Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Feb 5, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary (last Chapter): A hot threesome session with John and Huy in the library with two load from each...

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

-------------------Chapter 26----------------------------------

I barely listened to John, but even if I did, I wouldn't have cared. In that moment, he was totally right. I wasn't thinking about my position or anything else. All that mattered were the dicks in front of me.

"And it seems he can't get enough. Holy shit! I mean, when you told me that he was your bitch, I couldn't believe it. He always seemed so ... I don't know ... manly and strong. But then you showed me how he served you in the shower, and you even let me film it. I believed it more then, but I was really convinced that he was as submissive as you said when he barely resisted on Friday when I tortured and used him. He even seemed to enjoy it. Back then, he had no choice being bound, but that he would be willing to serve us here, publicly... You trained him well." Huy said even laughing a little. You could hear that he was happy and exhausted.

"I think he always was this submissive bitch. After all, I found him with his dick locked in the lockerroom. He was so stupid that he doesn't even know where the keys are. He needs someone who brings out his submissive side and reminds him that this is who he is... Come on bitch take my balls in your mouth and clean them thoroughly!"

This command was a little surprising but I had stopped licking to listen and he must have grown impatient. I quickly followed his order and started to slurp on his balls, which was followed by a soft moan and a pat to my head which made me kind of proud.

They talked for a while with me between John's legs when suddenly Huy said:

"Shit. Lunch is almost over and I'm really hungry. We almost played too long! We need to go!"

With that, John pulled my head out of his crotch and stood up.

"Ok Mr B. You did good today. That milking really made you more submissive and receptive. But remember, you need to do as I tell you! Understood?"

He was now standing right above me and was holding my head so I looked up to him. There was only one answer and this time I really meant it:

"Yes, Sir!"

"Good!", with that, he let go of my head, pulled his sweatpants up and pulled his shirt back on. When I looked back, I saw that Huy had also dressed himself. I was still naked and on my knees when John walked past me after he had grabbed their books and study material and said:

"Let's go! I'm hungry as hell." Then he turned to me and told me: "You were a good boy today and served us well. For now, you can whore yourself out as much as you like, as long as you tell me who shot his load into you. Have them take a picture if possible. And if someone wants to use you, you better let them, bitch!"

Then they turned around and walked off, laughing and joking with each other, not waiting for my answer. When their voices were gone, I slowly came to myself and suddenly I was afraid again: that someone had seen us, that someone would find me naked. While I was proud that John had acknowledged my behaviour today, I quickly looked for my shorts and put them on. The shirt was still wet, but I put it on anyway. It clung to my upper body. Then, I made sure that there were no signs left of the games we had played. When I was content, I walked to the exit where the same student was still sitting there:

"I hope you enjoyed your time and helped John and Huy out. They are not really good at Latin." He said grinning at me.

"Sure, we'll see. Have a good day!", I told him. As I left the library I wondered if he knew.

As I was walking, I slowly came back to my senses. I felt happy that I could serve John and Huy. But I also wondered why I had lost almost all my inhibitions as soon as John had shown me his cock. Lost in those thoughts, I wandered the halls back to my room, not really feeling hungry. Suddenly, someone called out to me:

"Hey Mr. B, do you have a second?"

One of our janitors, Michéle, if I remembered correctly, was hailing me. He was of Italian descent, about 50 or so. He had black hair, although a few of them were already getting grey, which were short but curly. He had a full beard, trimmed and not too long. His skin was a little darker than the usual here and his face was sharp, looking almost Roman. I hadn't had much contact with him before, but I enjoyed looking at him when I did. Right now, he was wearing a blue overall onesie. The first three buttons were open, showing a hairy chest and a white wifebeater. I woke from my thoughts, looked at him, smiled and answered:

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I've got something to show you. I just found it and it might be of interest."

"Ok, sure, show me!"

"It's in my workroom. I think you will find it very helpful."

I joined him in walking. We chit-chatted for a while, but I had the feeling that he had other things on his mind as well, so our small-talk kind of died down quickly. When we were turning the corner into the hall where his room was, he started to walk one step behind me. I didn't think much of it and I really wondered what he wanted to show me.

