
By Barbie Sisy

Published on Sep 24, 2008


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Taylor- Part 5 By: Barbie Sisy

Oh hell, what have I done? I love you? You just had to say that. You're in a mess now with no way out. Hey, wait a minute...do you love her?

How long she had waited to hear someone say those 3 little words to her like they meant them. He did mean them didn't he? It wasn't just because his dick was in my ass was it? Calm down, it won't be like it was before. Shit, California!! Oh damn! Tears continued down her lovely cheeks. Tears of joy? Both started to speak at the same time. Then awkward silence and when it happened again he immediately said "Go ahead." "I need to tell you something and I don't know how." Taylor started "Great you're taking back the I love you." "No that's not it. Why would you say that? OH! OH! You didn't mean to say it." "Whoa, slow down down hon. I did mean it. I love you but I don't want you to say it just in responce to what I said. I know we have only known each other for less than a week and I want you to be sure." "So you are sure? You didn't say it because you felt you had to. I mean it's OK if you did." "Hon that wall is going up faster than I can knock it down. I don't know what else to say. Why is it so hard for you to accept that someone could love you?" "You're right. My self-defense wall just exploded. It's just that I've been hurt so often and I don't want to go through it again." "We all have but that shouldn't stop us from falling in love." "It's different for you. You are a male while I have breast and a dick. How many people do you know like me? I try desparately to live in one world as a female but then in a relationship all that changes. No one else has been able to get past what I have between my legs. It's fine at first but as time goes on everything changes." "I can't speak for anyone else but I certainly understand keeping a secret. My situation is very different from yours. I can only say that I am in love with you. You can accept that or fight it. If you fight it we will be doomed from the start so we might as well stop now but that's up to you." She rested her head on his shoulder saying "I love you." As Taylor lay there she made the decision not to mention what she was going to do about California. She would cross that bridge later. She still had time to see if he would even be around then.Oh my, his dick has slipped out, better excuse myself and clean up. When Taylor left he lay there wondering what would happen. He found his panties and put them on. His hands slid across her cum on his stomach and again he questioned what he was thinking. In for a penny, in for a pound. We'll see an inner voice answered. Taylor crawled back into bed and curled up next to him settling her head on his shoulder again. He kissed the top of her head saying "I love you." "I love you too."

The sun shone through the window on the two lovers but it would not wake them. Their sleep was peaceful, wrapped in one another where they both wanted to be whether they realized or would admit it. Taylor was the first to wake and glide slowly from the bed. In the bathroom she splashed water on her face, brushed her teeth and went to the potty. The sound of the flushing toilet was enough to rouse him from his sleep so when Taylor walked back in he was just sitting up. "Good morning sleepyhead." Smiled Taylor. "Come here." He said patting the bed. She sat on the bed and he tugged at her trying to get her to come closer. "Coffee time." "You and your coffee." He replied swinging his legs to the floor. In the bathroom he brushed his teeth and peed returning the seat to the down position and headed for the kitchen. Taylor had the new coffee maker going and had even located a coffee cup which had shocked her. "What are you doing with a coffee cup/" "I use them for hot chocolate during the winter and when my sister comes down. She likes her morning coffee too." "You have a sister?" "Yes, she lives in another state but she drops by every 3 to 5 years." "So you all are close." "Very, can't you tell." "Do you have work to do today/" "Not really, I need to clean up the car but that's about it." "Is that it under the cover coming down the drive?" "No that's another car. This one is in the garage." "Wait a minute. How many cars do you have?" "Four." "Four? How do you drive them all? Why so many?" "Well, two of them you already know about. The other 2 don't get out much. One is just for shows and a Sunday drive every now and then. The other is just a fun car drive fast, t-tops off on hot sunny days." Men!?!" By now her coffee was ready and she filled her cup, took his hand and led him to the deck. There was a hint of fall in the air. Not cool but the humidity was down and that made it feel cool. It was very comforting to be able to watch the time go by without feeling they had to say something. Is this how it is suppose to be she wondered. Sharing without having to talk. Maybe this time will be different. "Cold?' He asked. "No why?" " You have goose bumps and ...well your nipples are standing up." "Oh! No I'm fine." "I can get you a robe or.." "Or what?" "Or we could go inside." "And I thought you were going to say you would keep me warm. How disappointing." "I can do that." he replied bending his lips to her still erect nipple. Just as his mouth encircled her breast she twisted away saying "Too late, you missed your chance" and walked back inside leaving him with a hardening member and nothing else.

