Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Oct 17, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: In the last chapter our hero got his hair removed and then ridden John until he came.

Teacher and Slave Part 11

Chapter 11

John had just cum deep down my guts, after I had ridden him like a bitch in heat. I was exhausted but also happy, because it had felt good pleasing John, riding his hard rod and getting handled by him. His dick was slowly getting soft inside of me, but when I started to get up, he grabbed my hips and pulled me back down.

"Stop! No one said you could get up, bitch!", he said, "First we need to talk about some things! So be a good faggot and tell me the truth, while warming my manhood!"

I looked down at him, saw his stern, still a little bit sweaty face, and wondered what was coming next. I had been truthful to him on every question he had asked, maybe even more than I should have been.

"You showed me all those toys you use on yourself to train your pussy and nipples. But there is one thing missing and I wonder why you didn't present it to me...", he continued, looking at me waiting for a response. Now, I got even more confused, because I had shown him everything I owned. There literally was nothing else left.

"I don't know what you mean, Sir. I showed you every toy I own as you requested." For the first time It felt weird calling him `Sir' being his teacher. But it couldn't be helped.

"Well, there is something you haven't shown or given me. And ever since the evening after I caught you in the shower, I wondered about it. But maybe you didn't lie. Maybe you really aren't in possession of it. So tell me: where is the key to your cage? Because it should belong to me!"

I had been afraid of this day. I had known that it would come, that he would ask me why I was locked, but I didn't want to tell him because it was a humiliating story and I couldn't think of a more humiliating way to tell it, than sitting on a cock, that I just had served. So at first I tried to avoid the implicit question and just answered:

"I couldn't give it to you, because I don't have it. I'm sorry Sir!"

He laughed a deep derogatory laugh and looked at me waiting for me to continue. When I didn't, he said:

"So, who has it, spill it out. I don't want to worm every single information out of you! Tell me the whole story: who has it and why!"

So he didn't let me off the hook demanding that I spilled everything. I had already forgotten that I had made up a story just for this purpose, so I started to tell him the truth trying to leave as many humiliating things out as possible:

"Well, as to who has it, I cannot tell you, because I do not really know." He laughed, and I heard him say "you're such a fag!", while I tried to continue my story. "You see, I was talking to someone on a fetish app, who seemed to be interested in me. You might have noticed that I like being dominated ..." this prompted another laugh and sneer from him "... and from our conversation it seemed to me that I would be a good fit for him. He lived not far away either. Two weeks ago he told me about this fetish party close by which would happen just a week later on the last weekend, and asked if we wanted to meet there. I agreed and was looking forward to that party. He had asked about my toys before and had seen that I owned this chastity cage. So when I agreed to the meeting he told me that he wanted me to be horny and demanded that I locked myself up.

"He ordered me to send the key to the location of the event. It was a DOM/sub party" – "Who would have guessed", I heard him say – "and they had this offer for subs to send their keys in with the name of the Dom. During the party you had the chance to win the key back if you found the master who had it. To make it more difficult they gave the keys randomly to the Doms just with a number. So when I went to the party not only did I not find the guy I had been talking to but also was not able to get the keys back even though I tried really hard..."

"Let me guess – you tried really hard on your knees, bitch!", he interrupted me sneeringly. My cheeks reddened.

"When I talked to one of the clerks at the end of the party, that I wasn't successful retrieving my keys, he offered that I could try one of the returned ones to see if it would fit. If it wouldn't, they told me to come back the coming weekend and try again. Only afterwards – when I still was locked and wanted to, they would send me the key back to the address from which I had sent it but only if it was returned by the Dom they had given it to. That's the story, that's why I can't give you the key and why you even found me locked in the shower."

I finished my story and bowed my head in shame, closing my eyes, not being able to bear the humiliation. I heard John chuckle and felt him slap my locked package. Then he said:

"Look at me, Mr B!"

After I looked up and looked him in the eyes I saw him looking arrogantly at me, almost smug. He continued:

"So let me get this straight: You dumb faggot got catfished by someone who made you lock your prick up, then you went to a party where you hoped to find this `date' but just ended getting fucked by and sucking everyone, without getting the key. Then the staff used your desperation, probably made you get them off as well, then sent you back home with the promise that you might try it again the next week. Right?"

He looked at me quizzically. He was right of course with every single word. Even though I hadn't admitted it to myself I must have been tricked by someone to give my keys away. But I hadn't had real sex for quite some time before and I had just been desperate for someone to dominate and use me again. When the embarrassing truth sunk into my mind, I got even more ashamed and red and I could only barely shake my head yes. He laughed again.