"Mr B., I really appreciate the work of you teachers:. Taking care of all those boys in puberty, this unruly bunch. And I really think you're doing a really good job at it. This all-boys school is much cleaner than my son's room – but he has to clean it himself after my wife left me..."

"Th... Thank you, I guess. And sorry to hear that your wife left you." I answered. I really wondered why he told me that.

"Never mind. That bitch just couldn't handle being in Germany anymore. And I think she took off with one of the waiters from that restaurant over there... But that wasn't where I wanted to go with that ... sorry for my rambling ... While most of the areas of the school are really safe, we have had some problems with vandalism. I think you remember that this was a topic of discussion at the end of last year during one of the teacher meetings. The result was that cameras were installed in certain areas to prevent further problems. And I am the person responsible – at least most of the time – to check the cameras from time to time."

"Yeah, I remember. Did you happen to have a chance to find the person who stole my clothes?", I asked (even though I had just found out who it had been). We had just reached the door.

"No. This is something different that I wanted to show you. Just open the door."

Michéle was standing right behind me now, close but not too close, as I opened the door. As it opened there was a display directly in front of me and I was clearly shown on it: Naked, on my knees, with John standing behind me, his dick buried in my ass. Huy was sitting in front of me with his dick in my mouth. It was a picture, a still from the library just now. I stopped dead in my tracks and Michéle pushed into me, pushing me into his room. I could feel the outline of his dick pushing against my ass as he closed the door behind him. He grabbed my hands and pulled them behind my back so I couldn't move away from him and, before I could say anything, he whispered in my ear:

"Don't try to explain yourself out of this. I've seen the whole thing. How you dropped on your knees as soon as John pulled his dick out. How you served him and then Huy and how they both shot their loads into your holes. And it made me incredibly hot. Watching a grown-ass teacher servicing two students publicly... I never believed this was possible. It's good to know that we have a really horny bitch at school who drops on his knees as soon as he sees a cock... There is a way to make me forget what I saw. And I think you know how, don't you?"

With that, he pushed me over the chair before I could say anything. He was still holding my hands behind my back and I was in no state to resist. I was afraid – another person knew that I was the bitch of one ... no two students. At the same time, I felt a shaft pressing against my ass. That immediately awakened my submissive side and I desperately wanted to please it. Anyhow, I tried to reason:

"Please... It's not the way it looks..."

Just as I said that, he pulled my shorts down, reached between my thighs and grabbed my junk. He laughed:

"You're not a bitch eager to open his holes to anyone who asks? You're junk, locked and wet, says otherwise..."

Feeling a hand around my balls and cage made me moan immediately as I became aware of my dick again, which I hadn't paid attention to in the library at all.

"Thought so! Your pussy is even twitching."

Michéle let go of my balls and – sensing that I wouldn't resist anymore – my hands which I moved to stabilize myself on the chair. I mumbled "Please" again, but didn't really mean it. I heard him fumble around and the zipper move. When I looked back, his overall was sliding down his fit frame, revealing his curly black body hair, which seemed to cover his entire body. He wasn't wearing any underwear, so I got a quick look at his dick before he moved closer again. It wasn't as impressive as I had hoped, maybe 5'' hard, framed by a thick black bush that also covered his balls. He reached for my head and pushed it down as he stepped directly behind me again. As he rubbed his dick between my cheeks he said:

"I can't wait to finally get some pussy again... It's been too long!"

And then he shoved it in. My ass didn't offer much resistance as I had been opened up – twice – by John and once by Huy. He started to rail me hard, slapping his hips against my ass. I wanted to feel him deeper, so I started to support his efforts by clenching my sphincter and moving against his thrusts.

"Yeah bitch, that's how you like it! Getting plowed hard by real men. Take my dick bitch!"

"Please fuck me, Sir!", I responded almost automatically.

"Yeah, bitch, take my cock!", he started to grunt. Then he pulled my head back with my hair so I had to arch my back and I moaned. I felt that he wouldn't last long. Maybe he had already jerked a while he watched us in the library.

"Ohh god, your pussy is so soft. Maybe the best I've ever had. Ohhh god, take my load!"

