Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Aug 19, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events are purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB).

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Summary (last Chapter): After John's roommate André lost his virginity (and a lot more fucking) our hero and André are kneeling in front of John and Huy...

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

-------------------------Chapter 29-------------------------------------

I looked at the fabric John had just handed me and unfolded it. It was a full face hood made out of some synthetic fabric. It had just one opening, probably for the mouth. I looked up to John who looked back with a sarcastic smile:

"Come on, I would hurry if I were you! They should be here soon..."

I opened my mouth to say something when I realized that John must have invited even more people. I wanted to argue – on the one hand. On the other I was still so horny and I wanted more, getting fucked more, getting to suck more, finally having someone cumming deep inside of me. And I wondered who might come by. After a few moments, my eagerness won, and I pulled the fabric over my head. Indeed, there was one opening for my mouth and the fabric was a bit sheer. Even though I could still see what was going on, my face was concealed.

"I knew you would do it! Such an eager faggot... André, remember what we talked about, don't tell anyone that this faggot is Mr B, the teacher. We wouldn't want our little secret spoiled! Now turn around both of you! I want you to face our guests when they arrive!"

I bowed my head, a little bit ashamed and did as I was told. When I was done, I could feel something happening behind my back as either Huy or John grabbed my hands and put handcuffs on them. When I looked up, I could see that it had been Huy, and that John had shackled André as well. Then, Huy put a leather collar around my neck and closed it tightly. He even put a leash on, before he walked to André's bed and sat down on the edge.

"Holy shit. I'm really exhausted. That was so hot taking that cherry, John! But now I need a break!", Huy exclaimed and fell back on the bed, sighing loudly. You could tell he was happy.

"Hell yeah! That was great! Your virgin pussy was great, André. I was so looking forward to finally be able to show you the pleasures of feeling a dick deep inside of you. And I think you enjoyed it, too, didn't you?"

The boy looked up to John, nodded and answered eagerly: "It was so hot! I loved feeling your dick ... and your's too, Huy ... I will always remember it! But why did you handcuff me? I don't understand."

"Don't worry about it. It's better for you, as you don't have to think so much about what happens next. And I think it will look really cool when my boy and my faggot are kneeling next to me bound. You don't like it?"

"I don't know. I've never been so helpless. I'm afraid on the one hand, but I also trust that you know what's best for me."

"Haha, that's my boy. And don't worry! Nothing will happen to you!"

"Man, I hope the others arrive soon. I'm really thirsty right now! And I really wanna see their faces, when they get here!", Huy chimed in. Just as he said that, there was a knock on the door, and after John invited them in, it opened, and two boys entered. At first, I didn't recognize them through the fabric of the mask, but when I got a closer look I recognized them as members of the football team John was on. I wasn't their teacher this year, but if I remembered correctly, I had taught them either last year or the year before. Their names were Jacob and Nils. Between them, they carried what looked like some beer in a crate, and I couldn't help but wonder how they had smuggled it into school as alcohol was prohibited on school premises (at least for students). As they entered and looked towards John, they almost stumbled seeing us two naked on our knees.

"Woah!", both of them exclaimed before they entered the room. Jacob had black, short hair, Nils had longer dirty blond hair in curls. Both of them were in the same grade as John, but in a parallel class, so they must have been about 17 as well. Both were almost identical in height, maybe about 170cm. Nils was opening his mouth to say something when there was another knock and two other boys, this time from John's class, entered. They reacted in almost the same way as the first two boys. Those two were Emil and Michael. Emil had red hair growing wildly, Michael had black hair, not too short, but with shaved sides. He was wearing glasses. Michael was the largest of the four at almost 190 cm, while Emil had just passed the 160cm mark. When they had greeted each other, Nils finally said:

"When you told me that we would have some fun tonight, finally getting some pussy again, I was really excited. I mean, we had some fun at times when we went for games or had field trips with school... but this! Holy shit! You told us that your roommate had the hots for you, but who is this guy with the mask? And why does he have a cage around his dick? Not that I mind! I really need to put my dick into some pussy again."

"I'll explain everything when everyone is here, but this faggot's hole is worth it. In the meantime, hand me a beer. I feel kind of dehydrated after I took the boy's virgin ass."

