Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Aug 7, 2022


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary (last Chapter): We pick off after a nice date which Jay had with Steven and which resulted in Jay submitting to Steven and a long passionate fuck on the couch.

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

-------------Chapter 22------------------

After the praise from Steven I felt my cheeks get hot as I grinned back to him:

"It felt so good riding you like that! Feeling that hard rod inside of me was so fulfilling. I don't want to get rid of it. Can't we stay so all night?"

We both laughed, when I saw him grin. Suddenly he pulled me in again and we exchanged another long kiss. Then I felt him moving under me and he slowly tried to get up, while he was still impaling me. As he moved I released the kiss and looked at him quizzingly.

"Well I like a bed better, so that's where we're going!"

Now, I grinned as well and supported his effort to get up the best I could and when we finally managed I locked my legs and arms behind him as he slowly walked to my bedroom, while I was bouncing on his dick deep inside of me, which didn't seem to have lost any of his firmness. He put me on my bed and got his upper body up. Suddenly he started to rail me hard.

"You're so hot I need to shoot another load or I won't get soft again!", he told me before he started to work my nipples again. This time my dick was not pressed against his stomach and flying free and it flopped around, my balls being hit every time he pushed inside of me. This fuck was as animalistic as the first one was romantic and sensible. He groaned and moaned all the time and I did as well, as he worked my nipples relentlessly. I leaked heavily and his dick rubbing my prostate felt so good while my nipples hurt in a good way. He already grunted this time getting closer sooner as he was in charge of the pace and he was fucking me hard and fast, sliding in and out almost completely. I felt myself getting closer as well, but too soon he moaned and started to shoot the second load inside of me. He almost collapsed on me as he filled me again with his spunk. He kissed me again as the ropes shot into me.

"Oh my god! That was so good. You're such a hot guy. Willing to please me and do as you are asked. I think that deserves a present!", Steven told me while he was still panting. Our bodies touched and our moving chests were rubbing against each other. I was exhausted as well, panting, lost in the intense fuck and the still massive prick in my ass while his warm body pressed against mine. I barely realized he had talked but when his face moved over mine and he looked me in my eyes I just had to smile. This had been fun, hot even though I hadn't cum and I felt happy and pleased as if I had reached my orgasm. He smiled as well before he embraced me in another kiss. Our tongues locked and played with each other as we enjoyed each other's taste. When he pulled out again, he slowly ran his lips down on my chin and my neck, kissing my Adam's apple, before he guided his tongue to my chest and my always so sensitive nipples. The left one was his first victim as ran the tongue around it, before he started to suckle on it quite forcefully.

"Ahhhh" I moaned as the pressure increased just before he let go and bit them a little bit. The other nipple became the next target for this nice torture. Then he ran his tongue to my belly button, pushing in. I felt his dick slowly sliding backwards as he moved further down my body but it was still inside of me- When he continued to guide his tongue further down he pulled of my hole leaving me empty again. I moaned again as the lips tried to contract. His tongue ran over my cage, shortly playing with my piss slit, before he grabbed my thighs and held them up as his tongue started to dive into my used hole. I received the rimming of a lifetime as he pushed his tongue deep inside of me starting to swirl, kissing and sucking on my hole. I moaned and squirmed from the pleasure he provided my used hole.

I was in heaven for some time as he rimmed me, but much too soon he retracted his tongue. Yet he wasn't done. He started to play with my balls slurping them, before he licked along the skin of my balls and dick, along the edges of the cage. It felt good being caressed by someone and I moaned and enjoyed this treatment. But again I wasn't getting close even though it felt like proper post-sex playing. After a while Steven came back up, kissing me, before he moved even further onto the bed until his long thick dick was dangling in front of my face. His balls had retracted a little after the two orgasms he had just had, but they were still hanging big and low. The dick was wet and there was still a glob of cum hanging from his piss slit which I kissed away. It tastes thick and rich. I knew that he wanted me to clean his dick and I happily obliged.

