
By Barbie Sisy

Published on Nov 20, 2008


Taylor- Part 6 By: Barbie Sisy

Four o'clock in the morning and I was wide awake. Many thoughts were exploding in my head but none more disconcerting than having had Taylor's dick in my mouth earlier.

Sucking her until she shot a load of hot cum,sweet cum,in my mouth. I remembered how pleased I was with myself for being able to bring her such pleasure. Facts were facts though and I could not get over the fact that I had sucked her off.

Something I never that I would ever do. I tried to justify it by saying Taylor was actually a girl but that didn't help. I also tried several other justifications but they proved equally hollow. She looked so pretty next to me sleeping. I knew if I was going to stay in this relationship it would happen again. So it all came down to could I live with myself or would it be best to stop now. I love her but...

When Taylor awoke sun bathed the room. She quickly located her panties and slipped out of bed for the bathroom. After releaving her swollen bladder, she gently eased back into bed. As she thought about last night a smile crossed her face. He had sucked her dick. It had been so very long since that had happenened she had almost forgotten how good it felt. If this was the first time he had done a terrific job but pratice makes perfect. Remembering her enjoyment was making her hard again. Had she pushed too hard last night? She knew it was not an easy transition for a guy to make after all. He did respond very quickly to being called a slut or at least his dick had. She slid over next to him and let her body mold itself to his. Falling for someone who wore panties, what was she thinking. He felt her body settle against his.

How nice it was to have her lying so close but now what was he to do. Several hours of sleep had done little to ais his decision. Finally deciding to wait and see what today may bring before he made up his mind. He absently reached over and pulled he closer.

Because of the angle all his hand couls settle on was her ass and when her pulled her to him he was stunned to feel her hard dick press against his ball sack. Oh no, he thought and quickly removed his arm but she didn't care since she was nestled in close to him.

"What no rushing out of bed for your morning coffee fix?"

No, this is nice just cuddling here in bed."

"It is nice and if I didn't have to go to the bathroom, it would be even nicer."

"Go ahead, I'll wait."

Rolling out of bed, he stopped to retrieve his panties and headed for the bathroom.

"Can't forget those hot panties." Taylor said as he was leaving. As he was peeing, he considered ways to get Taylor out of bed. When nothing seemed appropriate he gave up and stepped into his panties. Rather than have his back to her, he crawled in facing her knowing that would help his bruised conscious. As he watched her with her eyes closed, he almost forgot about what had happened.

"Any plans for today?" he whispered to her.

"Nothing I can think of. You?"


"Good we can spend the whole day in bed."

Should she tell him that they had only a little time left to be together before she was gone for who knows how long? No she thought. Now is not the time but knowing the longer she waited the more he would question why she didn't mention it sooner. What should she do? "I do need to make a quick call later today to let the people in California know something." A small exaggeration.

"What have you decided."

"Nothing yet." Another exaggeration since lawyers don't lie.

"Lots of money."

"True but away for a while."

"Scared you will miss me?"

"Yes and what it might do so early in our relationship."

"Hon, you have a job like I have one. Come Monday, whether I like it or not, I'll be on the road.

I love sleeping next to you and seeing you but I have a job to do also."

But you have a great deal more flexability than I would have. I'll be at the other end of the country.

I won't be back Thursday or Friday. I won't even be back for the weekend and it may take several months."

You'll just have to work faster so you can come back sooner."

"You can only move a trial so fast and win."

"All I'm saying is I understand you have to be away. Do I like it, no, will we survive, yes."

"I wish I was as sure as you." He kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer to him.

"Tell you what" Taylor said "After we get up, let's go back to my place and I will fix you a well balanced meal so I can be sure you have at least one or two good meals if I decide to go or you hit the road."

"Hey, I've lived this long eating the way I do."

"Sheer luck and one day it may run out."

"Oh really."

"Shut up and kiss me."

