Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Jan 17, 2022


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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I wish you all a happy new year, and I hope you will enjoy the story!

Summary: Deep in the dark room, Jay is still looking for Steven, but time after time he finds himself the target of doms taking advantage of him.

Teacher and Slave Part 16

Chapter 16

When I got to the left rear part with all the toys and SM tool I noticed a tall guy standing there, leaning on a wall between two Andreas' crosses. He was probably around 40 with a trained body and a remarkable face which you would recognize everywhere. He had one piercing, a ring through his nose, as well as piercings through his nipples which looked like needles, with pointy tips on both sides. He looked sternly and demanding and he just commanded submission. He didn't have any hair on him as far as I could see, none on his head – that was clear even in the dim and low light surroundings. But it also seemed that were weren't any on the rest of his body as well.

When I looked down along his body I noticed a big metal cock ring which framed his package accentuating his big balls and a fat and long cock, which he was slowly playing with. On the tip there was another piercing – a Prince Albert which made his cock seem even bigger. My cock twitched even more and I tried to adjust the cage while I looked at him. He grinned when he noticed my feeble attempt of adjusting the cage and he nodded his head to get me to come to him. I had already stopped thinking earlier and had given into my lust and horniness so I didn't hesitate walking over to him. The closer I got, the clearer I saw him. It seemed as if he didn't have any body fat as well. He was lean but muscular with a ferocious grin on his face as I approached and he was clearly at least 15 cm larger than me. And he really had all his body hair removed.

"Your cock seems to enjoy being here. Too bad for you, you can't play with it. But maybe playing with mine will help as well. Don't you think?", He told me and reached for my left hand and put it on his cock and pulled me closer. His right hand went under my armpits up to the back of my head as he pulled me closer as he went in for a demanding kiss. His tongue pushed inside of my mouth, swirled and twirled and fought with my tongue. I closed my eyes and enjoyed him taking possession of my mouth and me. When he let go of my mouth he ran his tongue along my cheek to my left ear where he ran it along the different peaks and valleys of the earlobe until he found my ear canal were he dove into. I shivered deeply. I had already started to slowly stroke his dick but while he handled me like this I stopped just being overwhelmed. He had already moved both his hands down on my ass cheeks, which he started to knead.

I moaned deeply getting treated that way but soon – too soon – he stopped and whispered into my ear:

"You like it? Good! There is more pleasure for you but first show me what your tongue can do."

He had again moved his hands they were now on my shoulders and I knew what he wanted. I slowly got down not before I kissed and played with his nipples and the piercings a little bit.

"Good boy!" I heard him mumble as my tongue slowly ran down his hairless chest and stomach until I reached the base of his cock. I adjusted my position as I got on my knees before it continued my journey and ran the tongue down the shaft soon reaching the glans. While I had seen Prince-Albert-piercings before I hadn't played with one yet and I wondered how it would feel getting the ring in my mouth and if it would fit my throat. Carefully, I pushed my tongue between the ring and the slit, running it under the glans. His dick which had been almost hard now sprang up completely. It seemed to be about 9'' and quite thick. Even without the ring the dick would have been a challenge.

So, at first I played a little longer with the glans and the shaft, even slapping it against my face playfully, before I finally decided to give it a try and opened my mouth to take the ring and the glans inside it. I sucked on it and used my tongue to play with it. I tried to push it in deeper but as soon as the ring hit my throat I started to gag and I had to let go a bit without letting the dick out of my mouth. I played further and I heard him moan again. And when I looked up I saw him looking down to me in pleasure. He reached for my face and said:

"Come on, try again!"

I pushed forward but this time as the ring hit my throat and I started to gag again when I wanted to retract I couldn't as he held my face in place. He left me a little bit of time before he pushed further. I struggled hard, but he was too strong for me. The ring felt really weird on my throat and the thickness of the dick blocked my entire air supply. I already started to feel dizzy when I felt his stomach on my face. He rested for a bit and just before I felt like passing out already pushing his thighs, he slowly pulled out backwards. I breathed through my nose to get oxygen back before he pushed in again. When he did, I heard him say:

"It's been a long time since someone was able to deepthroat me so easily in the first try even if it was with my help. You can be proud of yourself, boy!"

