Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Sep 18, 2022


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary (last Chapter): Jay had been ordered by John to get some restraints on, being naked and completely helpless, with blindfolds and noise-cancelling headphones on. Then an unknown assailant had used and tortured him before he pumped his load all over Jay's body...

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

---------------Chapter 23-------------------------

After the ecstasy of the sex I just have had subsided, I realized how vulnerable I was at the moment. Not only didn't I know who had just dumped his load all over my body and used me, I also didn't know if he had made any pictures or what this person had planned. It most certainly was a dick I didn't know, but I could guess that it might have been a student as well, because he had a smaller frame and not many hairs on his body. But otherwise? He seemed to have some experience as a sadist, the way he handled me, but how – I couldn't tell.

While I was thinking, lying on the floor I noticed my joints hurting. My dick was still pulsating in its cage. I tried to move getting into a more comfortable position. But as I was hogtied I wasn't able to change my position much. Then another thought crept into my mind. John had told me to wait for me on my knees and now I was lying on the ground covered in cum. What would he do, when he found me like that and I felt like crying. I wanted to please John and I feared his response but I also knew I couldn't change anything about my appearance before he would eventually come as I had brought myself in this totally helpless position.

I wiggled on the floor all alone with my thoughts and I couldn't tell how time went by. At the beginning I was breathing heavily but after a while I calmed down but all the restraints made it really difficult to keep my strength. Lying there lost in thoughts, the cum slowly getting cold running over my body, I was waiting. Sometimes I moved my body a little as well as I could, to ease my tense muscles.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hair and pulled me up on my knees. I felt my muscles aching, hurting from the sudden pull on my hair. As I opened my mouth to scream from pain, a dick was pushed into it stifling the sound. It was pushed in completely at once making me gag. It was big, opening my throat up. My new aggressor pushed deep inside and held my head on his crotch not moving anymore while his pubic hair pushed into my nose. He was so deep inside that I couldn't get any fresh air and after a short while I started to struggle as he held me firmly in place. The more I struggled the stronger his grip got. I felt the strength leaving my body as I felt slowly suffocating on his dick, stopped struggling. Just as I thought I would pass out my head was pushed back, the dick leaving it. I think I would have fallen again if it wasn't for the hands still holding my hair, while I struggled to catch my breath. Breathing heavily, gasping I was waiting blind and deaf for whatever would happen next.

When I had regained some strength when I felt his hard cock slapping against my left cheek moving along the skin to the other side over my lips, then slapping the other side. I felt the wet tip of the foreskin. This time as he moved along my skin again instead of moving over my lips he pushed through them again, the tip of his dick entering my mouth, my lips pushing his foreskin back. As the dick entered my mouth more slowly this time, I finally recognized that this was John's dick, thick and meaty. I had gotten quite used to its shape and size. I felt a sigh of relief escaping, while he shoved more of his dick into me. Then he started to slowly fuck my mouth, while he moved my head forward and backward, each time pushing in deeper. He didn't wait long before he pushed it in completely and then he started to increase the pace of his thrusts.

It didn't take long, while using my mouth as a fleshjack, before I felt his salty pre cum on my tongue and shortly after he pressed my head into his groin while he shot his load deep inside of me. While he shot he was deep inside of me and I could only feel his pulsating shaft shooting rope after rope directly into my stomach. I felt him breathing faster, more or less ecstatic from his subsiding orgasm. His dick got a little softer and a little smaller, but it still filled my throat. After a while he retracted a little bit so I could breathe, while the tip remained on my tongue. Then I felt him fondle on my headphones which he pushed down so they lay on my shoulders.

"Hey bitch! I hope you liked getting fed again."

With that he ran his hand over my hair. He continued:

"I mean. You're such a cum-hungry bitch, that I find you here covered in cum, whoring yourself out to anyone who comes by just by chance."

He laughed, then suddenly stopped and I felt him moving a bit pulling out a little bit further the tip of his dick still resting on my tongue.

