Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Feb 6, 2022


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: Not having found Steven (but really intensive Sex) Jay is ready to leave the club. But he has one more task ahead of him.

Teacher and Slave Part 17

Chapter 17

Before I opened the door to the reception area I looked at myself in the mirror which was positioned right next to it. I looked at an exhausted face with ruffled hair, happy but sleepy eyes. There were stains of cum on my face and upper body and five marks were on my stomach. I couldn't even remember that anyone had put them there. When I turned around on my ass cheek was one and on the other were seven. So at least I would be able to try all keys. But it was weird during all this sex I didn't even remember my task and while I wanted to get off I hadn't much thought about the keys. But now the moment had finally arrived when my dick would be free again. I smiled and opened the door.

The clerk had changed and now an even younger guy was standing at the counter. He couldn't have been older than 19. He had a bare chest and you couldn't see any defined muscles; he was a total twink. When he saw me coming he grinned and greeted friendly:

"Hey, how are you? Did you enjoy your stay? Well I can see that you did! You wanna get your clothes?"

"Yeah, thank you. But I kind of ...", searching for words, "well... I wanted to ... I mean I need to ... get to try the keys for the cage."

"Oh. Ok. But the cage really suits you. Those metal bars restricting the pulsating base. And it shows that you are available to get used. But if you really want to, I will bring the keys out!", he teased me, grinning. Then he turned around and opened a drawer and brought out a small box, then he came in front of the counter and opened it on the way.

"I see, how many? Five...ten...thirteen marks. So you're in for the whole treatment. Now get your arms behind your back and spread your legs a little bit." He told me. The last sentence was in an unexpectedly real stern voice and I just automatically reacted and did as I was told.

"Good boy!", he told me and grabbed my junk with his left hand after he put the box on the counter. "They seem to be really heavy and your dick is really pulsating and the tip is quite wet. Did they tease you a lot in there?"

"Yes, they did, especially in the last hour or so, I got to the edge quite often, but did not get any release. So I really need the key now!", I answered truthfully.

Suddenly he dropped on his knees in front of me and licked along my slit once, which made me shudder and moan.

"Hmmm. Nice. You know what: I'll give you a choice!" He told me when he was finished and looked up. "I'll make you cum, right now, right here but I will not try the keys on you. They will stay where they are. Or I will try the keys, but remember there is no guarantee that your key is among them, so you might leave still locked without release. What do you say?"

I looked down at this gorgeous twink, who seemed so eager to get me off. I saw his dick tenting in his joggers and to be honest I was really tempted. The memory of the guy who had almost gotten me off in the dark room was quite fresh and it had felt so good feeling a warm mouth playing with my caged dick. And he was right, of course: There was no guarantee that the key was in the box. But could I really pass the chance to get rid of the cage? To get my life back in order and maybe even get rid of the threat from John. So I swallowed deep, pushed my horniness to the back of my head and slowly shook my head, no:

"Sorry, but I really have to get out of the cage. It's on already too long. Please!"

He looked disappointed and got up quickly.

"Too bad! There is nothing hotter for me than a locked boy in need of release. But I get that some people want to get rid of the cage, or at least be able to free their dick. So let's see!"

With that he reached into the box and pulled out the first key, which did nothing. One after another he pulled them out, one after another they didn't fit. I was starting to sweat, anxious whether my key would be in the box. After the 15th key he looked down the box and told me:

"Well, it's getting close. Just five more to go, and some of them look too big already. As you didn't want me to give you final release but made me to look at your hot body..." with that he ran one hand along my breast and squeezed my nipple which – again – made me moan "...I think you really should repay me for my effort. I've been here for three hours, seen all those hot guys get in or leave for home stripping in front of me, sometimes teasing me. You might not need release, but I do. So before we try the last five keys I think I need to make use of your mouth! Get down on your knees! And don't worry if anyone comes by. They will enjoy the show and it will be nothing that they haven't seen inside!"

I immediately obliged I wanted to taste him, feel him, while he pulled down his sweatpants to reveal his hard dick. It was circumcised and standing upwards a little bit. The – I guessed – 7.5'' long dick was framed by a blond bush as was his hair on his head. Otherwise, I couldn't see any hair on him. The light in the room made his skin seem to be of marble and he looked like one of those ancient statues but with a larger (and harder) dick. I licked my lips and moved my upper body forward to get to his dick. He took two steps forward as I opened my mouth and the tip of his dick was pushed inside.