"No wonder you were such a desperate bitch when I found you in the shower and ever after. You must be really horny right now, not being able to play with yourself – I don't know how I would feel if I wasn't able to cum for a day let alone a week. Now I understand why you are so eager to please me and offer almost no resistance. You're so cock-hungry right now that I wouldn't want to unlock you, even if I could. But we will need to see if I allow you to go to that party on the weekend. I'm not sure if you should be allowed serving other real men right now. But if you're a good boy the rest of the week I might change my mind."

I got pale when he said that, because this would be my last chance to get hold of the key before or if they sent it back to the school. And as I hadn't put my real address on the envelope I wouldn't get it back either by mail. I had been so sure – so naïve – that I would find `my' Dom that I hadn't even considered the opposite possibility. And while I enjoyed being in chastity for a determined period of time, I never thought about staying locked forever.

"Don't worry,", he said with a grin as he sensed my concern, "you will get enough dick – just not your own. And you've shown yesterday that you can have anal orgasms. I think you're going to be fine."

After a short few seconds, he continued mockingly: "You just need to be a little bit more careful in the shower. Oh wait... It's already too late for that. Now get off of my dick and clean it and lick the pre-cum you've spread all over my abs!"

With that he let go of my hips and looked at me expectantly and when I started to move, he picked his phone up again for whatever reason. The hard truth of my problems had just hit me, getting it spelled out by him had humbled me even more. It became obvious to me that all that had happened, had been my fault due to my naivety. I felt empty inside, not only because his dick had just left me. When I looked down on him I noticed that his dick was glistening lying on his stomach after it had flopped out of my hole.

I didn't want to think about my stupidity anymore and his cock looked really juicy to get me off of my dark thoughts. I felt my rosebud twitching after it was no longer stretched but wanting more. So I dived down first on his now firm balls, caressing them with my tongue. It tasted of sweat and a little bit of cum and smelled intense. I took the first ball into my mouth cleaning it inside. Then I tried successfully to get his other ball in as well and I played with both a little, pulling them out, stretching them a bit. He moaned because of this treatment and I saw that his cock started to twitch again.

I tried to make sure that my ass rose upwards so I wouldn't sully my bed sheets with his cum inside of me. And I didn't want him to make me clean this up as well. It would just ruin the taste I had right now. When I was content with my work on his nuts I dropped them out of my mouth and ran my tongue from them, up along the base of his cock to its top. It tasted a little bit salty. Before I got to his dick any more, which I wanted to safe for last, I started to lick his abs. It was really tasty, salty from his sweat but tasted also of my cum. I must have leaked quite some amount because his stomach was really wet from his sweat and my pre-cum. I felt him shivering because of this treatment, he moaned again and his dick started to grow.

"You're such a good bitch, Mr B! I wish I had found you out earlier. You just know how to please real men.", he told me while my tongue ran along the ups and downs of his abs, cleaning every bit. It finally put me in a better headspace as I really savoured the taste of pre-cum and sweat and the firm but smooth texture of his stomach. After I felt that I had slobbered everything on his abs I finally decided to take care of his dick. The tip still had a larger glob of cum on it which I carefully took with my tongue playing with his piss slit a little. When I pushed the foreskin back to clean the rest of the tip he shivered again, moaning louder as I worked my magic.

But as soon as I took the entire shaft into my mouth he grabbed my head, first pulled me down on his dick but then immediately pushed me up and backwards, standing up. I lost my balance and even fell off the bed. When I looked up, he towered over me, grinning at me lying on the ground.

"You never get enough, don't you? But we'll see when I allow you to please me again. You've got to earn it, bitch."

I looked at him quizzingly and he laughed again:

"You did a good job today, being a good cock-sucker. Doing everything without even having to make you. Keep that up and maybe I will allow you to go to that party. See you soon!"

Then strolled into my living room leaving me lying on the floor. When I struggled to get up, I heard him yell: "Stay on your knees! No walking when I'm around!"

Humiliated, I stayed on the ground not really having any more power left. I saw him taking his sweatpants, slowly pulling them up along his firm calves and thighs. When he pulled further first his ass disappeared leaving his dick and balls in the open in front of the waistband. Before he let it drop in, he pulled his shirt over his head. I followed every move, of course resting on his dick as long as I could. A little bit desperate and longing even though deep down I still was ashamed. When his head popped out of the shirt he looked at me and slowly took his cock in his hands and pushed it into his pants. Again he laughed when he saw the expression on my face and that I followed every move.