"What are you going to do while I clean the car?" "Watch and tell you what you've missed." "That will be so helpful." "Sarcasm again." "Just a little." He had already changed from his nightgown to cut off jean shorts and a tee shirt while she was meeting her morning coffee quota. As he left to bring the car to the house she returned to the bedroom. After a quick shower, hair drying and make-up she checked what she brought to wear. Like most women she brought too much, if there is such a thing, but she rationalized it by telling herself she didn't know how long she would be staying. Let's see,khaki shorts and green top, maybe tonight, blue shorts and crem chiffon top, perfect. She slipped on a pair of cream colored silk and lace panties with a matching bra. Next she put on her shorts and top. Curiosity got the better of her and she headed for the closet. Going straight for his lingerie section she noticed he hadn't bothered to close it. She again marveled at the number of panties that he had aquirred. Running her hand across the nylon and lace while looking at his nightgowns she still couldn't help but wonder if there was more. She had started out wearing her mothers panties and then slips, bras, nylons until it progressed to skirts, dresses and all the other niceties of being a girl. Well maybe it was different for him even though everything she had read said otherwise. She spotted a yellow gown with loads of white lace and knew what he would be wearing tonight.

The sun had warmed things up considerably when she went out. It felt nice on her shoulders. He was busy washing the car and as he stretched out to do the hood she noticed a hint of red nylon under his shorts. "What kind of car is that?" "It's a '66 Pontiac GTO." "I had a client that had a GTO but his was an '06 I believe." "That isn't a real one. They stopped making true GTOs in 1972. He has an import tey brought in and put GTO badges on it. It's a fast car but it is not a true GTO." "What does GTO stand for?" "Gas, tires and oil. Sorry old mechanics joke. Gran Tourismo and I can't begin to correctly pronounce what the O is." "It's nice and look at all the room you have." "Big difference from the cars today. Want to try out the back seat?" "Stop it. I'm beginning to think you only want me for my body." "What's your point?" He continued to wash every inch of the car including the wheels and tires. The overspray from the hose felt refreshing on her skin since the temperature was climbing. "Can you bring me the hose please?" Taylor walked over, picked it up as a devilish smile crossed her lips. His back was to her as she walked around the car or he would have known he was in trouble. "Where do you want it?" "Just sit it down any where." "What do I get for it?" He stood up and watched as she strolled up to him. Her arms went around his waist and she tilted her head up as his lips came down to meet hers. Seconds ticked by and still their lips touched. She slid her hand under his shorts and felt silky nylon. Just what she hoped for. She could feel his excitment growing and thought wait just a little longer. His hand matched hers under her shorts. She's got great panties he thought, silk. She felt his hardness grow. With her other hand on the sprayer she squeezed the trigger shooting water down the back od his shorts. It must have been cold because she noticed an immediate reduction. She quickly backed away but not fast enough. He caught her hand with the sprayer and she knew she was in trouble. "I didn't mean for that to happen. I was so caught up in our kiss." She said with her most convincing innocent look. "I'll bet you are one hell of a lawyer if you can say that wearing that look." "I am." She replied backing up quickly. She went back to the stairs leading to the front porch. Yes, she was a good lawyer but what was she going to do now. She had told a client she would take their case and had to be in California on Tuesday. Everything had changed now though. She didn't want to leave. Surely they would understand when she called to say she had changed her mind. No, not really. Bad form to take a case and then drop it. Crap! "You hungry?" She heard breaking her thoughts. "Sure." "Let's run to the sandwich shop if that's OK with you." "Sounds good." Anything to get her mind off what she was thinking.

Down the road was an older house that had been converted into a resturant. It had a large wrap around porch with tables carefully spaced so people could easily walk around. Taylor noticed they were open from 11 to 9 as they walked in. "OK if we sit on the porch?" He questioned the person behind the counter. "Sure I'll send Amber right out." They settled on the side with the sun since he was still damp. A cute waitress soon showed up and took their order. As they were talking the owner walked over. "You must be very special." He said to Taylor. "No." SHe said not knowing where this was going. "No? He has been here many times for lunch and always by himself. Today he brings you. You are special." Taylor could feel her cheeks turning red as she thanked him. Before he left he whispered something she could not hear. "What did he say?" "If I told you, your head would grow too large." "Tell!" "He said you are a very pretty lady and that I was very lucky." Now her cheeks were a bright red.

