
By Barbie Sisy

Published on Sep 3, 2008


Taylor- Part 4 By: Barbie Sisy

Let me take a few lines to thank all the wonderful readers who have e-mailed me about how much they enjoy reading this story. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please let me know about this installment and whether it should continue. With love, Barbie

I wanted to stay as we were forever. She smelled so good, her body close to mine, our hips softly touching at that moment I wanted nothing more. I also realized how much I had missed her and wanted to be with her. As the seconds turned to minutes, neither of us made any attempt to move. Our tongues slipped back and forth eagerly searching and heightening the feeling of her body pressed to mine. My hands drifted down her chiffon top, under the hem and up to feel her soft, smooth skin. As they were gently moving up her sides she broke our kiss and said

"I guess you are happy to see me."

"No, I am just glad to be out of traffic." I replied earning a slap onmy arm.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure, fix me whatever you would like."

"I was going to have ice tea but if you want something a little stronger...."

"Tea would be great. Thanks."

She headed for the kitchen and I for the couch. It's funny how tired and worn out you can get from just driving and I was feeling it. Taylor returned with the tea and joined me on the couch.

"Dinner is almost ready."

"Good I haven't had anything since breakfast."

"Why didn't you stop for lunch?"

"I wanted to get here as fast as I could."

That earned me a quick kiss on my cheek. My arm encircled her and she settled her head on my shoulder. I just sat there enjoying her next to me, feeling no need to continue the conversation.

From the side I heard a bing sound, a signal dinner or at least a part of it, was ready. Taylor started to get up but my arm held her in place. She turned, smiled and kissed me again and then she was gone. I reluctantly followed her and as she moved around the kitchen she asked if I would get some plates so dinner could be served. After eating 'fast food' all week home cooking tastes awfully good.

"Not to be forward but are you staying the night?"

"I was hoping to but it's up to you."

"Go get what you need from the car while I clean up. Oh, put it in my room."

There she said it. My bedroom. She hoped he would understand how much thought she had given that decision. For hours she had switched from guestroom to her bedroom, weighing out what each would imply. She had never reached a final outcome until just now. Please let it be the right one she thought to herself.

Up the stairs, down the hall, past the guestroom and into Taylor's room. It was very similar to the guestroom except for the colors. The walls and trim were painted white with the curtains being a light lavander color. Very nice and comforting he thought. He pulled out his blue jeans and tee shirt, shed his work clothes for a more comfortable attire but as he was about to put on his jeans he wondered if he needed both pairs of underwear. She already knows so why bother, letting the boxers fall to the floor leaving only his yellow with white lace trim panties on. being curious he walked into her closet and located her nightgowns. The one she wore last weekend was so wonderful he had to see whatelse she had. Gazing longingly at Taylors selection, he touched the different fabrics- silk, satin, nylon and marveled at the many hues she owned.

"See anything you like?" He was so entranced he had not heard Taylor come in.

"They are all so elegant." He said somewhat embarrassed.

"I love beautiful nightgowns with lots of lace and ruffles, all the extras. There is just something about the feel of a lovely gown when you slip it on."

"I couldn't agree more. You really do have some gorgeous gowns."

"I would like to see what you have sometime."

This caught him slightly off guard. True enough it was a simple statement but was she asking for an invitation to his house. That isn't all that unusual, she needs to see where he lives.

"How about Friday night? There is an evening car show at a local drive-in diner that I go to regularly, I won't make you suffer through my cooking, we can get something to eat there. It's fun, well if you like cars and they generally have a good turn out."

Before he realized what was coming out of his mouth, he had asked her out in public. Not just public but to a place where he had friends, people that knew him. What are you thinking?!?! STUPID!!! STUPID!!! One little slip on Taylors part and he could never show his face again.

STUPID! "I'm not really interested in cars. You might remember how we met." Thank goodness he thought.

"But if you want to go that's fine." Damn! Can't turn back now without hurting her.