Slowly, I moved my tongue along the outline of his glans which was already a little bit wet and salty. I gripped the shaft tightly between my lips and pushed myself onto the entire shaft, which prompted the first moan. The dick pushed into my throat and I felt filled and whole again. My own dick started to pulsate again as soon as I felt the young guy's dick inside of me. Then I felt his hands on my hair, he ran it through it, petting me a little bit, while I started to deepthroat him. I pulled out and pushed myself on him again. Ten times I impaled his dick into my throat, before I let go of the dick. This prompted a moan of pleasure, he demanded more. I looked up and saw him pant already a little bit. But before I would get him off, I wanted a bit more fun.

I took the shaft between my lips from below and used my tongue to guide them all the way back to the base and his balls. Then I played with his balls a little, washing them thoroughly and taking each one inside even pulling them down a little. I moved back to the tip again without letting go of his shaft from between my lips. Then I took only the glans into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. He moaned even deeper now and I felt his grip on my head tighten. I knew he wasn't far from the edge. So again in one stroke I took his entire dick and started to blow him again deep and with all the skill I had. Suddenly, his fingers grabbed my hair hard and he pulled my face deep into his groin and then I felt his dick pulsating in my mouth as he shot his load into my stomach. He screamed as his orgasm overwhelmed him:

"Take my load! Take it all!"

He held me in place after he had deposited his cum into my stomach as his dick slowly got soft in me. He was still panting heavily and was trying to catch his breath and only after his breathing got slower he let go of my head and pulled out. I looked up to him and grinned:

"Did you enjoy that?"

He looked down and laughed but instead of answering he reached behind him, then got on his knees as well directly in front of me and pushed his tongue into my mouth as he embraced me for a kiss. I embraced him as well as we kissed and felt our backs, while he rubbed his still wet cock on my cage teasing me further.

"Thank you!", he told me when we finally let go of each other. "I really needed that and you seemed like someone who would love to suck me off. Normally, Jocks just want me to suck them and open my ass for them, so this was a welcome change. Now! Let's see if one of the last keys fit."

He let go of me and reached for the box and took one key out. It obviously was too big. The next one fitted but the key didn't move inside the lock. The third was too big again, as was the fourth. Then he showed me the insides of the box and just one key was still in there. It was small enough that it might fit and just as he was about to pull it out, we were startled as someone cleared his throat behind me.

"I'm sorry – and to be honest your show was really hot – but I really need to get my things. Would you mind giving them to me?"

I heard the voice kindly asking. The clerk looked sorry to me. Then he stood up taking the box with him and said:

"Sorry to keep you waiting, but I needed to take care of something. What's your number?"

He quickly did his job, and gave the client his clothes and things back. While the guy, who was in his 40s was busy putting his clothes on, the clerk returned to me and told me to get up.

"One last key. I hope it fits. Otherwise, we might not be able to help you!"

He pushed the key in. It got in completely and when he started to move it, at first, I thought I saw movement. But it might have been my imagination and even though he clearly was trying to pull the key the latch just didn't move. He let go, then tried again and looked back into my eyes with a sad look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. It seems that we don't have your keys. I hope you will find it somewhere. But you might also be able to open the lock with brute force."

I let my shoulders and face hang down. My ordeal wasn't over. But what would be even worse: I would have to tell John that I hadn't been able to retrieve the key. After a few moments I gathered myself and with a breaking voice I asked the clerk for my clothes. Before he turned around to get them, he dropped on his knees again and for a few moments licked along my swollen and pulsating cock in its cage, which brought me back into a better (and hornier) mind-set. He didn't stop and after a few more licks I started to moan again and the rest of the bad feelings started to vanish and I knew that I wouldn't take long before I came. But again, just as I reached the edge and my breathing got quicker, he stopped, got up and said:

"Sorry, but you made your choice in the beginning. But I hope I could distract you a little bit."

Then he turned around with a wink on his face as I showed a thankful face as I got my clothes. Just as he handed them over another client entered so I couldn't talk much more to the clerk. As I pulled the underwear up I again felt my exhaustion and I was kind of glad that I could go to the hotel now to get some sleep. As I took my jeans I felt my mobile vibrating. I took it out to notice that I had just received a message from Steven, my colleague. It read:

"Sorry that we didn't see each other anymore. I went into one of the private rooms, which I told the waiter, but after a few moments two hot twinks entered and I got kind of distracted. I hope you had a fun time and found your key. If you want to talk, I would love to deepen our conversation. See you!"

