Taylors Moment

By L Foster

Published on Jan 30, 2005


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between a young male and an older male. If material of this nature offends you, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. The actions of the characters in this story are in no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

"TAYLOR'S MOMENT": Chapter 3

By: Foster


After the shattering orgasm I had first block, the rest of the day was relatively uneventful until after practice. My bud, Jon, and I always work out together. We have been close friends and have played on teams together since we were little, but, I have never been able to tell Jon that I am gay.

In fact, Jon had been, and occasionally still is, the other guy of my fantasies. Jon is attractive, but in a differnt way from Mr. Denton. Jon is less the mesomorph and more the endomorph. Building muscle easily, he quickly adds layers of muscle, but unlike mine, his are a smooth, rounded type. Sometimes, it's all I can do not to reach out and feel them.

Actually, one occasion, I did get to feel his shoulders and pecs. We were comparing our progress one day. I told him jokingly, "I'm jealous of you... you build mass so much faster than I do."

"Yeah, but, look at your definition....," he responded. "You have cuts upon cuts; your abs are like a washboard. I can even count eight, instead of the usual six-pack"

With that he reached out and ran his hand across my abs. I said, "Yes, but your chest is so much fuller." I gazed slightly upward at Jon's 6'3" frame, upon the slabs of smooth muscle, his nipples now erect, crowning the firm mounds. Many times I had fantasized about feeling his rounded muscles against my leaner body... the firm cushion of his muscles cradling me. I actually had a crush on Jon for a while, but finally got past it; I feared too much losing his friendship to act upon my feelings at the time.

I continued," see how your chest juts out beyound your abs?" I reached out and grabbed his pec playfully, and, almost as quickly, caught myself as I realized I was quickly sprouting a boner. Given that we were headed to the showers, that would not have been cool. I eased my hand back as he said, "Well, we just have different builds I guess and I'll have to be content with what I can do." I reassured him that he had nothing to be ashamed of. Truth be told, he definitely had nothing to be ashamed of, his cock hung down in the shower about 4" long flaccid. I knew that it must be something to see if fully hard.

Oh well, that day could have been a lifetime ago for what difference it would make. After our workout this day, I knew that I would head home to shower... I was just still too easily worked up after this morning's restroom adventure and I feared standing at the head next to Jon would get me going again. I was shaken from these thoughts by Jon saying, "Well, you had a good workout this afternoon, but, what was with you this morning first block?"

Feeling my face trying to redden, I asked, "what do you mean?"

He said, "This morning, you were all worked up as hell. you were like you were going to bounce off the walls!"

"I don't know...uh... I guess I was just frustrated from running errands." I lied.

As we continued to walk, Jon replied stutteringly, "Oh.... ok... well, I... um... just um, noticed some things seemed well... ANYWAY... NO big deal... glad everything's alright." "Are you going to get a shower?"

I replied, "No, I have to get home a do some things." I didn't lie, but I didn't say that I was going to jerk off these sweaty clothes and then, jerk off something else.

"Ok," Jon replied; "I'll see you later then."

"Later", I responded and I headed to my car. I glanced back once, just in time to see Jon whip off his shirt. He may not have my definition, but God, what a beauty. Blonde highlights in his hair fluttered on the afternoon breeze. The wings of his back muscle, flexed with his movement and his shoulders were build almost like a pyramid as they led into his neck. Jon had rapidly filled out in the last couple of years, all natural. Coach had warned us about steroids stunting our growth at a younger age. When we asked him about them, he said, "YOU have all the testosterone you need to build muscle... and a few other things," nodding his head southward. "You don't want to fuck that up, do ya?" Of course we didn't, and we took his advice to heart since he was quite built himself and surely knew what he was talking about.

Since I was still hot from working out and the day was warm, I decided to take my shirt off as well. I wiped the sweat from my body with the tee shirt and pitched it on the seat. Driving home, my mind raced as my cock bulged in my gym shorts. I thought about Jon naked in the shower as my cock hardened; I knew I would not have been able to keep that under wraps today if I had showered at the gym. Then I wondered about Mr. Denton and what he might be doing in that moment.