He railed me even faster and, before I knew it, he grunted and almost roared as he shot his load. He didn't stop until the last rope was shot and only then did he let go of my hair and collapse on me. It took him a while to catch his breath but soon he straightened himself and pulled out.

"That was hot. I needed that, bitch!"

Even though Michéle hadn't asked for anything, all I wanted was to feel his dick in my mouth. So I got up, turned around and got on my knees and started to lick his cock clean. He shuddered, running his fingers through my hair, and said:

"You really do love dick, don't you? Clean me up bitch. My wife's mouth never came close to my cock and now I know what I was missing out on."

He was still breathing quite heavily while I licked his dick. I took the foreskin between my lips and slowly pushed it backwards to reveal the glans and to get the rest of his cum which he rewarded with another moan. When I started to pull back, he grabbed my head again and pulled it into his groin.

"Now, listen, Mr B. I won't tell anyone what I saw on that video. But it's impossible to delete it. So you better hope no one else watches it, at least for a week. Then, it will be overwritten when nothing of worry happens. If something does happen, the video will need to be reviewed and stored for the investigation. That's quite unlikely though. But I expect you to open your mouth and pussy whenever I need it – or I might let something slip. Understood?"

He pushed my head back and I answered with a too well-known: "Yes, Sir!" in response to his threat. But to be honest: at this moment, I was just hungry for cock and not too sad that I found another person who would feed me his.

"Ok, bitch now pull your shorts up and piss off. I've got some things to do."

As I stumbled up, I got a better look of his body while pulling up my shorts. He was indeed fit and hairy all over. As I got up, he groped my junk again, laughed and then walked over to the other side of the table where his chair was. I looked over and saw that he turned the monitor around as I quickly made my way to the door. As I opened it, I heard him say:

"Oh, and thank John for the show. I really enjoyed it!"

I muttered something as I walked out and closed the door behind me. Then I hurried back to my room, stripped and collapsed on the couch. What a day!

When I opened my eyes, my room was still brightly lit. As soon as I had arrived back to my room, I must have collapsed into a short slumber, exhausted after the sex with John and Huy as well as the janitor, Michéle. Thinking about their dicks made my pussy twitch again and I reached between my legs to feel that I was still wet from the cum leaking out of it. As I played with my ass lips, I pushed two fingers in and I started to moan. All I wanted was to feel another dick deep inside of me. After a while of fingering and fucking, I pulled my fingers out and licked them clean. They still tasted a little bit like John and as I swallowed, I closed my eyes and groaned a little bit out of desperation and memories. When I opened my eyes and looked down at my body, I saw my cage and balls. They were wet and I could see precum leaking out. That was weird as my dick was neither hard nor pulsating in the cage. It was as if it had understood that it wouldn't be used for sex anymore. I smeared the precum on my fingers and licked them clean.

Suddenly, I realized that I still had some work to do since John had interrupted me in the middle of it. When I looked over my desk, I was thankful that it wasn't that much and I was able to complete it in no time. While I was working, I heard my phone receive a message. I checked it as soon as I was done with my work. It was from John:

"I hope you learned your lesson this weekend. I decide who you are allowed to serve. And you tell me for whom you open your pussy! So you did good today, when you so eagerly served Huy, showing what a craving faggot you are. And I think the public agrees with you. Remember your punishment for cumming? Well look here: Twitter Links You are a really popular. And everyone agrees you're the perfect sub."

Shit. I had totally forgotten about his threat to expose me. Scared but also curious I clicked at the first out of three twitter links. It was from an account named "exposed faggots". My eyes went wide when I saw the pictures there. One was me, on my knees with half my face visible and covered in cum in the shower. This must have been from the first day. Then, there was one of me on my knees sucking John's dick. You couldn't really see my face there either, as he was pressing my face on his stomach, making me deepthroat his massive tool. The third picture was me spreadeagled on my bed, blindfolded and with headphones and the ballgag on as well. The chain was around my neck, nipple clamps on my nipples and there were electrodes on my cage. You could even see my sweat and could tell that I had just cum. The last one was a video of me getting fucked from behind. Again my face was not recognizable, but my moans were ecstatic while John fucked me with hard, long strokes. While I looked at the pictures, I felt my ass twitch, demanding to be filled again. But, at the moment, I was just relieved that he had not posted any pictures where I was clearly recognizable. Hopefully the others were similar.