"I will leave it up to you. I don't want you to be bored but we wouldn't have to stay very long and I haven't had my car out in a while."

"OK, we'll go. What kind of car do you have/"

"You'll see."

Taylor had caught the escape clause he offered but if this was going to happen they would have to go out sometime. It just surprized her that their first outing was going to be at a place where he was known. Good sign.

They spent the evening on the back porch talking about their week. No, she hadn't decided on the case in California even though she had received several urgent calls requesting she hop a plane and get out there. He explained what he did and why he was on the road so much. The cool of the evening was a pleasant surprize for August and the conversation continued well past when both normally would have been in bed. Was it the conversation or the next step that kept them up? Who could say but the yawning eventually won out and Taylor led the way to her bedroom.

As they both went about their normal evening routines- brushing teeth, washing faces, removing make up (Taylor) there was almost a natural rhythem to their movements, like they had done this many times and not for the first time. Taylor went into her closet for her nighty as he went to his suitcase. He preferred to wear the purple gown because of the lovely lace and ruffles but since he had already worn it he settled for the black one. Not that there was anything wrong with it, the gown was very nice with lace surrounding nylon around the breasts, drifting up into lace straps with matching lace around the hem. the nylon was a summer density, almost sheer. he slid his panties down and pulled his gown panties on- black,naturally, with fusia colored lace around the legs and waist and also in four rows across the back. The nightgown cascaded over his head with the lace straps lightly settling on his shoulders while the rest glided toward his ankles. He placed the matching robe over the foot of the bed and crawled in. Once again he was reminded how much he enjoyed satin sheets. They were so much cooler than the cotton ones and felt infinitely better.

Taylor looked at eash of her nightgowns. She remembered thinking of the blue silk for the next time together and liked the choice. She removed the light blue gown and robe from its hanger and started to undress. Should she wear panties? The gown was full below the waist except for the slit so there shouldn't be a problem with her dick making the bottom part look like a tent but...

better to be safe. Going to her built in drawers she found a pair of white silk panties that matched the lace highlights on her gown and slid them up her legs. She had to adjust her panties since she was already starting to grow. Good call on the panties she thought. She really enjoyed wearing this gown with its white lace accents on her breasts and around the center slit that ran dangerously close to where her panties were. With her robe on she walked out of her closet.

"Wow, you look great." he stammered.

"You just want my nightgown."

"No really, Wow, and yes I would love to have your gown."

"Fair is fair. You have ssen me now it's your turn."



Leaving the coolness of the sheets he stood up and was starting to crawl back when she said "Turn around. I want to get the full effect." Slowly he turned as he felt his cheeks redden.

"Very nice. I particularly like the way you can see the lace on your panties through the gown." With his cheeks a deeper red both met in bed. Taylor turned out the lights and snuggled in next to him. She lay there for only a second before his arm went around her and eased her close. I could get use to this she thought settling her head on his chest. His fingers slowly moved up and down her arm causing an involuntary shudder. She turned more into him so she was almost on her side allowing his fingers to trace across her silk covered side. he slipped to his side facing her, Taylors head rested on his arm. She felt his lips moving towards hers and slowly eased to meet them, touching ever so softly and then sinking into a full passionate kiss. Seconds the minutes glided past but they cared little as they held one another, lips touching, bodies touching. He ran his free hand along her side and around her back. She felt her dick pressing hard into her silky panties as his dick pressed into her. It felt good. His hand drifted over the small of her back and down to her ass and then back up again. Taylor had only one free hand also since her other was under his shoulder but she used it to trace circles in the nylon covering his nipple. She could feel it was having the desired effect as his dick grew harder and harder putting more pressure on her panty covered one. His hand moved up her side, over her shoulder finding the strap of her gown and as he moved it down she shifted her arm allowing her tit to free itself from the gown. Then his lips were gone from hers and she gently held his head as it eased down her neck, chest to her aching breast. Drawing her tit into is waiting mouth, he flicked his tongue over her growing nipple causing it to lengthen a little more. She desperately wanted to free his dick from the confines of his panties and fell him between her legs but her arms were not long enough to reach him now. Since he was lower he had no problem locating the lace trimmed slit in her gown and slidding his hand up her leg until he felt silk. What should he do now? If he removed her erect tool from her panties she may think he was going to suck her dick and he had no intention of that happening. Then remembering the last time, his hand drifted under her waist band and he slid her wet dick up till it rested on her stomach and then with his hand freed from her panties, he began to run his hand over the silk that hid her dick. With his mouth, lips and tongue stimulating her breast and his hand slowly caressing her dick she could feel the ecstasy building throughout her body. His hand moved down her dick, past her balls and the wet spot her precum had left on her panties to her ass. His fingers danced across her silky ass several times as if wondering what to do next. She still could not reach his dick so she drove her hips into his crouch. "Please." She whispered and within seconds his hand went under his nighty and the leg band of his panties freeing himself.

