Taylors Angel

By Angel Lenoir

Published on May 2, 1999


Well guys it all depends on how things works out as to whether or not this will be my last part to this story. I'm currently trying to enroll in summer classes and find a place to stay for the summer, so if I'm able to do this I'll be able to continue the story. However, if not then this will count as the ending.

By the way, several people pointed out some mistakes in my section two. Well I've corrected them and revised section two, so if you haven't read it yet some of these characters will be new to you.

Taylor's Angel III

I woke up to the phone ringing next to my ear. "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone still half-asleep.

"Oh man. I didn't mean to wake you up."


"Yeah, it's me."

"What time is it man?"

"Well according to my clock it's 7:30"

"7:30? You called me at 7:30 on a Saturday? Why?"

"Well I have a great day planned for us."

"Really? And what would that be?"

"Just meet me outside of my house by 8:00. Oh and Angel?"


"Be sure to bring a bathing-suit."

As I hung up the phone, I just sat there for a minute. I remembered the first time that I had seen Taylor. I remembered our first "date" that night. I remembered what we had done afterwards, and as I was thinking al of these things the phone rang again.

"Grand Central Station."

"Angel is that you?" Jon asked.

"Yeah it's me. What's going on?"

"Well me and Aaron wanted to do something with you today. We want to thank you for getting us together." See Jon and Aaron are an item now. I had no idea that Aaron was gay when I brought Jon to stay with him, but it seems that Aaron had a few secrets that he was keeping hid. Before the end of the week, they had not only got to know each other, but had fallen in love with each other also.

"Well, Taylor just called and he's wanting to do something today."

"That's cool. We'll just catch you tomorrow."

"Well, let me see. Actually tomorrow would be a bad day for me. Mom and Dad are making me go to church with them. You know how they are."

"Yeah, so when would be a good time to get together?"

"Tell you what. Let me call Taylor and see if it'd be okay if I brought some friends. I'm sure that he won't mind."

"Well, we don't want to intrude."

"Don't worry about it. Talk to you in a bit."

I hung up the phone and called Taylor back. I used Taylor's cell-phone number so that it would go directly to him.

"Hello?" a voice that I was vaguely familiar with asked.

"Uh, is this Zac?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"This is Angel. Is Taylor around?"

"He's in the shower getting ready for your date."

"Our date? What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Angel. I know all about yours and Taylor's friendship."

"Oh you do? So what can you tell me?"

"Well that Taylor thinks you're the most gorgeous person that he's ever seen. That he feels complete when he's with you. That he feels that when he's with you he can do anything."

"Oh really? He told you all that?"

"Yep." About that time I heard another voice in the background demanding for the phone. As I listened on, I heard the sound of a scuffle, and then Zac's voice again. "Your boyfriend wants to talk to you." There was more scuffling and then Taylor's voice was on the line.



"What's wrong? Are you not going to be able to go? Is that why you're calling?"

"No. Actually the deal is that Jon and Aaron want to do something special for me today. You know since I'm the one that's kind of responsible for getting them together and such. Anyway, I told them that you had something planned for me today. I was wondering if it would be alright if they came also? I mean if that's okay with you?"

"Sure. I was just going to call you after I got out of the shower. They two other guys that were supposed to come with us aren't going to be able to make it. They couldn't get free."

"Oh really? When were you going to tell me about this?"

"Well it was going to be part of your surprise. I know how much you like Jonathon and James, so I was tried to get them here to meet you."

"Jonathon and James?"

"Yeah, Jonathon Taylor Thomas and James Van Der Beek. Those names ring a bell?"

"Yeah they do! I almost wish that you hadn't told me. I'm so disappointed. How do you know them?"

"Well I met both of them while doing an awards show out in Hollywood. They were both way cool. We got to know each other, exchanged phone numbers, and have stayed in touch ever since."

"You were going to do that for me? Remind me to kiss you when I see you."

