Tattoos and Curls

By Adam

Published on Aug 26, 2002



~ Tattoos and Curls ~

~ By Baby Brown ~


I don't know the guys of NSYNC, I don't know the guys of BSB, and I don't know their sexual preferences. I don't know if any of them are gay, and I don't know if any of them are in relationships with any other men.

If you are under 18 you shouldn't read this, if you aren't gay or if you are against gay material, man on man sex, and celebrity homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this.

Justin Timberlake walked out of the shower in his towel and dried off slowly. He was intent on relaxing, he was tired of working on his album and tired of being in the spot light and tonight was his night off, a night to relax and he was starting it off right.

He let the towel drop as he made his way into his bedroom, his body glistening from the slight water residue it still had on it. He stopped in front of his dresser and grabbed his deodorant. He wiped it on smoothly under his arms and smiled at the smell. He didn't even need cologne when he wore that stuff. He wasn't actually serious about that, and he smiled as he rubbed a little cologne on his chest behind his ears.

He stood watching himself in the mirror, it came down to his waist, and he liked what he saw. He was tall, chiseled, and good looking. His hair was wet and messy, but it didn't matter, even like that he was still a great looking young man. And his chest was something to marvel in as well, not to mention his arms, and his stomach.

Smiling to himself he bent down and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs from his drawer and slid them on. He walked to his closet slowly and grabbed a pair of jeans, he pulled them on and smiled, not too tight, not too baggy, the perfect thing to attract guys. His last step was a shirt, he rifled through the closet, trying to find the best one. He settled on a tight black t-shirt, plain without a logo. It was simple, but simple on a celebrity always draws attention.

Next he grabbed his wallet, sliding it into his pants he made a dash for his shoes, slipped them on and walked out his bedroom door and down his stairway. It was easy to get out of his house without anyone knowing, but without a car he would have to be good. Because tonight he just wasn't in the mood to drive.

The walk to the club was quiet and long, but it was nice. He wasn't interested in anyone he passed although he knew a few people were eyeing him up and down, he assumed it was because he was who he was. As he came in sight of The Shaft he felt a little anxious.

It was the same as any other club. A few go-go boys shimmy what they got on a platform, each one trying to out do the other for a tip. The walls are flamboyantly painted, neon and other bright colors, mixed in with paintings of shirtless men. It seems to go with the crowd, a lot of flamboyant twinks with rainbow colord bracelets walking side by side brawny shirtless men. It's nothing that you can't find in any other town, in any other gay club, and nothing can really distinguish it as The Shaft in Orlando.

Justin finished another shot and frowned. He had been hit on by ten guys already, all of which wanted nothing more than to suck the cock of the famous Justin Timberlake.He had thought about letting two of them go down on him, but he had thought against that when he looked them up and down a second time. They were all femmes and fairies, and he wasn't surprised that that's how it was. He was always hopeful to meet a person that he could do more then just get off with, he was never that lucky.

Sighing he stood up, it was too easy to get in and out of gay clubs without anyone ever saying a word. Most people who were their didn't even notice him, and the guys that hit on him were so excited to talk to Justin Timberlake that they ignored the fact that they could easily out him. He was lucky for that, he was always cautious though, he knew if he pissed the wrong person off he could easy lose alot of what he had come to know.

He made his way outside and into the alley, one thing he couldn't risk was getting caught smoking. It would be one thing if people though of him as a cocksucker, but knowing that he was ruining his singing voice with cigarettes would be considered unthinkable. He lit up a cigarette and leaned against the wall, a smile graced his face when he looked down about twenty feet and saw two guys going at it. That was what he wished he was doing. As much as he wanted a real relationship, he couldn't deny that some times he just really wanted to get off.

He took a drag of the cigarette and sighed. He was tired of this life, being famous and gay wasn't easy. It meant long nights on the road listening to band mates fuck their girlfriends. Even after they got seperate buses he had to live with the fact that he knew they were fucking on their own buses. It was a life he had chosen, and he couldn't deny that he loved it, but sometimes he wished he could just find himself a girl and act straight.

But he had tryed that with Britney and it just hadn't worked. She had tried her hardest to make it work, but in the end it was a doomed relationship and neither of them were very upset at the end of it.

He took another drag and let out another sigh. It was too familiar. Everything was the same night after night.

As he finished and put the butt out on the ground he turned to see a short figure coming towards him. Something told him that he didn't want to stick around, another part of him told him to stay and see what happened. He was undecided but realized that even if he wanted to move he was now being held frozen in place by the eyes of the man now staring him down. He gulped, he knew him, it was a familiar face, just like the familiar night. He thought about running, he thought about acting like he hadn't seen his face. But he knew that would do no good.

