Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on May 1, 2022


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: After a day of constant pleasure by a remotly controlled plug which went out during afternoon lessons, Jay has just reached the locker room shower where John is waiting, angry that the remote control app didn't work the entire afternoon...

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

Chapter 20

"Please John... Please Sir..." I tried to start to reason but before I was able to continue John interrupted me, obviously annoyed:

"Get ... DOWN! ON ... YOUR ... KNEES!"

He took a step forward. I crouched and took half a step backwards, afraid of his wrath, turned on by the vibrating plug at the same time, no longer thinking clearly my sub side finally kicked in and I dropped down and bowed my head.

"Damn it. Crawl over there in the corner!", he told me, almost towering over me. I immediately obliged crawling on my fours. When I reached the far corner, I turned around and looked up to John who had followed me.

"Show me you phone!"

I handed it over and he looked at the screen.

"Well, you might not be lying. The battery is still quite low. But how the fuck did you let this happen. I told you that you need to be available all the time!", he was calmer now but he his voice was like a parent scolding a child.

"I'm sorry, Sir! I hadn't noticed it earlier and there was no time for me during lunch break to check it at all. It won't happen again."

"I bet it won't but you need to learn to be more careful! Strip!"

As I reached for my shirt, I noticed that there was still low voices of chatting to be heard from the lockerroom. I hesitated but when I looked up to John, I felt that he wouldn't allow any discussion about his order. So, I continued, gave him the shirt, then the shorts and the jock, while I left the socks and shoes on, which he directed me to do.

"Open your mouth!"

As I did he pushed the jock in my mouth, then he pulled his black shorts down to reveal a black jock, which he also pulled down. His cock was not entirely soft anymore, as he was getting off on dominating me.

"Punishment has to be!"

And with that he let out a stream of piss on my face, towards my mouth and started to soak the jock. He was careful not to aim at my hair, but all the other parts of my body were slowly getting wet. I winced disgusted, but there was no chance to avoid it and I feared the consequences if I angered him more today. Slowly, the fabric of the jock started to be soaked full of piss, but his stream was quite clear and not as bitter and weird as I feared it would be. At the same time, the vibrating plug almost drove me mad hitting me at all the right places

As the stream got slower and he had emptied his bladder over my face and body. He looked down on me:

"That was the first part of your punishment. Now, get into those clothes, and we can start training."

I looked at him, hoping to get the chance to clean at least some of his piss off me, but as I started to speak after I had removed the soaking wet jock from my mouth, he signalled me to hurry and said:

"Come on, you don't want to get surprised by the kids getting ready for their team? And don't worry, you'll sweat so no one will think it's weird that you're wet."

I stood up and as I slipped my jock over I felt and saw my cock pulsating the cage, wet, be it from his piss or still leaking I couldn't tell. The cold, wet fabric felt weird and helped to calm my dick a little bit. He gave me my shorts and shirt, which clung to my wet body, and I knew one would see stains as we started to walk towards the rear exit.

"John, Sir, could you please stop the plug. I might not be able to run with you, when we get going. I barely can walk right now." I pleaded with John, as he was silent walking one step in front of me. It was true of course. The constant intense hammering of the plug, prevented me from walking (and thinking) straight. John stopped in his tracks and I almost ran into him, but managed to stop as well.

"It's not your place to make any demands, bitch. You've done enough already today. But I guess if this training would make any sense for me, I should turn it down a bit."

He didn't turn around for his comments, barely acknowledging me. As he started to walk again, he reached into his pocket, took his phone out and at least halved the vibration-intensity. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I finally was able to walk and not feel like every step excited my prostate.

"Thank you!"

"Remember that I did this for you! You will be repaying me for this. Now listen: As we get out, we start to run towards the woods, where the lake is, there we will do some exercises and then run back. I believe its five kilometres one way, so this should be a good start. If you beat me running, I might have a little present for you!"