"Hehe. I don't think I'll have to remind you."

"Yeah, that's right. You and those kissably soft lips. Well listen, I still have to take a shower and call Jon back. See you at 8 right?"

"You got it."

"Bye and Taylor?"


"Love ya."

"Love you more." Taylor said as he hung up the phone. Within seconds I had called Jon and told him the good news. I also gave him directions on how to get to Tay's new house. You would think that people would know where the most famous people in Tulsa live, but Jon and Aaron both had no idea. After I got off the phone with the, I glanced at the clock. 7:45 it read. "Okay, I have enough time to take a quick shower and get over there."

Fifteen minutes later I was pulling up into Tay's driveway. I hadn't even made it all the way out the car, when Taylor came running down the steps to greet me. "Hey," I started before any other words that I had were muffled by Taylor's mouth on mine.

"Whoa! What was that for?" I asked as we slowly broke our kiss.

"You told me to remind you to kiss me. Well what better way to do it then like this?"

"True. So are Jon and Aaron here yet?"

"Yeah, they're parked around back."

"Okay, so what are we going to do today?"

"Absolutely nothing!"

"You mean that you called me at 7:30 this morning, got me to come over to your house, and we're not going to do anything?"

"Oh, we're going to do something. We've got the whole house to ourselves. Well, just about. Zac's still here."

As we were talking we were slowly making our way into the house. As always I was awestruck by the beauty and the cleanliness. It seemed like every time that I came over it was spotless. It didn't matter if I came over at three in the morning. As we made our way to the living room, I saw not three but four people in the room.

"I thought you said that use five were going to be the only people here today?"

"Oh, did I say five? I meant seven."

"So who are the other two?"

"They're your surprise."

"Taylor, you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"Taylor you lied to me! You said that they weren't going to come. You said that they had some things come up! I'm not even dressed decently. I'm going to look like a total klutz meeting them looking like this."

"Don't worry about it!" Taylor said we walked into the living room. Within minutes I was introduced to my two greatest idols, besides Taylor that is. As they introduced themselves, I just stared at them speechless.

"Doesn't he say anything?" JTT asked.

"Usually. Normally the only way that I can get him to shut up is to kiss him." Taylor said with a grin.

"Well that's answered that question." I thought to myself, but out loud, "Uh, hi. I'm Angel. Glad to meet you."

"So you're the famous Angel that we've heard so much about." James said.

"Famous? Hardly."

"Well the way that Taylor carries on about you it would certainly seem that way."

"Well he tends to exaggerate." I said blushing slightly.

"No, it's true." Taylor said as he told them about how we met. "I'm still not sure why he stopped and helped me that day, but I'm glad that he did."

"Well to tell you the truth, Taylor, it's because I couldn't stand to see someone as handsome as you get beat into a pulp," I said as I smiled sweetly at Taylor.

"Gee that's not you said that day."

"If I'd told you the truth, that the reason that I stopped them is that I liked how you looked and at least wanted a better look at you, would you have even came back to my house?"

"Probably not." Taylor said he started to blush.

"Now shut up and kiss me, you big stud you." I said with a laugh.

My laugh was quickly cut short by the presence of Taylor's tongue in my mouth. As we kissed, it became more passionate and we started to grind against each other. Our kiss was cut short by the clearing of a throat behind us.

"Uh, guys. We're still in the room you know?" Jon said.

"Oops." I said as we broke apart. "I forgot that we had an audience."

"Well since we have one, let's give them a show that they'll never forget." Taylor said as he kissed me again.

Okay, I'm deliberately leaving this vague. There are two reasons for it:

  1. This is a fantasy. I'm sure that with what I've written that you can provide your own ending. 2. I've just receive word of a place for me to stay this summer, so I have to have something to write about.

Once again any comments, suggestions, or rants will be listened to. I try to respond to everyone that writes me, so if it takes awhile don't worry. I'll get back to you.

Next: Chapter 4

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