Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Dec 19, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: After the talk with Steven, Jay went to the restroom and is now looking for Steven. His first stop was in the steamroom, where he had one encounter already, now he is at its rear end and pushed over by someone...

Teacher and Slave Part 15

Chapter 15

I spread my legs a bit inviting him and stabilized myself on the middle row as I felt his dick grinding along my ass crack. He bowed down and I could feel him breathe against my neck. He leaned further down and I heard him say:

"I love chastity subs because I don't have to pretend that I cared if they get off. All they want is getting used by real men. Isn't it true, boy?"

He had a light, quite feminine voice, which I could not really bring together with his firm grip and his weight – but prejudices about those things quite often don't prove true, I guess.

"Yes, Sir!", I answered under my breath. I was already focussed on the cock grinding between my ass-cheeks. Now, he let go of my balls and pulled his hand back to grab my hips. I felt his dick leaving my crack. Just a few moments later its tip parted them again and it pushed against my hole. This was already lubricated enough from all the loads that had already deposited inside of me. His dick was not very thick, so at first I was a little disappointed but he pushed and pushed, his long snake deep inside of me in one go. He was really long and he hit all the right spaces.

He moaned when he was deep inside of me and I could feel the bones of his hips on my ass cheeks. Before he started to rail me, he reached along my hips under me to grab my balls again. He started to fuck me slowly and my ass itched for a harder treatment. I never really enjoyed the gentler treatment. But – oh boy – was I wrong. Slowly he picked up speed while he again leaned down again. At the same time, he pulled my balls down until it hurt. I winced and moaned simultaneously.

"That's just the beginning, boy!", he told me. His voice was still calm and if I hadn't felt him inside of me, I wouldn't have guessed from his voice that he was fucking me. I couldn't think long about that because he still pulled my balls down and he had sped up to a quite fast pace. Then his other hand let go of my hips. Suddenly I felt a slap on my stretched-out balls when he pushed deep in. When he pulled out and pushed in again, he slapped my balls again, which were starting to hurt but also feel weirdly good. Now, every time he pushed in he slapped my balls. After a few more I tried to escape and struggled, but his grip was too strong for me. I heard him laugh, when he felt my body try to move away.

"No chance I'm letting go of my prey, boy. You need to learn that your balls are not for pleasure!"

With that he hit me harder, but only once, just to get back to his rhythm afterwards. I stopped struggling. He was still leaning over my back so I could feel that his breath had not become much shorter, so I knew that I would have to endure his treatment for a longer time. Suddenly, I felt that my dick was aching in its cage and pulsating. It was enjoying that treatment. I was moaning out of pleasure and pain, now.

After a while he loosened the grip on my balls and let go of them, but not stopping to slap them every time he pushed his dick deep inside. He reached in front of my face and pushed the fingers of that hand into my open mouth.

"I knew you were enjoying this. As soon as I started to hit your balls you started to leak. Now suck my fingers clean!"

I couldn't believe what I heard, but the taste of pre-cum on his hands proved he was telling the truth. He didn't leave his hand in my mouth for long but pulled out and started to work my right nipple. Getting fucked, my balls and locked dick slapped then swinging between my legs and now my nipples pinched was almost too much. I groaned and moaned and lost myself in sexual haze. He was breathing faster now and he started to quicken the pace of his fuck again. Now, he was hitting my sweet spot and pleasure and joy was filling my body even though he was still torturing my balls. Slowly, I felt another orgasm build up and I couldn't believe it. I felt my body tense but just before I got over the edge he stopped entirely. He let go of my balls and nipple and stopped fucking me all at once.

"No boy. You're locked. You don't get to cum! Only real men do!"

I groaned out of disappointment and started to grind my body along his dick. But it was too late. The orgasm which had seemed so close was out of reach already. I heard him laugh again.

"Without getting your balls slapped, you won't get close again, boy. I hope you enjoy the frustration when I get to cum deep inside of you, and all you can do is leak out of your locked clit."

Now, he started to fuck me again with a hard and fast pace. This time ignoring my balls and nipples completely. When I reached back to play a little with my locked dick or my balls, he slapped my hand away and I quickly had to stabilize myself again. I was desperately horny from his treatment but not much later he started to moan and I felt his breath fastening. His pace got even quicker and with a loud moan I felt him creaming my insides but he didn't stop railing me until all his ropes were shot deep inside of me. Then he almost collapsed on my back breathing heavily but still leaving his dick inside of me.