"But listen: You are my bitch! I decide over your life. I decide who uses you! Who gets to enjoy your holes! Who uses you as his cum rack! As his bitch! Do you understand?"

With that he pulled out and grabbed my chin pushing my head to look up even though I still couldn't see anything. While he did that I wondered where he was going with his comment. He surely would understand that it wasn't my fault that some unknown assailant had used me a few moments before and that I wasn't able to resist as I was bound, blindfolded and turned deaf. So after a few seconds where he was silent, realizing that he wanted me to answer, I said:

"Yes, Sir. I am sorry how you found me. But there was no way I could resist being bound, waiting for you. I am really sorry that I couldn't wait on my knees, but whoever used me pushed me around...", my voice trailed off in the end after I had started talking fast, trying to explain myself.

"Haha... So you don't even know who used you just now. I bet you really enjoyed it though, being the cum hungry bitch you are, didn't you? I mean your useless nub was throbbing when I found you here..."

Again, he stopped talking waiting for a response and I thought about what he had just said. Suddenly, it hit me. He was kind of right. While the other guy had overwhelmed me and used me quite brutally I had felt my dick ache in its cage hurting, trying to get hard and leaking. So I guess he was right. I had at least in some way enjoyed it. The realization hit me quite hard and I would have bowed my head in shame if John hadn't held it.

"I guess you are right... But ..."

"What but, bitch? There is no 'but' You just love being used by men with real dicks and offering your holes whenever you can. I bet this had not been the only time this week that you had offered yourself to be used. Come on, tell me!"

With that he spit in my mouth and I moaned and swallowed quickly. He laughed while my mind began racing and I wondered how to answer that. I couldn't tell him that I had a real fun night with Steven... or could I? No that was out of the question. But as I hesitated to answer. I heard him laugh:

"Ha, I knew it. Whore gonna whore. Spill it. Who was it?"

I closed my mouth and remained silent. He waited for a bit then pressed my cheeks together, while he said:

"Oh, you're still defiant. I think you need to learn, that I call the shots here."

With that he kicked me in the balls quite hard and let go of my head. I screamed and fell on my side, sweating. He just laughed and when I stopped wiggling he hit them again almost as hard. I rolled around in agony. Three more times he hit me each time getting harder now. I was groaning in pain, while he laughed.

"Who is it, bitch?"

I was still trying to catch my breath while the pain slowly subsided but I knew I couldn't give Steven up, so I stayed silent, closing my mouth on purpose.

"Oh, that's how you wanna play this? Well we'll see about that. You know: I had a fun little session planned: edging you, then fucking you a few times dumping my load deep into the bitch who calls himself a teacher. But now I think this will be more fun for me and the good thing is we have the entire weekend at our disposal. You will regret this..."

With that he grabbed the chain around my neck to toss me around until I lay on my front my straining dick pressing against the floor. I felt him fondling at the padlocks connecting my feet to the hog tie connector and when he opened them I felt my feet falling to the ground as the forced constraint ended. Slowly more blood flowed in but I wasn't sure whether they would support myself if I tried to stand up. John waited a short time after which he apparently lost his patience and grabbed me by the chain with which he pulled me up, choking me.

"Get up bitch. We need to get to your bedroom."

I stumbled up. Unable to use my hands, it wasn't easy to get up, but him pulling while choking me helped as I slowly pushed myself up. When I finally stood, I was shaking with sweat and my muscles ached. Then he switched position, ran his hand along the chain, so he could grab it from the front. He pulled my so I had to follow him, still stumbling. I was slow, still trying to regain my strength in my legs. He took a turn into – I guessed – my bedroom. After a few more steps, suddenly something hit me directly in my groin.