There was also a message of John which was quite different:

"Hey bitch, I hope you enjoy whoring yourself out for a key of no use for you! When you're done I want to get a picture of you naked on your knees and one of your open pussy. Spread those cheeks! You're not to take those pictures!"

I looked at the message in disbelief but I knew that I had to oblige. So I waited until the other client was done and had left, before I got out of my underwear again and asked the clerk to take the required pictures.

"You want something to remember? Huh? Well that's the least I can do."

I heard him laugh as I bowed over the counter to spread my ass and I followed his instructions to move my hands `to show the marks'.

"I think they are quite good. I've entered my number into your phone if you want to share them, or have fun again."

I said my thanks. When I looked at them I was astonished at my puffed hole which clearly showed the use it had gotten during the night. They also looked really hot, though. I sent the two best pictures to John then quickly pulled my clothes up and got going.

As soon as I got into my hotel room I showered all the cum, spit and sweat away and cleaned myself profoundly. Then I tended to my sore hole but I knew I would feel this nights adventures the next day. Exhausted, happy from all the sex of the night but also worried about the key I fell into my bed and immediately a deep sleep took over.

I was woken by the sun shining into my room after a long and deep sleep. After I had arrived at the hotel at about 4 it now was past 12 and it was good that I had booked the entire day (and night) as well to enjoy the spa and relax after the night which I had anticipated to be long, and a week of humiliation and exposure. I took another long shower before I looked at my phone. There was a message from John which read:

"Holy shit you really let yourself get used. You're such a cock-hungry whore. What about your key? Did you get it?"

This brought back my desperate situation. Locked without the possibility to escape but for brute force and at the mercy of one of my students. I gulped and replied:

"No I haven't. It was not at the club.", I answered truthfully, before I put on a bathrobe and swimsuit to go to the pool and enjoy the steam room for an afternoon of relaxation. At first I refreshed myself in the pool, when I got down to the spa area. After an extensive visit to the steam room I lay down on one of those lounge chairs and started to read as I noticed that I had received another message:

"You've got 5 Minutes to send me a picture of your entire front. And I hope you didn't lie!"

Quickly I ran into a bathroom stripped, got on my knees and took the demanded picture and sent it to him. It was just in time excusing the late reply by explaining that I was in a Spa in a Hotel and planned to go back to the school only tomorrow. Anxious about his reply I got back to my seat and started the book I had brought. My phone buzzed maybe half an hour later as John wrote another message:

"It seems that you won't be able to touch yourself anymore, evermore. Just like a good faggot should! But it's a good coincidence that you're staying in a hotel. I will be going through that town on my way to the school this afternoon and I need someone to serve me after a long weekend. I will be there around 5. I expect you to be ready in your room when I text you that I'm there, on your knees, naked directly behind the door which needs to be open. Now send me your room number!"

I gulped at the news. I had hoped to have a little rest today and still felt my sore body after last night of sex, pleasure and torture. But I also knew that I didn't really have a choice. I thought about inventing a story about meeting someone but I guessed that he just wouldn't care. So I decided to agree and send him my Hotel's name and my room number. Anxious I leaned back trying to enjoy the few hours left until John would come by. I couldn't really relax my mind now spooked by the thought of my future again. I knew that I could break the cage by force but I feared possible injuries and repercussions by John. Steven would also be of no help, as he had made clear that having `an affair' with a student was despicable for him and I couldn't see how I could make him understand that this wasn't my choice.

With only half an hour left until John had invited himself and after I had taken another long swim and visit to the steam-room I went up to my room to prepare as good as I could. Just as I got naked I received a message from John:

"I will be there soon, bitch. Open the door already! Then back on your knees!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. When I opened the door and tried to lean it against the frame I noticed that it would swing open exposing my naked body. I thought hard for a few moments then took one of my shoes as a door stopper, then got on my knees beside my bed in front of the door. I gulped waiting for John to arrive. Moments passed which seemed like eternity and I started to sweat. Anyone could open the door and see my exposed body. But that was a chance I would need to take.