And indeed, I felt weirdly proud after his praise almost forgetting the stretching and force required to get his dick inside of me. Then suddenly he pulled out completely and pulled me up. He turned me around, pushed my front against one of the crosses and while I was still breathing heavily and felt a little dizzy he quickly strapped my arms each on one beam. Then he got down and did the same to my ankles and after only a few seconds I was bound to the cross. My dick was pressing at the intersection of the beams just underneath it. It hurt a little from the caged erection pressed between the beams.

"At first I had thought you wouldn't be able to take everything and I had already decided that you would need to be punished for that. But you kind of disappointed me when you were able to take it all which on the other hand was quite pleasurable. But disappointing me also screams for some punishment. I also think that a really red ass would suit you as well.", he told me and as I opened my mouth to protest He pushed a ball-gag into my mouth and locked it behind my head.

"Shh...shh... boy. We don't want to scare the others. But don't worry there will be pleasure for you as well. Believe me!"

And then he slapped my ass hard and when I turned my head I saw him leaving going to a board where some paddles and whips were hanging. He took what looked like a leather paddle and a smaller whip with a multitude of tails. He also took a horse whip before he came back to me. I hadn't seen it, but he must have also taken a blindfold because as he reached me he blinded me, as he put it on.

"It's much more intense this way my little chastity slave. I always love to see jocks like you squirm when I torture them a little."

Then, I felt the leather riding crop running between my ass cheeks, first up then down along my perineum towards my balls which had already contracted in anticipation. At first he started to lightly slap them as well as the perineum but after a few `warm-up' slaps he started to hit harder and harder and it didn't take long until I started to squirm. I wanted to groan and scream but the gag in my mouth prevented it. But at the same time the intensity of seeing nothing, having to rely only on my ears made the entire ordeal much more intense and I started to weirdly enjoy my position. That ended when he stopped with the quick not too heavy hits.

The next thing I felt was a hard hit laterally on my balls with much more force. I wanted to escape and tried to bow my body but there was no escape. Just as the pain subsided another of those hard hits got me and I felt as if my legs would give way but the cuffs held me on the cross steadily. This time he did not wait but started to tap my balls from below again in those fast hits. After ten or so when the pain from the earlier hard hit had subsided, another one of those harder ones came in and I felt my eyes watering and then a second one without pause. This time he didn't stop but again started the quicker slaps from below. This repeated a few more times and I felt like a whimpering mess when he finally let go of my balls. They were aching badly and felt hot and swollen. He had been very careful not to hit on my dick, but the pain felt like coming from my entire package.

"Hey boy, you seem to enjoy the view!", I heard him call out. I wondered whom he was referring to as I wasn't able to see anything (But to be honest I might have enjoyed seeing someone being handled like me). Then he continued: "When you went for a break I found myself a new slave eager for my cock. He quickly learned that it comes with a price." He laughed "His balls will need some ointment, I think. And I know how much you love pleasuring cock and balls. But this time it will only be balls. So go ahead and sit underneath him and get going."

I heard someone coming close, first touching my thighs. It were tender hands, quite small, it felt. Then I heard a surprised voice from an unknown source:

"Oh! He's locked! No wonder he needs other stimulation!"

And with that I felt a tongue running along the valley between my balls. I shuddered. My balls were really sensitive after the hits I had received now for the second time this evening. But it also felt good and the moist tongue helped calm the hot skin. After a few moments I wanted to moan but the ball-gag in my mouth still prevented it. But my body must have given away that I was enjoying the treatment as I heard the pierced guy say:

"I knew you would like it. Maybe we should add another type of pleasure."