With that John opened the door to the courtyard and immediately started to jog. Of course, I knew the way as this had been one of my tracks before and I ran behind him at first, wondering what kind of present he meant. Maybe he would release me from under his thumb. So I started to fasten my pace, eager to find out, but as I was beside him, he got quicker as well. It was a run head to head, as we were both fit. But I was so horny and distracted from the plug that I couldn't gather all my strength. I was sweating heavily and my sweat mixed with the piss on my clothes. They clang even closer to my body and restricted my movement a bit. Just as the border of the woods came closer, John got even faster and now ran and I couldn't follow.

When I reached it, half a minute or so after him, he was leaning on a tree, and you had to look carefully to see that he was a bit out of breath. I was breathing heavily and had to rest my hands on my knees. The last few meters where I had tried to keep up with him, had really exhausted me.

"I thought this was training for me, fag. But I guess you need to get in shape first, to keep up with me. Come on, let's do some stretching and maybe some exercises for better strength. But wait... you lost... I think the looser should strip and do it naked!"

I looked up to him, then looked around. We were in the open. Even though there were some bushes on the other side of the forest, and the forest itself blocked the view a little, we were on a public path which was used by some people.

"Here?" I asked him anxiously. "Please at least let us hide from sight or anyone coming by, by chance."

"Ok, we will do the exercises out of sight, but you're going to strip here. Just take your phone with you, and your shoes and socks. NOW!"

The sound of voice made it clear, that he was in no mood to discuss this. I looked around and thankfully no one was to be seen, and I quickly stripped. He held his hand out for my clothes and I gave them to him only keeping my phone with me. Then he walked into the bushes, maybe 50 meters off the track. They were not really tall, they went up a little above my navel some reaching my breast. On his way John had dropped my clothes under a bush as he walked further and I knew that I would have no chance to hide me if someone came along.

But the fresh breeze was actually quite nice. No longer being confined by the clanging wet fabric, while we did the exercises, stretching, then some push-ups. Only when we did some sit-ups I noticed the gravel pushing into my skin, so I took longer than John to finish my set. His shadow fell on me, as I did the last one and as I looked up he stood directly in front of me.

"Get on your knees and cross your arms behind your back!", he ordered me and I did as I was told. I was kneeling naked close to John's crotch, looking at his bulge, which clearly showed the outline of his dick on his shorts. I didn't dare to look up, wondering what John had in store for me now. Being constantly stimulated by the plug had me in constant horniness and I longed to see his dick and be allowed to suck it, even if he face-fucked me with it. Deep inside of me I didn't care much about being blackmailed by him at this moment anymore, I just wanted to please him as my Master, as my Dom.

Just as I started to open my mouth to ask him to let me blow him, he said:

"Open your mouth. I think you need more hydration! And don't even think about touching my dick with your mouth. You don't deserve it, after the stunt you pulled. And you better swallow it all! Maybe then, this might be the last part of your punishment!"

I dreaded what I expected to be another shower of piss, but on the other hand I wanted to please him and get back on his good side. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, just as he reached into his shorts and pulled his dick and balls out.

"Open your eyes, faggot and see how pathetic you are, getting pissed on by an alpha like me!"

He moaned as he finished the sentence, and just as I opened my eyes another stream of piss started to run. He had pulled his foreskin back so it was one direct clear stream which he was aiming at my mouth. It was the first time he directly fed me his piss. The stream was strong but relatively clear and salty but not as bitter as I feared, I even tried to swallow to prevent it overflowing, but his bladder was quite full, and some of his golden stream ran over my lips and along my chin. Slowly the stream subsided and I managed to swallow the rest. He pushed the last few drops out, then took half a step forward and smeared his wet tip on my forehead to clean off the last residue. Just as he did that, we heard someone clearing his throat:

"Hmm... What do we have here?"

I wanted to jump and run, and I saw John wincing a little. But he quickly caught himself and turned to the person, who was standing behind him. While he had blocked the view when he was directly in front of me as he turned he left me completely exposed. I saw a middle aged man, with a moustache and brown hair. He already had a receding hairline and I guessed he was about 45 years old. He was wearing a loose shirt and jeans, and had glasses on. He looked quite average as far as I could tell. His face was friendly and not disgusted, what I had feared, and his right hand was slowly rubbing his crotch. John seemed to have noticed it too, as his confidence was back, when he answered:

"This guy here asked me to feed him my piss, when I came by. He was kneeling here, with his dick locked. He seemed so eager to drink it that I thought only shortly and then pulled out. He swallowed it all."