Mr. Denton

I left the school and hurried to the gym. After this morning, I had energy to spare and put it all into the workout. As I focused and worked out, the hardon I had had all day waned a little, but once I got back into the car, it came back with a vengeance. I'm sure the tribulus and andro I was cycling to boost my testosterone levels were not doing anything except keeping me even hornier. You know, when you're 18 to early 20's, it's easy to build muscle. A guy in his late 30's and 40's will certainly be able to build muscle too, but just not as quickly without giving the gonads a kick of sorts.

After I got to the house, I fixed my protein drink and thought about this morning. God that experience was INCREDIBLE, but, I knew I could NOT do that again at school. It was just too much risk... of getting caught... of losing my job... of getting a disease... it just was not worth trying it again. Yet, I could not get that hot body out of my brain. In my mind's eye I could still see the ridge of his quadriceps... the very one I traced with my finger up to his cock. A what a cock! Though about the same size as mine, {I had always wanted a bit more, but who doesn't, I guess}, the kid's cock was perfection. The red, plum-shaped head would have fit so well in my mouth. I closed my eyes, feeling it's texture and heat again in my hand as my mind wandered back to first block.

I dropped my hand down feeling my own cock gettting hard yet again. Stripping my clothes on the way, I went to the bedroom to stretch out on my bed. Since I had no neighbors close by on the back side of the house, I decided to open the French doors of my bedroom. The sheer curtains brushed against my skin as the breeze caught them and moved them about in the wan afternoon sunlight of early spring. I laid down on the bed, enjoying the rare moment. The breeze of the unseasonably warm late afternoon gently caressed my skin as my hand reached for my hardening member. I looked down as a drop of precum appeared on the tip of my mushroom-shaped head. Using my finger and thumb, I swirled it around the head. I let my other hand drift upward. My muscles were still pumped from the workout and they longed to be kneaded. I took my hand off my cock and moved my hands to my shoulders. Applying slight pressure, I made a long stroke down my body to my cock, then swept upward again, pausing to massage my pecs. Very quickly my nipples stood at attention, the afternoon breeze whispering across them. I wet my fingers and then pinched my nipples; I tugged on them feeling the warm blood race to the hard points of my nipples. As I pulled my hands away, the breeze from the window cooled the fire making them stand even taller.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "SHIT!", I thought. Probably a kid selling yet more junk to make up for tax monies the school doesn't have, or a someone come to tell me how I'm going to burn in hell. After a moment it rang again. After a brief pause, I decided to go with neither of those two choices and stay put and finish my private party.

With one hand now cupping my balls, I grazed the tips of my nipples with my palm. Small shocks moved in all directions and into my groin as I continued this sweet torture. I moved my hands to my own legs. Pressing firmly, I felt the familiar tingle in my crotch. My left hand reached for my sac. Grasping gently, I made a ring with my thumb and forefinger and gently tugged at my sac. Then palming them, I eased a finger to my hole. Spreading my legs and flexing them back and forth, I now took my precum slicked finger and began to massage my hole. My mind went back to first block. Visions of Taylor's tented pants fired off in my mind, alternating with the cock in the stall in the bathroom. Feeling my load build, my back instinctively arched against my finger still working the ring of my ass. Reaching for my cock, I wrapped my free hand around it and began the familiar up and down motion I had enjoyed since I was 12. As soon as the pressure built up too close, I would back off. I wanted this to last a while.


