Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Sep 19, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: In the last chapter John had been bossed around during lessons and had to wait for him naked on his knees and then gave him a blowjob in his room.

Teacher and Slave Part 10

After a few seconds John let out a loud breath, looked down on me and grinned. He patted my head and said:

"That was really necessary. I had such an exhausting day. And you're such a good cocksucker. They always say `with age comes experience' and for you that's certainly true. But now gets back to business. Show me your toys!"

With that he pulled his cock back in his pants. I must have looked a little bit disappointed which induced a single laugh from him. But I also felt some weird pride after his praise of my skills.

"Don't worry. You'll get more later! Go on crawl to your toys, boy!"

I blushed embarrassed but complied and crawled while he walked right next to me.

"Present them to me, one after another!", he told me when we arrived. And so I did. First I grabbed the big black dildo. He took it, laughed and put it on the table. Then the smaller one. He bended it a little bit, smacked it against my cheeks lazily then put it on the table as well. He looked at the cuffs and blindfold approvingly and laughed really loud at the massager. He looked at the cheap nipple clamps I had, looked at me knowingly and put them away.

"Quite a set you have here. But they are not enough. But don't worry I will take care of that. Soon you will have enough to play with or for me to use on you. But now we need to take care of you. You still look too much like a man instead of the faggot cocksucker you are. So come on and follow me to the showers to take care of your hair!", he said. With that he went back to the couch and pulled up a bag which he must have brought. He reached in and pulled out and showed me some hair removal cream.

"Please, Sir, please, John. Don't do that. What will the other teachers or students think?", I tried to reason with him. I shave my chest and pubic hair because I don't like hair there and it can interfere with the chastity cage. But I liked the hair on my arms and legs as well as in my armpits and I knew it would raise some eyebrows if those were suddenly gone.

"I don't care. Maybe they realize the truth about you that you are a cock-hungry sub and you'll get even more real men's cock. You would like that, don't you? Put only your shorts on and meet me in the gym shower. Nobody should be there, now. As soon as you enter the locker-room get on your knees, naked and crawl to the shower! Leave your clothes at the entrance – you won't need them."

With that he turned around, not waiting for any response and left. I struggled to get up and put on my shorts. I took a few moments to think about what would happen next. I didn't want to lose the rest of my hair and dignity. But I didn't see any chance to get away. Before I left I remembered that those hair removers needed a shower afterwards, so I grabbed a towel and left my room. I must have been quite a sight walking through the hallways only with my shorts on, no socks shoes or shirt, just my towel over my shoulder. Some of the boys openly looked at my crotch or ass, some just stole glances. And even some of my colleagues looked quite impressed.

I on the other hand was torn between being embarrassed and proud of their looks. But if they knew why I was heading to the shower so sparsely clad they would not have looked at me this way. It felt like a walk of shame even though for them it most certainly wasn't. And I tried to just walk normally and not let my embarrassment show. Weirdly, I felt my dick pressing against its metal cage which it hadn't stopped since John had entered my room – but I am an exhibitionist after all.

When I finally reached the locker-room and had opened the door just in time I remembered his orders, stripped off my shorts and got on my knees. I just tried to lock my conscious mind out, which would have prevented me from crawling through the locker-room. I knew I shouldn't do it. I was supposed to be a respected person not a sub crawling as ordered by his Master. But I couldn't think about that or the humiliation if anyone would see me like this. When I was close to the shower I heard someone whistle behind me. I froze in shock!

"You're such a good boy. A real obedient fag, desperate to be ordered around by real men!", I heard John say. When I looked around I saw him strolling lazily in my direction. A sigh of relief escaped my open mouth which prompted a chuckle from John. When he reached me he slapped my bare ass playfully which prompted me to yelp a little before I started to crawl by his side the rest of the way to the shower. When we reached it he patted my head then pointed me to kneel in the middle of the room.

He reached into his bag and threw something at me which I grabbed surprised. I guessed the hair removal lotion but it was my briefs which had gone missing in the restroom before. I looked at him quizzically.

"I needed proof that you were naked in the stall as ordered. So I stopped those fifth graders which had just finished their class outside the restroom. Then I told them that one of my friends had lost a bet and was supposed to be in the stall buck naked on his knees and I wanted proof to tease him later. So I asked them not to go in but try to take a picture from a neighbouring stall from above without you noticing. For each picture I promised one Euro and if someone would bring me your underwear I offered ten bucks for additional future ridicule."