I turned bright red as he said that and looked down. What could I say? What could I do? Naked on my knees his piss still wet on my chin? I decided to stay silent and hope that the embarrassment and humiliation would end soon, but I also felt my dick starting to pulsate again, after it had gone almost soft by the surprise visitor.

"I've seen that he gulped it down almost completely and to be honest it looked really hot, seeing a locked boy serving a real man. And to think that I almost had to relief myself in the bushes, when I could have an eager mouth to swallow it. It's good that I wandered off the path here and found you. You don't mind if I feed him more, do you?"

"No. Don't let me stop you. I think he really wants to get fed as much piss as possible. He begged me for mine. Isn't that right, bitch?"

I was still looking down, in shock and surprised by this turn of events that I almost didn't realize that John had asked me. As the silence lingered a little I looked up and saw John's demanding face, realized his question and what he wanted me to say even though I was disgusted by the thought.

"Yes ... Please feed me your piss!", I said in a weak voice. I gulped and looked at the newcomer, who had just started to slowly move towards me. His crotch now showed his excitement, and the shaft of his dick pushed against the fabric of his jeans. When he was standing directly in front of me, he grabbed my hair and pushed my head back so I had to look up to him. He spit in my face than in my mouth.

"As you ask me so nicely, you should open my fly and free my beast from its cage."

Almost automatically my hands reached forward, opened his jeans. He was wearing boxershorts, the buttons already open. As the pressure from jeans had subsided a pretty average hard dick pushed through the open slit. He was cut and had a big mushroom head. As I did that I heard John say:

"Have fun with him. I'm getting back!"

Just as the guy pushed my lips on his dick I heard John's footsteps leaving. I looked up and he looked down on me, his face showed that he was horny and happy that he found a willing – well more or less – mouth. He came even closer and pushed my legs apart until one of his feet was standing in between mine

"What do you want first? Piss or cum? Well you can't even answer: so piss it is."

And with a loud moan I felt the underside of his dick starting to swell and he started to empty his bladder directly into my throat. He held my head firmly in place, so I couldn't move away, but as he had pushed his dick almost completely inside of me, I tasted only a few drops. But as he pissed his dick started to soften and get smaller and after a few seconds all his bitter piss reached my taste buds and I almost gagged from the taste. But as I started to struggle he pushed his foot on my balls and started to rhythmically slap it. There was not much pain but the constant pressure kept me from concentrating too much on the piss.

"That's what you need, boy!"

After a while, what seemed like ages to me but was probably not more than a minute, the stream started slow down, and after the last few drops had dried down, I heard another moan from the guy and he said:

"It's always good when your dick stays warm, when you've got to piss. Now go ahead and lick me clean and blow me, so you get another treat. You're into that, aren't you?"

He still held my head firmly so I knew I wouldn't have a chance to escape even though I was totally disgusted by what just had happened and the bitter residue on my tongue almost made me want to puke. When I didn't start right away he slapped my balls a little harder, so I started to run my tongue along his glans. It was still bitter but after I had cleaned the last residue I could finally enjoy his dick, which was slowly growing again. First I just ran my tongue along his glans and piss slit, then I started to rhythmically move my head along his shaft.

After a while he took command and started to move my head and thrust it on his dick. Thankfully it was not that long or thick, so I could handle him quite easily, but with the tapping on my balls it got a little bit uncomfortable. He didn't last long, thankfully, so after a few minutes his breathing got faster and faster and I felt his dick getting even harder before he blew his load into my mouth and throat. He held my head in place until he had caught his breath and his dick had gotten softer. Meanwhile I cleaned all the cum I could get from his dick, not only because I wanted to get rid of the taste of piss in my mouth but also because I really enjoyed tasting cum.

