Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Apr 2, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary (last Chapter): Sunday was a little lighter, now John had just been running with our hero, then guided him in front of his room and let him wait there naked...

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

--------------------Chapter 27--------------------------

Flabbergasted I stood there, naked, alone in front of the door to John's room. I had no chance to hide here, no way to get back to my room – not even a spare towel to hide my privates – and with no idea when John would let me enter. I looked right and left again, then pressed my back on the door, to be hidden by its frame at least a bit, then covered the cage, hoping that nobody would come by. I was anxious, but at the same time I felt this weird rush that maybe someone would come by and make fun of me or use me. I knew my exhibitionist tendencies, but I had always been afraid to live them. But now, after a bit more than two weeks of being under John's thumb, of being used by him– and what ... maybe trained – I had become more and more the exposed faggot John had seen in me. When I looked down at myself I noticed that I had removed my hands from my groin exposing my cage, almost proud to show it.

Just as this thought entered my mind, I felt the door open and I heard John's voice:

"Get in here, faggot!"

I stumbled inside backwards, and only after I was inside, I turned around. What I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. John was sitting in an armchair, facing me. He was leaning back, and he had removed his shirt, but as far as I could tell, he was still wearing his shorts, socks and shoes. He looked like a king on his throne, really laid back. He looked so hot with his chiselled abs glistening with sweat after our workout. But what flustered me completely was the figure between his legs. It was the small back of a boy on his knees. He was naked but for tight white briefs, his head buried in John's groin, one of John's hands holding onto the blond hair, so the boy couldn't get up. John himself was grinning at me as I looked at the scene in front of me and I said:

"What the fuck..."

Then I slowly backed up, trying to reach the door, while my head was spinning. This must be John's roommate as the rooms were always occupied by students of different ages, usually two to three years apart. Suddenly, I felt myself run into another body behind me. One that was naked and with a hard dick pushing against my ass. I looked back and saw Huy blocking my way to the door. He grinned at me and just shook his head "No." I stopped and looked back to John who finally started to talk:

"Are you jealous already? Don't worry. You will still be able to serve me in the future! But let me introduce you: This is André, my roommate. And he is also eager to be my boy, to serve me. You see, he recognized you during your first task, when you were kneeling in that restroom naked – and he stole your underwear to prove to me that I could trust him. So, as a surprise for him, I invited you over to suck me off while he watched pretending to be asleep. He was so hard that night when he presented himself to me after you had left. I let him lick off the few drops of cum that you hadn't swallowed because he begged me to. You see ... ever since then, he's told me that he wants to serve me, feel my dick inside of him. Isn't that right, André?"

From below I heard a muffled:

"Yes, John!"

It was accompanied by a moan obviously of ecstasy. André hadn't moved at all while John was talking. I had heard muffled moans all the while, deep inhales coming from the young boy. My eyes had grown bigger and bigger while John talked and he wasn't done, yet:

"You see, Mr B. I allowed him to suck on my balls while I jerked off, but he has such a frail frame that I was afraid I would break him and that he wouldn't be able to take it. But you are a teacher, after all, and you are the most cock-hungry person I know, you long to take the biggest dicks, and you know how to handle those. I thought you could teach him how to take dicks like mine, dicks of true alphas. So, get down on your knees and show him how to be a good little boy for men!"

With that, I felt Huy's hands on my shoulders. He started to push me down, and I offered little to no resistance. While I was still trying to grasp what was happening here, I felt Huy's hard cock running up along my spine. There was André between John's legs, sniffing his groin. André who had seen me exposed, who had watched while I had sucked John off. And John wanted me to teach him how to suck cock, how to take it, and how to be a bottom, a sub – maybe even more. I didn't know how old André was, but he couldn't be older than 14.

"John? What ...", my voice trailed off while I tried to sort out my thoughts. On the one hand, I was horny. I wanted to please John, wanted to play with his dick and with Huy's dick. To be their slave for the night. At the same time, I felt a little jealous to have to share them with André. I also didn't want to teach him, a boy who must have only just started puberty. I wasn't into boys at all, and I didn't want him to become an object for John's needs at this age.

"Come on here. André is an eager student, I promise you. And I don't think you want me to open him up without your guidance, do you? So, show him how to be the best boy. He wants to learn, don't you?"