Smiling his lips met hers and their bodies pressed together. No doubt I will miss this she thought.

maybe I can find a way to tactfuly get out of going across the country. her finger flicked his nipples through his nylon gown as his hands caressed her breast. they never broke their kiss as each searched for a way to bring more pleasure to the other. She could feel his nipples standing erect through his nighty so her hand slipped down further and across his back so she could control their thrusting hips.

Both their dicks were hard and meeting with each movement. Her leg went over his and locked on the back of his legs and moving her ass within reach of his dick. Her hand freed it from his hot pink panties and guided it up her pantied crack. The sensation of his dick sliding up and down on her nylon bloomers was extremely exciting to him and pre-cum started to flow from his hole. His hand drifted from her swollen nipples down her back to the waist of her panties and started easing them down her curvacious ass. He stopped when he felt her cheeks met her shapely legs as her hand held his dick in place between her cheeks as their routine continued.

Her crack was slick from his pre-cum as she positioned him for entry into her expecting tunnel. He tried desparately to find a way to reach her love pole but he was not able to reach it. He felt the top of his swollen tool entering her. "Wait, I can't reach you this way."

"I'll get mine later hon. You'll see."

Thatd what he was afraid of but he was easing into her and didn't want to stop. How good she felt sliding deeper and deeper onto him. Their lips locked and tongues again moved in harmony with their bodies matching the in and out motion. His hand went under her gown and his fingers started strocking her nipples. It soon stood like a small mountain and he wanted it. He wanted all of her. He broke their kiss and eased his head to her breast, his tongue flicked at her nipple before his lips sucked it into his wanting mouth. To her it felt like her ass and tit were both being fucked at the same time. As his dick went deeper into her, his mouth sucked more more of het tit when he eased back on her ass, he matched it with his mouth. She loved the sensation and soon her panties had a very wet spot. The feeling of his dick rubbing her prostate could, at any minute, cause her to cum but she fought it hoping she could deposit it someplace other than her panties. She felt hot jets spraying from his dick. Again and again he sank into her trying to reach deeper into her and then he stopped, buried all the way in her ass. His mouth released her tit and tentatively moved down her chest, stomach, please just a little further she thought. She felt his dick slide out of her ass,that's it suck me . His lips touched her wet head and continued over it and down her shaft. They were both still on their sides and he was almost off the base of the bed. She slowly inched her way up and he followed with his mouth still around her dick. When she reached the headboard, she eased over on to her back and inched her back up it. He followed continuing his lip service, never letting go. He pulled his knees up so he could better engulf her. As she looked down, all she saw was his face buried in her crotch and his pantied ass in the air. His tongue was working the underside of her dick as his mouth went up and down. Her balls tingled for release but she held off as long as she could. She imagined her dick sliding under his hot pink ruffled panties and into his ass, her hands clutched his head as he sank down her shaft.

Holding his head in place, she shot her sweet milky cum in his mouth. She helped him move his head to better satisy her as she continued to fill his mouth with her juice. She could feel him swallowing her cum and that just excited her more. He had sucked her dry for now though. Exhausted, he callapsed on the bed next to her dick. He looked so content with his head laying next to her dick. Not bad she thought for never having sucked one before.

They stayed in bed for a little longer but finally the urge for her morning coffee became too much and she but on her robe and went to the kitchen. He stayed in bed for a few minutes trying to come to terms with what he had just done. now it was twice. He hadn't thought twice about sucking Taylor'e dick. He wanted her to be happy, wanted to please her. What was she doing to him? Finding no easy answers, he slipped on his robe and went to join her. He could hear Taylor searching for something as he approached and hurried to help her.

"What are you looking for?"


"OK, what are you looking for sugar?"


"Thank you" he replied retreaving a bag of sugar from the pantry.

"Have you given any thought to my suggestion about today?"

"Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

"I just thought you might like some home cooking before resturant row again."

"I thought you were trying to lure me back to your place to take advantage of me or you didn't want to face my cooking."