The drive seemed to be taking forever in the late afternoon traffic. Finally, I turned on the street where I had seen Mr. Denton first thing this morning. The traffic was less thick on this street leading into the neighborhood. I secretly hoped that he would be in his yard working so that perhaps I could get another glace at his shirtless chest and torso. Finally, I approached his house. Turning to look in his direction, I thought I saw a tire flat on the rear driver's side of his car. As I passed, I turned and looked back, sure enough, the tire was flat as a pancake. I thought a moment, then decided, "Ok... I'll be a good Samaritan and stop and ask if he knows it is flat. The tire places would close soon and he would be stuck with probably a doughnut spare. I whipped my car around into a driveway, turned around and headed back. "Besides," I thought,"he may be a teacher, but he is a nice guy." Then, I couldn't help but grin to myself as I thought, "It will give me chance to see him again up close even if he does have his clothes on." Instinctively, my cock hardened as I thought back to first block. I wedged my hand into my gym shorts to adjust my hardening cock. My mind almost glazed over with desire as it tried to piece together the mental picture of the shirtless Mr. Denton from this morning and the man from the restroom this morning who I was SURE was Mr. Denton. The picture I was getting was making me horny again fast.

Pulling my hand out of my shorts, I pulled into his drive, stepped out of my car, walked to his porch and rung the bell. After a moment, I rang the bell again. No answer. That's odd, I thought. Then it occured to me, maybe he is in the back yard or something and can't hear the bell. I decided to walk around the house and see if he was back there. I did not feel like he would mind under the circumstances.I stepped to the gate, moved the latch and closed it again. Turning, I continued to walk around the house. Just as I reached the patio, I noticed the French doors opened wide, so I knew he was home; I guessed he just didn't hear the doorbell.

Walking on to the patio, I went to the open doors and just about came on the spot. It was Mr. Denton on his bed. His eyes were closed as he threw his head back. His cock was hard and his muscles were tensed as he worked his cock. I knew I should leave, but, as I started to go, I heard him moan, "Taylor-r-r......mmmmmmmm..... yeaaaaaaaaah.........."

I was riveted to the spot. Was he was jerking off fantasizing about me? The scene was too hot; I reached into my shorts and grabbed my now rock-hard cock. As I touched it, a small burst of precum pumped from the tip. I grabbed my sack and tugged. Pulling out my cock and balls to the open air, the elastic of the shorts pushed them upward and out. But, as I began to pump my cock, I felt the shorts slip down a little off my ass as the muscles of my glutes clenched and released.

Suddenly, without missing a stroke, Mr. Denton pulled his knees up and began to massage his hole. Oh God! This was incredible. He still had not even noticed that I was even there, but, I was way too horny to leave now. He slipped a finger in his ass and grunted, "mmmm...fuck me... fuck me Taylor..." as he stroked his cock even harder. His back arched upwards as he slipped yet another finger into his ass.

I ran my hands across my bare chest, down my front and back to my tit which I gave a violent pinch. An involutary shiver ran down my spine. I was so nervous that my teeth were almost chattering, but I could not tear myself away from the sight of this man calling my name as he writhed in unadulterated, naked pleasure on the bed before me. My cock spasmed with another shiver of precum as I looked down at my own hardon. I had never seen it so hard. The head was so maroon, so full, that it was almost purple.

My shorts slid down a bit farther, but I did not care at this point. My eyes were glued to this gorgeous man of my fantasies in front of me.


DAMN! Why can't I tell him. I thought I would croak this morning when I saw Taylor with such a hard in his khakis. It was obvious that he was quite excited about something or someone. Somehow, I don't think it was I that he was so horny for. I love Taylor, but I can't even tell him I'm gay and he is probably straight. We have been friends so log that my feelings are complicated. I love him too much to ruin our friendship. Then too, if it got out that I'm gay, not that I believe Taylor would out me to hurt me, my dad is a coach here; what would it do to him? His job? Hell, he might even throw me out of the house and then where would I go?

Well, I can't cry about all this here or now; I've gotta clear my head and get my thoughts together. I'll just take my shower and go home. Setting my shirt on bench outside the showers, I shucked off my shorts and grabbed my towel.