His dick was huge and gorgeous hanging in front of my face. I opened my mouth and liked the slit a little before I ran it all over his glans. Then I took the glans in my mouth and as I did Steven slowly lowered his hips pushing his soft prick in my mouth. After just more than half, he reached the back of my throat and as I started to gag he stopped. I ran my tongue along his shaft. After a while Steven pulled back and out, moved a little then lowered himself again such that his dick came to rest on my face, his balls on my lips which I started to caress as well. I ran my tongue along the skin and his big still heavy balls. He started to giggle a little and I felt his dick twitch. A few second later he pushed up again then reached under my armpits and pulled me further onto the bed until I was completely on it.

I was still under him, he now grinned at me, bowed down again and kissed me. He looked exhausted, a little sweaty and out of breath. As he got up again he pushed himself off and fell on his back right next to me. Then he laughed and as I looked over I saw his body heaving, him breathing heavily. I felt exhausted as well and I closed my eyes while I caught my breath as well. I felt good, almost post-orgasmic, even though I hadn't cum. But it had been such good sex feeling his huge tool opening me up.

"That was fun! I can't say it enough: you're such willing boy, able to take it all! I wish I had known earlier!", Steven said after a while. I turned my head and opened my eyes again just to look into his deep grey eyes. He was still smiling and I had to grin as well.

"Yes it was! This entire thing was so hot. I loved it and I'm glad that you enjoyed it as well. I'm always happy when I can help to make my partner happy!"

Again he raised his eyebrow. Then laughed his warm laugh.

"Well you can't really please yourself, can you? But you did good, boy!" Then he reached forward and pinched my right nipple, before he started to tickle me. Surprised I tried to squirm away from him. I started to laugh, tried to push his hands away but I stood no chance as he had surprised me. As I rolled and turned my back towards him he stopped and grabbed my breast and pulled me to him. I felt his body on my back his soft but thick dick pressing against my ass pushing between my cheeks. I was breathing heavily after this `attack', still laughing as was he. When we caught our breath he said:

"You're adorable! You don't mind if I stay over tonight? I don't want to get up anymore!"

"No! Please stay! I just need to turn off the lights if you let me..."

"Am I so ugly?" He joked but let go of me.

"Yeah, I can barely look at you." I joked back, laughing as I pushed myself off the bed which prompted him to slap my ass

"Ouch" I jump almost losing my balance because I had to laugh so hard, before I hurried to the switch. There was still dim light from my nightstand so I could see. As I got back he was lying spread out on my bed grinning at me. His thick prick was lying on his stomach still wet, shimmering from before. I smiled as well, he looked comfy and happy and I felt proud that I had served him well. I enjoyed that feeling after a really nice evening.

"Come on back in here and be my little spoon for tonight!"

He didn't have to ask twice as I crawled back into my bed as he snuggled himself on my back his dick coming to rest between my cheeks, the shaft pressing against my hole which felt puffy and well used. He rubbed his chin on my neck, then kissed it and said:

"Good night, Jay!" and before long I heard him breathing steadily going asleep while I was still awake. Now I noticed that I was still horny as fuck. My dick hurt in its cage, pulsating and as I looked down it looked blue and there was a constant stream of clear fluid running out of the slit. My balls felt heavy and I reached down grabbed the ring and slapped my balls against the cage hoping for a little bit of release but I was barely able to move in Stevens bear grip and after a few helpless slaps I gave up, closed my eyes trying to go to sleep which came sooner than I expected.

My sleep was quite deep exhausted from the day and I would have overslept. But as my sleep was getting less deep I felt Steven's body moving along mine. He was grinding me and he had even started to play with my nipples as he playfully bit on my earlobe. While I was slowly waking up from him handling my body I heard him breathe into my ear:

"I love to fuck my boys awake, Jay. Today's your turn."

As he said it he moved his hips away just to guide his thick cock between my ass cheeks. I felt them pushed apart and his cockhead searching for my hole. It didn't take long for him to find it. Just before he pushed he moved his hand to cover my mouth and then in one hard shove he ripped my hole open. I was immediately awake as his monster invaded me and I would have screamed if it weren't for his hand. As he filled me completely he waited shortly just to pinch my nipple with his other hand and then at the beginning slowly he started to fuck me, while I tried to adjust.