Now it was her turn to take over. She gently lifted his head off her tit though she really was enjoying his mouth, guiding his lips to hers, she buried her tongue in his mouth. She could now reach past his waist and her hand led his dick under her panty leg and between her already wet cheeks. Kicking the covers back with her leg she placed it across her upper thigh so that when the time came his dick would be able to go deep inside her waiting ass. As her hand returned to teasing his now fully erect nipples his hand covered her ass holding his dick between her ass cheeks. Hips moved back and forth, she felt his knob move up and down her hole. She could feel his precum easily lubricating her ass and she wished he would penetrate her. She felt him stop in front of her waiting hole, slowly he pushed and she felt her walls expand to allow his entry. She pushed her walls outward allowing his dick to ease deeper and deeper. Soon they were matching one another thrust for thrust.

her panties blocked some of his dick from reaching her ass but she didn't care. He felt so good as he moved in and out of her. As he would sink into her and their waists would come together her dick would be rubbed by her stomach, this conbined with the increase in pressure from her now soaked panties was delightfully exciting and she felt her balls start to ache for release. I hope I can wait she thought. With his dick deep in her ass he fought back doubts about their future. God she was great. Back in the deeper cells of his brain the word 'love' began to materialize and move forward along with something else but slightly lower on his body. Finally Taylor could not hold back any longer and her milky cum errupted in her panties. Time and again her dick twiched and spurt as her body shook with pleasure. Then she felt his dick explode in her ass. Hot cum shot into her ass he moved his dick deeper and deeper trying to drain his dick of every drop of cum.

Spent, they lay there side by side. Neither wanting, able to move. his dick was quickly receding from her hole but it would be held next to her by her panty. Her dick aided by her cum had slipped to the lower side of her panties. She felt his hand touch the side of her face and then his lips were on hers. Though neither could see the other, they both understood there was no need to talk. He kissed her again, pulled her into him and they both closed their eyes.

What is that bright light he thought. Gradually, allowing his eyes to open, he realized it was the sun blasting through the window. He looked down and saw Taylor was still asleep next to him. Damn she's beautiful even first thing in the morning. her blond hair silhouetted her face and he bent and kissed her head. He glanced at the time and was shocked to see it was past 8. I never sllep this late but then he couldn't remember when he had fallen asleep. I have to pee. Do I wake her or try to extracate myself hoping not to? Slowly, easily he started to move across the bed. Then he realized he was stuck. His dick was still under her panty leg.

What was he going to do now? Slowly his hand moved down her body. With a finger he lifted the opening and started out.

"Don't you dare." Came a mumbled response from Taylor.

"OK but you may not like what is about to happen."

"Oh! Hurry back."

"That was a quick reversal."

"Go, I already had to wash these sheets this week."

Walking to the bathroom he wondered what she meant by that. Had she had someone over during the week? Does it matter? Should he try and find out what she meant?