Just as I was going in and not watching where I was going, I almost ran over the new swim coach coming out. Knocking him unsteady on the wet time floor, I reached out to steady him from falling; I grabbed him around the torso just as he exclaimed, "Watch out!.... WHOOO-O-O-OA!!" Right out of college, he was in his mid to late 20's, about 5'9" with, of course, a swimmer's build at about 165 to 170lbs. As I reached for him, his feet went out from under him and his arms flailed as he tried to catch himself. I caught him easily and pulled him to me, not a difficult feat since I can bench press at least his weight and then some. His body felt so warm as it pulled into me, the moist heat from his shower still lingering, and I felt my cock nudge into the crack of his ass. He fell into my arms and, after a second, relaxed as he stopped flailing. Perhaps it was just a moment too long, but it felt so good feeling him next to me. As I held him, I realized that he was shaved all over. I felt my cock stirring at his backside, and suddenly realized that I had to get out of this. Looking down his front, I saw his cock, now looking a little larger than before, nestled in his trimmed pubes. His feet now solidly on the floor, I stepped back and said,"I'm sorry Coach Terry; did I hurt you?"

"No, Jon... I'm not hurt... except for maybe my pride."

Feeling my face redden, I said, "I'm glad you're not hurt... I'll have to be more careful and pay attention to where I'm going."

"That's alright," he replied, "and listen; please call me Justin." "I'm not that much older than you are and you are graduating this year, so, at least when school is not in session, please call me Justin."

"Well, okay Coach..., I mean, Justin." Feeling my cock continue to harden, I continued,"Well, I guess I had better get my shower and get home."

Justin smiled a broad smile which dimpled his cheeks and said,"Okay Justin." "Perhaps I'll see you again sometime soon... have a good one."

"You too," I responded. He turned and walked away and I turned to the showers. For some reason, I felt the urge to look back. So, pausing for a moment, I turned around only to see him turned looking back at me as he walked out. He smiled and waved and I waved back.

I had the shower to myself, and it was a good thing, too, as my cock was rapidly filling out to its full size. The warm water felt good washing away the day's worries. Having just worked out, my muscles were pumped and they flexed beneath my fingers. Unbidden, I cock expanded to its full 8½ inches.

I reached down and started to pump it. My mind first wandered to the swim coach. I remembered how good it felt having my cock nestled in his ass-crack. His nipples were hard against my arms as my abs pressed into the small of his back. Still damp with his shower and a sheen of clean sweat, he smelled fresh. He felt so warm next to me.

Then my mind wandered to Taylor. I had seen Taylor hard on one occasion; it was in the shower after a practice. He seemed kinda embarrassed about it, as I was about my hardness, so we both kinda ignored the situation. At that time we were about the same size, but, I had another growth spurt that added inches to my height and to the size of my cock. Even if he is not as big as I am now, he is such a beautiful guy that I hurt for wanting him.

As I thought about these two beautiful men, my cock throbbed in my hand. I leaned back in the shower and felt the spray strike my cock and balls; the pulsing spray, the throbbing of my cock in my hand, it felt so-o-o-o good as I jacked. Then I turned around feeling the spray hit my shoulders. Suddenly, I could hold it no longer. My knees buckled and I leaned into the wall as the first shot of cum fired from my cock. It arched into the air hit the floor about 4 feet away. I closed my eyes as another four spasms of cum left my cock and hit the floor. Slowly, I came down and slowed my jacking. The sexual pressure relieved, I turned back to the shower to finish cleaning up, wondering what Talor was doing about now.


Mr. Denton continued to finger his ass and beat his cock. I slowed my own jacking as I was about to shoot and I really wanted to see more. I stepped to the edge of the door, my cock throbbing in my hand. Mr. Denton's eye were still tightly closed. About 15 feet away, I saw his cock pump some more lube which he circled around his cock.

Suddenly he turned his head towards me, and, opening his eyes widely, looked first at my cock, and then into my eyes and exclaimed, "Taylor?!?!"

"OH SHIT! I cried and turned to run. But, before I could even get going, my gym shorts dropped the rest of the way to my ankles as I turned causing me to trip and to fall on the hard patio.

Mr. Denton leapt from his bed and ran over to me and knelt down saying, "Taylor are you hurt?" "What are you doing here?"