Again, a muffled answer: "Yes John. I want to learn how to take your big dick!"

Then, Huy pushed me forward, and I fell on all fours. What could I do? It was clear that John would not budge. And wasn't it better that I guided André for – what I had to assume was – his first time, especially with the monster John was packing. So, I resigned myself to my fate, bowed my head down, and started to crawl towards John. As I did that, John pulled André's head up and told him:

"Watch: That's how a true faggot behaves when he approaches real men. Naked and crawling! Now, boy, get to my right side and follow Mr B.'s lead. And you," he said in my direction, "show me how much you love my sweaty body and clean my feet!"

When I finally arrived at the armchair John was sitting on, he stretched his legs out so his feet were easily accessible. His musk of sweat and testosterone made me slip completely into my submissive mindset and all other thoughts and concerns just slipped away. All that mattered was pleasing John and Huy. So I bowed down at his foot and kissed the shoe. The smell got even better; it almost drove me mad. After a few seconds, I took his foot in my hand and slowly loosened the shoelaces. In my peripheral vision, I noticed that André followed my lead eagerly. When the shoelaces were loosed, I slowly pulled the shoe off and put it behind me. Before I could reach for the sock, though, John told me to open my mouth and pushed his foot inside. It tasted awful, but at the same time, the smell intoxicated me. When he slowly withdrew his foot, I carefully grabbed the fabric with my teeth and pulled back to let the sock slide off his foot. Carefully, I took it out of my mouth and put it on the ground.

I noticed that André was struggling a bit with getting the sock off. I now had better view of him. He didn't seem to have any hair on him. There was no treasure trail growing out of his briefs. They also didn't seem to be very full, but there was a wet spot at the tip of the bulge. He seemed to be enjoying this treatment. His blue eyes had a spark in them, and he looked happy that he was finally allowed to serve – I guessed – even though he struggled. Finally, he was able to pull the sock off, and he playfully presented it to John. He even shook his head like a dog, which prompted John to laugh. I felt another spark of jealousy, pushing me to do better.

So, I started to lick John's toes, beginning by taking the big one into my mouth. As I started cleaning them, I heard John moan, and pride shot through me. Eagerly, I continued, taking my time with every toe and then licking along the top and bottom of his foot. I was so focussed on my job that I looked up in surprise when he pulled his foot away and put it on the ground. He had crossed his hands behind his head, showing us his armpits with his velvety blond hair. They were still a little wet.

"Get up here and smell and taste a real man, boy and faggot... hmmm ... yeah, that's what you each will be called from now on!"

I crawled up, then straightened myself a little, and ran my tongue along the side of his upper body until I reached his armpits, all the while looking at André. He looked like he didn't enjoy it that much. Well, he would get used to it. The musk was mind-blowing. Licking and smelling his feet had already almost completely put me in my sub-space, but now I was just his toy ready to do everything he wanted me to. I liked the salty armpits, cleaning them, smelling them, tasting them, getting almost lost in them. I had closed my eyes when I got to his armpits to enjoy everything even more intensely. Sometimes I exhaled loudly, almost moaning. And I heard John snicker as I did so.

After a while, I felt John starting to move, and I opened my eyes just as he moved his arms down and stood up. I was right at crotch level, though André was shorter. I looked up at John who was looking down at us as he said:

"Well done, boy and faggot! Now, get in front of me! And boy, you need to be really attentive. Watch the faggot carefully to learn how to become a good cocksucker! And you: go ahead. You know what you need to do!"

Deep down, I knew this was getting out of hand, but I just could not help myself. He had me totally under his spell, and I just needed to please him. I looked up at him while I crawled in front of him, a little bit turned so that I was facing towards André who had crawled up as well. He was so scrawny that you could see his rib cage. There really weren't any hairs on his body as far as I could see. He had blue eyes and a delicate face. He looked at me with big open eyes that had an eager spark in them. As he looked me in the eye, he almost squeaked:

"Please, Mr B. Please teach me how to please and take big dicks of real men."

I looked at André flabbergasted. I hadn't expected to hear him say something like that. But John laughed as he heard it – I could also hear Huy snicker:

"Did you hear that, Mr B? He wants you to be his teacher. He is eager to learn what you can teach him. Come on, go ahead, give him first hand experience on how to be a good cocksucker!"

