Taste of College

By P Louis

Published on Jun 6, 1999


This story is completely fictional, any resemblance to real life characters is completely coincidental and unintentional. This story involves male-to-male relations and should not be read by anyone under age or anyone who does not wish to view such material.

"A Taste of College"

After an exhaustive application process I looked forward to April 1st when those college decisions would finally come in the mail. Some thin envelopes came and some really thick ones two, can't get in everywhere. Well, I got into a few excellent schools so I had my options.

In my acceptance package came some college visitation material and dates so I signed up and that was that. A four hour train from New York would drop me off just in time for the activities - I couldn't wait... little did I know what awaited me during the visit.

Innocently I registered for my visit and found the name of the person I would be staying with for the 2 days I was around, some sophomore English major named Alexander Clayton Foster-Sterling (whew that's a name I thought). I tried to call his extension but only voice-mail responded so I decided to haul my bags to his dorm hoping that with luck his roommate Mark Flanders might be around or the RA who could let me in. On my way to Slater House which is where he lived, I thought of what I should do while I was there.

`Maybe I'll go to an English class, maybe philosophy - hey phenomenological research & studies might be more interesting that it sounds,' I thought.

One of the students let me into the dormitory and I proceeded to Room 319. The elevator was the best way to go, since the stairs would be a bit difficult with my luggage - sleeping bag, pillow, 2 days worth of clothes (more like 4 days worth) and so on. Finally in front of the door, I was about to knock but something prevented me. The dorm was really empty since I arrived midday but Room 319 was definitely occupied. I touched the door and it opened, I guess it wasn't locked. As I moved in to put my bag down I began to hear moaning and groaning and saw two bodies writhing all over one of the beds.

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna cum... Fuck me, fuck me..."

I decided it would be best to walk out, however on my way out the blanket covering the two lovers slipped just a little and guy saw me as I bent over to pick up my back. I looked back to find him winking at me and a fear rose over me - would they think I'm some kind of pervert or something. Just then I ran out of the room and left the building. About an hour later I phoned and Alexander picked up.

"Hey, Rick, is that you?"

"Yes Alexander, umm, I ugh..."

"My roommate Mark told me you came in and dropped your stuff off and left abruptly. Did something happen?"

"No, not at all... I just remembered I forgot something on the way here and I ugh went to get it."

"Oh, ok cool. You coming up."

"Yeah, I'm outside could you let me in."

"Sure, I'll be down in a sec."

Yeah I thought boy did I forget something. One thing I wondered though who was under the sheets with him... I guess that's for Mark to know and for me to find out. Luckily when I got upstairs Mark wasn't there so I was saved from embarrassment. Alexander turned out to be a good host and offered me some advice and always answered my questions with care and concern.

"How do you like it here?"

"Love it. I couldn't be anywhere else. The profs. are excellent for the most part, the administration is very responsive and its basically really cool. I'm glad I decided to come here. One thing though the dating scene here is pretty dead, but that's to be expected."

"Is it?," I asked inquisitively.

"Yeah I haven't been out in like 4 months. Say, you don't mind if I remove my shirt and stuff I'm dying in here."

"Not at all," I responded, "go right ahead."

He began unbuttoning his silk shirt - Ermenigildo Zegna, fancy he's got taste I thought. Anyhow it isn't the shirt that had me going it was what was under it. This guy had the most well-defined six-packs I ever saw and his arms where huge. And this Apollo, this god of gods was undressing right in front of me without a care in the world. I saw the sweat trickle down his abs shinning as it found its way to his navel, how I wish I could become that droplet of moisture running down this guy's chest I thought.

After taking his shirt of, he sat there checking email or something on his computer for what seemed like hours and I just watched or rather stared. I noticed he was beginning to get a little uncomfortable with me just watching him so I decided to break the air.

"How'd you get a body like that? You must work out for hours," I said.

"Thanks. I do work really hard at it. Say, ugh why don't we run over to the Olney-Magliones gym. It's about 7 minutes from here and I can show you all the stuff I usually do, sort of get you oriented with the facilities and all.

"Sure cool!," I responded with verve. Damn, I wish I could have said something else, but oh well.

On the way to the gym we talked about some professors in the English Department that were outstanding, deans, concentration requirements, the curriculum - this that and the other thing. Finally at the gym, Alex swiped his card and I had to fill in this visitor's sheet so I did in about 2 minutes and inside we went.