When he had caught his breathe again, he steadied himself and stood up. He pulled out and pulled me around and on my knees. "Lick me clean boy." I looked up to him. He seemed quite young, but he had a really strong physique, full of muscles. His dick was still really long even after he was already almost soft. Maybe it was about 9''. I took it in and cleaned it from my ass juice and the remnants of cum trough which he had ploughed and to which he had added.

Suddenly he grabbed my head and pulled it back so I had to look up.

"You're a good locked boy. I always knew that chastity subs enjoy their balls beaten. So here is a final present for you."

With that he spit in my face and kicked me in the balls with his right foot. I screamed and as soon as he let go of my head collapsed and grabbed my balls. While I was trying to breathe the pain away lying on the floor in the steam-room I saw him walking away into the steam.

Slowly, the pain in my stomach and balls subsided while I lay on the ground of the steam-room crumbled together holding my stomach and balls, after the guy who had just fucked and edged me by slapping my balls, had hit me in the balls before he let go of me. I realized that I was really sweaty and a bit exhausted, but still really horny. I would have thought that the hit would have made my dick go down. But it hadn't. My balls were aching, my stomach hurting but my dick was pulsating inside its metal cage.

After a few more moments the pain finally subsided. I pushed myself up again using the lowest row as support. I looked around, but no one was close or to be seen. So Steven really was not in here. I needed to sit for a few moments to gather a bit more strength after the last assault which had not only exhausted me but also made me horny and desperate again. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. Then I got up and made my way back to the door.

Soon I reached the place where the young guy who had forced me to suck him while I was riding the first guy in the steam room was still on his knees in front of the bodybuilder and between his legs. His head was still held by the paws of the larger guy, but was no longer moving. On his back end the guy who had just fucked me and tortured my balls had found a new victim. He was kneeling behind the younger guy and was slapping his balls between his hands back and forth while he rimmed the ass in front of him. I saw the younger guy squealing but he couldn't get away as his head was locked in place. Unsurprisingly his dick was also hard. I smiled inwardly but continued my way as I wanted to get out of the humid steam-room. There was a bit more action on my way back to the door even the guy who at fucked me close to the entrance already had a new guy kneeling in front of him.

When I opened the door to get out two guys pushed through me inside, the one in front pulling the one behind by his dick. I saw the vanishing in the steam before I got out and closed the door behind me. I took a few deep breaths outside finally back in the cooler air in the hall. I noticed the smell of sweat, cum and sex which started to fill the halls after a few hours of this sex party. To be honest I had no idea how late it was as I didn't have a watch on me and hadn't seen one anywhere. But it didn't matter. I have had more fun than I had in a long time. And I was still – again horny and my ass (and throat) was twitching for more action.

As Steven had not been in the steam room he must be in darkroom. I knew from my last visit that this one was always busy. It was separated into different areas. Right in the beginning was an open space, dark where people mingled, met and also sometimes had some action. On the right rear end they had inserted a few walls for gloryholes. Some of those had cuffs and surface on which you could lie down and bound to the wall to be used.

On the left side on the rear there were many different SM-tools. A few horses onto which subs like me were bound on ankles and wrists to be used from both sides. There were also a few Andreas-crosses. They also had this area in I dark red light and they included a few toys, flogs and whips if one wanted to use them. In the front area of the left side there were lounges and a big round bed in the middle for more comfortable (and group) fun.

As it was quite but not too dark I hoped to find (and see) Steven if he was there. But even if not I for sure would be in for some fun. I felt my dick pulsating in its cage and I grinned looking forward to the experience. Just when I opened to door to the dark room someone came up to me from behind. I had noticed him before but I had thought he just wanted to get in as well. Instead I felt him feel up my ass. He grabbed the handle of the door preventing me from opening it, also holding my hand which was already on the handle.