"So, I guess one of us has to talk first." Justin smiled, glad that he didn't have to break the ice. "I never would have pegged Justin Timberlake for being a queer. I mean, sure, I guess I can see it all fit together now, but I don't know, you seem to do well making people believe other wise."

"I could say the same for you, I wouldn't expect a tought guy like yourself to show up here. What would your friends think of they knew you were not only talking to Justin Timberlake but that you were also talking to him outside a gay club?" Justin asked with a smirk. The other man just smiled and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I've never seen you here go out often?"

"Well, I usually don't, but I was hoping tonight I would meet someone, and not just a casual thing. I don't know, I always get my hopes up." Justin looked him up and down, a force of habit, but god was this different. He was about to start drooling at the man before him. His jeans loose and baggy, his tank top tight to his chest, revealing well defined arms, even with their thinness. But it was the hair, black and shaggy with blond mixed it that got him going first, and the tattoos that closed the deal.

Meanwhile AJ was looking Justin up and down in the same manner. The curly haired kid was cute, he could almost laugh to himself as he said that. He knew most people thought of his as hot, but he could only see cute, not that it was a bad thing. And of course, the body that came attached to the head was just as cute as the rest.

Justin remained still against the wall as a pair of hands roamed over his back, pulling him close to the other body and closer to a pair of soft lips that graced his own. The hands slid up to his hair, interlocking fingers sensually massaged his curls as a tongue massaged his own and his lips. When the tongue pulled back from his mouth, and the hands fell from his locks, and his lips were left alone he whimpered out a silent plea for more. AJ smiled at Justin's figure, how he seemingly leaned in for more of what he no longer had, how his eyes remained shut in passion of what was over.

Justin opened his eyes slowly, his face beet red with embarrassment, he realized that AJ's eyes were watching him. He also leaned back to the wall, trying to make it seem like he wasn't as in awe as he really was.

"Maybe we should go some where else, I don't think it's safe for two pop icons to be caught here together. And I was thinking maybe we could finish that kiss." AJ winked as he finished, and Justin practically floated behind him. AJ led the way to his car, and Justin slid in the passenger seat. He had walked to the club, and he was pretty sure that no one was waiting for him tomorrow, so he was confident no one would miss him.

The drive was short and Justin was quickly inside AJ's house, it was nice, pretty big. A large yard as well, and the inside was just as grand, it was a scaled down sort of mansion, Justin had thought he had seen all the famous houses, but in comparison to his own and to his friends, this was by far the nicest he had ever been in.

AJ led him up the stairs and into a room. It was a large bedroom, probably AJ's, but he had a living room connecting to it. A couch and a fireplace sat in the room, and on the other part was the bed, a large king sized water bed with black sheets. It was a simple room, with the bed, a dresser and a closet. AJ sat Justin down on the couch, and then flicked on the fire place.

He took a seat next to Justin and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Justin leaned into it and relaxed, it was comforting in the nook of his arm and chest. It was even more relaxing when AJ's teeth came in contact with his neck and began to suck in gentle rythyms, marking him with love bites in sensual areas, he began underneath his chin, tilting it gently with his hand and then sucking softly, he moved to the side of his neck and made another, and a final one below Justin's ear on the side of his neck.

Justin found himself once again whimpering with the loss of contact. He sensed that AJ eye's were once again on him, and a blush crept back into his cheeks.

"You're cute when you blush." Justin blushed a deeper shade at that comment, but when AJ kissed him gently on the cheek it faded, and was replaced with a smile. "So are you busy for the rest of the night?"


"Good, stay the night." AJ was asking, but also seemingly demanding. Justin didn't have to answer, AJ already knew he was going to say yes. He resumed kissing Justin, paying special care to his lips and the sensitive spots he had staked his claim on. Justin relaxed into the kissing when AJ pulled away he was ready and no blush came with it.

"I was thinking we could move this to the bedroom." AJ led Justin by the hand to the bed, and gently pushed him down. Still standing he slid out of his tank top and jeans and stood in his boxers, fully aroused and a smile plastered on his face. Justin slipped out of his shirt, and AJ undid his jeans. When they were off he was met with the same site. Justin lay still in his boxer briefs, erect and ready to go.

AJ slid to the ground in front of the bed, and Justin sat up, swinging his legs around AJ's body. AJ was quick to removed his boxer briefs and disgard them on the floor. Justin moaned as his mouth engulfed his cock. AJ was a master at what he did, he Justin felt like he was going to cum at just the beginning of this blow job. It was sensitive and powerful at the same time, his tongue working magic on his cock head, just as it had on his lips earlier. His gentle sucking was as sensual as the hickeys on his neck had been, and the way his hands massaged his balls it was like an orgasm without the actual orgasm.