"Ahhhh...", I screamed as I fell over and my upper body landed on my mattress. It had been a bedpost onto which John had led me intentionally. I heard him snicker, then he pulled me further on my bed. I groaned again, as my locked dick brushed along the post. Then he pulled me around and I could feel my bed moving as he left it just to grab my legs locking them to what I guessed were the posts, so they were spread apart. Afterwards he reached under my back grabbing my hands, unlocking them again before he locked them to the bedposts, spread out as well. Now, I was again completely helpless lying spread eagled on my bed. I pulled a little on each cuff and they moved a few centimetres but soon they stopped and I knew that I was bound tightly on my bed without a chance to free myself especially as I had heard the padlocks close.

I felt the mattress move as John left it. I could hear him move and search, heard a bag crackle before he came back on the bed. He positioned both his legs each on the other side of my upper body then sat with his ass cheeks on my stomach. He seemed to be naked as his skin brushed along mine. I felt the tip of his dick lying on my breastbone as he came to a rest. Immediately I felt my dick harden again in its cage after it had gone down a little while he tied me to the bed. Then he pulled the blindfold off in one move and I had to squint heavily surprised by the sudden light after – I don't know how long – my eyes were blocked from looking.

John was indeed naked, his ripped body was the first thing which finally came into sight. I looked along his abs up to his face. He was grinning, looking really content with himself.

"You know bitch? This is how it should be. The needy little fag bound and ready to serve his master. And me able to reach every part of my little cock-hungry whore to use as I please. Don't you agree?"

I was already so overwhelmed by all that had happened this evening that I was still trying to understand my position as he spoke. He waited a bit then spit in my face aiming at my open mouth which he hit. I felt the salty spit in my mouth, gulped, then as it hit me that he wanted a response (and I knew which) I hurried to say humiliating me even further:

"Yes, Sir!"

"Exactly. So you see. I hate when my bitches don't do as they are told. Or keep secrets from me. And what happens then? Well you're going to find out now. You see I was always annoyed that you have so little self-control. And that is what we are going to train today. Look what I have here:"

He reached down and grabbed a stretchable cockring which seemed to have a quite small diameter. He nestled with it and suddenly it started to vibrate. "I think you know where this will go..." Then he turned it off again, put it on the other side, then grabbed the next toy, a prostate stimulator with quite a big head with a hook which also stimulated the perineum. "And this one will also find a good home... Oh and before I forget it..."

With that he pulled the nipple clamps off. I screamed still wondering where he was going with this. He rubbed his fingers over my sensitive nipples and I squirmed and groaned under his merciless hands, while he laughed at me. As the pain slowly subsided he stopped, then reached again and pulled out two clamps, each with a brick on them, which seemed to contain a motor or something.

"I think we start with those..."

Then he pinched my nipples and one after another put them on then. They were a tight fit and I groaned again as the feather pinched my nipples between the two prongs. Then he pushed a button and suddenly these nipple claps started to vibrate, sending shivers down my spine and I started to moan a little.

"You see... I've been frustrated with you for quite some time. That you could not control yourself while you served me. Shooting your load even though you are locked. Once even shooting your spunk on my body. That was never right. And I knew I had to train you. And that is what we are going to do today. As I am not able to control your dick directly I will use those toys to edge you. Time and time again. But you are not allowed to cum. And you better tell me before you come, understood?"

The vibration on my nipples already started to drive me nuts, so I didn't really grasp what he was saying. But I knew there was only one answer possible, which was: "Yes, Sir!"

"Well, I'm not sure if you really got it. And your behaviour today warrants higher stakes. You see ..." with that he pulled his phone out, played a bit with it. "all those pictures I made and videos are safely stored. But seeing you walk half (or even completely) naked through the halls and fields showed that you love to be exposed. But I know you can't really act on that primal urge of yours. So I took care of that for you. You see I made a Twitter Profile for you and uploaded all your pictures and videos up there. Look:"

He turned his phone around and what popped up was a twitter profile which showed as the latest picture me, on the floor, bound, blindfolded and with headphones on, covered in cum, my dick clearly straining and leaking. Immediately I was wide awake. Where I had driven off before while my submissive mind had taken over my eyes focussed on the screen and the threat it included. I gulped than almost screamed:

"What the fuck, John? You promised to keep those pictures to yourself. And now you've put them on twitter?"