After my breathing had become steadier he removed the hand from my mouth and pushed me over to lie on my stomach him on top of me. He had spread my legs so his were in between mine, one of his hands was at the back of my head, the other supported him on the mattress. When he had adjusted, he started to pound me really hard. He pulled almost completely out just to ram it back in just like a sledge hammer.

"Take my dick, boy!" ... "You're so tight!" ... "That's what you need! A big dick inside!" he grunted while he fucked me and pressed my head on the pillow. I barely got enough oxygen as he used me but after I had adjusted it felt so good, but then his fucking intensified as he almost jumped up and down using the spring force of my bed as an accelerator. As he did my ass and locked dick also started to jump up and down and each time he pushed in the friction between my cage and the sheets started to drive me crazy. Not only was he hitting my prostate with every push, but now there was additional stimulation on my dick which I wasn't used to anymore. I started to moan in my pillow. Suddenly he pushed my head even deeper into the pillow and I couldn't breathe anymore.

"Take my seed, boy! Drain me!", he yelled and he pushed in one last time. I felt his dick pulsating, pressing against my sphincter as he shot rope after rope inside of me, while he collapsed on top of me. Finally, he let go of my head and I breathed in relief. He was catching his breath as well, then sighing out of happiness. Then he kissed the back of my neck, before he whispered in my ears:

"That's how I like to wake up. Using a cute butt hard. That's the best morning exercise! But my boys always get another present in the morning! You don't mind, do you?"

Then he reached under my armpits with his arms to lock me in place as I heard another sigh of relief. And then I felt it. He was pissing inside my ass leaving the bitter morning piss inside of me. I wanted to struggle but he had me in place and – as I thought about it – I had drunk so much piss lately that getting pissed inside didn't feel so bad anymore. But still I offered some meak resistance


"That's a good boy taking all a man has to offer!" he interrupted me, not caring what I wanted to say, so I remained silent while he emptied his bladder inside of me. He stayed quite a while before he finally pushed himself up and his dick slipped out of my hole. It felt weird being empty again, but his hot piss was warming my belly.

"That was a hot night! Thank you, Jay for a beautiful evening and an even hotter night. I would love it if we repeated that soon! But now I need to get going. I need some fresh clothes and then get some breakfast! See you then. If I were you, though I would only crawl to the toilet or you might spoil your bed until your hole closes again! See you around!"

I looked back and saw him standing naked in front of my bed. His dick was wet and he was sweaty but he looked gorgeous.

"Thank you too! I really enjoyed it even though I didn't plan it. You can use my holes whenever! See you soon!"

With that I pushed myself up on all fours careful not spill anything and turned around. He had already left for the living room as I crawled to my bath, emptying his piss and everything else in the toilet. My dick was straining in its cage as I emptied my bladder in the toilet. Then I heard him call:

"See you around, Jay!"

"Yeah, see you!" I answered, as I heard him open the door. As he left I heard him say: "Oh, it wasn't locked...", before he closed the door again and I was alone. I checked my phone just to find a message from John:

"Bitch: Running this evening and tomorrow. No plug but otherwise white as before! Wear those sweaty clothes from yesterday!"

I answered "Yes, Sir!" and started to get dressed for the day. I wondered if I should shower but decided against it even though I had just Latin, but I didn't want to be surprised by anyone with my cage and the showers where usually quite busy in the mornings. So I just went to take some breakfast and then got done with my classes which went on quite uneventful.

As I arrived at the locker for our run John barely acknowledged me. He just said let's go, while we did the same run as before. It was easier this time, as I wasn't plugged and shocked the entire time and I could even increase his pace. He didn't talk at all, neither during our exercises or on the way back. As we reached the locker room again he told me to wait outside until he was finished showering. I was irritated that he wouldn't want to use me but he seemed distant and I didn't understand why. I decided to ignore it as I didn't know what I could have done wrong. When the same happened the day after both during his PE class and the run, I got increasingly worried. On the other hand I had a few good talks with Steven even though nothing else happened as both of us had almost no time in the evening but I felt that our bond was getting closer. At the same time I was worried how the relationship with him could develop any further as long as I was being blackmailed by John. But this was something for another day.

