Taylors Angel

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Jul 28, 1999


Taylor's Angel 5 (Yes it's finally happened!)

Okay guys, I've been promising people this for ages. It's finally going to happen.

That's right. It's Chapter 5, and what a doozy it is. I guarantee that I will have a plot twist that'll knock you right out of your seat. So hold on and get ready.

BTW, the usual disclaimer. If you're not of age then don't read (yeah right). If you don't agree with the lifestyle portrayed in this story then leave now. But then again, what were you doing here in the first place?

As I looked up from the crotch of my lover, I got one of the biggest surprises of my life. It wasn't Tay that I was looking at. It was Zac! In a harsh whisper I demanded to know what he thought he was doing.

"Getting a blow job from the looks of it," was the reply.

"Zac, you know that I'm with your brother. Why in the hell would you pull something like this?"

"Tay said that you wouldn't mind."

"What? Tay said that? That little son of a bitch. I'm going to kill him." I yelled as I jumped to my feet. Within seconds I had found Tay. As I marched up to him, I just stared at him for a second, and then without a word of warning or no conscious thought on my part my fist was connecting with his face.

"How could you? What do you think I am? So sort of cheap thrill that you can just pass on when you get through with? What happened? Was I not good enough for you? Or do you just like playing with guys minds? Getting them to think that you care about them just so that you can pull some stupid shit like this? Well Taylor, I don't know who you thought I was, but I can tell you one thing I'm definitely not who you thought I was. I'm outta here." With that I turned around and ran out of the house. I was at the end of the driveway when I heard Tay's voice hollering for me.

"Angel, stop! Don't go. Angel, please. Let me explain."

As I hardened my ears to the pleas that I heard, I started to run even harder. Before I knew it, I had reached the park. Finding a bench to sit on, I flung myself down and just started to cry my eyes out. As all the pent up emotion finally started to come out, I just let myself go. Suddenly I was beyond mad. I was PISSED, and I knew just how to take care of it. As I stalked down the streets, I knew that I would find someone. It didn't matter who it was, but someone was going to get hurt. Finally as I rounded the corner, I bumped into someone.

"Well, well. If it isn't the little Angel boy, a voice said sarcastically. A voice that I recognized all to well for it belonged to my cousin Bryan. " Where's your little friend at tonight? Let's see what's his name? Oh yeah, Taylor wasn't it?"

"What do you want Bryan?" I asked softly.

"Well I still remember a time when you interfered in a fight of mine. I think that it's about time for pay backs."

"Oh really? You call that fight? Let's see the way that I remember it, it took three of you to beat down a puny weakling. What's the matter Bryan? Wasn't big enough to take him out yourself?"

"I'll show you that I'm more than capable. Aren't we guys?"

For the first time I noticed that Bryan wasn't alone, and that disturbed me. Usually I was more alert than that. "What's happening to me?" I thought to myself. "Usually I've already counted all of them and know who to watch out for." Before I could think of anything else though, Bryan was coming at me. As he threw blow after blow my way, I dodged most of them. Then I saw my opening. As I sidestepped one of his blows, I ducked down and punched him in the armpit. With a cry of pain, he dropped to his knees.

"Gee Bryan. I thought that you said you could take me. What a shame. Looks like I get to show you up again."

I cocked my fist and just as I was about to hit him again, someone caught my arm from behind. I never had time to react before I was thrown through the air to slam into a building. As I struggled to see through the haze that suddenly appeared in my vision, I saw the biggest guy that I had ever seen slowly walk my way. Struggling to get to my feet, I just barely made it before the guy was right in front of me. Without any warning at all, he lashed out again and suddenly my head was connected with a fist that felt like a freight train. As I slumped down again, I heard an eerie sound. The sound of laughter. Looking up I saw this giant looking down at me while him and all the rest of the guys just laughed. With a lunge, I took out his knees in a football tackle and quickly followed up my advantage. Before I was able to do any damage though, I was pulled away. As I was held prone upon the ground, I could only watch in horror as Bryan picked up a broken bottle.

"So now who's the big shot, huh? Whatcha going to do now? How are you going to get out of this one?" Justin taunted as he steadily advanced on me.

I could only watch in horror as the bottle descended toward my face. As I felt the glass cut into my skin, I knew with certainly that he wasn't going to stop until I was dead. As cut after cut was inflicted upon my body, pain just seemed to roll up out of nowhere. Finally I could take no more and passed out.

When I woke up the first thing that I noticed was that I couldn't see to well. There seemed to be a bandage over my eyes. As I felt around my face, I noticed that my whole face was bandaged. "Oh my god," I thought. "What happened?" As I thought back, I was suddenly aware that I could only remember bits and pieces. As I tried to sit up, it felt that the whole world was pushing back against me. With a groan, I fell back against the bed only to hear the voice of my mother.

"Honey are you awake? How do you feel?"

"Like shit," I replied without thinking.

"Watch your language," was all that my mom said.

Now I was starting to get worried. I had just cussed in front of my mom and she hadn't done a thing to me. What had happened?

"Mom what happened?"

"Someone attacked you. They cut you up pretty good. They probably would have killed you if Taylor hadn't come upon you."

"What? Taylor? What does he have to do with anything?"

"Angel, he saved your life and it may cost him his."

"What are you talking about?" I nearly screamed.

"Oh Angel, I'm sorry. When Taylor came upon the fight he jumped in to try and help you. They beat him with a bat. He's been in a coma since the two of you were brought here."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. As I sank down into the bed, I turned me head so that my mom wouldn't see the tears flowing from my eyes. "It's my fault," I thought. "If only I had stayed there to talk to him. If I hadn't run out looking for a fight then none of this would ever have happened."

"Angel, are you alright?" my mom asked softly.

"Can I see him?"

"Not until the doctor has okayed it. Besides you have yourself to worry about."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the doctor has sewed up most of the cuts, but you're going to have to have some major re-constructive surgery. They cut a lot of muscle as well as skin, and if they don't do surgery on you then you'll be scarred for life."

"Let me see."

"Angel I thought think that's a good idea."

"Mom, I said let me see."

"Okay, I'll get a nurse."

Fifteen minutes after the nurse had I arrived I was ready to look into the mirror. As I braced myself, nothing could have prepared me for the shock that ran through my body. Where there had been a perfect, unblemished face that had always stared back at me, now there was a horrible monster. All that I saw was red meat from where I had been cut. With a cry of despair I threw the mirror against the wall causing it to shatter.

"I'm a monster. A monster." I screamed. "What'll Tay think about me now?"

With a sob, I buried my head into my pillow. I finally cried myself to sleep, only to be chased by nightmares.

And thus ends Chapter 5. Let me know what you thought about it. Once again any suggestions, comments, or just plain flattery are welcome.

Next: Chapter 6

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