Taylors Angel

By Angel Lenoir

Published on May 2, 1999


First off I need to explain something. In my last story I forgot to mention why Taylor was out on his own. This was drawn to my attention and there is a good reason for it. I didn't find out until later why he was out on his own. Therefore, I will address that issue in this part. BTW, things are going to start heating up in this one.

Okay guys. The usual disclaimer. This in no way implies that Taylor Hanson is gay. This story is completely fictional. If you have a problem with reading about male/male sex then hit the back button now. If you are underage then leave now (couldn't you just see it? Never in a million years will such a thing happen, but I have to put it anyway). If you are curious then come on in and read. Now sit back, read, and enjoy!

Taylor's Angel



Angel Lenoir

As I got into the car, I was surprised that Taylor would have come back for me. That surprise was quickly replaced with a sense of contentment and something that I would later recognize as love. As we rode back to his house I started to check him out. As I looked over his body, I saw what I liked and from the expression on his face he liked what he was looking at also. Believe me when I said that there were sparks. "Sparks are good," was all that I could think about. Then I remembered something else.

"Hey Tay, I've been meaning to ask you. What were you doing out all by yourself? From what I've read, I thought that your parents were like super protective. So what gives?"

"I just got tired of everything. I told them that I was leaving and then just walked out before they knew what was happening."

"You mean Taylor Hanson has a rebellious side?"

"Yeah, but it rarely comes out."

"You ought to let it out. You'd be surprised at what it can do for you."

"Yeah, just once I'd like to be as free as you."

"What? You think I'm free? Think about it. I'm as much a prisoner as you are. Every where I go people are scared of me. No one trusts me. Few people even think of me as human. When they see me all that they see is what's on the outside. What I've been forced to become. They don't see the real me."

"I do. You know what I see when I look at you?"

"No, what?"

"I see a beautiful person. I see someone who's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in; someone who is capable of doing great things. I see someone that's not afraid to love or be loved. That's what I see." Taylor said as he leaned into kiss me.

"Wait a minute, what about the chauffeur? He'll see us."

"You don't really care about that," he said as he leaned over and started to nibble on my neck.

"Yes, I do." I said, but I didn't move. I couldn't move. I was a prisoner of my own feelings. "We can't," I whispered.

"Yes we can," Tay said right before he kissed me. Then his lips were on mine and my tongue was in his mouth and I was groaning. Groaning and squirming from the feelings that surged up through me. He broke the kiss finally, and I knew that I was going to do anything that this young god wanted.

"Suck my cock," he said.

I felt faint. "But.."

"Go on," he said. "You want to. Don't you?"

"Yes. Oh God, yes! But what if the.."

"Do it," he said. He was still looking into my eyes, but he reached down and started to stroke my cock through my slacks. "Do it, and then I'll make love to you. When we get through then nothing will ever be able to keep us apart."

I couldn't say a thing. I knew that I was going to do it. He released my cock, as I slid down to the floor of the car. I slid along his body, kissing and nibbling at every bit. My mouth pressed against his fly, feeling the hardness. Through the material of his slacks, it throbbed against my lips. I unbuttoned his slacks, and then slid the zipper down with my teeth as I grinned up at him. Then it was free. As I looked at it, its beauty struck me. I had thought that Tay was gorgeous, but for some reason his cock seemed to look even better than he does. Through a haze of lust I was conscious of only two things. The cock in front of me, and Tay's face as I looked up at him. Then as if in a dream, I slowly brought my tongue out to taste the pre-cum that oozing out of the tip of his dick. As I licked it up with a swipe of my tongue, I knew that this was going to be something that I liked. His pre-cum tasted so sweet that I just had to find out what the rest of him tasted like. I slowly brought my lips down closer to his dick and then suddenly it was happening. The strong hard pulsing shaft of flesh filled my mouth. As I slowly brought inch by inch deeper and deeper into my mouth, it finally hit the back of my throat. I slowly worked on trying to deep-throat him, but soon realized that I was going to have to have some more practice before I was able to do something like that. So instead I concentrated on what I was able to do. It thrilled my soul as my lips moved up and down on his length, my tongue feverishly stroking the underside. An image of the chauffeur seeing us only added to my passion. I heard the strange fierce stifled sounds that came from my throat as I sucked faster and harder. I wanted his cum. I wanted him to shoot it down my throat and into my belly. Then as I ran my tongue around the tip of his head, I felt his balls jerk up against his body and knew that I was fixing to be rewarded for my work. With a muffled yell he came gushing forth so much spunk that I couldn't swallow it all. As I feverishly sought to swallow as much as I could, I was aware of some leaking out from the corners of my mouth. When he finally stopped gushing, I kept sucking to make sure that I had gotten everything from him that I could. Finally when his dick was limp again I let it slip out of my mouth and slid up to kiss him.