He poured a glass of OJ and she had her coffee but since it was almost 10 they returned to the bedroom so she could get ready to leave. After a shower, drying her hair and appling her make up, Taylor dressed and packed. He was in the shower so she couldn't resist a final visit to his secret closet. Let's see, what is the frilliest, most sissy gown she thought. She found a pink nylon and chiffon babydoll with white lace around the neck and 3 inches of fringe around the bottom. Perfect she thought. Next a pink bed jacket with bellowy sleeves edged in white lace, a peter pan collar with little flowers and a wide satin ribbon tie at the neck. Now for the panties and her eyes went immediately to a pair of sheer white panties with fringe around the waist. She carefully set her selection aside and returned just as he was coming out of the shower.

"I left your evening wear out."

"How nice of you to dress me. No one has done that in many years. I thought I was getting the hang of it."

"Oh you do very well. I just thought you would look so cute in my selection that I may not be able to control myself."

"Just what every guy wants to hear. He looks so cute...."

"Don't forget the last part though" she smiled and kissed him saying "I can't wait to see you."

Driving back to her house, Taylor was consumed with what she would do. Since she had already accepted the case there was little recourse but to go and get it over as quickly as possible. She decided to call when she got home to see if anything had changed or if a possible out presented itself but concluded that was the best she could do. She had worked too long and hard to sacrifice her professional career now.

He could find no answers to the questions he faced. Were he and Taylor more alike than he cared to admit? She had freed herself by becoming what she really wanted to be, well almost. Did he secretly want to be a, what is the word, transgender person? Nightgowns and panties could be considered as a step towards that. No, it was Taylor and only Taylor. Then should he end this before he was totally consumed by her? Maybe. If she had him sucking her dick after a week, what would he allow her to do later....stick it in his ass? The thought both terrified and excited him. He mentally pictured Taylor behind him. her dick moving in and out of his ass as her fingers tweeked his nipples. His dick started to get hard. What the hell am I thinking! But his brain flashed a picture from earlier that morning of his head bobbing up and down on her dick and he felt his dick grow harder. I have to get out of this he thought. This is not me. Man I hope she goes to California, that would certainly simplify matters. I wouldn't have to see her when I told her it wasn't going to work. Another picture flashed in his brain, beautiful Taylor, tears falling from those enchanting green eyes. A picture he couldn't bare to see. What would he do? Shaking his head to clear the depressing picture, he walked into his closet to see what she had picked out.

When Taylor arrived at her house, she noticed a Fed Ex envelope in her mail box. Inside was her ticket to the west coast. Damn, does not look good for getting out of this. Her flight left Tuesday at 6:55 am and arrived in San Francisco at 11:30. It always seemed funny that looking at the time it made the flight seem so short until you added the time differance. Damn! Here goes nothing she thought dialing the phone and nervously biting her lower lip. "Hi Sam, it's Taylor. I got your ticket and I wanted to call to make sure everything was still on go."

"Yes, the preliminary hearing is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:00 and we are so glad you are taking the lead in this. I will meet you at the airport and we can get right to work."

"Fine sam, I'll see you then. Let me know if anything changes." Regretfully she was committed now and there was no way out. The best thing to do is tell him when he gets here and see what happens. If he stays great, if not....she didn't want to even think about that, not now.

The picture of Taylor crying would not leave his mind. He had desparatly tried to remove it but it stayed as he recalled the conversation they had where he said he was not like the others who could not accept her as she was. he was different. Yeah right. Still the image haunted him as he drove to meet her. He pulled in front of the house wondering what the outcome would be. Then Taylor was in the doorway and his heart skipped a beat.

There was no denying he loved her. She smiled as he got out of the car and headed for the house. How could I think of leaving her? She is everything I could ever hope for. I just have to remember she is a girl and wants to be treated like one. That little voice in the back resesses of his mind questioned how many other girls he knew wanted him to suck their dicks. Oh shut the hell up, besides she may be leaving for a long time.