Panicked and embarrassed, I almost wanted to cry, but instead babbled, "Your tire was flat and I stopped to tell you and when you didn't answer the door, I came around the back and then you were there and saying my name and...and I... I... shit... shit."

"Easy Taylor... It's okay... I'm not upset with you." "Now, are you hurt?"

More quietly with my head dropped, I answered, "No, Mr. Denton...I just...sigh"

"Taylor, I know this probably is against student/teacher rules, but, since you are here..." Mr. Denton reached out and lifted my chin, "would you liike to, well, um...... join me?"

I looked down at Mr. Denton's cock, only slightly less stiff than it was on the bed, waving in the breeze, then at mine which had gone soft. I could not believe what I was hearing.

He continued, "If you don't want to that's ok, but, considering that a moment ago we were both hard and seeming to enjoy it, and you are pretty much naked (smile) and have my full attention, I thought you might want to stay. Yes, I was saying your name because, well... because you're hot and I fantasize about you all the time. sigh It's up to you."

I reached up and touched his chest feeling the firm muscularity of his pec beneath my palm. Finally, I croaked out, "yeah..." Feeling my cock re-hardening quickly, I continued to stroke his pec and said, "I think about you too."

Then, pulling away for a moment, Mr. Denton reached down and slipped my gym shorts off my ankles. Opening my legs slightly, mr. Denton crawled between my knees and took my cock into his hands.

Looking up at me, he said, "It's alright Taylor, Just relax; we can do just what you are comfortable with,"

With that, he eased my cock into his mouth. I rapidly re-hardened as the breeze blew across my body and Mr. Denton continued to blow me. Reclining on my elbows with the cool patio block beneath me, I looked down and watched the musculature of Mr. Denton's shoulders, arms and back flex as he bobbed up and down on my cock, his hand grasping and releasing my balls. Finally, pulling off my cock and giving it a lick, he gently let go of my balls saying, "Why don't we go inside?"

Like in a trance, I stood, fully nude as he offered his hand to help me up.

He brushed a little dirt off my body and I finally thought to brush off my hands. Finding no abrasions, he took me by the hand and led me to the bed. Easing me back over the edge, he knelt beside the bed. The next thing I felt was his mouth, again on my cock. Uncontollably, I arched my back. Licking and teasing the head, he then took it into his mouth and eased down.

The next thing I knew, I felt his nose against my torso; he had taken my whole cock into his throat. I looked down to again see the hottest thing I had ever seen in my life... my cock bobbing in and out of his mouth, the mouth of the man of my fantasies, and his arm moving as he jacked his own cock beneath the bed. I closed my eyes and whimpered uncontrollably. Then I felt his hands on my thighs... pressing in the side of the quadriceps... then massaging the inside my thighs, sending these terrific pulses into my cock, balls and groin. This was a totally new sensation for me. Losing further control, I felt the spasm as I pumped a dab a precum into his lips.

Pulling back for a moment, he said, "You taste good... let me know when you are getting close"

Then he went back to my cock. It felt like he was everywhere. One hand was massaging my balls, another my abs, his mouth on my cock. I reached down and started rubbing and tweaking my nipples. They have always been sensitive. The feelings were overwhelming. Suddenly, I realized I was getting close.

"I'm getting close," I rasped.

Instantly he stopped and pressed firmly beneath my balls. I felt the feeling subside with no more than a new pearl of precum. Mr. Denton then asked, "Have you ever tasted your cum?

"Sometimes," I replied.

With that, he leaned over and lapped up my precum on the tip of his toungue, then slid up my body, the warm muscles of his torso caressing my lower body, and leaned in to kiss me. Opening my mouth, he slipped his tongue into my mouth and I tasted the salty sweet of my own precum with Mr. Denton's essence. I reached down and touched his cock. Feeling it wet, I eased a dab of his wetness to my lips as well... savoring his slightly saltier flavor. I loved it. We kissed again deeply, then I slid down his torso facing his cock. Rolling Mr. Denton over from his side onto his back, I eased his cock into my mouth, my mind reeling with how many times I had cum on my own sheets dreaming of this. Though not having much experience, I tried to keep my teeth out of the way. I tried to press my lips down to the bottom of his cock, but then I gagged.