"very sexy." She said as he was walking away. He swished his ass teasingly. How would he even approach something like that? He raised the hem of his nightgown and lowered the waist of his panties standing over the toilet. After flushing and lowering the seat he headed back to the bed jumping in next to Taylor.

"Don't you wash your sheets every week?" He bluttered out. She could tell he was fishing for something but wasn't sure what and she didn't know if she really wanted to tell him about her accident.

"Of course." She replied.

"well you seemed to be upset about having to wash them."

"I had a little 'accident' during the week."

"Accident? Were you hurt? Why didn't you tell me? Are you alright hon?"

"No, not that type of accident silly. I had a beautiful dream that caused me to...well you can imagine."

"Really, what night?"

"I don't see..."

"No, sorry, the same thing happened to me Monday night. I hadn't done that in years but when I woke up it was too late."

"Mine was Monday also. That seems very strang to me. We both...on the same night? What were you dreaming about?"

"You and me."

"Just you and me/"

"We were making love and like I said, I woke up too late."

"Too late?" she said as an evil smile spread across her beautiful mouth.

"OK, I shot a load into my panties dreaming of making love with you. Happy?"

"Very, since my dream was about the same thing causing the same reaction except I didn't have any panties to save me."

As he tilted his head to kiss her he noticed she had not covered her breast from last night and his fingers lightly touched her nipple as his lips settled on hers. Breaking their kiss she glanced at his hand and then at him.

"Watch it, I haven't had my coffee yet. You.."

"Talk, talk, talk." He smiled shifting his weight so he lay across her chest and kissed her again. Not to be outdone, Taylor returned his kiss passionately, waiting for the right moment. With their lips still locked she started to ease him off her and onto his back. Now she was on top and her hand went down his chest, over his stomach till it found a lump between his legs. Her fingers barely touched his dick as they went over the nylon.

She felt his reaction with her fingers as she reached further and further. Taylor knew she had him, looking into eyes eyes she said "I'll be right back. Nature calls" and rolled off the bed. She made a point of leaving the door open and prayed he was watching as she slipped her panties down and sat down.

"Thanks for putting the seat down." She teasingly said.

"Whatever I can do to help."

"Can you make coffee/"

"No but I could try."


" I'll try not to ruin it but even if I did how could you tell?"

"Stick with your juice and leave the cokkee to the grownups."

Grownups he chuckled, laying there in bed as he heard her flush and head back to bed.

"Now where were we?" He said as she picked up her robe, swong it around her shoulders sliding her other arm into it.

"We were talking about coffee and juice."

"No before that."

"I don't remember so how important could it have been." She smerked and headed for the door.

"Hey wait a minute." Too late, she was through the door, her silk gown flowing as she walked. What a sight he thought. She was so much more beautiful than he had remembered. He placed his hands under his head and thought he was very lucky to be with her. Then he got up, put on his robe tying the ribbons at the neck and down the front. He liked the robe better than the gown because it had a lace front from the chest to the neck and down the puffy sleeves. He brushed his teeth and went to join Taylor.

She was busy making coffee so he got a glass and poured his juice.

"Want some?" He said.

"No thanks. You have your juice and I'll have my coffee but you don't know what you are missing."

"Yes I do. A harsh acid tasting liquid."

"And orange juice isn't acidic?"

"Point made. What are you doing today?"

"I just have some calls to make and depending on how they go, I should be free."

"Good, I have some calls and reports to do and hopefully that will be it."

"Are you hungry/"

"No, I usually only have my OJ in the morning except for weekends and then I sometimes have breakfast."

"Sure you don't want some coffee?"


"Is that a maybe?" Smiling as she took her first sip.

After shaving and a shower, he got his cell phone to make his calls. Everything went well unti Taylor joined him after she showered and dressed. He wondered if she dressed that way just to drive him crazy with her white gause top and light pink shorts, just long enough to cover her ass when she stood but short enough to show some cheek when she sat. Oddly enough his eyes were drawn to her crotch but he could see nothing to indicate what was really there. What are you doing he thought. Stop starring, she might get the wrong idea.

