Tax Payment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 7, 2023


Justin, Gary, and Kyle were talking amongst themselves when they heard noises outside the door of their chamber. There was a "click" and then they saw Magda. As before, she didn't smile. She was accompanied by two men who were clearly soldiers, and who flanked her on each side.

"Magistrate Farrel has arrived," she announced in her booming voice. Two figures entered the room. One was a HUGE young man who had a very blank expression, and whose head moved about the room, as if he were checking it for...something. Then, a slim but solid man, a bit more than two meters tall with slightly long, black, and silver hair and a short goatee the same color came in. He had on a blue collarless shirt, and standard business trousers. He had a slight smile on his face.

"Magistrate," Magda spoke, I am not sure this is a good idea, Sir. Confinement would have been happy to bring them to the Residency for you to meet the options," The man's smile got just a bit larger.

"I know that Magda, and I appreciate your looking after me; however, Bruno is with me, and I think that the safety protocols have worked before. I don't see a need for anything more than that."

"As you will, Magistrate." She gave a head signal to the two soldiers, and they left, with Magda closing the door firmly as they exited. Bruno took up a position in front of the door, his arms folded. "Like a bar bouncer," Kyle thought to himself. Farrel began to walk about the room.

"Greetings, gentlemen. I'm Gil Farrel. They insist on calling me Magistrate or some other official title, but it only seems necessary to me when I'm robed for ceremony." He stopped and smiled. "Which of course, I'm not. "The three Rivellians moved about awkwardly. They were all expecting a more formal, elaborate entrance, AFTER they had been transferred to the Regent's residence.

Farrel continued to speak. Gary thought "baritone, leaning toward bass" as Farrel spoke. "I've read the dossiers that Chaira prepared on each of you." He chuckled. "Such a thorough official." He looked at Justin. "Is it really true you were born with an extra toe, and it had to be amputated?" Justin blushed. "Y,y,y, yes, it is." "When you were not more than two weeks old."

"That's right, uh... Magistrate" Farrel laughed. "Yes, it's difficult to choose how to address the man with whom you may be sleeping in very short order." Kyle felt bile rising in his mouth. He thought this was all probably a test to see whom Farrel favored.

"And Kyle, you tried teaching history for a while -- middle school I believe. You found desk work was not for you."

"WOW, Gil, your staff has access to official records. I'm impressed. NOT." Farrel laughed. "Chiara's report says that you have a temper, and lots of spirit. Right on target." Then he turned to Gary.

"And Gary. Our music teacher and body builder. I believe that the report said you spend `every waking, non-working hour' in the gym?" Gary smiled. He felt his dick growing. Farrel was older than he was, but he found him more than slightly attractive.

"Yes, Magistrate Farrel. It's fair to say it's an addiction." Farrel smiled but said nothing. He walked back to where Bruno was standing.

"I have to say, "he smiled. "I may have to offer Rivil a tax abatement if they agree to continue to offer alternate compensation like you gentlemen. The quality of candidates sent overall is superb and you is one to choose?"

"Candidates, yeah right. Like this is an election" Kyle spat out. Bruno didn't flinch one bit, but Farrel laughed.

"Well, it IS an election of sorts, Kyle, but there is only one vote. And now, I need to make my choice." He paused before he said "Gentlemen, please remove your shirts." Not surprisingly, Gary practically ripped his off. Justin hesitated, looked uncomfortable, but did so. Kyle folded his arms, the same way Bruno had folded his. Farrel put his hands behind his back and walked back and forth. "You can stop flexing, Gary. I know when a man is, and it's totally unnecessary. "He stopped in front of Kyle. "Why are you still wearing your shirt, Kyle?"

"You said, please, so I presumed it was a request, Gil. I choose not to." Farrel guffawed.

"Ah, the spirit that Chiara wrote of manifests itself again. I DO speak more formally than perhaps is wise; however, here I must pull rank as they say: NOTHING that I tell you to do is a request. It would be wise to treat it as an order." When Kyle did not unfold his arms, Farrel said "would you like Bruno to assist you, Kyle? I know he's bored, and it would give him something to do."