I enjoyed a little bit of TV on Thursday night and it felt really good even though I was still naked. But not being humiliated by John and left alone by the anonymous guy for a few days was a welcome difference. I slept like a baby that night. John didn't bother to write me during the day on Friday. However, after coaching my team I noticed that John had written me a message:

"Hey bitch! I left a few toys in your room. Put them all on and wait for me in your living room ASAP!"

I hurried back and indeed there was a bag which hadn't been there. I turned it around and looked through the toys he left me. My leather wrist and ankle restraints dropped on the floor, nipple clamps, a leather blindfold and a heavy chain collar. There were also one of those noise cancelling headphones. That was just ok, but there were also four padlocks without keys and a hog tie connector. I guessed that he wanted me to lock my ankle and wrist restraints together behind my back with the help of the hog tie connector. So I would be totally exposed and helpless in case anyone entered my room and I wouldn't even be able to notice it. But I knew I would have to do as told, so slowly I put the restraints on, then the collar and the nipple clamps which I fitted not too tightly. Then I locked the connector on my wrist with two of the padlocks, added my right hand before I put on the blindfold and the headphones. I struggled to put the last padlock on but not long after I was completely bound and helpless. I only hoped that John wouldn't take too much time.

Completely blocked from my senses, not being able to see or hear I kneeled in the middle of my room in front of the door. I was left alone with my thoughts and I wondered when John would come. But at the same time I felt that my dick was pulsating out of excitement. While I was waiting, all the humiliation, all the sex I had received from John crossed my mind and I wondered what he had in store for me today. I got even more excited during that and guessed that I was leaking. I was totally lost in time and I wondered how much had passed. I was starting to sweat and my knees started to hurt. 'Damn it, I should have put a towel or something underneath' I thought to myself as I waiting and waiting.

Then suddenly I felt a hand on my chin. Then a shoe was brushing along my ballsack, tapping it at first slowly and lightly but then harder. John had finally arrived. As his taps started to become kicks I started to squirm a little but his hand on my chin held me in place. I started to breath heavily and moan and groan. Then he stopped. A few seconds later he grabbed my hair and pushed me down on his shoes. I fell over as the hog tie didn't allow for so much movement. I screamed silently as my cage was trapped between my body and the floor. He didn't care, just pressed my head on his sneakers. I guessed he wanted me to lick them as I still couldn't hear anything.

Slowly I started to lick them. They tasted of my pre cum but also dirt and leather. When he was content John pulled his shoes away. After a few seconds while I struggled to get to a more comfortable position he pushed his foot again under my face, this time they were stinking and felt the fabric of his socks on my skin. He pushed his toes in my mouth spreading open my lips until they all fitted between them. I gagged from the treatment and the smell as he moved his foot in my mouth, then he pulled back a little while only a little bit of fabric remained. He stayed this way and it took me a few moments before I realized that he wanted me to pull his socks off. As I grabbed the fabric with my teeth, careful not to hurt him, he pulled his foot back and slipped out of the socks.

He pushed the fabric away and it got replaced by his foot. Again he pushed his toes in my mouth waiting for me to clean them, which I carefully did. Then he rested his foot under my face waiting for me to service the foot completely. I licked along his instep where a few hairs had already grown. Then he pushed his sole on my face which I liked as well. It tasted of sweat. When he was content he pulled away and then I had to repeat everything with his other foot. It was really exhausting as I had almost no control over my body and couldn't support myself with my arms. But it was also quite hot serving him completely helpless, while my clamped nipples and cage rubbed against the floor.

When he felt cleaned enough he grabbed me by my hair again and pulled me up. It hurt as hell as he pulled on my hairs to get me back on my knees and I tried to support his movement as good as I could. Then I felt the clamps on my nipples being pulled with the help of the chain.