Taylor had washed and dried her hair, put on her make-up and was thinking about what to wear as she entered her closet. Let's see, I could be mean and wear just a bra and panties. No, that wouldn't be fair after this morning. Cool, comfortable, suttlely sexy. She slid her white panties up her freshly shaved legs, hooked her bra and eased it over her breasts as her arms glided into the straps. Next she put on a pair of light pink shorts and checked the length. Perfect. Finally her white top, not sheer but almost. Shoes? No. She bounced down stairs and pretended to be locating some files but secretly she was checking to see if she was having her desired effect. Yes, I think I am.

They busied themselves with their work for the next several hours. Each wanting to finish so they could be together. Between calls he questioned if he made the right call asking her to go out on Friday. He knew they couldn't hide away at her house or his forever but suppose something went wrong. Really what could happen...she has been doing this for years, been in courtrooms and never been discovered. True but dressing for court and a cruise-in are two different things. Maybe it will rain. What a chicken you are! Did you see any hint of her dick in those shorts? Do you want this or not? If not, time to cut it now before it goes too far.



"Uuuuummmm, I think I killed my cell battery. Is there a plug I can use?" Chicken!

"Sure, pick one. Let me know when you are ready for lunch. I don't have much but I can manage a couple of sandwiches."

"That's fine, whenever you're ready."

"I'm at a good place to stop."

"Let me plug in and I'll come help you."

When he arrived in the kitchen, Taylor had bread and cold cuts on the counter and was at the frig seeing whatelse was there. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her kissing the top of her head.

She naturally leaned back resting in his arms. The cool from the open refrigerator door was short lived as she got mustard and mayo and asked what he would like to drink.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"For some reason I used a lot of energy last night."

"Really, doing what?"

She walked over to him, her arms encircled his waist and said "Making love with someone I care for."

He looked into her sparkling green eyes as his lips met hers. His hands moved to the small of her back and he eased her closer to him. Who needs lunch he thought as his hands caressed her back but then she was gone.

"Eat first." She said. "Then we'll see what happens."

"Sure, easy for you to say."



They gathered their sandwiches, drinks and went out on the back porch. The heat hadn't reached the intolerable level and there was a soft breeze blowing across the porch.

"What about the afternoon?" taylor questioned.

"I have 2 or 3 calls left to make and that should be it. What about you?"

"Just one, I hope. They still want me in California and I need to call them with a decision."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"I don't know. It is an interesting case but it will mean being away for who knows how long. The money is great and if I win the publicity wouldn't hurt."

"What do mean if you win? HA, of course you'll win."

"Nothing is sure when you're dealing with a jury. Too many variables."

"OK. What type of case is it?"

"I wish I could tell you but I can't- client/attorney thing."

"I've heard of that. You mean it actually exists?"

"Yes! Stop being sarcastic."

"Beautiful and scruples. WOW!"

"Sarcastic again."

He heard his phone ring from the other room and excused himself. Her thoughts returned to the trial in California. Lots of money. What would happen here though? If he is going to leave you would still have the money and if it is right he will still be here when you get back. Two maybe 3 months is a long time to wait at the start of a relationship. Maybe he could come out or you come back for a weekend? That wouldn't work, you know how these trials are, there would be no free time. About that time he returned.

"That was my boss. I need to go home and get some information to send him. I know it's a day early but why don't you finish here and then come over."

"Well OK but I will need directions."

"It's easy. I'll go get my stuff and write them down."

He returned his plate and glass to the kitchen and went up to the bedroom. Quickly he jammed everything in his suitcase and wrote down the directions leaving them on her bed.

"How long will you be?" He asked.

"I don't know, probably not very. Why?"

"I may want to straighten up the place."

"I'm sure it's fine."