"Don't worry faggot. You'll get more of this! Just don't forget your place! I expect that you answer all my messages as soon as possible. You shouldn't take more than 5 minutes or as soon as the break starts! If not you'll find yourself exposed to everyone in the outside world!"

"Yes, Sir, I will!", was all I could answer before he took his bag, turned around and left me kneeling in front of my bed. As soon as I heard the door open and close again I lost my composure collapsing on the floor as the reality of my situation caught me.

He was right. I had brought everything which had happened so far upon myself. All the uncertainty, the danger to my job, of getting exposed as the little fag I was, had been brought upon me by my own horniness, my naivety. And what was kind of weird was that I had done almost everything today without even being really pushed to do it. I had offered almost no resistance. I had crawled to him when he came and sucked him without any real order and had ridden him like a bitch in heat all just in a vain effort to please him and try to make him drop his leverage.

But for him it had looked like I was becoming his willing boy eager to please him. Not that this was wrong. I had enjoyed the sex and pleasing his muscular body. If I was honest with myself I even enjoyed the threats, the thrill and the possibility to get exposed. But I was also frightful what would happen if anything would go wrong. I had always wanted such a relationship again since the time with Philipp but I never expected it to be with a student. Again I thought about my options, but I still couldn't find any but to follow his orders.

After a few more moments of self-pity and dark thought I finally decided to get up and get my shit together. When I looked down on me I noticed that I was wet as well from sweating while riding him. A puddle of cum had formed under me, leaking out of my locked dick and asshole. My first thought was to lick it clean but I quickly decided against it getting some type of cloth cleaning it up. When I looked at my watch I noticed that John had used me for over three hours as it was almost 9 now. It hadn't felt that long. Then I cleaned myself on my sink as good as I could not wanting to get out again. Finally I dropped down on my couch for an hour or so watching something – anything, to get my thoughts off the (depressing) present.

I decided to get into bed early expecting to be woken by John's dick again. Surprisingly, I slept like a baby and woke with my alarm with no John in sight. I had only Latin courses that day and I quickly put my clothes on to grab some breakfast. I didn't get any message from John that day until just before lunch, when he ordered me to send him a picture of me with an open fly showing my locked dick inside of my classroom. After the last student left I quickly followed his order and shot a selfie as requested on my knees which he had made clear the day before. As soon as I had closed the fly a student returned having forgotten something while I was on my knees still. He looked at me weirdly and I might have blushed but I was certain that he did not notice anything else. Thankfully he didn't ask why I was kneeling.

"Good bitch! You remembered not to put any underwear on!", was all the reply I got. Then nothing the rest of the day. I enjoyed the afternoon and evening being able to complete some work and prepare some classes but I was always on the edge waiting for a message from him. But I was ignored which also bothered me. And having not being able to really cum for almost two weeks now made me really horny. The ruined orgasm had not helped either as it had increased my horniness.

But I knew I would see John again on the next day, as I had to teach PE for his class. I dreaded that course because I was wondering what John would have in store for me during that. He had guaranteed me that he would not risk my job or expose me publicly. But there would be enough possibilities to humiliate me, to undermine the authority which I need to fulfil my job and to make me suffer. I hoped he wasn't too inventive, but as the topic was wrestling – a continuation of the previous week – I knew when I needed to show something I would have to do it with him (if he wanted to) which would allow him handling me without repercussions.

Worried I went into bed. Again, on the next morning he wasn't there to use me. Now I really wondered. John had shown that he was almost insatiable when it came to sex and I couldn't believe that he could go a single day without getting off. As he had made sure that I was available for him whenever he wanted to, I wondered how he did get off. On the other hand I was happy that he didn't occupy my entire time.

After breakfast the first two hours went normal as I pushed through the first class through its PE. Even though I wasn't wearing any underwear it went quite smoothly and I almost forgot my situation. The kids were nice and attentive and did what was asked from them.

The second class then included John. When I looked at my phone beforehand I noticed a message from John which called on me to explain every exercise with his help as I had expected. He also wanted me to lose on purpose on all those moves which I normally wouldn't do. I thought about not showing any new techniques but I knew that I would have to next time latest so it was better to get it over with. At least no one was to wear a wrestling singlet – which I couldn't anyway as those would show the contour of my cage.

After I had them put some mats into the gym we started with a light warm-up, running a few rounds then some gymnastics and some strength exercises. Then we started again with the basics which they already knew and I teamed them up in groups of two. Thankfully they were an even number today as one student was sick so I didn't have to participate. Until then everything went fine and even John didn't disturb more than usual.