I looked at André, and he seemed to be really earnest in his desire to learn. He had even started to rub his underwear a little while he looked at me and the big tent which had formed in John's running shorts. I had already noticed that the jock wasn't wearing any underwear while we were running, since his dick had been flopping around noticeably and had even drawn some attention from passers-by. Now, it was pointing straight out, forming a huge tent that even lifted the waistband of his shorts from his skin. When I looked at it, I grunted a little, and the little that was left of my crumbling resistance vanished. And all I could say was:

"Yes Sir!"

Then I moved my head forward and kissed the thick snake through the fabric. I took in the smell, the testosterone mixed with sweat, and moaned again. I looked at André and motioned him to follow my lead, but when he didn't react, I pulled him closer. Then he, without hesitation, kissed the shaft as well and copied my moves. Moving our tongues and lips along the fabric, we both grabbed the waistband and slowly pulled it down, catching the dick in the waistband. When the waistband finally came loose, John's dick jumped out of the shorts and, like a spring, bobbed up and down. A small drop of pre cum had formed on its tip, which I quickly licked off. André moved his head got closer to the cock as well. I put my lips on the foreskin covering his glans, and André followed and put his on the other side. We were really close now and our lips and noses almost touched. I could feel that he was in heat – as was I.

I used my tongue and lips to pull the foreskin back a bit on my side, and André followed suit. I buried my nose in the pubic hair and sucked on the base of the cock before I ran my mouth further down along his ballsack, where I started to suck on them. While we were busy servicing John, I heard Huy exclaim:

"Holy shit, that looks so hot. Two cocksuckers on their knees eager to worship you, and you, like their god, standing there! Wish I was in your place!"

"Yeah, ... it ... is ... great! Ohhhhhhhhh!", John moaned in reply.

But those words barely registered on the back of my mind. I was too focussed on pleasing John. As we were both sucking on John's balls, I motioned André to stay down there, while I moved my head back up and along the shaft to the tip. Then I used one hand to pull the foreskin back. I started to lick along the outline of the glans, kissed the tip, and licked the entire glans. John was moaning louder now, and I felt his hand run through my hair. I didn't want to wait any longer and need to feel his dick inside of me. I let the foreskin slide back before I put my lips on it and pushed my heads slowly forward.

"Hey boy. Look at what the faggot is doing. Watch closely and learn how to take such big dicks."

I noticed movement as André got off his balls but stayed close and on his knees to see what I was doing. But now it was time to focus on what I was longing for the entire day: John's big dick. I started slowly, wanting to enjoy it even longer. I started by moving my head back and forth in small movements in a wave like motion, taking in a little bit more each time. I closed my eyes to fully let my submissive side take over. When I got as much as would fit in my mouth, I didn't go any further. I pleasured maybe half the shaft for a while, gently blowing it. John had grabbed my head tenderly and had run his fingers through my hair in pace with my rhythm. But after a while, he grabbed my hair and pulled me off. I groaned and looked up to him questioningly, wondering if I had done anything wrong. But he ignored me and told André:

"Boy! I think it's time for you to try what the faggot just did. Come on, get closer!"

`Really? He pulled me off while I was so focussed on pleasuring him?', I thought to myself. A little jealous, I saw that John turned a little to face André, pointing his gorgeous cock away from me and straight towards the other's mouth. André gulped when he saw the wet dick pointing at him, anxious to finally be able to taste it. He looked up to John, and then licked his lips before he moved his head closer to the dick. John held my head so I had to look while André nibbled a little bit on the foreskin and then slowly pushed it back with the help of his lips. He seemed to copy what I had done. But he couldn't open his mouth enough to get the entire glans in. André was struggling already and had to pull off a little.

"Relax, André, and breathe through your nose!", John told him as I watched, hoping that he would let me take his dick again. André pushed forward and got a little further, but I could see that the boy was struggling. He pulled back again. After a few more futile tries, I exclaimed:

"Breathe and think of it like a big lolly. Relax and don't fight it!"