"What the hell, John! They could have busted me. I thought you didn't want me fired?", I called him out getting really angry.

"You would have had only yourself to blame. I had told you to keep your head down, boy! And its Sir for you, fag! Never forget your place! You have been disobedient enough today and I think you need some more punishment! Better present this underwear to me, or you might get wet as well!", he told me calmly. Before I could reply I saw him coming closer. Then he pulled his dick out and aimed at my face.

Immediately, I understood what he was going to do and held my briefs in front of me to protect my face. I already hated it before the stream had even started. But when his piss started to wet my favourite underwear it felt even worse. I never was much into piss play so this was – as intended – really humiliating for me. It didn't take long before the brief was soaking wet and some of his piss streamed onto my fingers. Suddenly he flipped his dick up and showered my face for a few seconds. I gaged and tried to avoid my face but I couldn't really see him because the briefs were in the way and I didn't want the stream to splash in my eyes. So, I didn't stand a chance.

When he saw that he laughed, while drops of his piss where falling from my underwear because it was so wet. I heard him coming closer. He pushed my hand down, now hitting my chest as well. When I tried to get away he grabbed my hair and pulled my head to his crotch.

"The last drops are for you to always remember that you are my bitch boy and should not disrespect me – ever! Now open your mouth." With that he pushed his dick through my lips while my teeth opened almost automatically and his piss streamed into my mouth. It was salty and I hated it and I knew I would feel sick the next day. I heard him moan while the stream slowly ran dry.

"Clean my piss slit good! I don't want any drops on my underwear – I don't wanna be like you!", he told me and my tongue just started to play with his glans. It was still salty and wet with his piss. I must have grimaced, because I heard him laugh again.

"I finally found something you don't enjoy it seems. I will remember that the next time you need some discipline!"

With that he pulled out, grabbed my hand and in one swift motion, before I could react pushed my underwear, drained in his piss into my still open mouth. I tried to push it out but he held my hand in front of my mouth.

"That stays in, while the hair removal gel is working! And you are going to wear it when you go back to your room. That will be the last time you are allowed to wear underwear.", with that he took a few steps back to the sink where his bag was laying. The wet underwear in my mouth tasted absolutely horrid, but my hands had already dropped defeated as soon as John had let go of them. With each breath and swallow I drank a little bit more of his piss drenched in my briefs.

I barely caught the tube of crème when he threw it to me.

"Smear it all over your body. I don't want to see any more hairs on you from the neck down."

I would have pleaded but the underwear in my mouth prevented me from it. So I just looked pleadingly at him, already humiliated so much today and shook my head no. Then my head just fell down. He laughed and said:

"This isn't a negotiation, boy. You need to look like what you are! Now, go on."

With trembling hands I opened the tube and started to spread the cream, first on my hands and arms, then my armpits, my breast, stomach, then down along my ass cheeks and thighs. Then I got up clumsily and close to tears while he leaned on the wall, with his arms crossed before his breast supervising that I was working properly, looking arrogantly at me, while I was shaking and humbled like a little boy being chastised by his dad. As the tube was nearing its end I took another big blob and smeared it in my calves and feet. Then he told me to turn around and spread my ass.

"There are some parts missing on your back and ass crack. When you've done them wait a few minutes before you peel it off with this spatula. I don't want to see any stubbles left! I'll be waiting for you in your room. Don't forget that you need to get naked in there and crawl to me as soon as you enter your room!"

With that I heard John turning around and leaving the room, where he left me covered in hair removal gel and with my underwear still in my mouth. As soon as I heard the locker room door open, I spit it out even though I must have sucked almost all of his piss out of it. I silently wept for a few moments feeling embarrassed, humiliated like almost never before. While sucking him and getting fucked and exposed by him was not too bad, what he had made me do now was not what I liked. But he obviously didn't care about that. It had been my fault, I thought, that he had caught me red-handed. So I had no chance but to comply. When I felt some tingling on my skin I started to scrape the gel off in the same order as I had put it on. Then I started the shower and cleaned myself thoroughly inside and out, drinking some of the water to get the taste of his piss out of my mouth. Then I changed the water to cold to bring my spirits back.