Alex did 20 reps here, 15 there, we went on the ab roller, cruncher, exercise bicycle for 50 minutes... Damn this guy could work out, I thought. If I follow through with this workout I'll be down to size in no time. He had sweat poring everywhere - as sweat pored from every gland in his body I saw the heat swelling in him. He was on fire - a walking conflagration. After a strenuous 2-hour workout, he said, "Enough is enough."

We ran back to the dorm room to find Mark asleep. Alex took a cold shower and silently went to sleep and I did the same after him at around midnight.

I woke up at 2 AM unable to sleep and rolling around constantly in my sleeping bag. I couldn't take it anymore I had a hard-on developing in my pants and I simply had to relieve myself. I started stroking myself and I began feeling a relief at once, but when I opened my eyes I saw I wasn't alone.

Mark had completely removed all of his clothing and was lying there completely naked with the most beautiful body I'd ever seen. When my eyes reached his manhood I couldn't believe what I saw. He had to be at least 9" and the head was huge! My mouth started to water and before I knew it I blew a load of boycream all over my sheets. I was about to return to my slumber feeling at ease when Mark looked over at me.

"You're not going back to sleep, I saw you looking at me... I know what you were doing. Do you like what you see?"

"Hell yeah," I responded with passion and lust.

"Then what are you waiting for?," Mark asked.

I practically ran over to his side of the room and ran for his lips. The softest lips I ever tasted - they made me lust for more. His tongue probed in my mouth searching for a new home and immediately a certain part of my anatomy started to respond. Gently Mark reached over and started rubbing my dick and caressing my ass with his other hand.

"Can I taste?" He asked politely, as he kneaded my ass like a baker would knead do.


He turned me around and stuffed his face into my bubble butt. I started to wiggle around and was getting so hot when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my dick. I thought nothing of it at first, but then I realized it couldn't be Mark's hand since he was holding me up with both... I opened my eyes to find it was none other than Alex staring up at me with the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen.

"I ugh... I ugh... umm... ohh... ugh." I didn't know what to say, I really couldn't say much of anything since Mark's tongue was driving me insane and my thoughts were all jumbled up.

"This is how we make up for the dating scene here. Are you enjoying it?," Alex asked me.

"Yeeahhhhhhhh..." I said as Mark stuck a third finger in my boy-cunt. "Oh yessssssssssss...."

"Good I'm glad."

"Now I want to try something on this pre-frosh here. Mark why don't you introduce him to Ares."

"To whom?," I asked.

Suddenly Mark stopped reaming me and let me sink to the bed. Mark grabbed Alex's pants and jockstrap revealing a 11-incher that could destroy.

"This my dear pre-frosh, is Ares. Would you like to pay homage? Or shall I have to do the honor," answered Mark.

"I'll try..." I said.

Then Mark said, "Try. There is no try. Do or do not." I seem to remember that from a movie I watched once, but I couldn't think of it. I was to damn horny.

"Yes. I will do it."

I took that huge monster cock in my mouth and the warmth must have drove Alex wild because within less the a minute he was yelling, "Fuck you cocksucker from heaven. Oh yes. Your mouth is burning hot. Suck me. Oh suck it. Oh your soooo good. Ahhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I worked on him for sometime. I licked my way down the shaft. Licked his scrotum as if it was the most delicious lollipop I ever tasted and took his testicles into my mouth, one by one. Alex was yelling and screaming the whole time. I was continuously rewarded with his pre-cum, a sweet white honey that never ended. I sucked his head like I would a jolly rancher candy. My head went up and down with abandon on his phallus taking the entirety into my oral cavity.


Within minutes his sweet man nectar filled my mouth and I swallowed every last drop. He fell on the floor in ecstasy.

"That was the best blowjob I've ever had in my life. Please tell me you'll be around next semester."

"I'm seriously considering it," I responded.

Mark then turned me around and kissed me tasting Alex's seed in my mouth and as we shared it, a certain part of my anatomy rose to attention once again. As Alex leaned into Mark to kiss him passionately, I made my way to his manmeat and began working my magic on him.

"This pre-frosh is one amazing cocksucker, Fuck Yeah... YESSSSSSS... AHHHHH...." Mark groaned as he shot his amazing load into my eager mouth.

The next morning I dropped my commitment card in the mail and that was that.... after all who wouldn't enroll in a college after having had such a wonderful taste of what it has to offer :)

Copyright 1999 P Louis. All Rights Reserved. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you liked this story or have any comments, think I should continue with this story line of anything please feel free to email me at pyruvate99@hotmail.com OR beagle285@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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