I lost patience because there was no progress. I crawled forward on my knees a little, pushed the back of his head, and held it so he couldn't pull back. I murmured "relax, relax!" to try to calm him. At first, I felt the pressure of him trying to push back, but after a while, he finally relaxed. Regardless, it was clear that John's dick was just too big for him. His jaw was locked open as much as possible, yet he only barely got to the end of the glans.

"That's it, breathe through your nose, and enjoy the big dick inside your mouth. I'm going to let you pull back a little, then we'll push a bit further to get the entire glans in. Just remember to relax your jaw and everything will work out. Ok?", I told André and let him move back a little. He looked at me pleadingly, and I hoped that it was because he wanted to learn, not because he had enough. Looking down at the tent in his crotch made me realize that he was eager to feel more of John's big dick inside of him. I carefully put my other hand on André's throat, letting it rest there without any pressure so I would feel if he was about to gag. Then, I slowly pushed the head further on the dick. When it was about as far in as the last time, I felt a little resistance. But with a whispered "Relax," I could push him a little further so the entire glans was in. I even worked a bit of the shaft in before his throat started to contract and he gagged. I didn't let him pull back until the gagging subsided. Then, I released the pressure and let him pull back – but not as far as the last time.

"Well done! Now, breathe through your nose again and use your tongue on the glans while you get used to it. You can even jerk his dick a little with your hand while you play with the glans. Just don't let go of it.", I told him. He followed my instructions and tenderly grabbed John's dick and jerked it while I felt him working the glans. He let go when I pushed on his head again. André was focussed on John's dick, and I felt that he was barely aware of else in the world anymore. Oh, how I knew and loved that feeling. This time, I pushed him almost as far as before I let him pull back, just to push him back forward again. Back and forth, he started to suck on the enormous cock in his mouth, guided by me. With each wave, he got to the point where he almost gagged before moving back. After a few minutes, John pushed my hands away and started to guide André's movement himself. Then suddenly, he held the head still while André was just about to go down on his cock again. He looked at André:

"Your lips feel so soft and great. Now, relax and show what you have learned from our faggot teacher over here."

And with that, he slowly started to fuck the pretty mouth of his fellow student. At first, he went gently with only small movements, but with each thrust, he pushed in a bit further. Not long after, I saw that André was struggling, but he tried to relax as much as possible. John was moaning again. He didn't push further in, because he felt the struggle, but he picked up his pace. I could tell that, now that he was not controlling the blowjob, André was forgetting to breathe. Then, when John pushed in, his entire body convulsed and he started to gag heavily. Immediately, John pushed him off and let him go so that he could recover. He was gagging and coughing heavily, but after a while he collected himself, looked up to John pleadingly, and said:

"I'm sorry I couldn't handle it better, John, but it's just so big!"

John grinned and looked down at him pleased, and told him:

"Don't worry. You did quite well for a first try. But you know `practice makes perfect.' Maybe you should practice with a small-er cock. But before you hone your skills on Huy, have a look what a pro-cocksucker can do!"

With that he turned around, grabbed my head, aimed, and pushed his dick into my mouth and down my throat in one forceful movement. Surprised, I struggled at first, but John's grip held and I couldn't do anything about it. Yet, I felt myself starting to gag because I was unprepared, and I tried to supress it. I felt my lips touching John's pubic hair as he held me in place to get adjusted to the cock. At the same time I could hear Huy clear his throat.

"You see! Even though I surprised him, he is barely gagging and he has taken all nine inches of my dick without any resistance. Come closer and feel his throat!" – I could hear some shuffling and then I felt a small soft hand touching my skin – "Can you feel my dickhead inside? Wait until I start to move! It will be even clearer then!"

With that John started to move his hips backwards until he pulled maybe half of his dick out of my throat and then pushed back in completely. He did it slowly, one thrust after another.

"Wow! John. That's so cool! I can feel you pushing his throat open, him getting thicker when you push it in. I wish I could do that as well. But it's so hard."

"Yeah, I know. But eventually, you will get there! As you can see, it's quite possible to take everything... Hey Huy, get over here. Now it's your turn to join in! Let the boy practice his skills on your cock. Maybe he will be able to take yours!", John said, and I felt André and Huy move and the hand leave my throat. André turned to face the other direction as Huy stood close to him facing John. I could barely see anything as John was still fucking my face, slowly but steadily.