The afternoon sped past and by 4:30 everything to the car had been done. "I'm going to go take a shower." He said as they walked up the stairs. As he was undressing , she picked out what she was going to wear. The khaki shorts with a green silk tee, green silk bra with lace and matching panties. She heard the shower being turned on and thought it might be nice to clean up. When she stepped into the shower he was washing his hair so she moved up next to him and when her breasts touched his chest she said "Hi." he started to open his eyes but with the shampoo running down his face thought better of it. "Soap please." Taylor said and still blind he felt around till he located it and handed it to her. She started to lather his chest and arms, asked him to turn around, then his back. There is something sensual about this he thought, no visual just feeling. When she finished his back he was asked to turn around again and felt her start at his waist and slowly work her way down. I hope she isn't watching he thought knowing that his dick was growing. He felt her hand drift down the inside of his thigh and he grew some more. Then the other side and he knew he was erect. Taylor had been enjoying the teasing and watched as he grew larger. With a soapy hand she encircled his dick and started moving up and down very slowly. She watched his face as she pumped his dick finally saying "OK you're clean, rinse off and let me shower." The effect was like a slow leak in a balloon.

She took her time doing her hair and make-up since she wanted everything to be perfect. When she was satisfied she wrapped herself in a towel and walked into the bedroom. His arms and head were just coming thru a shirt and he stared at her. Suddenly she was very self-conscious wondering what she had missed in the mirrow. "You're beautiful." he said and with a curtsy she replied "Thank you." She dropped the towel and sat on the bed guiding her panties over her legs, then her bra and shorts. Noticing he had boxers on she asked "No panties?" he slid his boxers down showing a pair of nylon aqua colored bikinis. "Further down." She said and he complied revealing a matching lace trim around the legs and up the back. "I didn't want us to clash" she laughingly said again noticing his slightly red cheeks. When they got to the drive-in, cars were all over. She had never seen so many cars and so many people looking at them. He eased the car into a spot and they got out. After removing the chairs from the trunk which he placed behind the car on the grass, he went to lift the hood and she sat down. He knew this may be a mistake since most of the people here were use to picking cars apart- that part isn't stock, wrong radio- and he hoped they didn't turn the same eyes on Taylor. Surveying the crowd he saw several people staring at her and he thought the worst but then a regular came up and said "Why haven't you briught her before. She sure dresses the place up." and he knew they were watching her because of her beauty. The evening was a huge success. They ate and walked around the cars as he tried to tell her about them and she fained interest. He saw all the heads that turned and smiled to himself. What had he worried about? With the last rays of sunlight on the horizon they headed back to his house. "Well, what did you think?" "Very interesting and such a diverse group of people." "I like the people watching more than the cars. I saw you talking to some people." "They are attorneys that I know but I never thought they would be at something like this. Thanks, I had a nice time." She rested her head on his shoulder "Thanks for pretending you were interested." He replied smiling.

The moon was up by the time they got to the house. He parked the car in the garage and they walked, hand in hand, thw short distance to the house. "Would you like a drink?" He asked as he opened the door. "No thanks, I'm a little tired." Draping an arm around her shoulder he eased her next to him. "Come on sleepyhead." She brushed her teeth while he shut off the lights throughout the house and was down to her bra and panties when he returned to the bedroom. She undid her bra and let het nighty settle before removing her panties. Her nightgown was a light blue babydoll similar to those in the late 50's and early 60's with the under layer being cream silk and the top being light blue chiffon. The neck line was adorned in cream lace with a matching small bow in the middle. Her panties were replaced with matching balloon style bottoms with bows in the front of each leg. While he was getting ready she walked into his closet locating the nightgown she had seen earlier. It was a little longer than hers and was smothered with lace around the neck, down the front and around the hem. The matching robe was also drippingwith lace. Next she moved to his panty drawer- matching or contrasting she wondered. Contrasting she decided and reached for a black pair but changed her mind and went with hot pink rhumba panties with four rows of matching lace around them and the leg openings. She handed his attire to him and headed for bed. "I thought you were tired?" he said. An evil smile was his only answer. Quickly he got into his gown and panties, turned out the bathroom light and jumped into bed. "I look like a woman of ill repute with my panties showing so brightly under my gown" he said lying down next to her. "I know. Now make love to me slut." Hearing that got his juices going. He didn't know if it was what she said, the way she said it or just being called a slut but his dick was already hard before his lips touched hers.