"Did you decide what you were going to do?"

"After our talk this morning, you helped me that I still have my work and so I am going."

"I understand but when will you be leaving?"

"Early Tuesday morning."

"WOW, that's soon and I won't be here to see you off."

The finality hit them both and an awkward silence fell over them. Eventually he took her hand and said that they would have to make the most of the little time they had. Taylor was releaved to get this over. She knew she was wrong in dragging it out but she hoped everything would work out. He felt torn. On one hand the separation was what he needed to get his head straight but he couldn't deny his feelings for her.

"Will we be alright?" her beautiful face looked worried.

"We'll be fine" he replied and kissed her softly.

"Get your stuff and put it up while I start dinner."

Grabbing his overnight from the car he headed for her bedroom. He dropped it on the floor and gazed around the room. She still had those wonderful satin sheets on the bed. He thought he would repay her for picking his nightgown by visiting her closet and selecting her evening wear. Her selection was far different from his. While he had to settle for nylon, she enjoyed the feel of silk and satin against her skin. How he loved the feel of those luxurious fabrics. He could feel his dick pressing his panties as his fingers caressed her exceptional selection. He finally decided on a snow white babydoll in satin. The front was split and bordered with lace. There was a matching pair of panties similar to the bloomer style she had worn last night but these were satin with lace trim down the sides and leg openings. For her robe, he found a short whire satin robe with bell sleeves that would look stunning. He set his selection aside and headed for the kitchen.

"I see you have been playing in my closet."

"Not playing just finding what I want to see you in later but how did you know?" She pointed to his swollen crotch and watched his face turn red. "You're welcome to wear whatever you like" she said. "Thanks but since you picked out my evening wear, i wanted to do the same for you."

"And what makes you think something might happen?"

"Just hoping."

"Me too." She unzipped his pants and her fingers ran across his panties. "Why don't you go change and I'll come up as soon as I finish here." She could tell he liked the suggestion since he grew just a little harder. "Now go get changed for me hon" and she scooted him out.

He hadn't paid much attention to what her selection was as he packed but now he saw her choise. This was a nighty he only wore when he was feeling very feminine and slutty at the same time. When he walked the combined fringe swayed across his dick and kept him hard. How was he going to wear this? "Let's see what you have chosen"

Taylor said as she breezed into the room. "Oh my,bridal white,are you trying to ask me something?"

"What, uh maybe."

"Really? I was just kidding but..."

"Ha, Ha. I'm the sarcastic one, remember."

"Now you broke my heart."

"I didn't think lawyers had those."

"You will pay for that." "Promices, promices." The conversation had gone one while both were shedding their clothes. He was already in his panties and nightgown while she was down to just her panties when she strolled over, stood on her tip toes and kissed him. Her breasts brushed against his gown and her nipples started to perk. She moved her body closer as their lips refused to separate. She knew she was getting hard and could feel his stiff dick pressing into hers. How I missed making love she thought as she maneuvered him to the bed and both eased onto it without missing a beat. She broke their kiss, looked in his eyes and said "I love you." He was barely able to get out "I love you too." before her lips were back on his. After a few more minutes of grinding bodies and slow lustful kissing she remembered dinner. "Damn" she said jumping off the bed. "Where are you going?"

"Dinner" she replied slipping her panties to the floor and pulling up the ones he had chosen.

Because they were similar to balloon style, her hard dick did not show as much as it would in bikinis, thank goodness. She threw on her gown, robe and slipped her feet into white mule slippers with white marabou trim. As she headed for the doorway he said "I guess the honeymoon is over."

"You'll pay for that remark."

"More promices."

What the hell was he doing? The same issues were running through his head and the answers were still far from being resolved. If they had remained in bed he saw himself with his mouth around her dick, head bobbing up and down. What would it feel like to have her deep in his ass? Stop that! He grabbed his robe and went to the kitchen to escape. When he arrived dinner had been saved and Taylor was busy setting the table. It would be nice to come back to this every week he thought as he moved to help her finish. "You are really glad to see me" Taylor remarked.