Then suddenly a first smack of the paddle hit my left ass-cheek and I almost jumped up. Then my right cheek was hit, then left and right again. All the while the tongue was running along my balls. Just as another – I had already lost count – smack hit my ass, the mouth belonging to the tongue took in one of my balls and slightly pulled it down. Then the other ball. A muffled moan of pleasure and pain escaped me. My ass must have been red after quite a few more slaps when the hits finally stopped.

"Look at that! His ass is glowing in the dark." I heard the snickering voice of the pierced guy. He gave me a little rest while my balls were still getting a first class treatment. But the guy below me ignored my locked cock entirely. I wished that he wouldn't and licked the locked dick as well but I couldn't communicate that. It felt good anyhow but I needed more. A groan escaped my mouth, when suddenly I heard a yelp from below and the mouth stopped licking my balls and leapt upwards pushing his face into my groin which in turn hurt a little. He must have been hit somewhere as well.

"Look at your bouncing balls and cock. Hard just from one hit in the balls and a little bit of ball licking. Get up and prepare his ass with your tongue. I bet you can slurp some cum out of the bitch, boy.", the pierced guy said and I heard and felt movement under me and after a few seconds two hands touched my raw and sensitive butt cheeks and spread them. Then a mouth dove in and I felt a tongue at my swollen ass lips. It pushed in easily. I exhaled loudly from the pleasure the rimming gave me just as I felt some leather straps slowly running along my back. It seemed that after my balls and ass, now my back was the next target for his sadistic game. But I was barely to register that my senses were trapped by horniness, pain and the glorious feelings starting from the tongue rimming me.

Soon the first hit came down my back just as the tongue drove deep inside and I shuddered in pleasure and pain. Then I heard the flogger going down again but just as I heard the straps hitting flesh I didn't feel anything but I felt the mouth in my ass stiffen.

"It's fun lashing two boys instead of just one!", I heard a voice just as the straps hit my back again and made me groan mumbled through the ball-gag. Alternating, the flogger now hit me and the guy rimming me for some time. The pleasure and pain continued. My cock and balls had recovered mostly and I felt my dick pressing against the cage again and I wanted to get over the edge as the different feelings swiping over my body made me almost mad. I almost didn't notice that the lashing had stopped, when I heard the voice of the pierced guy again:

"Now, he is ready! Boy, did you enjoy rimming his ass?"

"Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir!" I heard the answer after the face had pulled away. It sounded submissive and kind and I guessed that the person to which it belonged wasn't very old.

"You have been a good boy, lately, and I know that at least sometimes you like fucking other people. So I've got a present for you. If you want you can fuck this chastity sub. But there will be a punishment if you cum without permission. So be careful!"

There was silence for a short time, while I thought that my ass now became a price for another sub, then I heard:

"If you allow me to, I would love to fuck this jock, please. Sir!"

"Ok. Go ahead and enjoy the fuck."

Soon I felt something poking between my ass cheeks and with one swift push the dick was pushed inside. I exhaled heavily as the dick was bigger than expected and even though my ass had been stretched quite heavily already it still hurt a little. Then he grabbed my hair, pulled it backwards and whispered in my ear:

"Bitch. I'm going to enjoy your bubble but as if it was the last time."

And with that he pulled out almost completely just to push in with full force again. It almost was too much for me. After the spanking, the rimming, now the fucking made me almost pass out from pleasure and pain. I wanted to play with myself. I so desperately wanted to cum. But bound to the cross there was no chance. I felt my package flopping around as I got fucked and slowly I started to enjoy the dick ramming me hard. He was brutal and forceful and his dick stretched me but he was not really skilful obviously not really experienced in fucking.

Suddenly, when he pushed in and when he was inside of me from tip to base a loud smack was heard and the vibration from the hit shuddered through my fuckers body onto me and I heard him yelp in surprise. Then his body was pushed on my back and on my hip level was another push and he yelped as – I guessed – his ass was penetrated by the pierced guys cock.