I heard Huy whisper: "Finally! I was barely able to contain myself watching the three of you!"

John seemed to have heard that since he responded: "Hey! I know you're horny. But take it slow. Let him practice the things he has just learned. He's still a rookie cocksucker!" He was more protective than I would have expected, as if he knew that André needed to have fun to stay interested. That was so different from when he had first dominated me. Huy grumbled a bit, but I knew that he would follow John's orders.

I was shoulder to shoulder with André, but we were facing different directions so I could not see much. However, I could feel him moving his body, his hands reaching for Huy's dick, as John fucked my mouth. As Huy started to moan, I guessed that the André's tender lips were starting their work. And I must have been right, because not long after, I felt his body tense. He must have been about to gagging. Then, I heard him coughing as he pulled out, but soon after, he started again. I was so focussed on the movements to my left, that I barely noticed the dick pumping in and out of my mouth. John must have noticed too, as suddenly he stopped and pushed me off his dick. I almost fell backwards, but he held me and scolded me:

"Hey faggot. I know you want to help him learn, but your focus should be on the dick in front of you!"

He spit in my mouth, slapped me with his dick twice on each side, then pushed his dick back in to fuck my throat for real this time. I barely had enough time to get enough air in between thrusts, but he didn't care. His thrusts were merciless and fast, so I could only focus on him. He didn't do it for long though. As soon as he was sure that he had made his point, he stopped again. Then, to my surprise, he pulled me with him as he sat back down and told me:

"Now, take good care of my dick. But don't make me cum yet. I just want to enjoy your warm mouth for a while."

With that, he let go of my head and stretched his arms out behind his head, waiting for me to serve him. He was right. I hadn't really taken care of him. I had been weirdly focused on guiding André and thinking about his development. It was the first time that I hadn't really focused on John's dick when it was in front of me since he had made me his bitch. Now that the younger student was not next to me anymore, I was again completely enthralled by John's musk and dick, which was still deep inside of me. I pulled back a little and started to slowly lick along the glans. I alternated between licking his cock and occasionally deep throating it. John seemed to enjoy it. I most certainly enjoyed sucking his dick. I was finally able to feel it without interruption, without distraction. I took my time, careful not to get him too close, as he had ordered me. After a while, I heard Huy exclaim, already a little short of breath:

"Wow! Your roommate is a quick learner. He can take my dick almost completely already, almost with no gagging! You want me to push the last few centimetres? Want to feel it deep?"

I heard something muffled before Huy said: "Ok, remember to relax!" Not long after, I heard gagging, a body moving, then coughing, as Huy exclaimed: "Yeah you got it. Not for long, but that will come in time. Your throat felt so good, so tight. You'll get used to it, and your dick loved it. Look, there is a small wet spot!"

"I bet it felt good opening his throat up. I felt it when I pushed in before - so firm and tight!"

While John said that, he moved to grab my head again. Suddenly, he started to pump his cock into my throat really fast and forcefully. His breathing was getting faster as he used my mouth as a fleshlight. I felt that he was getting really close and was eager to taste his cum. Finally, he pushed me hard off his dick so that I fell backwards. He called out:

"Hey come here, boy, and get your reward for such eagerness!"

In a flash, André turned around and crawled over to John's crotch so quickly that he almost fell over me. I watched in disbelief as he took John's now pulsating dick in his mouth. He had almost no problems taking half the cock now, and he started slowly moving his mouth up and down. In no time at all, John moaned loudly and then grabbed André's head, pushing it further down his shaft. André was bucking and gagging. John's dick, almost three quarters in his throat, was pulsating as it shot load after load into his throat. Jealously, I watched the orgasm, sitting on my bare ass after having been pushed aside. I could see that André struggled to take all the cream. Some of it was running out of the corner of his mouth. André was trying to pull away because of the thick and creamy cum shooting down his throat, hut he was overwhelmed by John's sheer strength holding his head to his cock.

"Yesssssssssssssssss... Take it all. Take my load, boy. O god, your tender lips and tight throat drive me crazyyyyyyyyyyy..." John moaned. Damn it. I wanted that load. So, as soon as John let go of André's head and his dick was no longer in the younger boy's mouth, I jumped at my chance and took that dick between my lips and started to lick it to get at least some remnants of John's fresh and salty cream. All the while, André was coughing, gulping down all the precious cum, wiping up drops which had run out of his mouth with his finger and licking it eagerly.