AJ kept his tongue working the slit of his cock head, darting in and out of it, teasing him with every chance. His hands slid from Justin's balls to underneath his body, encompassing his ass. They squeezed his cheeks gently and massaged them softly. All the while he kept on with his sucking, keeping Justin in awe of his feelings. Slowly, with one hand still massage a cheek, he moved his other hand to Justin's crack. His fingers slowly tickled the crack, grazing across it gently and sensually.

One finger made it's way to his hole, and circled it teasingly, the same manner he was using his tongue in. It was gentle, and he had no intention of entering it into Justin. As he heard Justin whimper he pulled it away, and removed his hands and placed them on Justin's chest, letting them tweek his nipples and run over his abs. In the same pace he removed his tongue from Justin's cock head, and then removed his mouth from his cock, standing slowly.

Justin lay silent, drained from the experience, but still having not orgasmed. He wanted to say something, wanted to ask why the pleasure had stopped, but he couldn't got his voice to make words. He couldn't get any noises out but moans and whimpers.

"Turn over." Justin slowly slid onto his stomach, and he felt AJ's arms lift him and put him higher on the bed. He still lacked any of his own energy and he was unsure of why he was even changing positions.

AJ crawled up and straddled his legs, he leaned down slowly, and Justin knew what was to come. A darting sensation hit him powerfully as AJ's tongue slid into him, flicking across his hole and up and down his cheek. He made it fast and as Justin would anticipate it he would slow down, making it painstakingly pleasurable, but at the same time irritating to wait. He kept it up though, lapping at Justin, eating him out in every sense of the word. Justin began to rise his ass for more, but AJ reached down and held him down with one arm while he continued.

He withdrew his tongues, he knew to Justin's displeasure as he heard a whimper come from the tired boy's body. He smiled, because he knew Justin was going to be silenced again, he just had to teach him patience. He slipped his hand up to Justin's mouth, and slid in his index finger, Justin sucked on it eagerly, accepting the finger, and then another. He took the third as well, and whimpered again when they were removed.

AJ let his index finger run up and down Justin's crack, teasing him just like before. He played with the option of inserting it into Justin, but he continued to do it gracefully. Finally he slowly pushed in with just one finger, it was just a prelude, and it was amazing for Justin. AJ went a little further, wiggling his finger around gently, making sure that Justin was okay with it before he went a little further.

When it was all the way in he began to pull out and push it back in faster and faster until Justin tried to buck back up into it. Once again AJ restrained him with arm. At the same time he slid in a second finger without restraint, letting it rest next to the other finger before he began to make any movement. He took his time and then began to finger fuck him again, this time with both fingers, and he could tell that he had also found Justin's prostate. He made a mental note and continued.

With a little more restraint this time, he shoved in the final finger and sent it straight to the spot. Justin bucked back with a force AJ couldn't hold down, and AJ found himself soothingly kissing his back to calm him down. He kept up the finger fucking and the kissing as Justin moaned and writhed in pleasure.

As short as it had been he slid out one of the fingers, then another, and after a few more thrusts with just the one he pulled it out as well, and went back to standing on his feet again.

Justin rolled over and lay in exhaustion again. AJ pulled down his boxers and threw them to the floor.

"You're a virgin aren't you?" AJ asked as he leaned down and placed his dick to Justin's mouth. Justin went to answer and he was met with the head being inserted in his mouth. Justin took it eagerly, it was not the first time he had ever sucked dick, he just didn't do it often. He tried to do the same things that AJ had done to him, he tried to incorporate the things that others had done to him, but he could only remember what AJ had done to him.

He made his tongue work circles around his cock head and letting his mouth suction on to the shaft. He figured he was doing a good job because AJ was seemingly enjoying the sensations with his eyes rolled back into his head.

He kept up the sucking, even getting AJ's balls into his mouth to work with his tongue and going back and forth between them and the head. He was quick to sense the tensing in them, but as they slid out of his mouth, the cum came flying out of AJ's cock.

It was too late for him to pull back, and he swallow the load, it was a large load however, and it continued to flow even when he thought he would have to be stopping. AJ grabbed his head and pulled it closer and tighter to him as the last spurt of cum came flying out and down his throat. He backed off and slid to Justin's side on the bed. He let Justin curl up next to him, and let his hand find Justin's cock, gently stroking him up and down as he relaxed.

"So, you're a virgin right?"

"Oh, yes" Justin moaned out as he enjoyed the hand job. "I've never, I mean, I've never had sex with a guy, but I've fucked a girl." AJ just smiled and released his cock. Justin sighed out in sadness, but also in happiness because at least now he could continue in the coversation without moaning in between words or gasping for air.

"Well, that won't help you tonight. I'll go get some lube and a condom." AJ stood and walked into a bathroom that Justin had thought would have been a closet. It was lavish though, and Justin realized that the closet must be some where else. That wasn't really important to him, what was important was how he was feeling, and he was feeling anxious. He had already gotten a taste of AJ's cum, and he was already craving for more.