"Ahhhhhhh!", I groaned just as he let go. Then I felt John's fingers on my nipples while he reached for the clamps. He pulled the screw and the clamps got tighter and I groaned again. This time louder as at first my right nipple was pinched tighter, then my left. Next John pulled the chain again, this time also tapping my balls. This time I squirmed and groaned heavily as he tortured my balls and nipples but I felt that I was wet and, weirdly, I felt some kind of pleasure rising while I got abused. John had grabbed my head to prevent me from falling. It went on forever and the pain and pleasure was so much more intense as I couldn't see or hear anything. As this torture went on and on my breathing had long become heavier and shorter.

But before I reached the point of no return John dropped the chain and stopped kicking my balls, he even let go of my head. I guessed he wanted to take a look at the squirming, sweating and panting mess he had made me. After a few moments I felt his hands on my head again, both had grabbed my hair. Then I felt his dick slapping against my cheeks, somehow it felt different, to what I had felt before but I couldn't really explain why or how. Then as the tip pushed through my lips in mouth I immediately knew. This dick was cut while John had an uncut dick. The person torturing me, and now trying to get a blowjob wasn't John. It was someone else.

I started to struggle but he must expected it as he grabbed my head even tighter and pushed me completely on his dick. It was also smaller than John's and while it reached a little into my throat it didn't really stretch my mouth as John's did. The shaft was a bit thinner but the glans seemed much thicker than the shaft. I guessed that it was about 7.5'' long. My assailant didn't wait for me to struggle any further but started to facefuck me relentlessly. He had bowed a little over me so he could hold the back of my head while he moved his hips to fuck my mouth. As he wasn't as big as some of the dicks I had before I didn't struggle that much to breathe. But his dick was so hard and pointing upwards so he scratched the upper side of my throat and it was more difficult to swallow it fully and I gagged more than usually.

Finally, I noticed some other differences. There didn't seem to be any hair on his arms, as my nose touched his skin I could also say that he didn't have any pubic hair. It also seemed that he had a smaller frame and maybe less muscles. I tried to struggle again, hoping to surprise him, but he just grabbed me harder. So, I stopped and surrendered to my fate as a cocksucker. Maybe he felt my body loosing tension but soon after I felt his upper body straighten up while he still held my head with both hands. He pushed his hips even further into my face pushing the glans even deeper. He had stopped the wild fucking. Now, he rhythmically enjoyed my mouth with longer strokes.

He had some stamina as he slowly used my mouth. He didn't seem to breathe faster but instead now I felt his foot on my balls again and he started to slap them again. It hindered his fucking just a little but it brought me pain, which it seemed he wanted to inflict. But not only pain it also this weird pleasure I had felt before which was multiplied by the restrictions on my other senses.

Finally, I could hear an almost silent moan through the noise cancelling headphones and now I knew that he felt pleasure handling me and using me. He continued with his long strokes in and out of my throat while I felt spit slowly flowing out of the corner of my mouth and down my chin. I felt a gasp escaping my lips when he suddenly pulled his dick out of my mouth from the constant slaps to my balls which were dangling, even swinging between my legs alternating between my thighs. Then he took his right hand from my head and slapped me not too hard but quite noticeable anyhow. Using his other hand he pulled my hair so my face looked up. Then I felt something wet hitting first my left then my right cheek. It ran down and I guessed he had spit on me. My mouth was still open and the third goblet of spit hit my tongue. He was still kicking my balls as his spit slowly ran down my tongue into my throat.

I felt his other hand on my shoulder, slowly running the backside of his fingers down to my left nipple. At first he played with it only a little, ran over it, fondled it a little bit. But then he took it between two of his knuckles, pinched them hard together and twisted them so hard I almost screamed. A loud gasp escaped my mouth as the pain was so intense not only because of the pinching but also because the clamps were still in place. At that moment he pulled my head back straight and pushed his dick in again. He didn't move it and maybe only half of it was in my mouth and I was breathing heavily on it trying to adjust to the sudden pressure and pain.

All the while he had stopped slapping my balls, maybe to stabilize himself after he had to reach down to get to my nipple so my attention was drawn to the new intensive pain while at the same time I felt his pulsating member on my tongue. I started to lick it when I had adjusted to the pressure due to the twist. When he noticed that I was able to blow him again he turned the nipple in the other direction playing with it like it was a turn-switch. Left and right he twisted it while I struggled to keep his dick in my mouth and even staying upright. And I might have fallen from the pain if it wasn't for his hand holding me up by my hair. I was trying to blow him and at the same time exhaled heavily due to the always changing pressure and pain.