"Yeah me too!", Huy exclaimed and the other boys joined in as well. Nils distributed the bottles. I looked at them and could see a few bulges forming. All the boys were wearing the school-issue grey sweatpants with either white or black t-shirts. A few moments later, it knocked again, and then three boys entered. When I recognized them, I had to gulp. They were all members of my volleyball team. Chris the captain, a tall (almost 190cm) athletic 18-year-old, with bleach blond hair shaped to a faux hawk. With him was Felix, the main hitter. He was 18 as well and almost the same height. He was a bit bulkier, more muscular, with black hair in a buzz cut. The last one was one of middle-blockers, Omar. He was an exchange student from Jordan, already 19, taller than all of them, at more than 2 meters, darker, and he had this macho aura about him. Chris and Felix were holding hands when they entered. They stopped as they saw me – the masked me, which I hoped they didn't recognize – and André kneeling there. Omar ran up to them, put his arms over their shoulders, and looked through between their heads laughing:

"Hey guys, I know you want me close... Whoah... hot! Two more guys to have fun with! It was the right choice to come here with you. Thanks for inviting me with you Chris."

Felix was the first one to get his speech back:

"What... the ... actual... fuck! John, when you told me to come over to have some fun and get our rocks off, I would have never guessed this. Your roommate, you told me about. But who is this guy? Holy shit. But before you answer, let me introduce Omar. Chris and I already had some fun with him and we thought he might be a good fit. I hope it was ok to bring him – not that I had much choice as our captain here had already invited him, before I could ask you!"

With that, Felix kissed Chris on the cheek, and Omar slapped his butt playfully so he snapped out of the trance he was in. But all I heard him mutter was, "Holy shit." Then he rubbed his eyes as to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Never mind. The more the merrier. When I heard that the two of you were boyfriends, I knew I had to invite you to the party to have a little group fun. Take a seat on one of the beds or grab a chair – and don't forget the beer!"

They did. Even Omar grabbed one. Chris and Felix sat close to each next to Huy other on André's bed, while Omar almost jumped onto John's placing himself between Nils and Emil. They cheered on each other, and after each took a sip, John said:

"Welcome everyone. I think everyone's here now. We're here today to celebrate that André has become a man... Hmmm no... That he has become a boy for real men, that he is no longer a virgin."

Then he put the bottle on the boy's lips and let him drink a sip, while all the others cheered him on and clapped.

"And what better way to celebrate that than a night of sex and booze? Don't you agree, André?"

The boy needed a few seconds to answer as he was gawking around, looking at all the other students. When I looked down, I saw that his small dick had gone hard again. When he realized that John had just spoken to him, he looked to his roommate and said happily:

"Yes, Sir. Thank you!"

"You see, he's really eager, but I thought I should invite another faggot to our party. I've seen him on Grindr when I really needed a hole to stuff. He's older, but he's so submissive and willing to do anything he's asked that I have used him a few times already. Then he told me that his biggest fantasy is to serve a whole bunch of students as an anonymous fucktoy. Serving everyone while being caged. I've never seen him play with his dick anyway, since he is always caged. I couldn't see any downside to inviting him over. He's even told me that he has no limits."

"And he looks really nice for a daddy! Quite athletic.", Omar chimed in, "I bet he knows how to take big dick!" With that he grabbed his junk between his legs and laughed. He seemed to have almost no inhibitions. But that was quite contagious as the other boys joined in and started to laugh.

"And let me tell you the weirdest thing. The first time I met him, he asked me to spank him, and while I did, he shot a load!"

"Whoa" "What?" "That's weird!" were some of the responses before Emil said:

"That sounds kind of hot! I really want to spank him now to see the reaction!"

"You are a horny bunch. But I'm pretty sure he's going to love it, don't you?"

I heard John stand up while he said that, and when he finished, he patted me on my head and pulled on the leash, so I almost lost my balance and fell over. I groaned as I concentrated on crawling behind him as he dragged me over to his bed. The boys seemed to interpret my groan as acknowledgement as there was some cheering afterwards. Omar said:

"Push him between my legs, so he can smell me and I can keep him quiet. I bet he loves teenage musk!"

John did as Omar asked and – as we reached the bed – guided me between the Middle Eastern boy's legs then pushed me down into his groin. Omar grabbed my hair and pulled me close. I could feel his dick rubbing through the fabric on my skin. He was not totally soft anymore yet not really hard either. But he was packing. I guessed that he was rivalling John in size and girth and I couldn't help myself but moan a little.

"Yeah, smell it fag. That's what you want, isn't it? Come on smell it, kiss the dick that's going to get fed to you, ha!", Omar exclaimed then rubbed my head along the crotch area where his dick slowly got harder and pushed against my face.

"Hey Emil, you said, you wanted to spank him. You wanna start?", John said. I felt movement on the bed as Emil got up.

"Sure, I'd love to! I always wanted to spank someone. I've wanted to do it with a paddle though, like in those old movies. You don't happen to have one by chance?"