When I turned around and looked at the mirror I almost didn't recognize myself. Not that I looked bad but it was totally unfamiliar. I haven't had no hairs since before puberty. My arms and legs showed more defined muscles, now, and I looked a few years younger. Maybe I could be viewed to be in my teens as I didn't have any grey hair. But I didn't look like a real man anymore, more like the boy John was trying to make me. I towelled myself, then put the still a little bit wet underwear on, then my shorts and made me on my walk of shame back to my room.

If the way to the shower-room had already felt like a walk of shame, the way back was even worse. I felt like everybody could smell my piss-stained underwear. I got even more curious looks as my now hairless body drew some attention. Thankfully there were not as many people on my way back as before. I held my head as high as I could and tried to ignore every questioning or lusty look.

When I had almost reached the floor my room was on, one of my colleagues called me:

"Hey Jay, what are you up to?"

It was Steven, a fellow Latin teacher. His second field was English. He was a kind person and we were friends. I liked talking to him, because he was always up for a joke and willing to tease me and ground me, when I got too full of myself. He had dark hair, wore glasses and had a stubble, never really caring too much about his appearances at least as far as I could tell.

"You always like to show off how fit you are, don't you? You'll make everyone drool over you!", he teased me cuffing his fist softly on my shoulders. I blushed, not really certain how to answer. Normally I would have had some quip on my tongue to answer, but the thing with John just made me stutter:

"Y—Yeah, s...s...sorry about that. I must have forgotten my shirt when I went for a shower."

When he noticed me blush, Steven started laughing his deep, friendly laugh and told me:

"No need to be embarrassed. Some of us would kill for such a body. But you could show off more – there is so much unnecessary fabric on your body right now."

I blushed even more, not really sure what I could answer – I only barely registered that this was supposed to be a joke.

"What can I help you with?", I asked instead, baffled.

Then he asked about some problems he had with a student I also had in a PE class. I promised to talk to him, then quickly excused myself trying to prevent that he would notice the probable smell of my underwear. He looked a bit disappointed when I told him that I needed to get to my room and finish some work, but he let me go. I hurried up to my floor and down the hall. When I finally entered my room I had to breathe heavily, leaning on the closed door, having finally made it back. Then I remembered that my ordeal was probably not over. I needed to prevent another humiliation today, because I wasn't sure if I could bear it.

So, I peeled myself out of my shorts and still wet underwear, then dropped to my knees. Thankfully John wasn't in my living room, so he didn't see me hesitate before I got naked. I knew he was somewhere in my rooms as he had told me he would be waiting for me here. So I started to crawl to my bedroom, as instructed.

As I got to the doorframe between the two rooms I saw John lying on my bed. He was naked as well. He was on his back, his head and shoulders leaning on my pillows, doing something on his phone – maybe playing. His legs were spread and allowed a direct view on his low hanging balls and his thick shaft, which was dangling soft between his thighs. He had almost no hair on his legs and as it was blond as well it was almost not visible. The thick but soft bush of pubic hair framed his shaft and balls beautifully and a small patch of hair flowed up to his belly button. His abs were clearly visible and he looked like a young god out of a Greek myth. I couldn't help it and liked my lips.

"Hey bitch, crawl between my legs, and take care of the only dick in this room." He told me without looking up from his phone. I complied and slowly crawled to him, go on my bed and between his legs. I knew he wouldn't want me to touch his dick with my hands, so I lowered my head, arching my back and taking his foreskin between my lips and using my tongue to play with it. He moaned as soon as I took it in my mouth and it didn't take long for me to make him hard again.

"You should get my dick really wet, or it might hurt soon!", he told me still ignoring me otherwise. I knew what was going to happen, so I started to wet his entire shaft taking in in completely. I even started to finger myself to prepare my ass for his monster, which prompted a chuckle from him.

"Stop!", he told me and I immediately looked up to him but not letting go of his cock.

"Present yourself! I want to see if there really is no hair left!"

I got up, still on my knees and put my hands behind my head allowing for a full view of my body. I noticed that his phone wasn't horizontal anymore but vertical and I guessed that he was taking pictures again or even doing a video.

"Now, you look like the faggot boy you are. Locked dicklet, no more hair. Just like a pussy boy. And speaking of it come on, sit down and take my dick in your pussy and ride me like a bitch in heat!"

I felt my cheeks getting red from those comments, and I knew that embarrassing and humiliating me was the target of those. So I took it, said "Yes, Sir!" and moved forward to position myself above his dick. I grabbed it so I could guide my hole above it. While doing that I looked up, trying to concentrate at the task ahead, when I heard him say:

"Look at me, boy. I want to see the expression on your face when you take a real man's dick inside of you!"