I even tried to struggle but I was still bound and he sitting on me prevented anything anyhow. He looked down, then grinned evilly before he slapped me.

"Oh you still have some resistance in you, do you? That's no good! I decide now! But see this profile is private and you don't have any followers. And I don't plan to change that. Yet, at least. But you' have been in contact with a few of those exposer-twitterer's telling them that you' are scared to get exposed completely, but trying to build up courage to show the Internet who you' really are. To be honest you've' send them a few pictures just of your body to keep them hooked. But nothing to be able to be identified by."

Each time he said "you" he had a really sarcastic undertone and when he was done he laughed again. I gulped again, still not even noticing the vibrating nipple clamps. I tried to cope with what he had just told me. For the first time I felt really afraid as my livelihood depended on not being exposed. But at the same time a thought crept into my mind. Because losing control completely and publicly of my image sounded weirdly hot. And that other people were interested in seeing me, naked, exposed actually made me kind of proud. But that thought scared me even more and I pushed it back not willing to accept it.

"Th... Thank you!", I answered after a few seconds. I must have looked scared and pleading at the same time because he grinned, slapped my cheeks softly.

"You're welcome, boy! But don't get too excited. This might change tonight. But that depends on you. If you cum tonight, I will send one set of four pictures to each of the people I was talking to. Each set will include at least one picture of you with your face. If you cum more than five times tonight, I might send one of the videos I've made of you getting creamed on your knees swallowing my big dick. And if it is more than 10 times your profile will go public. Understood?"

I was shocked. Searching for words, trying to grasp what he had said.

"Please, John..." I tried to reason with him.

"What. It's all up to you. I will stop all edging as soon as you tell me. So if you tell me early enough, there won't be any problems. However, I will know, if you tell me too early. Then I won't stop it the next time..."

I gulped and looked at him. He looked quite serious and I knew there was no chance reasoning with him. I averted my eyes, still thinking, when he said:

"Well, what is it. Do you understand the terms?"

What chance did I have? I was bound and he had already prepared everything. So, I gulped again, looked up and said, defeated:

"Yes, Sir..." my voice trailing off.

"Good. See. If you tell me in time and I won't be able to stop whatever I'm doing to edge you and you cum, that will not count, but if you shoot when everything'S off... you've obviously called out too late. Only if I rail your hole, then you have to control yourself completely. Now lets put those blindfold and headphones back on."

Which he did. Now I was back in the dark left alone with my own thoughts. I hoped that I would be able to control myself. When I was still in control of my dick, I had loved to edge myself but I almost never lasted more than an hour, before I went for the gratification. And now, he wanted to keep me on edge for the entire night. Not that I knew how long this would be as I had no idea what time it was anyway. Suddenly I felt the vibrating nipple clamps again, pinching and squeezing and massaging them and I moaned a little.

As I did, John – or at least I hoped it was still John – who was no longer sitting on my stomach, slapped my balls from below, letting them bounce between my spread thighs before he took my balls in his hand and squeezed them. Then I felt him pulling something flexible over them. I felt like a cockring squeezing the skin of my balls, which came to a rest under my cage. Then after a bit more fondling by John this ring started to vibrate as well, vibrating my cage with that. I moaned, moved a bit while the slow but constant vibrations excited my dick. Then I felt John move, leaving the bed and I was left alone.

At the moment it wasn't that bad only my nipples started to feel strained a bit but also even more sensitive and I guessed every shirt I wore the next days would send shivers down my spine. But slowly the constant vibration on my cage let it grow again. It pulsated now and I felt that this tool would get me close to a ruined orgasm slowly but steadily. And indeed after a while my pulsating dick started to tingle and I knew that I wouldn't last much longer as a louder moan escaped my mouth.

"John. I'm getting close. Ahhhhh." I tried to say, not hearing myself anyway. A few seconds later the vibration on my balls stopped, while I stilled squirmed trying to suppress the almost imminent orgasm, breathing heavily.

