Taylors Angel

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Oct 15, 1999


I know, I know. It's been forever since I've written anything. Well here it is. I hope that you enjoy. Things are going to slow down pretty heavily from here on out; both in the story and the amount of time that it takes to see a new chapter. I hope that everyone will be patient. This story picks up about a month from where we left off.

Now for the warning: If you're not of age then don't read this (yeah right), and if you don't agree with m/m relationships then don't read any further. Then again, if you do you might just find out something about yourself that you didn't know before.

Taylor's Angel 6

As I walked down the street I wondered where all the people were. The place was deserted. Usually there were always the sounds of kids at the Arcade, of people strolling down the street, but there wasn't anybody. The silence was eerie. Then I heard a laugh. I suddenly found myself drawn to the sound. "Maybe there's someone else here," I thought as I stopped to listen again. Almost as if it was reading my mind the laugh came again. It was just up the road from me. As I slowly made my way toward the sound, I realized that for the first time in my life I was really scared. Actually I was beyond scared, I was terrified. Then as I rounded the corner I came face to face with the person that was responsible for the laugh.

"Taylor? What happened?" I asked as I noticed the blood running down his head.

"You're what happened, Angel. If only you hadn't run away, I would still be alive."

"What are you talking about? You're alive. You're standing right in front of me."

"Am I? Take a look, Angel. I'm as dead as I can be and it's all because of you."

"No, no it can't be true. It can't be."

"Oh but it is and you're to blame. I'll never forgive you for what you did to me." Taylor said as he disappeared.

"No, Taylor come back."

"Angel, Angel honey, wake up. Angel, it's all right. It was only a nightmare. Angel, wake up."

"Mom? Is that you?" I asked as I buried my face in her shoulder. "Yeah honey, It's me. It's all right. Shh, it's okay. It'll be alright." My mom said as she held me and stroked my hair. "It'll be okay. It was only a nightmare."

"Oh mom, It felt so real. I dreamed that Taylor had died and that he blamed me for the whole thing. Mom, I can't lose him."

"Shh, It's alright. You won't lose him. As a matter of fact he's been asking about you."


"Honey, Taylor came out of his coma early this morning. You were asleep, so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Can I see him?"

"Well I'll see what I can do." My mom said and then went to find a doctor.

Thirty minutes later I was entering Tay's room. Just as I was fixing to walk into his room, I noticed that his family was leaving. I quickly pulled my hair over my face to hide it. "How is he?" I asked softly.

"He's extremely tired, but the doctors say that he's going to be okay. How are you doing? I heard that you got cut up pretty bad." Ike said.

"Yeah," I mumbled, "Look I'm sorry for all the trouble. If I hadn't gotten so mad and left then Taylor wouldn't have had this happen to him."

"Angel, you can't blame yourself. Tay knew the chance that he was taking even coming after you. He knew that as upset as you were that you could easily have decided to kick his butt. I'm just wish that they had left before he found you. Do you know who any of them were?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to take care of this my way. Okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Promise me that you won't do anything Ike. Please? I don't think that I could stand to see someone else in the hospital because of me."

"I promise, but you have to promise me this. When you do decide to settle it, I want to be there. Deal?"

"Deal." I said as he left the room. As I slowly walked over to the bed, I noticed that Tay was awake. "Hey slugger. How you feeling?"

"Like a freight train ran over me. It was Brian wasn't it?"

"Yes and no. The guy that got me was with Brian, but I've never seen him before."

"Let me see your face." Tay said as he noticed that I kept my hair over it.

"No Tay. I don't want you to see it."

"Angel, I know that they cut your face. I just want to see how bad."

"No, please don't make me. Tay, I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I couldn't stand to have you look at me right now." I said as tears started to trickle down my cheeks.