"Such a desperate faggot. You truly only run on my cum, heh? Don't worry. You might get some later. I'm still so horny, so there will be many more rounds tonight. Huy, get yourself a chair. The boy needs more practice, and we need to prepare him for tonight's main event."

With that, I heard some movement, and I looked up, finally letting go of John's wet dick, which hadn't even gone half soft. Huy moved the chair in front of John and sat on it. His dick was pointing upwards, glistening from saliva and precum, already red and pulsating a bit.

"How did you find my cum, boy? Getting it shot down your throat for the first time? You liked it, boy?", John addressed André, when Huy had finally settled down. I looked to him, and he seemed to be really content. He was grinning, and the wet spot on his tighty whities had become even bigger. He laughed happily in response and said:

"Thank you, John. I loved it. But I really need more practice until I can take your cock completely."

"Well. The evening has only just gotten started. So crawl to Huy. He might want to give you some as well, if you suck him as deeply and as eagerly as you did me. But take your time, and treat his dick right!"

André obeyd immediately and crawled on all fours over to Huy. He kneeled between Huy's legs, where he started to first lick Huy's balls. Then, he ran his tongue along the hard shaft and took the glans in his mouth. He already arched his back and pushed the small frame of his ass, still covered in the white fabric of his underwear, out. I watched him, not really knowing what was happening and why I was left out when a snap of John's finger brought me out of my trance:

"Hey faggot. Don't just stare over there. You need to prep him. He's going to loose his virginity today. I promised him that. And your job will be to prep his hole. So, crawl over there get him out of his underwear. Grease his hole, so I can open him up!"

I looked at John, and then looked at André's small frame, and then back at John. As I started to protest, he said:

"Come on. He wants it, I want it, and the better you prepare him, the less it will hurt – him. Maybe I will even fuck you while you lick his hole to open him up!"

That promise was enough for me. I needed my hole filled, and my brain had long stopped caring about the consequences of what I did this evening. As I turned around, I could see that John was reaching for his phone, which he had apparently left on the chair. I crawled over to André, ran my hands along his spine, and pushed them between the elastic strap of the briefs. I ran my right hand along his hip to his dick, which was pulsating with his heartbeat, and the tip was really wet. I realized that it wouldn't take much stimulation if he wanted to cum. I could feel that there was almost no hair on his pubic area, and his dick was not very thick but was longer than my hand. I pushed it down and, at the same time, pulled his underwear down to his knees. There was an audible moan when the dick slapped out of the constricting fabric into freedom. Immediately, André reached down for his dick. Without thinking, I slapped the hand away and told him:

"If you really want to become a good cocksucker, you focus only on the dicks presented to you!"

When I realized what I had done, I gulped. John and Huy laughed, while André's hand moved back up to Huy's thighs, following my orders.

"Yeah, train him to be as good a faggot as you are!" I heard John say. I had to close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath. I had moved really close to André, so as I bent my head down to André's ass, I had to move a little backwards. At the same time, I ran my tongue along his back, making him tense at first, and then relax. Finally, I was on all fours, my hand on his ass cheeks. They looked so soft, yet firm, and I just couldn't help myself. I playfully bit in his right cheek. I heard him giggle – muffled as he was still working on Huy's dick. He, obviously, was enjoying himself. Before going further, I pulled his underwear off completely and threw it away. I could see sweat in his ass crack, so I continued my journey with my tongue, pushing both cheeks apart with my hands and running my tongue all along the crack. It was a bit salty, yet completely free of hairs.

As I reached the rosebud, I licked it a up and down a little and could feel him shiver. It felt so firm and tight, and I knew that it had never been opened up from this side. But before I explored it more, I ran my tongue even further down along the perineum as far as I could go. Then, I ran my tongue up again, ready to rim him and relax his hole a bit. I kissed it, then let my tongue play around its edges, getting closer and closer to the centre. As I arrived at his hole, I pushed it with the tip of my tongue, but it wouldn't give. As I pushed harder, I could feel his body tense up from the unknown intrusion. I pushed even harder when I felt him retracting. Then, I pulled back.