"Well done, Bitch. I knew you would do as told." John whispered in my ear while lifting up one of the earpieces of the headphones before he let is slap back. He hadn't stopped the vibration on my nipples but that was ok as I slowly left the edge. I groaned and moaned again. John ran his hand over my locked dick which was still pulsating and ran a finger over my piss slit before he fed me it. It tasted already a little bit salty as I was obviously already leaking.

John let me rest a bit, before I felt at first a finger than two at my hole, before he pushed both of them in. They felt a bit slippery apparently glistened with some lube. I couldn't do much more than squirm while he fingered me even massaging my prostate a bit. I felt spit starting to drool out of the corner of my mouth already. And suddenly I felt afraid as I was getting close to being a mess and the evening had just started. Then John pulled out just to replace his fingers with something harder and thicker. It felt like the tip of a dildo. It must have been at least the size of John's dick maybe even bigger. He slowly pushed the dildo in. He locked it under my ass so it wouldn't wiggle out. It filled me out completely pushing against my prostate. Then, suddenly, it started to vibrate and again John left me.

The vibration was stronger than the previous vibration on my cage. And it rubbed my prostate really good. After a few seconds of vibration, suddenly, the headphone started to play. But not music, but by moaning. Constant moaning which messed even more with my head. But the bigger problem was the vibrator in my ass which started to get me horny.

"Ahhhhh" I moaned in unison with the sound on my headphones. Slowly I got closer and closer. Before I reached the edge I felt John nestle between my legs and the vibration on the dildo got slower and less intense. My arousal slowed a bit but it was still noticeable. But it slowly built up again, making me moan and squirm. Getting edged anally took much more time for me to reach the edge, especially with this slow vibration, but after a while I felt that it wouldn't take much longer. The constant rubbing of my prostate and the parallel stimulation of my nipples took its toll. The moaning sounding in my head started to take its toll as well, but still in time I managed to call for John who in turn stopped the dildo.

Suddenly, he ripped the nipple clamps off and started to rub the palm of his hand over my most sensitive nipples. "Ahhh..." I screamed as my nipples burned like fire and my looming orgasm went much faster than it had built up. I squirmed under his merciless rubbing, strained against my bonds until he let go of me again. I was panting hard after that assault, breathing in short strokes.

Then John turned the dildo on, as well as the donut shaped cockring around my balls but at the same time pushed his dick in my mouth. I slurped on it, greedily, almost out of my mind with the constant moaning in my ears but soon I felt the dick pulsating before the warm stream of his piss hit me, which I tried to gulp down as fast as I could to prevent the piss from soiling my bed. It felt weird getting teased and edged while someone pissed down my throat, but it also felt kind of good, as again the sensation on my prostate and cage got bigger and bigger. I even started to hump the dildo a little, horny as I was. When he was done and I had gulped everything down he pushed his dick inside of me completely once, but then pulled out. I moved my head up trying to reach it again opening and closing my mouth. But John just slapped my cheeks and then got off the bed again leaving me alone with the toys edging me. This time in almost no time I felt like I was about to cum and just in time I called for John. He turned the toys off but I felt that at least one glob of cum shooting out of my slit but still I was not completely over the edge.

John squeezed my nipples turning them then lifted one side of the headphone again. "That was close bitch. You should be more careful next time. I should send one single picture of each glob, but that wasn't what I said, and I will stay true to what I promised..." he hissed into my ear. I was so focussed in not going over the edge, still panting, I could only moan, almost not capable to even comprehend what he was saying. I heard him laugh as the headphone flopped back against my ear.

The next few edges became a blur as he hit me constantly with a massager on top of my cage combined with one or both of the dildo and the vibrating ring. This time not even waiting for my stop but going off from my body signals. When he stopped I was sweating and panting profusely. I couldn't tell you how often he had brought me up to the edge or held me there but a was almost going crazy and focussed only on my body. I felt him leaving the bed for a moment just to return and pinch my nipples with the vibrating clamps again which he turned on at the slowest speed, while everything else was turned off. Now the moaning stopped for a few seconds while I was trying to regain my strength. Suddenly, a different type of moaning started again. It was clearly sound from a porn video.