After a few moments he pushed me off his dick backwards that I almost fell, and while I struggled to keep my balance he pushed his dick back in, closed his fly. Then he said "Thank you!" and turned around and left me without saying another word.

The vibrating plug was still hitting my prostate as I sank on all fours, breathing heavily, as I just realized that John had sold me out after we had been surprised by that stranger. But even worse I had played my part and offered no resistance. And I kind of liked it, getting exposed that way, getting used that way. I still hated getting pissed on, but somehow, someway I slowly got an understanding why John thought it had been necessary. I breathed heavily looking down and thinking. Then suddenly a spark hit my insides as I received a message, which brought me back into the present.

I looked around for my phone, still on my knees, found it not far away and crawled there, still not realizing that I could get up easily. I reached for my phone and looked at the message from John:

"Hey bitch. I hoped you served that guy well and enjoyed his golden shower as well. We'll meet back at the shower. You should hurry that we don't get disturbed by the team which just has training. Oh, and have fun finding your clothes. They are on the way ... somewhere on the path!"

"Shit!", escaped my mouth. I just realized again that I was naked but for my shoes and felt the fresh breeze on my skin. Hopefully he hadn't taken my clothes too far. I got up then crunched down, so I wouldn't be too far up above the line of the bushes, and easily recognized. But I would have to jog along the path we had come or there was a chance I would not find my clothes again. I ran back the way to the path we had come, and indeed my clothes were not where John had left them.

At least the path was not at all crowded and I knew people only rarely frequented it as it only led to the school. I quickly ran half crouched down and I looked right and left if I could see them. After almost half the way back to school was done, the bushes receded and both right and left there was only a plain field leaving me completely exposed. After 500 m or so I reached a big tree and there my jocks were hanging down a branch, higher than I could reach standing. I jumped up a little and in the first try I reached it, while my cage flopped up and down and against my stomach and thighs. I quickly put them on. I, immediately, felt better and safer but still quite exposed. But all the time I felt my dick pulsating.

I jogged further as right now I could laugh this off as a joke. Maybe 500m further my shirt was lying underneath a single bush. It was only one more kilometre till I would reach the school and I wondered where he had put the shorts as there was only a plain field without any bushes or trees if I remembered correctly. I was sweating as I ran along the way as now the chances increased that someone from school would see me. Even though there was a chance that one would not recognize that I was missing my running shorts at least at a glance, this would not help if someone looked closer.

When I could already see the fence and gate of the school I spotted something white on the right hand side maybe 50m away from the path. I quickly ran there and breathed a sigh of relief as I recognized my shorts. I put them on, took a few more deep breaths then ran to the shower to meet with John. As I entered the locker he was leaning against the wall at the passage to the shower. He was only wearing his black jockstrap. His hair was a little bit sweaty and stuck to his forehead. But he clearly had recovered from our run. He was grinning at me as I entered panting.

"You finally did it, hope you served that guy good. And from your visible bulge I can see you still enjoy running around naked. I wouldn't have expected anything else from such an eager faggot. Now strip and crawl here, there is one last thing you need to do!"

He was talking quite loud and I hoped that no one else was in the room. I gulped but stripped quickly putting the clothes on a bench in the far corner of the room and got on my fours and crawled over to him. As I reached him he patted my head.

"I think you behaved quite well this afternoon. I'd say you fixed your mistake, don't you think?"

I breathed a breath of relief that he wouldn't punish me any further, looked up and said:

"Thank you. What else can I do for you?"

He laughed and muttered "Such an eager faggot!" before he told me:

"Come on, you need to clean me and then we need to take care of that plug of yours."

With that he reached behind him, grabbed his phone and finally turned the plug off. Again I moaned and my dick was twitching in its cage and I wanted to clean him and feel his body again.

As he turned he stripped out of his jock, looked at it then pushed it into my face. And I was overwhelmed by the rich aroma of sweat and piss which I deeply inhaled as he surprised me as I was just breathing in.

"That's how a real man smells. I think you'll like it!"