"Now fuck his ass and my cock!", he told him and slowly my fucker started to move again.

"As hard as you fucked him before!" The demanding voice continued as the pace of the thrusts was considerably slower. I heard a groan close by and finally the pace fastened again and the fucking got as hard as it had been before. Now, I felt the subs breath on my neck and it was faster than normal. I felt that he was getting close. I wasn't though I longed for an orgasm. The moaning of the guy from behind got louder. Then I heard:

"Am I allowed to cum, Master? I'm getting really close!" The words were out of breath and he sounded desperate. Then I felt a hard push and the guy almost lost control as the pierced man had pushed forward to prevent any further thrusts.

"No! I said you can fuck him, but I said nothing about cuming! When I let go of you, you pull out! Then you can watch as I seed this greedy bitch. You can eat him out afterwards. But you won't cum for the time being."

Then I heard a groan, almost a whelp of despair. Then there was silence and I guessed my fucker thought about disobeying his master, but after a while I heard a now whiny voice:

"Yes, Sir!"

Then the pressure on my hips stopped and the dick was pulled out and I felt empty again. I heard a sighing as steps moved away from me. Then I felt something metallic on my ass and again in one push another big cock, this time with a Prince Albert pushed in and started to fuck me hard. He was more skilful and he hit my sweet spot and again this most pleasurable feeling started to build in my guts. The pierced guy moaned louder now and sped up and with a final groan I felt him flooding his seed into my insides while he continued fucking me.

"Good boy, take my seed!", he breathed into my ear while he tried to catch his breath. I felt his breath pumping heavily up and down. Suddenly he pulled out and a few moments later I felt a mouth at my ass again and I got eaten out again. I moaned again just as I felt someone fumbling my ball-gag. When it got pulled out I couldn't help but moan and sigh loudly.

"It seems you enjoyed that! You want me to free you? You've drawn quite a crowd and I guess they would love to use you as well. But it's up to you!"

The rimming reminded me of the pleasure I still needed but this last encounter had worn me out and I felt the many heavy, joyful and intense encounters. I wasn't even sure I would make it to my hotel, I had booked in anticipation. I looked at him, as he had also taken off the blindfold, and saw his stern face, but his eyes looked tender and kind, when I answered:

"Please open the cuffs. I think you've finally worn me out and I'm not sure if I can take anything anymore."

He grinned at me, nodded and then ordered his boy to open the cuffs. I looked back and saw five to ten people still stroking their cocks. They looked disappointed when they saw me being freed but soon nodded and turned to each other to have some more fun. When my arms were finally freed they fell down one after another and I had to steady myself on the cross and catch my breath.

"I look forward to seeing you again, boy. You'll find me here almost always when the party is on. I would love to make your ass glow again. And I'm certain that my boy would love to eat you out again. I think he even has a present for you."

With that I looked in the other direction and there stood a young stud, hairless on his body. He was smaller than me and had a small frame but he was also lean and muscular as was his master. He was pierced in the nose and his nipples as well. He still had some hair on his head but only a short Mohawk with the sides being shaven and the top maybe only half a centimetre long. He grabbed my head and pulled in for a kiss and as I opened my mouth to receive his tongue, he also pushed some cum into me so we shared his masters cum in a French kiss. This calmed me a little and made my body relax after this sadistic but hot experience. But it confirmed that I was exhausted and couldn't take much more. I had looked forward to meeting Steven and playing with his monster but the sex I had while looking for him had been good as well (even though I hadn't been able to get over the edge) and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle him anymore.

"There is one last thing to do for you, boy!", I heard the Dom tell me. "Our cocks need cleaning. Best start with me!"

Hesitantly, I let go of the kiss as I felt strong arms on my shoulder pushing me downward. I started to lick along the base of his pierced cock cleaning every inch of the skin. Then I used my tongue on his glans running it around the ring and tasting the salty remains of his cum. After I was content I took the entire ring and tip in my mouth as I wanted to enjoy the girthy shaft a little more. I felt him shivering and soon after he pushed me off his cock and motioned me to take care of his boy.