Kyle looked at Bruno, sighed and muttered "you win," and pulled his shirt off. "Point to me, Kyle," Farrel smiled and walked back and forth in front of them. Gary's chest was hairless. "Interesting. Do you shave your body, Gary?" "Uh, not my chest Magistrate Farrel. I had radiation treatment to kill the follicles." "So you could spend more time at the gym and not worry about this. And of course, to show the development of your abs, which I admit is impressive." Gary blushed. He didn't flex, but he put his hands behind his back, so his chest pointed out further. Farrel stopped in front of Kyle.

"A regular forest. Kelp? Grass? I'm very impressed. There are few things more attractive than a hairy chest." Gary's heart sunk when he heard that, but he perked up when Kyle answered with "Then you need to get out more." Again, Farrel laughed. He walked to a wall and pressed a button.

"Magda, you may take Justin back to the transport for returning to Rivel." He held out his hand to Justin. "Thank you for your time, Justin. I hope you have a safe trip back."

"Yes, Magistrate. THANK YOU." Justin was walking out of the room so quickly that the soldiers had to restrain his arms before he broke into a trot.

"And then there were two..." Farrel laughed at his comment. "Gary, clearly you have experience being with another man."

"Yes, Magistrate Farrel." Now he laughed. "Some call me a slut."

"I'm sure they do, Gary, I'm sure they do." Farrel made a circle around the two red heads.

"From the way you're cinching your glutes, Kyle, I have to assume that you are on the opposite end of that spectrum."

"I'm no slut if that's what you mean. If you mean I'm a fucking monk, WRONG. If you assume my butt is off limits, BINGO."

"Kyle, you must understand, AGAIN, that if I vote for you, so to speak, NOTHING about you is off limits."

"HA. We'll see about that," was Kyle's response.

"Indeed, we shall," was Farrel's response. He signaled for Magda, and she came in again. They spoke quickly and in a whisper. After a few minutes, she shook her head, and waited.

"Gary, I'm afraid that except for your hair and eyes, you are really not my type. However, Magda advises me that one of her soldiers has taken a shine to you. You will be remaining with us, but you will become the partner of Gracchus."

"But, but..." Gary looked terrified as the tall, dark-haired soldier entered. "Come, Gary." He snickered. "Do not trouble me. I carry a lance that you see, and one you do not. You will see it later. A lance that does not kill. Usually." He took Gary by the elbow and started pulling him out. "NO! NO! THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

"And so, Kyle, I hope you are pleased. You have won the election. By a landslide. Companion to Magistrate Farrel."


"Kyle, that would be a mistake. Calm down," Kyle pushed by Farrel and ran out. Farrel knew what would happen. He heard the sounds of a struggle, more cursing from Kyle, and then Bruno brought back a screaming, squirming ginger who had his arms pinned behind him.

"I'D BE OUTTA HERE IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR FREAKIN GOON!" Kyle screamed. Bruno held onto him. "It's ok, Bruno. You can let him go. He won't try that again. Good job."

"Yes Sir," answered Bruno. "I'll be outside if you need me."

Farrel had picked up Kyle's shirt and tossed it to him. "You'll want to put that on again, Kyle. You're going to get stared at as it is, and unless you're a true exhibitionist, which I doubt, put it on. By the way, that freakin goon is my son." Farrel watched the look settle in on Kyle's face and then spoke again. "I'll explain in the future, but for now, I think you should just know that Bruno was born as a strong boy, but he needed to be trained. I'm the one who trained him, so...." He smiled. "The next time you need to be subdued, it may just be me who does so. I hope you understand."

"Yeah, I understand," Kyle sputtered as he pulled his top back on. "Essentially, you're saying I'm not getting away."

"Pretty much, Kyle. So, as I was saying, how we leave here, and how we arrive is completely up to you. I've done this before, with everything from a leash and collar to cuffs, to chains, to carrying a man over my shoulder. Bare chested or not. I suspect you'd prefer to be dressed, and not bound."