"Please, Fuck me!"

"Harder... Harder..."


"Use me"

All those were said by the same male voice when it wasn't moaning and I thought I recognized it but I wasn't sure. I could also hear slapping of skin on skin and then a loud moan and a "take my load, bitch!" followed by loud panting.

Then a deep, kind of meditative music started to play before a deep voice started to speak:

"This is you."


"You are there to please men. To offer your holes for anyone who wants them."

"You crave dick. You want to feel them pulsating deep inside of you. The thick glans rubbing along your tongue. Your ass. The salty wetness of precum."

"Then a small push!" And just as this played the dildo started to vibrate again slowly.

"Your sphincter opening slowly as the glans pushes in."

"You feel yourself filled up, feeling whole again, happy again. This is what you need. This is what you want."

The vibration got stronger.

"Your muscles massage the shaft of that meaty thick cock while it pushes in is all you want to do, all you want to focus on. Feel it sliding into your hole. The soft skin the good feelings. Focus on his cock. That's the only important thing."

Then slow rhythmic music started and silent moaning accompanied it. I was already so craving, so horny, so desperate after those edges, so recipient to the dark, deep voice bringing my mind almost into a trance, focussed on it, even forgetting my task. Only concentrating on the dildo vibrating in me. It almost felt like a real dick.

"Breathe, boy! Feel this dick, feel it pulsating, inside of you. Breathe and enjoy it as it slides in and slides out. Embrace that feeling, embrace that dick. It is yours to please. Feel it slide faster. Hear your partner moan as you bring him closer..."





Loud moan

"Feel him slam into your hole, when suddenly he stops!"

Then all music, all sound stopped. And I became aware of my body and felt that I was closer than ever and I cried out for John as the orgasm rose in my body. The dildo and the clamps stopped almost immediately. I tried my best to supress the cum shooting from my balls up through my caged dick. But it was too late. A loud moan escaped my mouth as rope after rope shot out of my cage. I was panting heavily again my dick hurting as it pulsated with every rope shooting out and I squirmed on my bed as the orgasm overwhelmed me completely. I felt so good to shoot again and all the stress shot out of me. But at the same time it was not as fulfilling as a normal orgasm as I had tried so desperately to supress it, that I had also ruined it for me.

Only as the orgasm subsided I realized that I had just given him permission to send those pictures of me to be published on the internet. But at the moment I didn't care anymore. Just as the last rope shot. John turned the dildo back on at full power. At the same time, the nipple clamps and the donut vibrator and pressed the wand on top of my dick. The sudden stimulation was painful as he didn't even give me a short rest to regain some strength after this intense experience. I squirmed and moaned under him trying to get away, but he didn't stop.

It felt really weird and after the first pain subsided it didn't seem to have the expected effect and I calmed down a bit. But John was relentless. He just waited pressing the wand on my cage and letting the other toys do their work. And after a while I felt it tingling again and my breathing started to get faster again. Just as he noticed that he took the wand away, slowed the speed in all vibrating tools and left the bed. I felt myself sweating profoundly as excitement was again slowly building up. It took much longer this time as I just had an orgasm. But after a while I felt that I was getting closer to the edge again. I moaned and shortly after called for John to turn it off which he did. Now, as everything stopped, he gave me a rest but after a few moments I felt a fluid on my stomach before something was pressed on there. Then he pulled the dildo out just to be replaced by another one, which felt more like a wide buttplug, cold, like it was of steel. After it was pushed in, he fondled on my cage but I wasn't sure what he was doing. Then again fluid on my balls which were stretched by the ring around the sack before he pushed something on them as well.