He was still laying lazily on the bed only pointing his phone at me and I knew he was filming me and wanted to show my whole body on film. I tried to ignore that and slowly sank my hips and hole on his dick. It hurt when the head pressed against the sphincter, slowly opening it. But easing slowly on his cock I made sure, that it wouldn't hurt too badly. The spit helped as a lubricant but his dick was still larger than most and I wasn't used to such a size and girth. When the head finally was through I moaned more out of relief. Then the rest of the shaft slid in more easily and when I finally felt my ass checks touch his hips I was happy. I felt full and good as my sub-side had long taken over. Taking dick, pleasing it was what I really enjoyed and loved and my whole body language must have shown that.

"Now ride me, bitch!", he ordered and I started to slowly move up and down along his shaft ignoring him demeaning me. I wanted to grind his dick, feel it deep inside and pleasuring him. I even closed my eyes to feel him inside of me better. Slowly I increased the pace and soon he moaned as well. I wanted to feel him inside of me even deeper and leaned back supporting my body with my arms on the sheets.

I was in ecstasy feeling his dick sliding in and out, each time hitting my prostate when I sat down, sending shivers through my body. I started impaling myself with his dick, trying to feel him even more and deeper. It was just a bliss getting filled by such a hard tool. As I started to move like a wheel, my dick started to bounce and move even more. Which prompted a laugh from him, when he noticed.

"Look how this little locked dicklet is enjoying it that you serve a real men's cock! Look how its jumping around happily! Like it should, fag!", he told me for a short time bringing me back to the reality that I was at my students mercy and under his control. But that quickly subsided as I needed to, yes needed to fuck myself with his dick.

When I looked at him again, I saw that he had put his phone away now having his hands crossed behind his head on the pillow, my pillow, his eyes closed enjoying my riding skills, and the pleasure I was giving him. He moaned and his breathing started to get more pressed but I felt that he still wasn't really close to pumping his load into me. I didn't know why but I felt proud that he was enjoying this and I wanted to please him, maybe that would ease his treatment of me or he would maybe let go of me earlier.

I started to grind harder again moving forward towards him and closing my eyes now supporting myself on my knees. After a few moments I felt him move under me, then his hands moved up my torso to my nipples. He took both my left and right nipple between his respective thumbs and index fingers and started to twist it, which hurt a little but also felt really good while I rode him and I moaned even more.

"Torturing your nipple really seems to turn you on, while you're riding my cock like a bitch. Come on! Ride me harder, that's what you meant to do, faggot!", he teased me and cheered me on at the same time. I started to grind harder, but this time pulling myself up slower almost up his complete shaft then sinking down fast. I started to really sweat and to feel exhausted, while he was still twisting my nipples. I was happy and blissful being able to ride him and then I felt his breathing getting even faster and his body tensing up a little. I knew that he was getting close. My efforts doubled to bring him over the edge, when he lost his grip on my nipples, now grabbing my hips regaining control and moving my body up and down his dick.

I heard him breathing heavily, still having my eyes closed wanting to experience his fucking even more intense. He moved me up and down fast, pushing his hips up every time he pulled me down. After a few more thrusts I felt his dick pulsating and after one last push he pumped all of his seed deep inside of me.

"Take it bitch!", he yelled out while cumming, grabbing my hips harder, while stopped moving. He was taking deep breaths and had his eyes closed as he was shooting. His sweaty body was glistening from the lamp in my room and he looked like he had just had a heavy training. A few strands of his blond hair were sticking to his forehead, as if he had just had a workout. But he also looked more peaceful and friendly then his normal a little arrogant self. He was truly beautiful but I knew how dangerous he was.

It had felt truly elevating riding him, but this time it had not been enough to help me get an orgasm as well. But I didn't really care. All that had mattered was riding him and getting him off. I fell forward, exhausted as well, barely supporting myself with my arms. I was happy though that I had made him cum. I must have smiled because when I looked at him, his arrogant smile had returned.

"You enjoyed pleasing me, didn't you, bitch?", he asked me still a little short on breath.

"Yes, Sir!", I answered being totally honest and not able to lie to him.

---------End of part 10--------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome. I will be on vacation the next couple of weeks, so there will not be another chapter in two weeks but in four, if everythings works out as planned.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 11

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