"I know I've said this a couple of times already, but you really need to relax. Believe me, it will be so much fun when your hole opens and I can prepare you. I promise that it won't hurt if you relax. But, the more you clench, the more it will hurt later. I promise I'll be careful."

As I looked up, I could see that he had stopped blowing Huy. His arms were really tense, and his breathing was short and laboured. When he finally calmed himself down, he pushed himself off Huy's dick, looked at me with anxious eyes, and nodded:

"Ok I will try. What... What you did there felt so good, yet so weird at the same time."

He looked down at me but didn't turn around again. So, I pushed my face back between his cheeks. Again, I played with the sphincter to relax him. When I got to his hole, I still felt resistance, but not as much, so I pushed my tongue in, slowly, each time pulling back a bit when I felt more resistance. After a while, he relaxed even more when he realized that the tongue didn't hurt him. I could hear André moan: "Oh God... that feels so good."

At the same time, Huy was getting impatient. He reminded André: "Hey, here's a dick that you still need to take care of!" I could feel André's body moving, and I felt it tense up again. But then, he started to move his body rhythmically again, obviously sucking on Huy's tool. I didn't care. I was in heaven, rimming that virgin hole. It tasted so fresh and clean. The muscles massaged my tongue while I slowly played with the sphincter. I slowly fucked his hole with my tongue, and when I felt it relax enough, I pulled out which was followed by a groan. I pushed my index finger in my mouth and wet it with spit before I ran it along his crack. André tensed up again, but soon relaxed when I put my mouth against his sphincter, licking it, while I slowly pushed the first finger in.

Even though I had rimmed his hole for quite some time, the finger was met with quite some resistance. Yet, more spit and my tongue helped to slowly push through and open him up. Finally, I was through, and a loud moan escaped André's mouth as he started to shiver uncontrollably. His body tensed and I felt his hips buck. Then, I realised André was having an orgasm. I reached between his legs with my other hand, and indeed, he was shooting his load. I collected some of it on my hand. The trembling André was also too much for Huy, who suddenly exclaimed:

"Oh my god, that's so hot... Oh god I'm cumming! Take my load boy! Take it!"

With that, I felt André being pulled away from me a bit. I was grinning inside, happy that I had made the boy cum when I pushed my finger in. Now, I started to slowly push my finger in and out, with my mouth still between his ass cheeks, licking around his hole. Each time I pushed my finger in, he jerked a little, and a few more drops of cum fell onto my hand. Soon, he was struggling though, as Huy had pushed his dick as deep into his throat as he could, while his pulsating dick shot his load into the boy's stomach. André was struggling to breathe, but Huy was oblivious in his orgasmic bliss and did not let go of the boy's head. I could feel André's movements getting slower, and just as I pulled my head back to say something, John got up and sternly admonished Huy:

"Let go, Huy, or the boy might pass out. Remember, he's not as an experienced whore as our faggot here!"

As I looked up, I could see that Huy had closed his eyes, but they snapped open the moment John started speaking. His hands, which had been pressing the boy's head into his crotch, let go. André's pulled his head off immediately. He was coughing, yet, at the same time, he was pushing himself deeper on my index finger. It almost felt like he wanted to fuck himself with it, as he was moving up and down on it a little. I wasn't sure if that was on purpose though. I, on the other hand, used this chance to pull my other hand back and licked the almost clear cum off of it. It tasted sweeter than Huy's cum and wasn't as strong.

John who had seen that, laughed and told me:

"You're such a cum-hungry bitch, still fucking my boy with your finger while eating what he gave you. But before we're going to pop his cherry, it's time for a demonstration, don't you think? That's what you were waiting for, right?"

I looked up at him. He was now standing right by my side, his dick pointing up and looking so gorgeous that I couldn't wait to feel him inside. I hurried and pulled my finger out, which was followed by a soft groan from André. I turned around on all fours so that my ass faced John and said:

"Yes, Sir. I really need your big dick deep inside of me. Please!"

I could hear his soft laughter as John kneeled behind me.

--------------------------End chapter 27---------------------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor" and my other new Editor "J", who helped proofread this chapter. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 28

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