Taylors Angel

By Angel Lenoir

Published on May 12, 1999


Well guys it's finally here. Sorry that it has taken so long, but between school finals and work, I didn't have the time to write. I should still be studying for my last final, but I decided that I couldn't leave my fans in suspense any longer.

On another note I would like to praise another author on here. If it hadn't been for the plot twist in his last story then this chapter probably would have taken a lot longer to write. If you don't know who I'm talking about go to the high school section and look for Bi-times.

Now it's time for the usual disclaimer. You know the one that says this story in no way implies that they characters are gay, and if you aren't of age then blah, blah, blah, yada, yada. Well all I've got to say is sit back and enjoy. I'm fixing to take you for the ride of your life!

Taylor's Angel 4

(Yes it's finally here)

"Uh, guys. We're still in the room you know?" Jon said.

"Oops." I said as we broke apart. "I forgot that we had an audience."

"Well since we have one, let's give them a show that they'll never forget." Taylor said as he kissed me again.

I could think of no reason to argue as his lips crushed against mine. Argue, hell, I couldn't even think straight. As his lips devoured mine, the only thought that I had on my mind was relief from the fire that was burning inside of me. As we ground against each other, I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm. Then suddenly it was upon me. With a groan, I came in my pants. As Taylor felt my wetness seeping through the fabric of my jeans, he went crazy. With a cry, he reached his own orgasm. As we slowly came back to earth, the first thing that we were aware of was the mess that we had made in our jeans. Then we noticed our friends around us. All of them were just looking at us with shocked expressions on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

"Uh, nothing." Aaron replied.

"Uh, yeah. It's just that I don't think we've ever seen two people so hot for each other." James said.

"Well it's not like we could control ourselves or anything." Taylor said as he looked over at me with an expression of pure love on his face.

"Uh Taylor, maybe we should go change out of these pants." I said slowly getting up.

"Yeah, come on, we can change in my room. Then afterwards we can hit the pool."

"Sounds good to me."

As I walked up the stairs behind him, I couldn't help but to notice his ass. God, I wanted to touch it so bad! Finally I could take it no longer. As we reached his room, I pulled him into my arms. As I kissed him hungrily, I ran my hands down his back to the object of my desire. Cupping his cheeks in my hands, I drew him closer against me. "God, I love you so much." I said as I finally broke the kiss.

"I love you more."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"



This exchange went on for about a minute until finally I decided that I had to get the last word in. With a cry, I launched myself onto Taylor tackling him and knocking him onto his bed. Grabbing a hold of both of his wrists, I held his arms above his head and started to tickle him. As he begged and pleaded for me to stop, I told him there was only one way to get me to let him go.

"You've got to tell me that I was right."

"Nev gasp er." Taylor said as he fought for breathe.

"Okay fine then," I said as I started to tickle him again.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you! I'll tell you! Just stop tickling me."

"Okay now what were you going to tell me?"

"I was going to tell you this." Taylor said as he leaned up next to my ear. As he whispered into my ear the feel of his lips just barely grazing it caused me to have an instant woody. "You're an ass. I love you and I always will, but I've got to tell you one thing. I'll never tell you that you were right." Taylor said as he yelled the last words into my ear. Before I knew what was happening, Taylor had reversed the rolls. Now he was the tickler and I was the one being tickled. As he worked his fingers over my ribs, it was all I could do to keep from thrashing off onto the floor.

"Stop, please! I'm going to piss in my pants!" I hollered.

"You certainly didn't have a problem with me being tickled. I think turn-about is fair play."

Finally I was able to work my hands free. As I grabbed both of his in mine, I pulled him down on top of me. We shared a brief kiss, and then just as we were going in for a deeper kiss there was a knock on the door.

"Shit!" I groaned to myself as Taylor hollered to find out who it was.

"It's Jonathon. Are you guys going to come out or are we going to have to come in there and drag the two of you apart?"

"Okay, okay. Just give us another five minutes."