"Well, you got THAT right, Gil."

"You'll call me Magistrate Farrel, or Lord Farrel from now on, Kyle. There will be consequences if you do not."

"I have a feeling that there are consequences for everything around here."

"For every indiscretion, yes. You'll get the code shortly. Now, shall we go?" Farrel sighed. He knew that there would be an argument with Magda over handcuffing Kyle.

He was right. "MAGISTRATE, as your head of security, I cannot stand by while you try to travel with one as rebellious as Kyle is. He MUST be cuffed." Farrel laughed.

"There will be time for that, Magda. For travel back to the Residence, I think I can trust this young man." He looked at Kyle. "You're not going to misbehave, are you?"

"I dunno. What's the penalty for that?" Farrel answered "Oh, there are two options. Either we'll break one of your toes, or we'll give you ten lashes with a flogger. And no, wise mouth, you do NOT get to choose." In any event, by the time they got to the Residence, Kyle WAS handcuffed. As he and Farrel sat in the passenger seats of Farrel's car, Farrel had put his arm around Kyle, who grabbed Farrel's hand and tried to twist his fingers, yelling "GET OFFA ME." Farrel sighed. "Magda loves telling me she told me so, but she's always right." That was the first time Kyle learned that Farrel wasn't kidding when he said he had trained Bruno. Farrel was clearly older than he was, and didn't look that strong, but he soon had Kyle's wrists trapped under his arm, and then cuffed with a pair he kept in his pocket. "Now if you continue to curse, I have a gag, too, Kyle. Cut your losses. Behave." Kyle let out a big sigh "Yes, Magistrate Farrel."

Farrel had been right about Magda, who chortled when she saw Kyle with his hands cuffed in front of him. "You rascal. You just wanted to do it yourself." He had also been right about the interest when they got to the Residence. Kyle felt like he was on display as Farrel led him through the common area of a huge building, his hand securely on Kyle's bicep, and Kyle's wrists cuffed in front of him. Kyle had never been in such an ornate building. He was even more astonished as Farrel led him into what he said were "my digs." Farrel's rooms were larger than the house where Kyle lived. HUGE. He was basically gawking when Farrel said "let's go in a bit further, Kyle. Once we get to the bedroom, I'll take off your cuffs." Kyle whipped his head around to face Farrel.

"The bedroom? Are you gonna fuck me?"

"Yes, eventually, but not now. You're not ready and, there are so many things one can do that can be nearly as much fun." "Fun." The word resonated with Kyle when they got to the bedroom. Half seemed to be a normal but spacious space to sleep, and the other seemed, well, almost like one of the dungeons he had seen in movies. Farrel took Kyle's hands, put a key in the cuffs and took them off. Kyle rubbed his wrists and looked to see if there were any marks. He felt Farrel's hand on the back of his neck.

"A fisherman. That explains this sunburn." When Farrel squeezed, Kyle winced. It hurt. "I'm very well trained in knowing how to, shall we say `exploit a man's weaknesses, be they short term or long term, Kyle. Do keep that in mind." Kyle felt Farrel's hand drop from his neck to his upper arm. Farrel's other hand was on Kyle's other arm, and Kyle felt the goatee up against the side of his face. "I want you on your belly, Kyle." Then his hands encircled Kyle's middle and he lifted the fisherman off the floor and deposited him on the bed, face down. Before Kyle could react, Farrel was on top of him. He pinned Kyle's wrists down on the bed and he began licking Kyle's ear. "I can turn you into fish mousse with my tongue Kyle. As you'll find out." He wasn't lying. Kyle had closed his eyes when Farrel landed on top of him, and as the Magistrate's tongue began to work on his ear, Kyle began to feel very, VERY aroused.

"If you were younger, I'd say I was making a boy puddle, Kyle." Kyle felt a frisson go up and down his spine when Farrel ran goatee hair over the perimeter of his ear. "That feels good, Kyle, doesn't it?" Kyle didn't want to answer, and he didn't until he felt Farrel's teeth on his earlobe, sliding back and forth and getting firmer and firmer.