"Ha!" He held her close and kissed her saying "Don't be long" and headed out the door.

This should be interesting he thought driving home. Though he felt more comfortable about tomorrow night the thought of one slip up still haunted him. He realized it was too late to try to get out of it now tactfully but he thought if the opportunity presented itself he would take it. He felt bad that he would do it but he felt he had to, there was too much to loose. Including Taylor? Are you ready for that? Damn!

Taylors dilemma was slightly different. To go or not? Money or possibly love. She had money and this relationship was as close to love as she had enjoyed in 2 years. She really liked this guy, maybe even loved him. They acted like they had been together for years. What did she know about him? Not much really. He had a house, a job, was funny, teased her but wore panties and nightgowns but so did she. Yes but she was suppose to! She wondered how large a selection he had- she would find out this evening. She slowly lifted the phone and dialed.

In short order he got the information out and looked around the house. It wasn't too much of a mess.

That was one good thing about not being home much. He staightened and cleaned some but then he heard a knock at the door.

"I thought I lived in the country but you may ahve me beat."

"I was raised on a farm and never could get use to people stacked all over me."

"Scared someone would see you in your nightgown?"

"That too." His cheeks took on a light shade of red.

"That's so cute. The way you blush when I talk about your panties and nightgowns."

"I'll try to remember that. Would you like a tour?"


He gave her a quick tour of his house from living room, dinning, kitchen, guest room, bathroom, guest room, half bath to the master bedroom. She loved some of the antiques he had and thought they seemed out of place for him. She had noticed a garage as she drove down the drive and had seen a car up there and 2 more next to the house. She almost hadn't come in thinking someone else was there and was glad to see that was not the case. The master bedroom was a good size with a bath and closet off one side of it.

There was a sliding glass door that led from there to a long deck across the back of the house.

"Planning on not staying?" he remarked.

"No? Oh, I left it in the car. I saw 2 cars and thought you might have company."

"One for business and one for running around and hauling stuff."

"Very cosmopolitian of you."

"What's a magazine got to do with it?"

"I meant...."

"I know what you meant. Sarcasism, remember. I'll go get your suitcase."

She opened the door and stepped on the porch. A leaf canopy covered the porch from tall trees close by.

She could vaguely hear a creek running but see it. She went back in and looked in his closet. There were no visable signs of his lingerie but she really didn't think there would be. She quickly peeked into several drawers but found nothing out of the ordinary.

"Looking for something?"

She jumped and sheepishly replied "Turn about is fair play." he walked over to a part that she thought was solid and pressed a side and a door swung open. Inside she saw all types of nightgowns- full length, knee length and babydoll along with several drawers one explained full of panties he wore during the day- all colors and material except cotton she noticed. Lace, pleates, flowers, silk, satin, nylon, bikini, hipsters,full cut and all neatly packed into the drawer. Another was full of panties he wore with the nightgowns- red, yellow, various shades of blue, lavander, greens, whites, and all with lots of lace and frillies.

"How did you get all of these? Did you go in a store and buy them? Were you scared?"

"Some I did but I would do it during Christmas or Valentines so they would hopefully not think they were for me and always out of town, another benefit of traveling. Most I got from ebay or online where everything is faceless."

"Very smart. I'm impressed. We'll have to go shopping some time."

"That could be interesting."

For the remainder of the afternoon they talked about a number of subjects but Taylor kept returning to his 'collection'. She could tell he was nervous talking about the subject but she had started that way and wanted to see if he had gone past just lingerie. Had he ever worn stockings and heels? No. A bra? No. Dress? No. She thought it was strange that he had not progressed further than he claimed but decided to let it go for now. The sun was behind the trees when he asked if she was hungry.

"What do you have/" She questioned.

"Nothing but there is a small shopping center with a grocery store and a pizza pllace right down the road. I'll order a pizza to go and while we're waiting we can get you some coffee."

No you don't have to do that. I'll be fine without it."