"Make that three, and if you're not out by then we are coming in to get you!" was the reply.

"Come on, let's go join our guests." Taylor said as he helped me to our feet. We swiftly changed into our swim trunks, headed downstairs, and then out onto the deck when we heard voices out there. As we stepped outside, I couldn't help but notice the way that everyone was paired off, Taylor and I, Jon and Aaron (which was no surprise), and Jonathon and James. "Could they be...nah!" I thought to myself.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" I hollered as I cannon balled into the pool. Soon the pool was full of six rowdy teenagers. It wasn't long before we had a game of water wrestling going on. I don't know how it happened, but for some reason I had both Jon's on my team, not that I minded because I didn't. It just seemed that we would have a slight disadvantage. However, I soon learned, that while Jonathon was smaller than anyone but Taylor, the kid could move. I don't think that I had ever seen anyone move that fast in water before. It was like he was part fish or something. As the fight raged on, I couldn't help but notice the amount of body contact that was going on between James and Jonathon. At first I just dismissed it as being part of the game, but soon I realized that both of them were getting hard. As their cocks strained against the front of their suits, Taylor managed to get behind me.

"So what you think?" Taylor whispered into my ear.

"About what?"

"About James and Jonathon, shit head. Think they make a good couple?"

"You mean?"


"Shit how long they been together?"

"I'm not sure, but I know that they were together when I first met them. I walked in on them one time. Thought they were going to have a heart attack when they saw me."

Before I could say another word though, Taylor suddenly picked me up and slammed me into the water. As I came up sputtering and coughing, I noticed that all the wrestling had stopped at least long enough for everyone to make sure that I was okay and then they started back up where they had left off.

We stayed in the pool all afternoon. Finally as it was getting dark we decided that it was time to go in the house. After ordering out for pizza, we each went our separate ways to get cleaned up for dinner. As we ate, the conversation turned to what it was like to be such stars. I had always thought that movie stars had it easy, but as Jonathon and James described the hassles that they had to deal with everyday, I suddenly decided that maybe it wasn't as easy as I had thought. We were so caught up in our conversation that we hadn't noticed the weather change. As we finished eating, we started back out to the pool, only to be stopped short at the door by a huge wall of water. It was raining so hard that you couldn't even see the pool although it was only ten feet from the door.

"Oh well, at least we still have electricity. We can just sit here and watch T.V." Taylor said when suddenly there was a loud boom. He had no sooner gotten the words out of his mouth than the lights went out. As we were suddenly pitched into total darkness, we were all aware of just how dark it had actually gotten.

"Angel, you remember where the flashlights are right?"

"Yeah, I'll go head that way."

"Okay, I'll go get some candles and meet you over there."

"Okay." I said as I headed out of the room. As I felt my way through the house, I thanked my lucky stars that I had been over enough times to know where everything was. I reached the drawer that the flashlights were supposed to be in. However, as I felt around in the drawer I came up short. The flashlights weren't there.

"Hey Taylor, they're not here. Taylor?" I asked as a shape stepped out of the darkness toward me. The figure didn't say a word, but just leaned in and kissed me. As our tongues started to wrestle, I forgot all about the flashlights and instead concentrated on the body in front of me. As I ran my hands across his chest, I thought that it felt different, but dismissed it as my imagination. Finally, I could take it no longer. I had to taste the meat that I had been craving all day long. As I slid down to my knees, I tore his shorts off of him. Within seconds I had his dick buried in my throat. It didn't take long before he was coming down my throat. Just as I was pulling off and making sure that I had gotten all of his sweet juice the lights came back on. As I looked up to his face, I was horrified to see Zac smiling back down at me.

And thus ends Chapter 4. Tell me what you thought. Once again all comments are welcome. However, I will not even deem flames worth my time. I'll simply delete them. However if you have any suggestions, comments, or praise then I will listen to them and will try to return everyone's email. Also look forward to Chapter 5. I'm going to try and have it out before next week.

Next: Chapter 5

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