As he pulled it away again and put it down on a bench which also had his clothes I let out a groan, because I really had enjoyed smelling him. He laughed as I crawled next to him to the shower. His dick was swinging, half hard as he was guiding me to the furthest shower where his shower gel was already standing. He pointed me to get between the wall and him and as he turned the shower on a stream of cold water hit me and I shuddered. He laughed but the water quickly got warm and he stepped under it pushing me further back to the wall. My head was on the height of his crotch and I looked directly at his dick, balls and pubic hair which quickly got wet. I saw the water running along his chest, along the hills and valleys of his shredded abs.

I licked my lips then just bowed my head forward and kissed them before I ran my tongue downward through the soft hair and along the shaft of his dick. Just as I wanted to take the tip of his dick in my mouth, which I had longed for since I saw his chiselled body leaning against the wall, he grabbed my head and pushed it against the wall softly.

"You'll get your bone! But first take my shower gel and wash me, then you might have earned blowing me."

With that he pointed to a bottle already situated at the floor close by. Quickly and eagerly I did as I was told starting from his feet, which he put on my knee as I cleaned each toe thoroughly. I ran my soapy fingers up his legs, ran my hands along his balls and dick, before I reached through and freed his ass crack from sweat, even massaging his rosebud a little. To my surprise he moaned a little. But I was so eager to feel his dick inside of me again I that I quickly continued along his abs and breast, his armpits and arms. I had to get up to reach for his shoulders and as I did that I felt his dick brushing along my chest and stomach, as he had gotten hard completely. But I only barely registered that as I was completely lost in my will to serve him. As I looked at his face he clearly was enjoying getting washed by me and as I started to massage shampoo into his hair and clean them as well he moaned with his eyes closed. He started to move his hips a little and he poked and slightly slapped my caged, pulsating dick with his full mast. As I was done I turned the shower back on and let it wash away. I ran my hands all across his body as the water engulfed us both and I slowly guided myself down on my knees again. I looked up and saw him running his fingers through his hair, getting rid of the last remaining shampoo, before he opened his eyes, looked down on me and said:

"Get it, boy!"

He didn't have to ask twice. I opened my mouth and guided his wet dick in it. I let my tongue play a little with his foreskin, before I started to move my lips up and down his shaft. He let me play a little before he pushed himself forward and pushed me against the wall. Then he started to slowly but rhythmically fuck my mouth and throat. Warm water was running along our bodies which made it difficult for me to breath, but I just closed my eyes and focussed on his rhythm and my breathing. I reached for his cheeks and started to slowly knead them. I felt the firm muscles contract each time he pushed in. It felt so good serving him, offering my mouth for his pleasure.

John was moaning a little, but he did not speed up. He fucked my mouth slowly and steadily, almost tenderly. I was so completely engulfed by him and his dick that everything else stopped being important. After a while he pulled out and I let out a groan and moved my head forward to taste his dick again. When I couldn't reach it I opened my eyes and saw that he had stepped back a little, his dick his entire body reflecting the light emitted by the cold light, almost as if he was completely surrounded by an aura of light.

"Turn around, your ass up and spread your pussy!", he told me in a surprisingly tender voice. I guess he had felt, that he didn't need to push anymore. And he was right. I might have offered some resistance at least in my thoughts when he had pushed hard, but this way he made me want to follow through and do as he wished. So, I turned around on all fours put my head on the floor and spread my ass-cheeks. I heard him moving as he positioned himself behind me. He ran his finger tips along my spine before he said:

"Come on, push it out! I've got something better to fill you!"

I started pushing. I felt my ass expanding again slowly which felt so good. And at first only slowly I felt the plug pushing out. I hummed a little as it had a big diameter but after I had pushed the biggest one through my hole the rest came out with ease. It jumped out and suddenly I felt empty.

"What a big open hole. Used as it should! And already leaking all the juices I've put in you!"

I moaned and even wiggled my ass a little then suddenly in one hard push John impaled me with his dick. It almost didn't hurt but I exhaled fast and with a small yelp out of surprise. He pushed my hands of my cheeks then reached forward and lay his hands on my shoulders. This time John didn't hold back. He immediately started to rail me hard with long strokes almost pulling out completely. Then he reached for my hair and pulled me on with them. His other hand went over my throat as he fucked me like a bull. Then he pressed my throat shut so I could only barely breath.