He realized the fringe was his undoing as he stared down at the lump in his panties and turned bright shade of red.

"You look so precious when you blush" she teased and his color deepened. Feeling she had the upper hand at the moment Taylor wanted to see how far she could exploit him. "Come here sweetie." She rested his head on her shoulder as she guided him to a stool. When he sat they were about eye to eye but his head remained on her shoulder. "Honey, you can't help the urges you get when you are wearing such adorable panties. Your feminine side just comes out."

"No that's not it. The fringe on the panties sways back and forth over my dick and it feels so nice I walk around with a hard on all the time."

"See it's like I said, you get hard from your panties but don't worry I'll take care of that for you later. You have to learn to control yourself." She took her hand and guided it between her legs.

"See, nothing and that's how it should be. Now if you were to start playing with me" and she moved his hand up and down her soft mound "it will start start to grow for you" and she removed her hand from his but he continued to work magic on her. "If you want to see me grow very quickly" she lifted her right hand to her right shoulder letting her robe slide back, then pulled her gown split up to reveal her breast "kiss my nipples while you are stroking me." His head moved obediently from her left shoulder and his lips encircled her sweet tit. "That's right sweetie" she whispered. What am I doing!? Why can't I stop? His hand continued to caress her panty covered dick as his lips, tongue and mouth worked on her breast. He fought back the image of Taylor behind him, positioning her dick and then thrusting it into his ass. She was now the lead not him and he felt a drop of pre-cum slip from his dick as the picture faded. His hand went under her leg band moving it to the side allowing her now stiff dick to spring free. He slipped off the stool and his mouth was quickly covering her. "Oh you really are such a cock slut but desert is after dinner" she said pulling his head away. "Now put me back in so we can eat and then you can have all the desert you want." He pulled her panty leg back across but couldn't help a final kiss on her mushroom headed dick. Such a sweet mouth she thought as she walked away to get dinner.

The sound of a ringing phone entered his confussed mind. He heard Taylor say Hi Sam but is thoughts were well away from there. He actually had wanted to suck her sweet meat! The idea wasn't revolting! Was he thinking of Taylor as a total girl and therefore by-passing her having a dick? The more he thought the more confussed he became. This simply wasn't him- he had never had a dick in is mouth yet here he was eagerly wanting Taylors; never considered having a cock in his ass but was almost hoping Taylor would fuck his ass. He heard Taylor call him but it didn't register. Then she was in the front of him and his brain engaged. "What. Sorry, I went away but I'm back now. Who's Sam?"

"Did you hear me calling you?"

"No sorry. Who's Sam?"

Short for Samantha. I'll be working with her in California. We have worked several cases in the past. Come on let's eat."

Samantha huh."

"Don't let your mind go crazy. We're just friends."

All through dinner he kidded her about Sam and she played along. There really was nothing between she and Sam, not that she hadn't considered it because Sam was very attractive but she feared what may happen to their friendship when Sam found out her secret. Besides, she could use this to her advantage by teasing him. "Oh Sam is very pretty with auburn hair, green eyes and the cutest little ass. I'll send you a picture when I get out there. You'll see." The dishes were cleared and in the washer. Since the eveing was still warm they sat on the back porch and watched as the few lightning bugs left flickered on and off. "What were you so deep in thought about earlier?" Taylor asked. "Just trying to come to terms with some things."

"Like me?"

"No, it was really more About me."

"Can I help?"

"You already have simply by asking. How long do you really think you will be gone?"

"I don't really know. A couple of weeks at least but it may be longer. It's hard to tell until you get into court."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. I know it's early but let's go to bed." He actually had hoped to put off going to bed so he didn't have to face his thoughts but right now he wanted to hold Taylor for what my be the final time. He took her hand and headed for the bedroom.

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