"I've seen you in the sling earlier but before I could get my turn, you were freed by this other guy." He breathed into my ear and I felt his hand sliding into my ass crack. Then he pushed a finger into my guts and I felt it forming a hook. I moaned slightly. "But from the feel of your sloppy hole and your moan I say you are up for more action and I want a share of that firm butt of yours! So when we get in just turn left and go to the lounge so I can rail you hard - as you like it!"

I felt the stubble of his beard scratching along shoulder and neck. Then he grabbed my left earlobe with his mouth and tenderly bit into it. It seemed that he could barely restrain himself from fucking me there and then. I moaned again and was only able to answer with:

"Yes Sir! Thank you, Sir!"

Then he pushed on my hand and the handle down and pushed me into the darkroom without letting go of my ass. As soon as we opened the door the smell of sex and cum was getting much more intense. Even though he was occupying most of my attention with his hand in my hole, I tried to grasp the surroundings as good as I could. My eyes took a few moments to adjust to the again different lightning and what I saw let my dick twitch even more in its metal enclosure. It seemed like a big orgy going on everywhere. Dicks were being sucked, milked and stroked. People on their knees, leaning against the wall, on all fours getting fucked. Moaning and some muffled screams filled the air.

Instinctively I fastened my steps which prompted my anonymous fingerer to laugh and say:

"You can't wait to get another load up your ass, can you? Good boy!"

We soon reached the bed in the middle of the lounge area which was already quite crowded but I managed to find a spot. As soon as we got there he pushed me on all fours on the bed, still leaving his finger inside. He added another one soon after, then a third one and started to finger me heavily. I groaned and moaned as he hit my sweet spot an arched my back allowing him even better access.

When I moved my head forward in joy I slightly bumped my head with someone. As I looked up I saw someone on his back who was getting fucked by a bear. His hips were up supported by the thighs, his ankles by the shoulders of the strong, hairy man who was slowly railing him. I took a look at the guy getting fucked – as good as I could while the fingers inside my ass made me moan again and again. He had a little belly and was maybe 40 or older and was completely hairless. His thick dick was flopping on his stomach each time the other guy's dick was pushed inside. It was hard and leaking strongly and his eyes were closed.

But as if he had noticed me checking him out, he opened his eyes and looked back to me and grinned as just in that moment a moan escaped my mouth. His hands which had been lying just next to his body and reached for my face. He pulled it forward and down until our mouths were in front of each other. He pulled me down and we started to kiss and fight with our tongues while both our asses were being used. We kissed for some time and I enjoyed every second of it. When he pushed me up a bit he told me silently:

"I need some relief. Please crawl forward and help me out."

I looked back at the other guy as soon as my head was free again and signalled him that I wanted to move forward. It was the first time that I've got a good look atthe guy. He was a young jock type guy with ribbed abs and very pink nipples. He could not have been much older than 18 but he already knew what he wanted. He had blond hair with an undercut and bright blue eyes and he was grinning and stroking his snake as he was fingering me. Just as I turned around he hit my prostate and I lost control of my face and let out a deep moan. He looked really happy that he was giving me such pleasure. When he noticed my signals he nodded and started to push his fingers even deeper down practically making me move forward. When his small finger also demanded entry into my hole I willingly started to crawl just until I was over the dick of the guy on his back.

But before I could take it into my mouth the bear grabbed my head and pulled it up. He looked down his face framed by his beard as he grinned down on me. Then he slapped me playfully and said:

"Now you can go to work!"

And he let go of my hair. Just as he did that I felt that my ass was really stretched as the thumb also demanded entry. I almost tried to pull away but just at that moment I felt a warm mouth at my caged dick and a tongue running along my piss slit. I've never been blown while my dick was locked and it felt glorious. I forgot the stretching pain in my rear as slowly the entire hand of the young jock pushed inside of me. Soon the whole hand was inside and the pressure on my anus eased a little. I slowly found back to my senses and looked down at the cock and balls in front of me which needed my mouth.

I dived down on his balls and took them in my mouth one after the other. Then I ran my tongue along his shaft until I reached the circumcised head which I first kissed than framed it with my tongue which prompted a shiver. As I took the head into my mouth the young jock started to fuck my ass with his arm and hand. I hadn't been fisted much and I normally didn't like it much but today was different. I was in pleasure and pain at the same time as a tongue and warm mouth was pleasuring my balls and locked cock. But the hand in my ass also hit all the right spots. Soon after he was pulling out with a plop and I felt my ass trying to close again but not being able to.