"Yes I do. I've seen you without coffee. Once is enough."

At the store he let her get her coffee and then he added a coffee maker. When they arrived at the pizza place it was ready and they headed back. They must have been hungry since neither said much as they worked their way through the pizza. Both stopped to watch several deer as they walked where the grass and woods met. The moon was coming up when they cleared the paper plates and glasses and went inside.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?"

"Nope just take advantage of you."

"An honest man." She laughed reaching for his hand and leading him to the bedroom.

Once there she excused herself and went into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and removed her clothes. From her suitcase she removed a green babydoll gown and matching panty. She loved this gown since it closely matched her eyes but also for the sheer lace covered top that eased to her waist and then joined a short satin skirt that ended an inch below her panties. She looked at her reflection in the mirrow. This should do it she thought. When she walked into the bedroom his mouth dropped at the sight of her. he quickly walked to the bathroom. While he was brushing his teeth she walked into his closet, pressing the release on the concealed door. She looked at his selection of nighties finally deciding on a lavander babydoll with cream colored lace. Next she opened the nighty panty drawer and immediately pulled out a lavander pair with white lace around the legs and 5 rows of lace around the entire panty. She laid her selection out for him and slid into bed. Excellent choice he thought as he pulled on his panties and let the gown rest on his shoulders. He turned off the lights and joined her.

She eagerly met his kiss as they lay side by side. His left arm was under her but his right arm ran down her side under her skirt and up moving her gown up as his hand found her back. Her skin is so soft he thought as his fingers moved to the back of her neck and slowly down her back. Taylor knew what she wanted and wasted little time running her hand across the rows of lace to his nylon covered dick. She noticed he moved his leg to allow her hand full access to his crotch and her fingers ran from his expanding head down its growing length. Not to be outdone his hand drifted across her satin covered as locating her head wedged between her legs and as his fingers traced circles on her dicks head she felt she would shoot her load between her cheeks. She wanted to feel him in her ass. He felt her panties grow wet with pre-cum as he continued to work her dick. She also felt wet panties and slipped her ahnd under her waist band and massaged his dick in his clear liquid. When she was satisfied she eased him over on his back and inched his ruffled panties down. To get them all the way off she had to move down his body licking his nipple as she went past then playfully biting it when it sprang up. her tongue ran down his stomach and when he kicked free of his panties his dick sprang free and her lips encircled it. Her tongue found his split and teased it before moving down his length. All he could reach were her breast and his hand easily stroked her soft skin and teased her growing nipples. They were soon erect and his fingers gently pinched them sending shock waves through her. When she had bathed his stiff dick sufficiently she removed her panties and her dick came forth. At first he thought she wanted him to suck her dick but she quickly strattled his waist.

She reached behind her finding is slick tool and guided it to her sweet opening. Pushing out with her ass muscles she eased him in and deeper. With her legs under her she raised and lowered her as on his dick. She slowly tightened and released her ass muscles as he went in and out. Her dick flopped on his waist as his hands worked her tits. She loved the shivers that went through her body when his swollen head touched her prostate. Oh much moe of this and I'll spurt cum all over she thought.

He was also very close to cumming in her ass. Her ass had done a marvelous job of working his dick.

In and out. Long stroke, short stroke. She bent all the way forward shooting her tongue deep in his mouth. This movement had stretched her back further allowing his dick to go further into her. She couldn't hold off any longer and her hot cum shot forth. She felt his dick explode in her ass. She felt several shots erupt and then he started slamming his dick in and out of her as his cum continued to spew into her. Once he pulled back too far and he popped out but he quickly rammed his dick back into her fully and shot another spurt. She collapsed on him. his arms went around her.

"I love you Taylor."

"What?" She thought she was dreaming again.

"I love you." She lay ther as she felt her eyes fill with tears.

"I love you too." She managed to say as the first tear ran down her cheek and landed on his chest.

Next: Chapter 5

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