It was the first time that I saw his cock and I was impressed. It was still hard as a rock. He was uncut as well. The tip was quite wet and seemed to have a white layer from all the precum and cum after he had fucked me. There was a big glob of pre-cum forming at his piss slit. His glans wasn't pierced but I saw a few rings pierced into his ball-sack. He must have been at least 9.5'' and quite thick as well. I guessed that his dick was bigger than that of his master. He had crossed his hand behind his back and waited for me to clean his private parts. His legs were spread a bit, he looked like a soldier as he presented himself but when I looked up from my kneeling position I saw a worried face.

I licked my lips and first run my tongue along the piss slit to taste his precum before I went deep to clean his balls. He shivered and started to moan as soon as he felt my tongue and I heard his master say:

"Don't you dare to cum, boy, or I will cage you and you won't cum again."

I don't know why but I took this as a challenge. Maybe I wanted to have someone share my fate as a locked boy. So I started to lick his balls more thoroughly than needed even played a little bit with the rings pierced into it, before I slowly ran my tongue along the underside of his cock. As I did that he started to shiver again an I knew that he was really close. At first I didn't care about his glans instead taking the side of his shaft between my lips and ran my mouth along it, more or less jerking him with my lips. His breath was getting abrupt and he clenched his muscles trying to avoid the orgasm, as I worked both sides of his dick. When I let go I heard a sigh of relief in front and a dirty laugh behind me. I grinned as well and without waiting too his dick in my mouth and ran my tongue underneath his glans. A gasp escaped his mouth, his hip jerked forward as his shaft swell and he shot the first rope into my throat. Quickly I grabbed his ass and pushed myself completely onto him as he shot rope after rope in my stomach. He moaned and breathed heavily and had to steady himself on my head as an intense orgasm swept over his body.

When he slowly got his breath back and stood again at attention I quickly finished my cleaning. He was still shaking and when I pulled my head back and let his dick out it was still standing straight up, wet from my saliva, his glans redder than before. There was still a drop of cum underneath his glans, which I licked off prompting him to shudder again.

"So you disobeyed me boy?", his Master asked.

"Yes Master, sorry master! I couldn't control it anymore with his skillful mouth!"

"You know what will happen next! I hope you enjoyed your last orgasm. Your nub will be useless from now on."

The younger jock looked down at me desperate but he seemed to be quite thankful as well, as he was still panting. One last time I licked along the cockhead before I tried to get up slowly. My knees were shaky and when I finally did it. The younger jock pulled me in for another deep kiss while he rubbed his cock between our bodies and abs. His eyes were wet and I felt him moan. After a few moments which I deeply enjoyed I got pulled away, turned around and the pierced guy started to kiss me as well, working his pierced tongue in my mouth. When he pulled out, he positioned his mouth next to my ear and whispered:

"I know what you did. Thank you! He needed it and I was waiting for an excuse to lock his dick up anyway. If you ever want to play again, I would love to have two locked boys at my service!"

"Thank you, Sir! I hope he won't get too many problems. Hopefully we will meet again!"

"Don't worry. It will be nothing he isn't wild for!"

With that he let go of me. I grinned, said my good byes and walked towards the glory holes to hopefully find Steven there to say good bye as well. They were almost empty. I saw one or two boys on their knees in front of holes but no tops or monster dick hanging out. So I turned to the door when I opened it I looked back and noticed that there weren't that many people around anymore and Steven was not to be seen. When I walked back to the bar, I found most of the cabins empty and in the bar there were on a few patrons as well. Suddenly I noticed that I needed something to drink and I ordered a water to hydrate myself and a shot of Tequila for fun. There was no Steven there and when I was done drinking I went for the clerk and get to receive my clothes and try the keys.

----------------End chapter 16-----------------

I hope you liked this part. Any suggestions are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 17

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