"You're a kinky guy, haha. Sorry I don't have one. Never needed one. But I might have a wooden ruler, somewhere..."

"Yeah, that's fine too – maybe even better. That's really school-like. And I bet this fag here has been a bad boy. He deserves a spanking, doesn't he? What do you think, John?"

"Ohhh, for sure and let me tell you something: He was begging me to get punished... Wait a sec and I'll get the ruler. Does anyone else want to start in the meantime?"

"Yeah sure. I'd like to hit those cheeks while they aren't red yet. Let's see if I can get my handprint to show." Jacob said and stood up as well, as did the other boys as they gathered behind me. Just Omar remained on the bed, and he pushed me deeper into his groin. His dick seemed really hard through the fabric, and it felt massive. Maybe he was even bigger than John.

As I was contemplating this, a hand hit my left cheek hard. I jumped and pushed harder into Omar's groin. I would have screamed as well, but I couldn't as I was pressed into his sweatpants. Seconds later, another hand hit my other cheek just as hard, and I jumped again. The boys laughed because of my reaction. Then Jacob said:

"Look at those red marks. They almost look like real hands!" Then in quick succession, he hit each cheek 4 more times, not as hard as before, but it still stung. I was groaning now, trying to wiggle away, but I was held in place and couldn't move.

"Let me go next, John. That looked like fun. I never fantasized about spanking, but now I wanna try!" I heard Nils say. I felt a few smacks, accompanied by laughter from all the boys. I got buried even deeper into Omar's crotch and the jock seemed to enjoy it:

"He seems to love it as he gets closer and closer to my dick. He's almost milking me through the fabric. I can hear him groan when the slaps hit."

All of them laughed again, then I heard the André's squeaky voice:

"Can I try as well, please? I've always wanted to spank a t... someone." He recovered quickly, but almost spilled my secret. John chimed in immediately:

"It's your event, boy! Of course you can! Wait a second and I'll get those handcuffs off. Oh, and here's the ruler, Michael."

"Thank you, I'll go last. The cheeks will be even more sensitive then."

Suddenly, another set of ten slaps surprised me. I jumped, pushing even deeper into Omar's crotch, and a loud groan escaped my mouth. They laughed again as Huy said:

"This is really fun! You will love it, too, André!"

Then I felt a smaller hand on my cheeks and the boy said:

"Whoah, the skin is really hot already."

Then, he smacked it several times, harder and harder each time. He only stopped when I groaned again.

"Haha, that is fun!"

"Yeah, it is! There is nothing better than a smooth ass to spank. I bet you want me to spank you, too, sometime. And we'll have some fun with that in the future. But let me show you something else first," John said. Then he grabbed my balls and pulled them back.

"Ha!, I told you this guy really loves getting spanked. He's total wet and leaking down there. I bet there is a puddle below him already. His balls are totally wet. Go ahead, boy, and slap his balls from above. This guy is totally into that kind of play!"

When the slap came, the force of it really surprised me, and I yelped through the fabric of Omar's sweatpants. André added a few more slaps before I felt a rougher hand slapping my balls around too. Then John let go of my balls. Everything back there was hurting now, and there were even more to go.

"Look at that. Our little boy here seems to enjoy spanking! His little dicklet has gotten hard just by slapping. But I guess we all have that problem, don't you agree faggot?", I heard Omar say which was supported by acknowledging grunts from the other students. Then John said:

"Who's next?"

I heard Michael say: "This isn't for me. But I wanna be first to push my dick deep down his hole while he is still red and squirming."

Then I heard Felix tell Chris: "Come on let's do it together, each of us can take one cheek!"

"Oh yeah, that sounds fun. Maybe we could even use them like a drum and play something."

That made everyone laugh again as everyone settled into abusing me. The two boys from my team really did what they had said and used my cheeks as a drum while they sang a silly tune and everyone joined in. It didn't really hurt, but the skin was so sensitive already that I struggled anyway. I started jumping and yelping with every slap, which prompted even more laughs. When they were done, I finally got some reprieve as they were still laughing their asses off.

"He doesn't sound so bad..." "Maybe you should start a band..." were a few of the comments. The laughing was almost contagious, and even I had to laugh a bit. But my sensitive cheeks and the hard dick pushing against my face were a reminder of my situation.

Then suddenly, I heard something swoosh through the air and a sharp pain shot through my body as the ruler hit my butt. I jumped up from the pain as it came as a total surprise and really stung. But Omar seemed to be prepared as he had totally locked my head in his crotch so I couldn't get away. After my body had relaxed a bit, four more hits came down on my cheeks in quick succession. It hurt so much, but weirdly, I also felt a tingle in my gut, almost as if my body liked it.