Then I wanted to show them a new move which would consist of a move of the arms and legs to try to lever the other person. I went to John and asked him to help me show it to the others which he accepted. First, I did a dry run showing everyone how the arm movement went and how to position the feet. Then I asked John to try this on me which already prompted a murmur from the class because they weren't used to that.

John actually did a good job at the different movement and managed (also because I offered almost no resistance) to lever me and pushed me to the ground. Just before I got down he was able to push his knee into my groin which resulted in an audible gasp from me. This prompted the class to laugh while he was still lying on top of me.

"Get used to that bitch! There's more for you today!", he whispered into my ears and I saw him grinning.

I struggled and instead of scolding him I offered some resistance by telling everyone that you had to be careful with positioning your feet and do it correctly so no one would get hurt. Spelling it to everybody that John hadn't done it right. At the second try he took his revenge and when he pushed me down he grabbed the rear waistband of my shorts and pulled it up invisible to the class giving me a wedgie. This time I managed to only exhale stronger not drawing attention to his move and when we were lying on the mat he hissed into my ear:

"Don't try to do this again. You're the fag that needs to be humiliated!"

When we got up I made them do this move a couple of times. Then we did another new move where he also managed to grope me and put me down in front of the entire class. Slowly I was longing for the class to end. After two more new moves I had them do a little tournament which – to no one's surprise John won.

"Mr B., you should wrestle with John and show us how it is done.", one of John's classmates – his best friend Huy of Vietnamese descent – asked which found broad acknowledgement from the class. I had feared that something like that might happen as I had often taken part in such games. I had hoped that maybe the time would save me but we still had ten minutes to go. So I slowly walked on the mat while John was grinning arrogantly. I knew that I would have to let him win but I also would have to offer some resistance or everyone would know that something was up especially as the rivalry between the both of us was well known. I couldn't just let him win that would undermine all of my authority. The best way may be to get first to two points and then let him win three points without much resistance. That would bring him from his high horse and prevent me from ridiculing myself.

He probably hadn't expected me to offer much resistance because I easily won the first point. I got up quickly after I had pushed his shoulders on the mat so he couldn't say anything. I saw his muscles tense for the second round and I knew he would take this one more seriously. But even though he tried harder I got him on his back after a short amount of time. When I tried to get up John pulled me down and hissed:

"If you win, you're going to regret it, faggot!"

Then he let me go and I got up quickly. The next round I offered no resistance anymore and he got me down on my back easily with a move he had learned today. A little bit of applause erupted while I struggled to get up. In the second round I offered a little bit of resistance but let him score a point almost as easily. The fifth round I offered no more resistance and just let him floor me so it was obvious for everybody that I had let him win. When I got up I saw John's angry face and I knew I might be in trouble later even though I had let him won. But of course I had robbed him from humiliating me. Instead I had shown that I was better than him and had let him win.

I told the boys to clean up the gym trying to ignore John as good as I could and then let them go. While I was finishing putting everything in order I went into the room in which all the equipment was stored.

"Hey bitch! I will not forget today and this will have consequences right now! Strip, then on your knees!", I heard John yell at me after a few moments in this room. I turned around and saw him standing in the doorway, his hands on his hips looking really angry. I opened my mouth to argue but he wouldn't let me say a word, barking:

"Now, faggot!"

I felt my blood rush into my cheeks but I slowly started to get out of my shirt, then pulled down my shorts slipping out of my shoes meanwhile. Then I got down on my knees while he took his phone out and snapped a picture. Slowly he came over to me now towering over me. I could smell him, his sweaty body clearly now.

"Did you think it was funny that you let me win in this way? The only one here who deserves to be humiliated is you. Now get down and kiss my feet and say sorry or I might take your clothes with me and let you be here with your pathetic little locked thing you have dangling between your legs!"

I obliged, of course, saying sorry for letting him win that way, then kissing his shoes. He pushed them up my face and I could smell everything. They were already quite old and I don't think he ever washed them. I almost made me faint.

"Now, get those shoes off!"

I did and as soon as I was done he pushed me back, so I fell on my spine and ass. He walk forward and put his right foot still covered by his sweaty sock directly on my face so I smelled every drop of sweat and felt it as well as they were quite wet.

"Kiss them again", he told me, "This is what you are here for. Worshipping me, cleaning me. You're no longer in any position that you can be a smartass. You're here to serve!"

With that he pushed his foot into my mouth. It was disgusting but at the same time I felt my dick hurting as it tried to burst the metal cage open.

"Now, pull them off!"