Soon after I felt a new object on my ass which was pushed in with a hard and fast push. I immediately recognized it to be a cock, which felt quite average to my stretched out asshole. But the jock moaned and groaned:

"I love using a tight but fisted ass. And yours feels so good."

I couldn't reply as I was sucking the large dick of the guy on his back. He had been leaking from the fucking before and the tip of this cock tasted of sweet pre-cum and I wanted to feel him inside. I almost wasn't able to deep throat it. When the bear noticed it he started to get into my rhythm and each time he pushed in was the time I pushed myself on the dick. He then started to push the hips of the other guy up to his dick would push in deeper. As I retracted he held my head from behind, so I couldn't and finally the dick pushed deep into my throat and I heard a muffled moan from the guy pleasuring my dick.

The bear stopped to fuck to give me time to adjust just to start fucking really hard after a few moments each time pushing the dick into my throat making me gag and sputter. But I really enjoyed it, as the younger jock was also increasing his pace. He must have had quite a big dick as well as he was able to hit my prostate all the time. I must have been leaking as hell and I felt this nice warm feeling as I got closer to – maybe a second – caged orgasm today.

Suddenly I felt the cock in my mouth getting even harder and bigger and I felt the body belonging to I stiffening and just when the bear pushed the dick deep inside my throat it erupted inside of me. The guy on his back started to breathe heavily and let go of my balls while he blew his load in my mouth while he was still getting fucked and his dick slipped in and out of my throat. The bear also didn't last much longer as he had already grunted before and his moans got louder as his fucks got harder and suddenly his body stiffened as well. But instead coming into the guy on his back he pulled out causing the guys hip to drop down as his dick flopped out of my mouth. The bear grabbed my head and after the first rope had hit my face he pushed his dick inside my mouth to add another load which I eagerly swallowed.

The jock was still railing me but I also heard his moans getting lounder but as I had no more stimulation on my balls I felt that I was not getting closer to an orgasm and relief anymore. I tried to push down and get him to continue but he was still out of breath from what must have been a really intense orgasm, when the jock grabbed my hips and with one final push deep inside came while he collapsed on my back. I felt his breast moving heavily up and down on me, his breath flowing around my neck.

I felt exhausted as well. This just had been the second time when I had been close to cumming but just before I got over the edge everyone else got their release and I was left horny and needy. I let the bear's dick fall out of my mouth to breathe and get some strength back after this exhausting encounter. After a few moments the bear pulled my head up a little and bowed down to give me a sloppy kiss, while the young jock started to kiss my neck which kind of compensated me a little bit. Then he started to get up he ran his tongue along my spine and after a final push he got up and left my hole. I felt it trying to close, to twitch and push the lips together but I also felt that they wouldn't close completely. And little wonder after the repeated fucks and the fisting I had received today there was no chance that they would close easily today. And I wanted more. I wanted Steven to fuck me again so I would get another relieve after all those close calls.

While the jock was getting up the bear had also let go of my head and had pushed himself backwards to let the guy lying below me get out. That one slowly slide underneath me until our heads were on the same level. He grabbed my head again and kissed me as well. While he was doing that I felt someone feeling my ass, then slopping it.

"Such a well used hole we have here!", I heard a voice. "It's really inviting! You don't mind, do you?"

Not being able to answer I felt his dick between my crack which he soon pushed in. It was short and not very thick and after only a few moments he already came, while I was still kissing the other guy. Just as the guy on my back pulled out the guy underneath me pushed my face up a little and said:

"I'm sorry you didn't cum but I wasn't sure if I could allow you to, as you are locked and there will be a reason. So better luck next time and thank you for the blowjob!"

With that he pushed himself further out, then turned around and before I could answer left the bed. Baffled from his comments I pushed myself up again, staying on my knees and looked down on myself. My caged dick was straining in its cage really badly and I felt it hurting and wanting release. The ring around my cock and balls was so pulled up by the pressure of my cock that it looked like a hill pointing forward. I knew I needed to find some relief. So I pushed myself of the bed and started to wander around hoping to find Steven.

-----------------------End chapter 15------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 16

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