Side by side, hips grinding together, lips lightly on lips, arms and hands struggling for position and balance. After the initial passionate flurry both settled into a slower, more comfortable routine. Both tongues darted back and forth between their mouths, his hand ran across her back to her ass as she slid her leg over him and she felt him press her sweet hole with his now raging dick. She eagerly allowed the pleasure pressure to remain. Her hand snaked under his gown and her fingers began to tease his nipples arousing them to little points. Likewise his hand was moving also down her ass to the top of her dick which she had placed between her legs. His fingers circled the mushroom shaped top through her silk and chiffon panties giving her a delicious feeling and oozing pre-cum into her ass. Their lips never parted while this was happening but now he hungered for her tit and his hand left her dick and lifted her nighty as his tongue licked her nipple followed closely by his lips. As his lips sucked her tit in his mouth his tongue continued its assult on her nipple until it was hard and straight. He continued to flick his tongue over the top of her nipple and his hand had returned to her increasingly wet head. He no longer had his dick pressed against her hole but as their hips met his dick would push hers close to her hole depositing sweet pre-cum in her crack. She tried to reach his shaft but fell short unti he shifted his position to allow her hand to feel him thru his wet panties. She managed to work his dick up from his crotch causing his panties to strain. Pre-cum soaked his panties and hers. Easing him away from her tit she drifted down his nightgown covered body. With one hand she continued to keep his pointy nipples erect while her lips sought something else. "Show me your dick slut" she said and his hands moved to his panties waist and lowered them. "Not off" she stopped him as her mouth covered his dick. He almost lost it right then. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought of anything like this or been so eager to please. Taylors head moved up and down his shaft taking him all the way in and wrapping her tongue around him as she went up. Time and again her mouth and tongue bathed his dick. Finally she released him with a pop and reverse stradled his waist. "Get me ready for your dick" she said bending over. As if in a trance he slid her panties over her ass and slipped his tongue over her hole tasting her sweet pre-cum. Now it was his turn to go up and down as his tongue licked her ass. Mentally he couldn't believe what he was doing but he couldn't stop. Saliva wet her crack, his tongue played with her pleasure hole and licked her balls. "That's it slut, now let me feel you in my ass" she moaned now swinging around to face him and removing her panties. Guiding his dick to her sweet spot she pushed down. He had done a marvelous job getting her primed and he eased right in. Knowing that he couldn't move his legs much with his panties around his upper thighs she sat straight up using her legs to raise and lower her ass over his dick. She found his hand and brought it to her dick. Now when she went up his hand went down and when she moved down his hand went up her wet hard dick. Gradually she increased the tempo. In the moonlight she could see his face, his mouth waiting for her. Wait! Wait! Not yet. Then she felt hot cum rocketing in her ass and she went into a frenzy to get all his cum in her but it was also getting her ready. She knew he was done and could feel her cum about to shoot. He saw her dick moving close, still closer. His brain screamed NO! but to no avail. His head moved up, his lips eagerly moved over her dick and then it was in the back of his mouth. He had never experienced this before but he knew he wanted to please Taylor and so he did his best to imitate what she had done while she fucked his mouth. Her hot cum was soon jetting into his mouth and he was desparatly trying to swallow it all but some escaped and ran down the side of his face only to be replaced by more. Spray after spray coated his mouth. I must have done alright he thought as her dick continued to move in and out of his lips. Finally spent, Taylor slid back down his body, licked the escaped cum from his mouth and kissed him passionately.

As they cuddled next to each other he thought he never knew making love could be like this. He couldn't tell if he was pleased or horrified. Drifting off to an exhausted sleep he heard that little voice cry 'What have you done! You really are a slut.'

I hope you have enjoyed part 5. Please let me know if you wish the story to continue.

Next: Chapter 6

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