Taylors Moment

By L Foster

Published on Jan 26, 2008


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between a young adult and older men. If material of this nature offends you, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law. This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The actions of the characters in this story are in no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

"TAYLOR'S MOMENT": Chapter 7 By: Foster

Jon The sun came through the window with the dull, early light of dawn. Jon had started sleeping in the nude a couple of years earlier as he learned that he really enjoyed the feel of his warm flesh against the bare bedding. He ran his hand down the smooth warm skin of his torso, allowing his fingers to rest against the base of his heavy morning wood. Before he could savor the moment, suddenly, the alarm clock went off reminding him that he had to be at the school early today to get in a few extra laps before the competition. Even though it was a Saturday, the competition coming up mandated that they put in some overtime. "Shit...", he thought as the reached for the clock. "I guess I'll have to wait 'til later..." he muttered to himself.

Taylor As the clock buzzed at his ear, Taylor awoke and turned it off. "God".. he thought, "what a night..." His mind replayed the scenes in his head the previous evening with Mr. Denton and he felt his boner thickening in his briefs. As he remembered the evening, his mind also went to the long conversation in Mr. Denton's kitchen after they had showered together. They both realized and agreed on two points. The first, that they had to keep the experiences of that night between themselves was a no brainer. Even though Taylor was 18, others would see them only as a student and a teacher and neither wanted Mr. Denton to lose his job. The second thing was that, for now, at least until the school year was finished, they could not continue their extra-curricular activities. Taylor's plans to go away to college in the following fall made any further relationship impractical. That said, both had a splendid time with no regrets. Suddenly, Taylor was startled from his reverie by the ringing of the phone...

Taylor: "Hello"

Jon: "Hey, you up?"

Taylor: "Yeah... gettin' there"

Jon: "Well, drag your cute ass out of the bed and meet me at the pool. You did remember our extra practice today, didn't you?"

Taylor: "Yeah... I didn't forget... I'll see you in a few..."

Jon: "Ok... see you there"

Taylor: "Alright..."

As he hung up his phone, suddenly Taylor thought, "Cute ass? Did I miss something?"

Jon Jon got to the school's natorium and headed for his locker. He still felt horny, his morning wood weighing heavily down his leg. Now shirtless, Jon indulged himpself for a moment as he thought about Taylor, his crush. He so badly wanted to tell Taylor how he felt for him, but, there just never seemed to be the opportunity. His hand ran down his smoothly muscled torso to his belt. He began to strip off his remaining street clothes and was just pulling down his jeans as Taylor reached the door.

Taylor Seeing Jon, I stopped for a moment at the door and admired him. He is such a nice guy. I felt totally transfixed as Jon moved his hand to undo his belt. DAMN! He is not wearing underwear Taylor thought as the watched the jeans slide over Jon's muscled ass. Then, suddenly, Jon turned, he semi-hard cock swinging against his leg. "Well, you finally got here," exclaimed Jon.

Taylor suddenly realized that he was staring at Jon's meaty body and caught himself. Stuttering a little, Taylor responded, "Y-y-yeah... I made it." "Snap out of it!" Taylor thought to himself... you are going to give yourself away. But even as these thoughts warred in his head, Jon's "cute ass" comment also was vying for attention in the back of his mind.

"Come on in and get changed" Jon replied, his melodious baritone bouncing a little off the tile walls.

Taylor's locker was on the same row as Jon's, just two farther down. Taylor set down his gym bag and began to undress. Out of the corner of his eye, he stole glances at Justin's body and Justin put his things away. But, before he could avert his eyes, Justin caught him. In that split second, their eyes met, then Taylor turned away and lifted his shirt over his head. Still aroused, Taylor's nipples had been pressing firmly against the snug tee and were now the feast for Jon's eyes as the shirt went over his head. Jon had to catch himself, he wanted to touch Taylor's chest so badly. He grabbed his Speedo, and bent over to put it on. His eyes lifted just as Taylor's pants dropped. The outline of Taylor's cock pressed obscenely against the sheer fabric of his briefs. There was but a moment's pause, then he jerked his speedos on up over his muscled thighs. Embarrassingly, however, his meaty cock and balls hung up at the waist of the swim suit causing Jon to have to take them into his hands and ease them into the speedo. The moment was not lost on Taylor. Taylor ached to touch his friend as well, an old pang rising in his chest. As Jon deposited his genitals into the suit, Taylor finally turned and pulled down his jeans revealing his bathing suit already in place. Turning back to Jon, he said, "You ready?"

"Yeah," Jon croaked,"Let's do it."

They both jumped into the pool. The water was the perfect temperature. Both cut through the water gracefully as they swam their laps. Finally, they took their last laps and crawled out of the pool. Drying off, Jon said, "Let's hit the weights at my house for a little while. "

"Okay", responded Taylor, still feeling the burn from the laps in his arms.

They quickly hit the showers. Their pumped muscles glistened in the spray and each felt the arousal in their loins.

Jon thought, "Oh great... just what I need now... another boner."

He finally willed it away summoning to mind every sad thought and or mathematical equation he could muster. Taylor was similarly occupied. Drying off, both finally changed back into their street clothes, walked to the parking lot and drove to Jon's. As they walked into the house, Jon found a note from his mother saying that the rest of the family would be out for the rest of the day shopping out-of-town at the outlet malls for Christmas.

As he read the note, Taylor read over his shoulder and then said, "Looks like your folks are doing what mine did this weekend."

"Oh yeah?" questioned Jon, his eyebrow arching slightly.

"Yeah... they left yesterday to go out-of town and won't be back until tomorrow night."

"Oh...okay" Jon responded as he put the note on the counter. Turning, he said, "Well let's hit the weights."