Then there was nothing – at first at least but soon I felt a tingling sensation emanating from the things John had put on my stomach. They were being electrocuted. Slowly John started to send shockwaves through them at first only on my abs and it didn't feel that bad, but soon the contractions on my stomach started and it started to hurt a little. When John noticed that he lowered the frequency but also started the electrodes on my balls making them tingle as well. As he reached my maximum there he also started the buttplug now shocking me from the inside. Now I was squirming from the repetitive shocks trying to move away where no escape was possible. Then the last source set in as he started to power up what I guessed were clamps which were connected to my metal cage which send shivers through my body.

This was so weirdly ecstatic and hurtful at the same time. And it got even worse as the plug started to vibrate. And it worked slowly I felt an orgasm rising again as the electricity shocked and massaged my lower body. After a while I was panting, moaning and not much later I called for John to stop this torture. He gave me a short break after but then music started to play, some classic symphony and it seemed that he had timed the electroshock with the music. This time there wasn't constant shocks from all but different shocks at different intensities depending on volume and instrument.

Sometimes I felt myself twitched around in rhythm, then straining against the bonds moving almost in waves. As we got closer to the great finale, the music getting louder and louder, more and more instruments chiming in and at the same time the shocks getting more and more intense and from more and more sources. Hearing the music and at the same time getting shocked had made me drift into a half absent mindset trying to be less receptive to the various shocks. So I almost missed that my body was already getting close to the edge but just as one quite high and loud note was playing I managed to call John for a stop, which he did while also stopping the music. Again I was panting but I also felt like I was close to losing my mind. I couldn't tell you how often John had brought me to the edge already but I knew this wouldn't be the last time. And right I was. After a short break he used the wand again on my cage, trying to get me as close as he could again and again just to wear me out and bring me into a situation where I lost control.

After even more closer and closer edges which he sometimes held for a few seconds he dropped the wand. I was panting and sweating even heavier now and only barely sane anymore. John pulled the buttplug out, then pulled off the contacts from my stomach. He moved between my legs then lifted my hips up before he guided them down again and shoved his shaft deep into my ass. It felt kind of different but my senses where already so focussed on my horniness that I barely registered his meat pulsating. Only after he started to move my hips up and down his dick I noticed his dick and started to clench my muscles around it to get him off quickly. Suddenly, the shocks on my metallic cage started again as he fucked me sending me down the rabbit hole again. I twitched around his dick but at the same time felt that I was so horned up that it wouldn't take much more until I would shoot again. But neither did John. Due to the shocks which additionally massaged his dick it didn't take long for him to shoot down my hole. I felt his cum flooding me as he paused railing me. I felt him breathing heavily as he recovered from his orgasm while the electricity still shocked my dick and balls.

Again, just in time I called for John to stop the torturing, out of breath and desperate, but I still did so. One set of pictures was embarrassing enough. And John stopped the impulses. He took his time before he started anything again so I had some time to recover but I knew I wouldn't be able to take this much longer. When he had caught his breath he took of the contacts from my balls and cage the last ones still on my body. He must have noticed my state as he pulled the headphone back and whispered into my ear:

"I hope you enjoyed that so far. Are you ready to give up whom you served? Or do you need more?"

I was barely able to grasp what he was saying, still zoned out, but when I finally managed to understand him, I pressed my lips together as I didn't trust my voice anymore.

"Well, too bad – for you! Have fun!"

He put the headphone back on my ear and twisted my nipples as he got up. Then he pulled out and got off the bed. Now I had the chance to recover even more but I was certain that I couldn't control myself much more. After a while the moaning from the headphones started again. A few seconds later he pushed another toy in my ass, which had its base resting on my perineum. It must have been the prostate stimulator he had shown me before. He turned it on slowly stimulating my insides, then turned the ballstretcher on as well.

It didn't take long this time before I felt the well known sensation rising up from my insides as the plug vibrated against my prostate and the ring around my balls added vibration to the cage. I called for John but this time I didn't feel any reaction. The tools didn't stop. Then I felt the orgasm overtaking as I shot my load but again the tools didn't stop but continued to edge me.

-------------End chapter 23----------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 24

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