"Come here." Tay ordered. As I came closer he reached out and grabbed my hand. "Now listen to me. I know what you're afraid of. You're afraid that if I look at you that I'll stop loving you. Angel, I've heard that your face is scarred. That was one of the first things that Zac told me when I woke up. Angel, I don't care if you are scarred. You're still the same person that I fell in love with, and I'll never stop loving you. Now I have to do something that I never thought I would have to do to anyone."

"What?" I asked as he paused for a minute.

"Angel, I have to apologize. I know that what I did was wrong, but please listen to what I have to say. I didn't tell Zac to go get a blowjob from you. I told him that if he thought that he might be gay that he should find someone who would experiment with him. I never thought that he would go after you. Angel, I'm sorry. And if you never want to see me again then I understand, but please forgive me for what I did."

"There's nothing to forgive." I whispered.


"I know what you told Zac. He told me the whole story and apologized for what he did. I'm the one that should be apologizing. If I hadn't gotten so mad, if I had only stopped to listen to you, then neither of us would be in this place and in this situation right now." I said as I reached down to hug him.

"Is that all that I get? I save your life and all that you're going to do is give me a hug?" Tay said mischievously.

"Well I would kiss you, but I don't want you to see my face. I'm sorry Tay, but I'm just not ready for anyone to see it yet. The only ones that can look at me with out staring anymore are your parents, my parents, and the doctors and nurses. Everyone else looks at me like I'm some sort of freak. Why, Taylor, why did they have to cut my face? Why not just kill me? I'll never look the same. I'll never be the same. How could they do it?" I cried as Tay hugged me.

"Shh, it's alright. It's all right. I'm here and I'll never think that you're a freak. It's okay." Tay said as he as he stroked my hair. "Angel, I'm going to move your hair now. Is it okay? Trust me, please."

Finally I gave my consent with a slow nod. As he parted my hair, I waited for the sign that he had seen my face. I just knew that when he did, he would never want to see me again. After he had parted my hair, he slowly pulled it toward the sides of my face.

"Oh Angel, I'm so sorry." Tay whispered as he saw my face for the first time. "I wish that I had gotten there sooner. Oh God, how could they do this to my baby?"

"Was I hearing him right? He wasn't disgusted with me. He didn't mind the way that I looked?" I wondered as I cried at knowing that he still cared. Finally I had to ask him. "Does this mean that you still love me?"

"Oh Angel, I could never stop loving you. No matter what you look like." Tay said as he bent down to kiss me.

"Uh hum." We heard from the door. As we broke apart and looked to see who it was I was surprised to see both sets of parents smiling at us. "Well at least we don't have to worry about them keeping it a secret from us anymore." My mom said.

"What?" Tay and I exclaimed at the same time. "You knew? Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it was your job to tell us, not the other way around. Now Angel, it's time for you to go back to your room. Don't worry you can see Tay later. Right now the doctors want to talk to you about a surgery that they have in mind, and after that we'll see if we can arrange for the two of you to be in the same room." My mom said.

After kissing Tay again, I got up and left my room to go visit the doctors. At least now though, I knew that no matter what they had in store for me it couldn't even phase me with the support that I had around me.

Now people parts of this story are true. While I wasn't the one that was scarred, I did have a friend of mine that was scarred horribly in the way that I mentioned. I've tried to capture the feelings that he went through. All I got to say is that something like this is extremely hard on everybody around. I hope that I didn't get to disgusting in this one, as I was told about in the last one, but I truly hope that I did at least get the point across, and I would like to give a special thanks to a couple of friends of mine.

First off the person that inspired this part of the story. Jon, I love ya man. I just wish you the best in everything and hope that you have a full and speedy recovery.

The other person that I would like to thank is Tay Quest. Without his support and DEMANDS that I get another chapter out, I think it would have taken a lot longer for this chapter to get finished.

Now the last bit of news is that why I don't have it now, I will soon have a web page up where my stories will be posted. As soon as a get an address to give you, I'll let you know.

Remember all comments, praise, or just plain flattery are welcome. Any flames will be ignored. So until next time just remember: "To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human."

Next: Chapter 7

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