Jon had a fairly complete set up with a comprehensive set up with a gym machine, plus a bench with free weights. His Dad, an athlete himself back in the day, encouraged Jon's sports aspirations. They did some dumbell exercises and some leg presses. Finally, they settled on the bench press. As they took turns, each could not help but notice the other's crotch as they stood behaind the bech to spot the other. Each had changed into gym shorts earlier at the house and were again shirtless.

Taylor, lying on the bench, caught himself looking up and into Jon's eyes. The vibes were heavy in the room. Suddenly, Taylor felt a spasm in his shoulder causing the weight to suddenly shift as his arm gave.

Jon I could not help myself, I was looking into Taylor's beautiful eyes with their long dark lashes when suddenly he cried out. Seeing the weight shift, I caught the bar and maneuvered it back to the rack.

"Are you alright?"

"God, I have a charlie horse...." Taylor groaned as he grabbed for his shoulder and tried to sit up.

"Lemme help..." I said as I reached out to Taylor.

"This is all I need!," Taylor cried as his shoulder began to pull upwards into his neck.

"Turn around on the bench and I will rub it out for you, if you want me to."

"Ok..." Taylor said, turning to straddle the bench.

I sat down behind Taylor staddling the bench and began to work on his shoulder. I had no intent of things going farther, but, in that moment, something shifted that would forever change both our lives.

Taylor's firmly muscled flesh felt warm to the touch. Even as the rock-hard charliehorse began to loosen a little, nothing was loosening my rock hard cock. I could feel the energy coming off Taylor's body. My crotched was but centimeters from his firm rounded butt. Shaking these thoughts, I then leaned around and asked him if what I was doing was alright...

Taylor I don't know where the muscle spasm came from, but it hurt like hell. Perhaps it was all the exercise at one time after my evening of acrobatics with Mr. Denton, perhaps it was fatigue... all I know is that it hurt like hell. Jon literally saved my neck when he caught the bar, and now his hands were rubbing my shoulder and arm, then across into the top of my pec. I had dreamed of his touching me when we were younger, but had let it go as I got older. Now, here he was rubbing my skin, and despite the pain, I felt a familiar tingle in my crotch as my mind wandered to the glance of his equipment as it was shoved into his speedo. As these thoughts crossed my mind, I was suddenly interrupted my Jon's face leaning around me.

"Is this helping?", he asked.

As I looked up, my eyes met his. I'm not sure what happened, but, I felt the overwhelming urge to kiss him and I lost control of myself in that moment. I leaned forward, then caught myself. Suddenly, he pulled me to his lips and kissed me...hard.

Instantly, he leapt up and said,"Oh God, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I just..."

I stood, rubbing my pained shoulder and then grabbed his arm with my good arm before he could run out and pulled him to me. I could not stand it and I had to tell him... "Jon, don't hate me... I could not bear to lose your friendship, but, I'm gay and...(sigh)... I've been attracted to you since junior high." Then came the damn tears. I couldn't stop them.

As the silence in the room deafened me, I then looked up at Jon and I saw his eyes filled with tears. He pulled me into his arms. Then, I heard the words, "Taylor, I've always loved you and I want to be with you."

Then, I pulled his head gently to me and kissed him again as I told him, "You have me..."

Jon We turned and eased ourselves back down upon the weight bench facing each other. As I looked into his eyes, I told Taylor, "I've wanted to tell you for what seems like forever, but I was afraid. I did not want to anger you either and risk losing you as a good friend."

Then, Taylor kissed me again... his lips warm and soft against mine. As we pulled apart, I could see the flushing in his cheeks.

Taylor Wordlessly, he got me to turn around and he began to rub my shoulder again. However, this time was even more gentle. I let him pull me to him. His smooth abs felt warm in the small of my back... his now hardening cock firmly standing against the fold in the back of my shorts. My hand grazed his thigh, feeling the downy fur on his thighs, not yet shaved again for competition. As the strength of his arms enfolded me, I surrendered, leaning back into his torso as his hands moved to my chest and abdomen.

Jon As Taylor leaned into me, he sighed and my heart melted. I moved my hands wordlessly to his torso, my fingers tracing the outlines of his six-pack I so envied the definition of, and then followed the slightly furry hint of a treasure trail which disappeared into his shorts. As I looked down his torso, I saw the growing rod of his manhood begin to peek from the material of his shorts. Slowly I eased my hands down his body and avaiding his cock, I began to massage his thighs. Taylor spread his legs as the heat of our desire began to burn hotter. Working my hands in concentric circles on his thighs, I kneaded the taut flesh until my thumbs began to just barely graze Taylor's balls. Taylor offered no resistance, but instead, spread his legs slightly more and groaned with delight. As my hands moved ever closer, his shorts rode up higher exposing more of his ample meat. The plum shaped head was engorged now, and I could see it throb with each beat of his heart. Gently, I planted small kisses into the nape of his neck as I flet his shoulder blades rub across my pectorals.

Then Taylor said, "Jon, I want you... please."

As my heart leapt, we stood up and embraced, our hard cocks straining to touch each other. As our tongues danced with each other, I felt his arms move up my back, puling me tighter into him. As we pulled apart, I said, "Come with me." Taking him by the hand, I led him to my bedroom.

=================================================== ***Well, I'm back after a long hiatus filled with still more post-Katrina major life changes including the end of my long-term relationship. Things are hopefully looking up now though. I apologize to fans of the story for my long dry spell. However, if you want to read and enjoy the story, I will enjoy the writing. Feel free to drop me a line at LF-SEX@excite.com and give me your feedback about the story. I hope to hear from some of you who were keeping up with this story before. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 9

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