"Hmm." He said as he licked his cum off of my face. "Your turn."

Before I knew what was happening Tay had slid to the floor and had removed my slacks. My cock isn't the longest in the world, but it is quite thick. At first he wasn't able to get take all of it. He was only able to get the head and about two inches into his mouth, but as he slowly worked on it my dick disappeared until it was completely buried in the back of his throat. He massaged my testicles as he sucked and licked; my dick glistening with each up and down motion of his head. I had never had such an erotic experience in my life. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and tried to control myself as he continued to engulf my dick. As he continued to service my member, I felt the familiar boiling in my balls. My dick began to twitch, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold off much longer. "I'm coming!" I all but yelled as I grabbed the back of his head and buried my dick as far into this throat as possible. I must have shot about five strong spurts and several weaker ones as my cock jerked sporadically and began to soften. Even when it went limp, I could still feel cum oozing from the tip. All the time that I was coming though, he never took his mouth off of my dick. As he slid up to kiss me, my cock slapped against my naked thigh with a soft plop. A string of liquid stretched from his lips to the tip of my cock and finally broke just before I kissed him. As our tongues wrestled, I could taste my own cum. As we finally broke our kiss though, we realized what time it was.

"Shit! Mom's gonna be pissed! I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" Tay yelled.

"Well listen, I'll keep you out of trouble. We'll say we didn't realize what time it was. We went to the arcade, you got mobbed, so we left. Then we got to talking and lost all track of time."

Fifteen minutes later, we were inside his house telling his parents the story. After convincing his parents that the next time we would be more watchful of the time, I decided that it was time for me to go home. As Tay escorted me to the car, I was surprised that I was able to keep my hands off of him. After making sure that no one was watching, Tay briefly kissed me on the lips. "C-ya tomorrow," he said as he turned around and went back into the house. During the ride home, I thought about the evening. By the time that I reached my house I was sure of it. I was in love with Taylor Hanson and I would do anything to keep it that way.

As I walked to the door of my house, I was on cloud nine. I didn't see the person sitting on the steps waiting for me. I was just unlocking the door when a hand reached up and grabbed me.

"Shit, man." I almost yelled. "What are you doing here? I thought that you were still in Cali."

"Nah, man. I couldn't stand my parents anymore. I just had to get away."

"So you came here? Man what were you thinking? You know my parents will kill me if they see me with you."

"Well I was kinda hoping that things had changed, but I guess not."

"Jon, I warned you about telling my parents. You knew how against this life-style they are."

"This? Don't you mean that?"

"Well, actually...no, but I'll explain later. Right now let's get you somewhere to stay."

I opened the door and walked into a dark house. Not even bothering to turn on a light, I made my way over to the phone and called a friend of mine.

"Aaron? Yeah man, sorry that it's so late, but I need a favor from you. My cousin has just come into to town from Cali; my parents won't let him stay here, so could you put him up for the night? You will? Thanks, we'll be right over."

"Come on," I said as I walked back out the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To a friends. He's got his own apartment, and he's going to let you stay there for the night."

"That's cool. Angel?"


"Why are you doing this?"

"Well remember what I was saying a couple of minutes a go about this lifestyle?"

"Well the reason is, I'm gay also."

"Whoa man. How do you know? I never thought that you could be. I mean what with your parents and all."

"Let's just say that I met someone that has rocked my whole foundation. I thought that I could deny my feelings and they would go away, but it then I met him. Suddenly, I don't want to deny them anymore."

"Sounds like you're in love."

"Yeah I think I am."

"Mind if I ask who?"

"Well, I actually can't tell you. It would be harmful to both of us. I mean it's not that I don't trust you or anything, but it's going to have to be something that he wants to do."

"I understand."

About this time we reached Aaron's apartment. I walked Jon up, introduced the two, and then made my excuses to leave.

"Listen guys, it's late and I have a busy day planned tomorrow. I've got to get some sleep. Jon, I'll talk to you tomorrow, and we'll try to figure something out for you."

"Okay, goodnight and thanks." Jon said as he hugged me.

"Hey what's family for?" I said as I started to walk away.

The only conscious thought that I had on my mind as I got ready for bed was Jon. What was I going to do about him? How was I going to be able to help him? As I turned on the CD player and started the CD, I was surprised to hear the familiar voice of Hanson. As I turned off the lights and listened to the heavenly smile, I slowly drifted off to sleep. "I worry about it tomorrow," I thought just before I drifted off.

Okay, okay. So things heated up a lot this time. Give my your thoughts on the story. You know where to reach me. It says it at the top of every story. Other than that, feel free to do whatever you want with this story. I must ask though that you don't try to take it as your own. If you feel that you can re-write it and make it better, than feel free to do so, just remember to give me due credit.

Next: Chapter 3

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