I clicked on the second link and it was from another user named "faggots baited". John had sent him the same pictures, but the video was of me leaning against the wall, getting fucked in the mouth. Even there, my face was not really visible. The third link was to a user called faggot's hell. John had sent both videos there, as well as the pictures of my face covered in cum and me spreadeagled. I exhaled when I realized that John had not carried out his threat to publish my face. While I glanced through the posts, I saw that they had been shared and liked thousands of times. Then, I started reading the comments. Most of them were really positive, like "Such a hot fag!" "I wish this was me on my knees," "he looks so happy.". Suddenly, I felt a warmth in my gut. I felt kind of proud and happy that people were jealous of me. I had never thought about it like that. My ass was now twitching harder and I got myself a dildo to fuck myself slowly while I read through the comments and retweets, moaning slightly.

For the first time in the past two weeks, I no longer felt embarrassed, anxious, or afraid, but just happy that people liked me. Some of the responses included pictures of other subs serving cock. It was really hot and I enjoyed those as well while I worked my hole. Then, I felt that I was still so tired that I needed to go to bed. But before I did, I wrote John one message:

"Thank you for not completely exposing me, Sir! Those pictures of you using me are hot though! But could you please free me from the chain? I won't be able to teach with them tomorrow. Please!"

Then I walked to my bed. My phone was in my hand when I suddenly realized that I was supposed to tell John about every encounter I have. So, I wrote him about the encounter with Michéle and told him that we had been watched in the library. There was no response until I closed my eyes. I slept a deep and restful sleep until I was woken by someone jumping on my bed. Before I could even open my eyes, I felt John's dick pushing into my ass in one, hard shove. My eyes flew open and I screamed, but it was muffled since John was pressing my face into my pillow. John was fucking me hard and soon I felt myself moaning just as he collapsed on me after he had shot his load deep inside. I felt him breathing heavily on my back. After a while he said:

"Good morning boy! I hope you enjoyed my dick this morning. It is a present as you did so well yesterday. You even told me that the janitor had used you. I'm glad he enjoyed the show – Now he owes me something. But since you had been good, I accept your request to remove the chain during the day. But you need to send me a picture as soon as it is back on after your PE lessons, or we might have a problem."

With that he fumbled around with the chain and unlocked the lock before he pulled out and left me empty again. I groaned a little because I wanted more dick and reached for my ass. I heard John laugh as he got out of the bed and said: "See you later!" before leaving. I stretched myself out on my bed and felt John's body warmth leaving my body. But I was happy. John had acknowledged that I had done well – even though he had set me up with a stranger, again. But at the moment, the joy of having been able to be at his service, to get used by him in the morning, was enough. I got up, cleaned myself and went for some breakfast. Steven was there at the teacher's table. When I sat down a little bit away from him, he looked up at me and his eyes became sad – but nonetheless he nodded his head and greeted me. That was progress. I nodded back, grinning a little, uncertain how to react, and started on my breakfast. Steven left without a word and I followed soon after as my classes were about to begin. Lessons went on normally and, after the last PE lesson, I put on the chain again, sent John a picture of it (of course while naked) and then taught the next Latin lessons.

I knew that I would have to run with John afterwards, but I guessed that this would work out fine even with the chain since running doesn't require jumping very much. And I was right. Running went smoothly, but when we got back, he told me to follow him to his room instead of to the shower `to have some fun' as he called it. When we got there, before we entered, I asked:

"Will this be ok? I don't want your roommate to see me! Too many people already know!"

"Don't worry. I'll check. Just hand me your clothes! You can't enter with them."

With my eyes wide, I looked at him. But his face was stern, so I knew would have to comply. I quickly glanced right and left, thankfully the floor was empty besides us. So I quickly stripped out of my sweaty clothes and handed them to John.

"Well done. Now let me make sure we won't be disturbed. I'll call you in!"

With that, he opened the door and got into his room before closing it, leaving me stark naked outside.

---------------------End chapter 26--------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor" and my other new Editor "J", who helped proofread this chapter. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 27

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