"It does Magistrate. OH, IT DOES." Farrel began to arch his body and Kyle felt his pelvis grinding into Kyle's butt. "Soon, without clothes."

"NO, PLEASE. PLEASE MAGISTRATE. I don't want to get fucked!" Kyle felt Farrel slide his hands under his arms, and then flip him over on his back.

"Too bad. Maybe you'll change your mind because I WILL fuck you. "Farrel said nothing as Kyle's face contorted in mental discomfort at hearing that. "You don't get kissed enough. I'll fix that."

"How do you know THAT?" Kyle spurted out before he felt Farrel's lips on his. He resisted as long as he could, but then he began responding back, returning the kisses. He resisted again, when he felt the tip of Farrel's tongue forcing his lips opened, but the man was relentless and, as he said to Kyle later, it was like "opening a particularly recalcitrant oyster." The stimulation on Kyle's mouth was making him feel things he never expected to feel. "Spread your legs, fisherman," Farrel ordered, and Kyle responded. Kyle stretched and practiced an old form of exercise -- something called yoga -- and he spread his legs further than Farrel expected.

"AH. Look at that. I didn't know about the yoga. How did we miss that? Well, that means two things. First, it means when I tie you up, I'll have to make sure to use especially careful bindings. Second... sex with you is going to be the best I've ever had." Farrel began kissing Kyle's neck and then sat up. "Traditionally, new companions to the ruling circle are introduced to the others at supper. You've experienced a lot today, Kyle, so if you wanted to rest instead, I'll permit it, but I'll be very disappointed." Kyle thought about that for a minute. He hadn't eaten since he had taken a little food from the waiting room, and he was hungry. He thought it would be a good idea to meet some of the other people at this compound as well. "No, Magistrate, I'd like to go. I'm just worried: I may fall asleep and these clothes, well, they're not suited to a formal type of dinner." Farrel laughed.

"No, they're not. You could use some cleaning up and some fresh clothes. Let's get that in motion and go from there." Farrel called Bruno, and in turn, two servants came in. "This way, Kyle," the older one instructed. Kyle saw that they both appeared to have some kind of weapon at their hips, so he went, peacefully. Within an hour, he was admiring his outfit, after he had been given a shave, a body scraping and the most thorough shampoo he had ever had. His shirt was a shade of blue unlike any he had ever seen, except a few times when he was fishing.

"That blue is Magistrate's favorite color, Kyle. There will be a lot of it in your clothes for the Residence."

"Clothes for the residence?" Kyle didn't understand. One of the servants realized he had let something slip he ought not have. He blushed. "This MUST be a secret, Kyle. Magistrate feels that you won't be happy unless you have your boat, so it's being sailed here right now. When it gets here, we'll ask you to assist us in selecting appropriate clothing for your fishing trips." The two of them saw Kyle's face and they smiled. "Yes, Magistrate does insist that everyone has a useful function. You may wish you weren't fishing because you'll also have duties as his companion.

"Besides the SEXUAL ones?" Kyle spat out. The two laughed. "Not ALL the companions have sexual duties, Kyle, although you will, for certain. Let me just say that prior companions of Magistrate Farrel came to regard them as pleasures rather than duties. "

"I was right. That shade of blue DOES suit you, Kyle. But untuck it. I think it will be more flattering that way."

"Good. It hides how tight the pants are," was Kyles' answer, and Farrel laughed. "I agree with you, Kyle. They are the best we could do at the last minute. That is my fault. I ought to have tried to get measurements for you but," he sighed. "You were recalcitrant from the first step. BUT... we'll fix it. For now, let's go to dinner."