I grabbed the fabric carefully with my teeth and when he pulled the feet back I managed to get those wet socks off of them. Then he ordered me to lick his feet clean, first the sole which was sweaty and tasting weird. Next I took every single toe into my mouth even playing with them, slowly getting into it. When he was content he moved his right foot on my breast, now standing literally on top of me and pushed his left foot on my face. I ached because of his weight. But smelled his sweat and dirt on the bottom of his foot. I almost had to gag because of the taste of the socks when he pushed his toes into my mouth again and when I had them off and put them aside I had to cough but he quickly put his foot on my face again letting me repeat the cleaning process. When he was done he positioned his other foot on my stomach as well looking down on me still fully clothed.

"Always remember this is your position! Below my feet. Don't try this again, or you will feel it!"

"Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir!", I answered, humiliated and defeated. I feared that someone would come in and find us and I wanted this to end as soon as possible. But John had another idea.

"You did quite well cleaning my feet and as I won't be able to get into the shower you're going to take over this role. So when I get off of you, you will slowly take off my shirt and start with my armpits, then down my stomach – and don't forget my nips."

I did as I was told, diving deep into each axle even though the smell was almost numbingly strong, but I really enjoyed tasting his sweat and hair there. The smells and taste just made my submissive brain take over and I needed to lick his axles clean and feel the hair on my tongue. Then I played a little with his nips sucking on then which prompted him to moan. When I was done there I guided my tongue along his treasure trail to his navel and pushed it in there. He grabbed my head and pulled my face closer in while I rotated my tongue in there as good as I could.

I didn't care anymore that we were practically in public, that someone could come into the open equipment room quite easily. I wanted to please him and smell and taste his musk! When I got deeper I pulled his shorts down and his dick sprang in action. He was already hard as a rock.

"Don't touch my dick yet. He will be last, first my balls and then to my ass crack! It needs careful cleaning!"

Like an obedient little boy I did as I was told, smelling and tasting the sweat from his pubic hair, running with my lips through it while my tongue licked it as well. All the while his dick was slapping against my head, my chin and cheeks as I made my way around it to the balls. One after another I took them in slobbering and nursing on them. John moaned louder now and pulled his nuts out. He turned around presenting his firm buttocks to me. They were round and flawless with a little bit of blond fuzz on them. There was a little bit of darker hair visible in his crack to which I looked up to being on my knees. Through his thighs I saw his balls dangling.

I licked along his perineum. His ass emanated a strong smell of masculinity, sweat and hormones which drove my horniness further up. I didn't care about the possibility to get caught anymore, I wanted to smell, to taste him and do as I was told. First my nose reached his asscrack. Both his butt-cheeks where pressed tightly together and wet from his sweat. It tasted salty. First I ran my tongue along both his cheeks where they met.

"Pull them apart and dive in!", he told me already a little breathless and I reached up gripping his firm buttocks pulling them apart then dove into the crack exhilarated by the smell I licked all the sweat clean. When I came close to his anus I started to run my tongue along the sphincter muscle. It was hard and not puffed at all. Surprisingly he did not have any hair around it. When I pushed my tongue a little into the opening he started to moan even louder and I felt him move. Suddenly I felt his hand on the back of my head. He pressed my head including my nose into his crack.

"Push deeper and clean it good bitch!" he moaned and I happily obliged. His muscles offered some resistance but bit by bit I was able to push my tongue a little into his anus, then rotating, pulling out and licking all on repeat all the while John was moaning. You could say it was an absurd scene: a teacher rimming his student, on his knees naked, his dick locked in an open equipment room of a gym. But it was also hot as hell. I rimmed him for some time while he pressed my head in his crack and moaned loudly.

I started to get a little lightheaded as I was barely able to breathe with my nose stuck in there as well, when he suddenly yanked me out and turned around still holding my head. Then he started to jerk right in front of me and before long his body started to tense up. Automatically I opened my mouth but he didn't shove his dick inside of me. Instead he started to cum all over me. The first rope landed on my hair, then two on my face some on my tongue. The rest went on my breast and stomach.

When he was almost done he finally pulled my mouth over his dick and I started licking it clean without thinking almost immediately. I wanted to taste his juice and I was a little bit disappointed that he didn't give me all of it. John was breathing heavily in post orgasmic bliss and while I liked his softening cock. When he had caught his breath he pushed me back with a hard shove so I fell backwards on the floor.

"Faggot! That is your place on the floor naked covered in my cum! Remember that! Have fun the next classes!" he said looking down at me. He pulled his shorts up, grabbed his shirt, turned around and left me there lying on the ground.

---------End of part 11--------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 12

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