As I got used to it a little better he suddenly stopped, but before he let go of the sensitive nipple he pulled it as far as he could from my body. This was when he let go but before I caught my breath he rubbed his palm over them such that I squirmed. But then he stopped completely and I felt his right hand on my head again, this time pulling my head on his entire dick again. He started to pull my head along his shaft thereby using me and throatfucking me, while my sore left nipple hurt. I was totally enthralled by him not able or willing to offer any more resistance. As he stopped I started to continue the blowjob by moving my head up and down his shaft.

He petted my head with his left hand which then moved down to my shoulder then onto my right nipple, which he caressed, before the again his knuckles clamped it in-between them and he started to twist and turn them. This time he held my head on his crotch so I had his entire dick deep inside and when he had adjusted his position he started to slowly move his hips using my mouth while he twisted and turned my right nipple. I was in agony now not even being able to breathe much but at the same time being stimulated so heavily with a dick in my mouth. Then again he pulled it out and this time as he let go he also let go of my head.

That was too much and I couldn't stay up and fell on my side writhing in pain and pleasure. I was breathing heavily, trying to be coming back to my senses. I was totally focussed on me and my body which was aching not only from him torturing my nipples but also from being bound and hog tied the whole time not really being able to move my legs and arms enough to adjust to the various stimuli by my unknown tormentor. I could only guess that he was towering above me grinning at my agony with his hard dick, pocking straight up, wet from my saliva, pulsating, red. I had tasted a little pre-cum as he pulled out, a little bit salty but delicious. And I closed my eyes behind the blindfold trying to get collect my senses. As my breathing got steadier I finally noticed that my dick was hurting badly in its cage, it was pulsating and trying to get really hard pulling my balls forward. It must have enjoyed the treatment.

After a while I felt a foot between my legs pulling them apart then rolling me from the lateral position I was in on my backside. This was even more uncomfortable as now my arms were pressed between my back and the floor. My assailant stepped between my legs and I felt his left foot, his toes pushing between the cage and my balls. Then suddenly as he had almost reached the shaft he pushed his foot down jamming my balls between my legs.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed, as he started to move his foot keeping the pressure up rubbing his foot with my balls between my legs along my perineum. It seemed to go on forever as I squirmed under his grasp. When he stopped I was breathing heavily again. I felt him getting down, leaving his feet between my legs but putting his knees framing my upper body. His ass touched my stomach and even though I was not really focussed on it, it felt small and firm, not as broad as my stomach. His crack was pushing against my still aching caged dick and his firm balls where resting a little bit above my navel. He rubbed his crack a little against my cage, teasing me before he pushed himself over me and soon I felt the head of his dick demanding entrance into my mouth again.

I opened it not only hoping the torture would end soon but also because I wanted to feel his dick inside of me again. This time he pushed in and out of me hard and without hesitation and I felt that he was getting close. When he pushed in his dick had felt hot and it was pulsating already and I knew he wouldn't take long. It felt good having his dick inside feeling it sliding in and out of my throat, along my tongue, while I was helpless on the ground.

Suddenly he pulled out and straightened himself as I felt him shudder. The first thick rope of cum still hit my mouth, the second my nose. Then he just shot his load all over my upper body covering me in his cum. He was breathing heavily and I had heard a muffled moan as he shot his load. Now he was sitting on my stomach again as he was shaking a bit trying to regain composure after what I guessed was a really intense orgasm. I felt his dick soften on my skin, wet from the last drops of cum. After his movements became steadier he smeared the tip of his dick along my skin and pinched my nipples really hard again. I was writhing in pain under him and I heard a muffled laugh of a voice I couldn't match to anyone due to the headphones. Then he got up and after another slap into my balls – which almost brought me over the edge – I couldn't feel him anymore.

Suddenly I realized that I was covered in cum still bound, still waiting for John and I wondered how this would go on. It wouldn't be too long until I found out!

-------------End Chapter 22----------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 23

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