"I heard condoms take away the pleasure." Justin yelled to him, and AJ replied with a muffled 'ahuh' "Well, you don't have to use one if you don't want to. I want this to pleasurable."

"Okay." AJ replied, coming back with just a tube of lube. He set it down on the nightstand next to the bed, and then kissed Justin passionatetly. "Barebacking is the most loving thing we could do anyways." Justin leaned up for another kiss, and AJ gave him another one, this time gentle and sweet. "I'm not going to lie, it's going to hurt a little bit, but I'll go slow and I'll be gentle. But if it hurts at any time, just tell me and I'll stop. We're going at your pace here."

Justin shook his head and took a deep breath, he was ready for this.

AJ lifted his legs and placed them on his shoulder, making sure Justin got comfortable with the position he was now in. It would have been a sight to behold, seeing the golden god of Pop on his back, his legs spread and lifted over another pop stars shoulders. Justin's eyes full of anticipation and fear, a combination that made him more beautiful than any camera man or make up artist could have ever hoped to instill. AJ grabbed the lube and squeezed a generous amount into his hand. He rubbed it onto his shaft and then took a little more and with his index finger inserted it into the opening of Justin's ass.

With his cock at the entrance he leaned down for another kiss, once again it was a gentle one, but a little longer then the last. Justin looked into his eyes and AJ could see that he wasy ready. With slow intent and a gentle bit of force he pushed in, Justin started to clench, but AJ leaned down and kissed him again, his tongue massaging Justin's lips as he pushed in again, stopping as he was half way in.

Justin relaxed a little bit, although the pain was getting to him. He hadn't realized that AJ was so thick when he had been giving him head, of course, he had done that before, it wasn't such a new thing. This was very new, and the feeling was very new, and painful. AJ had to be three inches round, only 7 inches long, but three inches round, and it was those three inches that were making him ache.

AJ continued to kiss him, each kiss he pushed in slowly farther until he was completely in. With his balls resting on his ass he remained still, letting Justin to get use to the feeling of something inside of him. Justin soon got use to it, and AJ could sense that by him relaxing more and putting less pressure on trying to force him out of his body.

AJ pulled back slowly, only about a fourth of his cock coming out of Justin's ass, and then slid it back in, making sure each time he did this, that he did it slowly and gently, making sure that Justin was use to it.

When Justin started to buck back with the continuing thrusts, AJ took it as his word to quicken the pace. He pulled out even farther, continuing to thrust in and out, driving Justin's body down into the bed, and then pulling it back up with him as he pulled out. In each thrust he pulled out farther, to the point where he was almost completely out and then pounding back in. He had already found Justin's prostate and it was easy for him to plow into it and drive Justin wild.

He knew Justin would come first, he had worked him up to the point of frustration with a blow job, fingering, rimming, and a hand job, Justin would cum and cum hard, but he could keep going because he had already gotten off once. So he continued to plow him, knowing that at any moment Justin would go off and tighten his grip on his cock.

Justin's whimpers were mixing in with AJ's moans and the two of them were making a type of music that neither of them had ever made on records or their albums. Justin's soothing voice was hushed and silent, and AJ's voice was loud and mixed in with some vulgar swear words.

With a powerful thrust, AJ pulled all the way out and plowed right back into Justin, and hitting Justin directly on the spot, he leaned down for a kiss. The kiss was sweet as Justin came onto his own stomach and chest, some running off his side and onto the bed. AJ leaned down, letting Justin's legs fall down and he straddled him to the side, turning him so that he could lie face to face and continue to fuck him.

Justin refused to break the kiss as he panted into AJ's mouth, AJ could feel himself coming close to orgasming as Justin clenched his muscles. AJ thrusted in a few more times and then came, and to Justin's surprise it felt even larger than the load he had swallowed. He could feel each spurt bounce off his prostate, and it was an amazing feeling as he came down from his own climax.

AJ stayed in him, still hard but slowly going soft. They lay in that position, AJ kissing Justin's neck until they both regained their composure. AJ slid out of Justin slowly, and with him came some cum and lube, he couldn't help but smile at Justin, laying silent on his side, a dazed look on his face, sweat gleaming on his body, and cum leaking from his ass, it was a beautiful sight to be seen.

"You're cute after sex." AJ kissed him again and smiled as Justin blushed. "And I already told you that you were cute when you blushed." He rolled over and pulled Justin close to him, his body pressed up behind Justin's, spooning him comfortably. Justin leaned back and sighed, it was a relaxing position, and he had a relaxing day. "Go to sleep." With a hushed voice and a kiss on the head, Justin was already asleep, AJ smiled slightly and shut his eyes. He knew it would be just as easy for him to sleep too.

Let me know what you think by e-mailing me at and I'll write back to you. I always appriciate feedback.

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