He eased my head up and said, "Easy Taylor... you don't have to push... just do what feels good to you..."

But, I knew what I wanted and soon realized that if I inhaled through my nose, more and more of his cock comfortably eased down my throat. Mr. Denton was now moaning and writhing on the bed. I reached up and tugged his tit, causing him to arch his back, forcing his cock into my throat to the base. With my other arm, I caught his tight ass and firmly held him up off the bed and in my throat. Then, easing him down again, I began to bob my head up and down again. Then, I let my fingers wander to his balls. With this, he spread his legs wider. I pulled off his cock and spread his legs back a little wider. As I stretched his crotchopen, his pink rosebud winked into view. I spat a small wad of precum and spittle on his hole and then began to massage it with my thumb, circling his hole, pressing gently around it, having remembered him playing with his hole earlier. With that, Mr. Denton exclaimed, "OH GOD! YESSSSSSS!!!" As I rubbed his hole, I leaned over and began to alternately lap at his balls, then up the shaft of his cock, then back to his balls. Watching him gasp and writhe with pleasure. Smelling his manly scent, and the sweat we were now making, made my cock rock hard. Taking his cock deeper again into my mouth, I sucked his throbbing meat harder. Suddenly, Mr. Denton tensed and grabbed my head. Easing my mouth back off his cock, he gasped," Gotta... slow a moment..." I stood up and then laid back down beside him. For a moment we caressed each other without touching our cocks which were pressed against our bellies.

With hope and curiosity I asked, "Was what I was doing feeling ok? I've never played with anyone's ass before..."

Mr. Denton answered the question with a question, "Have you ever been rimmed?"

I answered, "I heard the word before, but I don't know much about it...but I'd like to find out."

"Lie back," Mr' Denton whispered as he moved to his knees. Taking my legs, he eased them back over my head. I was now looking straight at my own hard cock. Then, placing my legs over his shoulders, he jacked my cock to rock hardness again, then said,"Okay, here we go". Pushing my legs up higher again, I saw his head disappear. The next thing I felt can only be described as like an electric shock. Suddenly I realized he was licking my asshole. The feelings were absolutely awesome. I could not help it; I almost screamed with pleasure. I cried; I cursed; I alternately clenched and stretched my legs in the sheer pleasure this man was giving me as he ate my ass. I felt my muscles relax as he contined tolick and then stroke. Suddenly, I felt his toungue enter my ass. Moving in and out, the pleasure was overwhelming.

Finally, I cried out, "Let me do you Mr. Denton!!!! PLEASE! Let me do you!!!" In an instant, Mr. Denton turned around, through his leg over my chest, and straddled my head. Bending my knees, he rolled me up and started eating my ass again as I used my hands to pry his cheeks apart. With just one look, I could tell that he kept himself clean. With nothing but a sheen of sweat, this hot butt was immaculate. Without hesitation, I plunged my face into this man's crack. I dove my tongue straight at his little pink bud. I felt him stop, gasp and cry out as I licked his hole. Then immediately he went back to eating mine. I tried to mimic what I thought he was doing. As he circled my hole with his tongue, I circled his. When his tongue punched back through the ring of my ass, I took the plunge, now totally wanton and insatiable. I wanted more. I could feel my balls slap his pecs now and then as both our cocks dripped hot juices on my chest as we both wrestled on the bed. His ass was hot and sweaty where his workout sweat had run down his back, adding an extra saltiness to his skin. Finally, he gasped, "Gotta fuck... gotta cum..." We uncoiled and 69'ed each other another moment or two. Then, Mr. Denton said,'Fuck me, Taylor... I gotta have your hot cock in me."