"Holy shit there are real stripes on his ass right now..."

"That must have hurt..."

I heard two people say this, but the pain prevented me from even recognizing the voices. Then Omar pulled my head up, looked into my eyes and said:

"Did you enjoy that faggot? You want a reward? I'm so horny watching you get spanked and feeling your breath in my crotch that I got you a big bone!"

I could only groan as a response as I was still recovering from the pain in my rear.

"I thought so! Is that a tear of joy?" He let go of my head again, so it fell on the bed. He then moved up above me and pulled his pants down. I heard some gasps in the room. John exclaimed, "Bro, what a tool!" before Omar got back down on the bed and pulled my head back up so I could see the monster he was packing. And it was a monster: olive skinned, cut, at least 9'' long and really thick. Yet, it wasn't even totally hard. It was framed by a thick black bush of pubic hair. Even his abs had some fine black hair on them. He was by far the manliest guy of the entire group.

"Lick my sweaty balls, and then I'll feed you the dick you desire!"

He pushed my face against his balls, and, overwhelmed by the entire situation, I started to lick his big, hanging, hairy balls. He groaned a little, and slowly pulled my head along his shaft so I can lick it. When I reached the tip, he pulled it up so I could look him into his eyes.

"You want that dick, don't you?"

"Ahhhh, please!", I moaned, nodding my head. I needed dick, and his was so gorgeous, thick, long and with a perfect shape.

"I knew it!", he exclaimed. He pushed his dick straight up with his other hand and slowly dropped me on his dick. I happily opened my mouth as the tip touched my lips. He pushed me over the glans and slowly but steadily along the shaft. I had to open my mouth completely to take the girth of his dick. It was so firm and hard that I really started to struggle when the tip hit my throat. But Omar didn't wait. He pushed my head deeper and deeper until my nose touched his curly black pubic hair. I felt my throat trying to contract around the shaft, trying to gag, but I was completely filled.

"That feels so good. Your throat is massaging my dick. You have a real skilled throat. Not everyone is able to take my dick on the first try. It's been a while. Chris couldn't take it that easily. Now, I really want to feel your pussy and ram my dick deep inside of you!"

As Omar said this, Michael jumped in and said: "But first, it's my turn!" I heard some rustling and movement behind me before my ass cheeks were pulled apart and, in one hard movement, a dick was shoved into me. A groan escaped through my nose as the 7'' dick opened me up again. He wasn't gentle. Just like the teenage boy he was, he took what he needed and moaned as my sphincter started to massage his dick. Since he was fully penetrating me, I felt my ass burning a bit as his hips slammed against the red skin. As he fucked my ass, he said:

"What a nice pussy. Soft and tight at the same time. It was a great idea to invite him to this session, John!"

"Yeah, I thought it would be a great idea to have him over, and he jumped at the opportunity to serve us. And now, it's time to have some real fun, don't you agree, André?"

All the students cheered, and there was more rustling as I heard the boys strip. A few seconds later, someone got onto the bed next to Omar. When Omar pulled my head back up – thankfully, as the dick in my throat had prevented me from breathing and I was starting to get lightheaded – I glanced over and saw Nils stark naked, a blond treasure trail of curled hair running up his abs, his 6'' cut dick resting on them visibly erect.

"Hey John, can you uncuff him so he can put his hands to good use? He really wants it by the way he looks at me!" he said as he saw my eyes eying his body. I heard movement, and then the cuffs clicked just as Omar pushed me on his dick again. I had to shake my arms a little after to get the blood flowing again after the stress position they had been in. Then my left arm, almost automatically, went up along Nils thighs to where I had seen his dick. When I found it, I started to stroke it slowly. At that moment, Michael started to slowly fuck me while Omar made my mouth a true fleshlight by pulling me up and down his shaft. Being able to feel dick inside of me again and please these guys felt so good after the spanking, and I finally turned my brain off and just focused on pleasing all of them.

After a while of deep throating Omars big dick, he pulled me up and pushed my head over to Nils' dick. I eagerly started to suck it while I used my hand to slowly jerk the Arab boy's wet dick. Not much later, Michael sped up his fucking and he dropped the first load of the night deep inside of me. Seconds later, Nils grabbed my head and started to fuck my face forcefully, while Michael was still resting and panting in my ass. Nils started to scream "I'm cumming! Take my load!" He pushed me deep toward his lap as his pulsating dick shot rope after rope into my throat.

--------------------------End chapter 29-----------------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor" and my other new Editor "J", who helped proofread this chapter. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 30

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