Kyle saw six tables in the enormous dining room, each with anywhere from six to eight seats. He noticed that at some of the tables, alternate seats were just a bit lower than others. "Magistrate Farrel, welcome," a tall, smiling man in a dark, uncollared tunic came to them. "And welcome, Comrade Kyle. I hope you find our food to your liking. The usual seat I presume, Magistrate?" "Indeed, thank you Louis," Farrel answered. When they got to the table, Farrel motioned for Kyle to sit in one of the lower seats. "Companions must know their place, and this is one way we reinforce that." The remark pissed Kyle off. "Maybe I OUGHT to have rested." Farrel gave him a scowl. "No, now you're here and you'll follow my orders. Now sit."

"YES SIR MAGISTRATE!" Kyle had guessed, correctly, that that sort of comment would aggravate Farrel. What he did not know yet was that speech of that type carried a penalty. He looked around the room and saw various men and women taking places in the lower seats, next to (usually) men and (sometimes) women, who were dressed very elegantly. Magistrate Farrel had changed to a more formal set of robes which appeared to be made of silk. Kyle noted to himself that the cut of the robes made it evident that Farrel spent time working out. That became even clearer when, after they sat down, Farrel put a strong hand on Kyle's thigh. Kyle saw his smile and smiled back. Except for when they were eating, the only time Farrel removed his hand was when Kyle had reached up to open a second button on his shirt, and Farrel reached up to take his hand and move it away.

"The shirt is tight, Magistrate."

"Yes, it is. But you are not yet in a position to open the second button." He grinned. "That will come after you have been taken -- I believe that in your region, they would say after you have been bred." Kyle swallowed hard. He knew it would happen eventually, but the reminders were still, well, troubling.

The meal extended for 3 hours. When it was over, Farrel placed his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Let us go, Kyle. Normally we would join the others for after dinner entertainment, but tonight...I wish to see you naked, and I do not wish to wait any longer." Again, Kyle felt a shiver go through his body, which Farrel's warm hand on his forearm did nothing to alleviate.

"Good evening, Bruno," Farrel spoke to his son as they returned to his rooms. Bruno was seated, arms folded. "They insist on me having a guard, Kyle and in any event..." he squeezed Kyle's arm "Our experience is that new companions attempt escape rather frequently in their first week with us. I expect that since you've already encountered Bruno's power, that will not be a problem with you." Again, Kyle gave a smart answer "I like to choose my battles." When they got into the bedroom, Farrel removed his upper robe, and Kyle saw his developed torso. He began to slip out of his trousers, when he stopped, because Kyle was rigid.

"Foolish me. I forget your lack of experience. I will see to undressing you tonight, companion." "NO, NO. I can do it myself" Kyle answered. Farrel came up to him. "Do not disappoint me, Kyle." He stepped behind Kyle and began opening his shirt, running the goatee on Kyle's ear. He whispered: "This will be the first time we see each other unclothed. I have thought about this since I chose you." He opened the cuffs of Kyle's shirt and slipped it off. "Yes, as beautiful as the first time. Lie on the bed, Kyle. I will remove these tight slacks. "Kyle was helpless. He didn't know that he could do anything to stop this. Farrel said nothing when, after he had removed Kyle's slacks and undergarment, Kyle's slight erection was visible. He just smiled. He slipped out of his own trousers, and Kyle's eyes widened. "Your flag is flying high" is something his brother would have said about that erection.

"Soon, Kyle, soon. For now...." Farrel moved back the bed covers. Kyle slipped in, trying to form a fetal position without being evident about it. Farrel snickered. Then he slipped in, and Kyle felt the tip of one of Farrel's thumbs press against the spot right above his crack. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH" he moaned, and felt the strength leave his body. Farrel pressed his thumb a little harder, and Kyle felt his cock go even stiffer. "We have much to learn about each other, my handsome fisherman. For tonight, it is enough for me to..." He moved his hand from Kyle's rear and encircled his penis. "OH. GOD," Kyle responded to the pleasure Farrel's hand was giving him. "You will beg me to cum, Kyle, and you will learn that this, too, is a way to control even the most unwilling companion." He put his mouth over Kyle's ear. "But I can tell -- you are FAR from unwilling, my beautiful man." Kyle had to admit: Farrel was right.

Next: Chapter 3

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