I closed my eyes focussing on my breathing and the sound of his breath, the sound of his hips slamming against my cheeks. Suddenly, the shower started again making it even harder for me to breathe and I was getting lightheaded. I sputtered a little but John only tightened his grip. I felt his chest moving faster and I heard his breathing getting a little irregular and I knew he was getting close.

Just as I thought I would black out from the pressure he let out a loud moan and shot his load inside of me. This time he didn't stop but pumped through his orgasm until every last bit of his spunk was shot. He still hadn't relented much from my throat but enough so I wouldn't black out.

"That's how I like my bitches, obedient eager and submissive!", he whispered into my ears when he had caught his breath and I felt a little bit proud being getting praised like this. Then and only then he let go of my hair and throat and I had to quickly use my hands to support myself on the wall and floor to not completely fall forward while I was breathing heavily, exhausted from his hard fuck, my lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.

"Get your hands back on those cheeks, faggot!", he told me no longer in a kind voice but demanding.

Slowly I rested my head on the floor again then reached back pulled them apart as he was slowly pulling out until I was empty again. After a weekend full of sex an entire day wearing the plug, it felt really weird to having nothing inside. I heard him stand up and his steps moving away before came back.

"Such a nice open hole, filled to the brink with my and my brother's babymakers. Such a dirty little teacher – hah – not teacher – fag! Come on reach in your hole and get some of the juice!"

I couldn't believe my ears but did as I was told. When my right hand reached my rosebud I felt it swollen, gaping open and without any resistance I could push 4 fingers in. I felt the slick insides and the gobbles of cum and took my fingers out again.

"Now, turn around on your knees and look to me but have your knees apart!"

As I raised my upper body I looked at my hand which was coated by white juice with a few sprinkled darker bits. I also felt my ass trying to contract but without luck. Then as I turned around I felt more cum starting to run out of my hole, along my perineum and balls along the ring holding my cage. When I looked at John he was holding his phone apparently shooting a video.

"Come on, clean your hand and taste me and my brother!"

I looked at my hand, then back at John and slowly put my fingers in my mouth. The taste was intense, different from normal cum and from it my submissive brain took over and I started to eagerly lick it clean. John laughed.

"Such a good boy, so eager to please and so needy that he leaks when he is used from both sides. Get down and lick it clean!"

Only as I looked down I realised that my dick was straining, hurting against the cage and leaking profoundly. Beneath me a puddle had formed where my pre-cum as well as Johns and Peter's cum had mixed. Without thinking I bowed down again and started licking.

"I'm going to leave now. I've got some things to finish. Take the plug with you, you're going to need it soon again! I would hurry cleaning up here, if I were you, I don't think the team will be training much longer!"

With that he turned around and I heard his steps leaving the shower. I was completely focussed on cleaning the floor that I didn't really realize what he had said. But shortly after was interrupted by the bell ringing which brought me back.

"Shit!" escaped my mouth as I realized my situation. In a few seconds the lockerroom would be brimming with students eager to get a shower. I looked around and saw that there was no towel only the plug was lying in front of me, coated in ass juice and cum. I realized that I had no bag with me to hide it and my shorts had no pockets to hide it. So without much ado I took it and pushed it back in giving me a nice sensation than hurried to my clothes through the entire locker room. Just as I reached them the door opened and I barely managed to put my jock on when at least ten kids ran in joking, teasing each other but also sweaty. Thankfully they didn't notice me right away so I managed to put the shorts on as well before the first student saw and greeted me. Still wet I put my shirt on which stuck to my chest and went a little translucent.

"Mr B did you forget your towel this time? You know you need both: clothes and towel!" one student said and laughed.

"Haha, very funny smartass! Now go ahead and get your shower you stink!", I replied, winking, which made all the kids laugh, and they started to strip. They were all between 10 and 12 and only one or two in puberty. For a short while I stared before I realized my position, turned around and went for my room.

---------------End Chapter 20------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 21

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