He sat up in the bed, opened the nightstand and pulled out a condom. Opening it with his teeth, he expertly slipped it on my cock. It was so hard that it felt like steel. Then squirting some lube in his hand, he greased my cock, then put some on his hole. Without pause, he gracefully straddled my torso as I held my cock upwards from off my belly. He gasped as the head touched his hole. Slowly he lowered himself, his hole pressing the head of my cock. Suddenly, it was my turn to gasp as the head of my cock entered his hot, smooth, tight hole. He gripped my cock with his ass and began a slight up and down movement. With each time, my cock sunk a little deeper into his ass. I reached up as he moved and began to jack his cock. On the fifth stroke, he hit bottom. As he paused a moment, I continued to slowly jack his hard cock. His organ throbbed and bobbed in my hand as touched him. I ran my hands up his chest as he reached for my chest. Kneading my pecs, he then began to slowly ride me. I grunted with pleasure; I had never felt anything like this. As Mr. Denton began to bounce up and down on my cock, I held my hand steady around his cock, allowing his tool to be jacked in the sleeve of my hand. He moaned, "Yes....yessss.... fuck me, Taylor... FUCK me..."

I began to raise my ass off the bed to meet his downward thrusts, his ass smacking my balls causing the cum to churn ever closer. His ass milked my cock as the pressure built and I knew I could not last much longer. Mr. Denton reached down and tugged my tits roughly causing my hips to lurch upward yet still harder in pleasure. The sound of our slapping bodies, punctuated by grunts, now filled the room as the daylight began to give way to sunset. He varied his tempo, alternating between faster pumps and then slow grinds. My cock strained within the condom for release. As our bodies slowly ground together, I could feel his balls rolling on my lower abs as he reached back and cupped mine. Finally, I knew I would not be able to hold out much longer as my sac was pulling up tighter with each stroke. I looked up at him, then reached upward with my free hand, pinching first my right tit and then the left one. He continued to ride and reached up and tugged his own. Apparently I was hitting the right spot because a couple of times he threw his head back moaning. I stopped tweaking my tits as he slowed to a grind on my cock yet again. As he did this, I took his balls into my other hand while I resumed palming his cock. I felt his heavy jewels pull upwards as he arched his back in passion. Finally he gasped, "I'm on the final run." He began to move more forcefully on my cock again. I could feel my heart pounding in the condom as well as in my chest. I could sense both our loads building. Now our bodies were bouncing the entire bed together as our crotches slapped in unison.

As if on cue, we both said, "I gettin..."

Smiling and panting, we continued to fuck... two men in unquenchable heat. Finally, I moved my hand to his thighs clutching them, fucking him as deeply as I could go as he reached down and began to pump his own cock.

I could not hold out any more and I gasped, "I'M....GoNNA...CUM.... I..."

Mr. Denton pumped his cock faster and croaked out, "ME TOO... GONNA....ARGHHHH!"

The first shot from his cock hit my forehead just as my body spasmed in the most powerful orgasm of my life. I felt his hole clutch my cock with each spasm. As I opened my mouth to cry out, his second huge volley of cum landed warm and heavy on my tongue. As I tasted his cum, I shot yet another round into the rubber. Again, again and yet again Mr. Denton's cum landed now on my chest and abdomen. As he sat down on my cock shooting his load, I continued spraying several more spasms of hot cum into his ass, feeling the rubber bulge with each burst of juice.

At last, totally spent, Mr. Denton leaned over to lie on my chest, my cock still firmly embedded in his ass. I raised my knees slightly to keep it there. I could feel his hot cum on my chest, his firm muscles pressing into my body as mine pressed into his. We both breathed heavily from our exertions... utterly sated... for the moment. I ran my hands up and down his back as he caressed my face. After a moment, he looked into my eyes and said, "Thank you, Taylor", then placed his head back on my shoulder. I stroked his hair and closed my eyes as I felt his warm breath on my neck.


Well, I hope that Taylor and Denton's finally getting together lived up to what everyone was looking forward to. Thanks for continuing your feedback. It is always appreciated and I try to incorporate suggestions into my writing where I can to improve.

Feel free to drop me a line at LFSEX@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 4

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