Suddenly, I heard steps in the hallway which stopped in front of my door. I saw a shadow reaching for the door handle and through pressure it slowly swung open. A shadow was standing in the frame which at first sight looked like John. It was about the same height and stature and just as I wanted to greet him, the figure stepped in and I saw that it wasn't him. But I recognized the guy. It was Peter, Johns brother who had finished school two years ago and was about 20. He looked almost identical with John. The same blond hair – the same haircut even. He also was a jock, muscular and sportive. But he had blue eyes instead of the green ones of John. When you saw both of them they could not deny that they were related.

My eyes opened in surprise and I wanted to hide my shame just as I saw the arrogant smile on his face and the knowing glare in his eyes. My fears were confirmed, when he opened his mouth and told me:

"Haha! So it really is true. You are a real cocksucker. A faggot craving for real men's cocks. I couldn't believe it when I my brother told me, I barely thought it possible when I saw the pictures. But here you are: on your knees, naked and eagerly waiting for my brother to suck him and serve him. And don't worry he will be here soon. But first it is my turn."

With that he walked forward.

"Stop!", I told him, gathering all the strength I could muster. "Just because your brother has some leverage over me doesn't mean I will do everything. Get away and leave my room. Now!"

He only laughed at me.

"Sweet! You still think you have a choice. Believe me, there is none! I know everything. My brother and I share everything ... and everyone! Who do you think had the idea for visiting you here? Who do you think drove John here? I did! For the sole purpose of getting prove of his tale. And then get a warm mouth and hole to please me!"

With that he moved forward quickly until he stood directly in front of me. My eye-level was at his crotch, which seemed impressive in the tight jeans he was wearing. He looked down at me and before I could say anything he continued:

"If my dick isn't buried into your throat when John shows up, he might do something rash. And I don't think you would want that! Now be a good boy and open my jeans. I want to make up for my entire school time where I couldn't use you!"

I gulped again as I looked up into his stern face and thought about my options. He was right of course. I was as much at his mercy as I was on John's. I think, he saw my resistance crumble in my eyes and he decided to speed up the decision I had to make. He grabbed my hair and he pulled my head on his crotch and said:

"Smell it! Feel it! That's a real man's scent. That's the outline of a real man's dick. You know you want to serve it, serve it as you served yesterday, the last week. Now! Open my jeans!"

With that he let go of me again. But I hesitated to pull back. I took in the manly smell. The outline of his dick already showed and promised a monster not smaller than his brother's. It stretched under the waistline and showed even under his pocket. Suddenly aware of my situation I retracted. But too late. He laughed again and when I looked up he grinned down at me:

"I knew you wanted it. Go ahead!"

Like a robot I felt my arms move towards the button and before I thought about it I had it opened. The rest of the buttons on his fly opened easily as I ripped it to the side. He wasn't wearing any underwear and I quickly noticed that he was shaven around his dick. As I pulled his trousers down his dick snapped into the open and the rest of the meagre resistance I had put up melted. Entirely.

The shaven crotch made his dick seem even bigger. He was at least as big as his brother 9.5'' but I guessed he was thicker. He was circumcised as well and the mushroom glans was shining beautifully in front of my face. I licked my lips and deep down I wanted him. I wanted his dick and please him. I was still horny after the teasing of last night. So I pushed my tongue out and started to lick along the glans. It slowly hardened, but was only half hard.

"Nice, faggot!", he said then grabbed my head again and pulled it in one go on his entire dick. I immediately started to struggle when he penetrated my throat because of his size but he didn't care. He just held me on his dick until my resistance faded and I felt my head go light as I didn't get much air. Then he pushed me back and I fell over backwards. As I lay naked on the ground on my back he stood over me and grinned:

"Such a hungry cock-sucker. Such a warm mouth. I will enjoy this! Now get back up and serve me as you do my brother!"

I was breathing heavily as I struggled to get up again, no longer able to muster any resistance. I was focussed on his cock, which was glistening from the spit. He was almost hard now, but his dick still pointed downwards a little. His balls were out of his jeans and swinging between his legs and he stood there his legs a little bit spread and his arms thrust onto his hips. He was wearing a tight fitting black shirt and a leather jacket. His jeans had not dropped down completely as they fitted his ass and thighs tightly. Just as I started to lick my tongue along his shaft I heard another pair of footsteps. I didn't stop licking even when I heard the door move. I was kind of relived when I heard it snap closed.

"Hey bro. You already started. Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Yeah sorry, John. But he was so eager to please me, I couldn't stop him."

"He's such a cock-hungry faggot. Maybe it's the cage!"

-----------------End chapter 17-------------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 18

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