroom as I moaned really loudly while I came. Afterwards, my erection would only slowly subside but in the end I managed to tuck my cock away and even relieve myself which was after all the reason I had come to the restroom, before I had to head back to class.

This time, after it had happened, I was much more clearheaded afterwards then the first time. I didn't feel that bad. I actually felt quite good, even though I still didn't like the way he treated me, being used like that didn't feel bad anymore. I had already accepted that my body reacted the way it did.

I didn't want to go down to that restroom every second break, get naked and wait for him on my knees. But I knew - or at least I thought - that my life would become a living hell, if my other classmates would find out, that I was gay. The times were not that accepting back then and children can be cruel, especially if you are a loner already anyway. So, what could I do?

So at the beginning of the second break of that day I made my way down to the restroom, got into the cubicle, got naked, put my clothes on the lid of the toilet, got on my knees and waited. At least the cubicle had a real handle on the door and it wasn't one of those which only really close when locked. I waited and while the minutes went by and I thought about what could happen, my dick grew harder by the second, but I didn't dare to touch it out of fear of getting caught (Not that me on my knees naked with a boner wouldn't be enough embarrassment).

I waited and waited but nothing happened. After - what seemed to be eternity - I heard the door to the restroom open, and steps coming in. I listened anxious, when I noticed that there were more than two feet, more than one person coming in. They talked to each other and got quite close, I don't remember what, but they must have been younger because their voices seemed quite high to me. I was really frightened. What would happen when one of them opened the door to my cubicle? What would they do? Would they tell?

I held my breath trying to make as few noises as I could so that they wouldn't notice that someone was in one of the cubicles. Looking back, this was quite stupid, because if they knew that I (or someone else) was occupying one stall, they wouldn't come in. I heard them pissing and joking with each other and leaving soon after.

When they were gone I let out a breath of relieve and looking down on me I noticed that I still was hard, really hard. Suddenly, the door to my stall opened and with horror on my face I looked up. But thankfully it was Markus with a grin on his face.

"I knew you would do as I say, little faggot. Too bad that it's too late now. Those two boys prevented me from coming in. But you seemed to enjoy the thrill of being almost caught!" He said pointing to my cock, which leaked a little. "Well, next time!" With that he turned around and left me alone again but not closing the door.

After I was sure he had left the room completely I quickly got up locked the door again and put my clothes back on heading back to class. Regrettably I didn't have time to jerk off before the next class started but I couldn't really concentrate on learning thinking about what could have happened when those two boys had found me.

During the next few weeks I had to suck him quite often in the restroom but when he didn't show I left quite disappointed. But I liked the shower after PE class better. There he made me clean him, soaping his body. While he rinsed the shower gel off he let me blow him or he fucked my face quite hard. But with practice I learned how to deepthroat without having to gag much.

But then, after four weeks or so had passed Markus broke his leg during PE class, and needed to stay in the hospital for almost 6 weeks. He wouldn't return to school even longer. I was both disappointed and also relived at the same time both for the same reason: Me no longer having to suck his dick.

I stopped going to the restroom immediately and tried to live my life as before. Little did I know that that wouldn't last long.

------------- End of part

I hope you liked the third part. In the next few chapters we will continue to follow the school life of our 'hero', and how he came to be the sub he is now. If you have any comments or want to help proofread it, please send me an email!

Next: Chapter 4

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