Tarzan and The Dance of Dominance

By tarzan

Published on Sep 13, 2024



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot.

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Chapter 62 - Symphony of Servitude-------------------------------- (c) tarzanstud1@gmail.com

Chapter 62 -- Symphony of Servitude

The first light of dawn cast long shadows across the fields as Tarzan stirred from his meager reprieve in the stable. The coarse hay scratched against his skin, a stark reminder of his reduced circumstances. The leash attached to the ring under his loincloth served as a cruel tether, a constant reminder of his newfound place in this world.

The sudden intrusion of Hargrove shattered the fragile peace of his rest. The overseer's voice was gruff and commanding, a reminder that Tarzan's time was no longer his own. With rough efficiency, he was given a meager portion of slave chow, sustenance for the demanding day ahead.

Dragged from the stable, Tarzan's bare feet met the cool earth, a sharp contrast to the stifling heat that would soon envelop the fields. Lord Harrington stood nearby, his scrutinizing gaze fixed on the proceedings. Beside him were two men, their faces etched with determination and purpose.

"We'll pay good coin to oversee this one's labor, my Lord," one of the men spoke, his voice filled with confidence. "We know how to drive our workers hard, and we'll do the same with him."

Lord Harrington considered their words, his eyes narrowing as he assessed their resolve.

"Very well, gentlemen. I expect nothing less than the fullest measure of his labor."

With that, Tarzan was thrust into the fields, the first rays of sunlight painting the landscape in hues of gold and amber. The labor was unrelenting, the rhythm of Tarzan's movements becoming a symphony of toil. His powerful limbs worked tirelessly, hands calloused from the unforgiving earth.

The overseers were unyielding in their demands, their voices a constant presence, driving Tarzan forward. The first hour passed in a blur of sweat and strain, the ground yielding reluctantly to his efforts.

Despite the grueling nature of the work, Tarzan's spirit remained unbroken. He was determined to prove that even in servitude, he retained a resilience that could not be easily extinguished. The fields stretched out before him, an endless expanse of earth and toil, but Tarzan faced it with a stubborn resolve.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, its fiery gaze bearing down on the toiling figures in the fields. Tarzan's once mighty limbs now moved with a weariness that betrayed the unrelenting pace of his labor. Every muscle ached, every sinew stretched to its limit.

In the second hour, Tarzan's movements began to falter, his steps less sure, his rhythm disrupted. The overseers, determined to extract every ounce of effort from their charge, were quick to respond. Their voices took on a harsh edge, their commands laced with a cutting urgency.

"Pick up the pace, slave!" one of them barked, his tone unforgiving. "We paid good coin for your labor, and we expect nothing less than your best."

Tarzan's breath came in ragged gasps, sweat streaming down his bronzed skin. His hands, once calloused from a life in the wild, now bore the marks of toil and servitude. He fought to maintain his stride, but the earth seemed to rise up to meet him with every step.

It was then that the overseers, keen-eyed and unyielding, spotted the leash leading under his loincloth and the ring around his most sensitive parts firmly fixed to the end if it. A cruel glint of understanding flashed in their eyes, and they wasted no time in seizing this newfound means of control.

One of them took hold of the leash, pulling it taut with a brutal force.

"This is how we'll keep you in line, slave. A reminder of your place in this world."

The ring pressed against Tarzan's manflesh, a cold and unyielding reminder of his subjugation. He was now a puppet, his movements dictated by the whims of those who held his leash. The earth beneath him seemed to shift and sway, each step now a painful reminder of his diminished stature.

As the second hour pressed on, Tarzan's once proud spirit began to wane. The overseers, unrelenting in their demands, used every tool at their disposal to maintain the pace. Their voices became a relentless chorus, driving him forward with a relentless fervor.

Tarzan's world had become a blur of pain and toil, a landscape of unyielding earth and unrelenting overseers. The rhythm of his labor was no longer his own; it was a symphony of servitude, a testament to the indomitable will of those who sought to break him.

Yet, amidst the harshness of the fields, there still burned a spark of defiance within Tarzan's chest. He would not yield entirely, not yet. He would find a way to reclaim some semblance of his former self, even in the face of this unrelenting toil.

Under the relentless sun, Tarzan's once powerful body now moved with the stilted cadence of exhaustion. Every sinew strained against the unyielding demands of the overseers. The whip's cruel kiss marked his flesh, driving him forward even as his strength waned.

The voices of the overseers were a constant barrage, their commands sharp and unforgiving.

"Faster, slave! Your worth is measured by your toil. Do not disappoint us." Tarzan's breath came in ragged gasps, sweat and dirt mingling on his skin. His once mighty limbs now quivered with the effort, each step reflecting his determination to endure. The cock leash, a cruel reminder of his subjugation, cut into his flesh, the ring pressing unyielding against him.

As the third hour wore on, a crowd began to gather, drawn by the spectacle of a once legendary figure reduced to the status of a lowly slave. Their murmurs filled the air, a chorus of both curiosity and cruel amusement.

The overseers, sensing the audience, redoubled their efforts. Whips cracked, prods jabbed, and the cruel cock leash was used to pull and guide Tarzan's faltering steps. He was no longer a man; he was a vessel of labor, a pawn in the hands of those who sought to break him.

Through the haze of exhaustion, Tarzan's thoughts were a tumultuous sea. He clung to the memory of his former self, the proud king of the jungle, even as he embraced his new role as a subservient. He was determined to prove himself, to show his superiors that he was worthy of their dominion.

Each stride spoke to his resilience, a declaration of his willingness to endure. He pushed through the pain, drew strength from the cruelty of his overseers. His world had become a blur of toil and torment, a symphony of suffering.

And still, amidst the brutality, there burned a spark of defiance within Tarzan's chest. He would not be broken entirely. He would rise again, reclaiming some measure of his former glory, even as he knelt in subservience to those who sought to dominate him.

Tarzan's breaths came in ragged gasps as the overseers retreated to the shade, leaving him momentarily alone in the unforgiving sun. His body ached with every movement, yet he remained on his feet, determined to fulfill his newfound purpose.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Tarzan approached the overseers, ready to tend to their needs. His hands were sure and practiced as he worked to ease the tension from their weary muscles. Each touch was deliberate, every motion a validation of his willingness to serve.

As the overseers indulged in their lavish reprieve, Tarzan's gaze never wavered. He was attuned to their every whim, his senses keen to their unspoken desires. It was an honor to be of service, a privilege to attend to the needs of his superior alphas.

In those moments, Tarzan's world narrowed to the simple act of serving. He was no longer the wild king of the jungle, but a devoted slave, eager to please. The shift in his perception was profound, a transformation that went beyond the physical.

When the overseers were satisfied, they reclined in their reprieve, their faces softened by the comfort that Tarzan had provided. It was a moment of respite, a pause in the relentless demands of the day.

For Tarzan, there was no bitterness, no resentment. He had embraced his role with a fervor that surprised even himself. He found solace in his submission, strength in his service. In that moment, he understood that his purpose was clear: to serve and to please, to be a vessel of devotion to those who held dominion over him.

As the lunch break came to an end, Lord Harrington returned to the field, observing the proceedings with a stern eye. The overseers, satisfied with their entertainment and the display of their control over the once-mighty Tarzan, approached Lord Harrington with pride.

"Well, my Lord, as you can see, we've put this one through his paces," one of the overseers proclaimed.

Lord Harrington nodded, his gaze fixed on Tarzan, who knelt in the dirt, his breath heavy, awaiting his next command.

"You've done well," Lord Harrington acknowledged. "He'll be more than ready for the auction, I'm certain."

With a gesture, Lord Harrington signaled for the overseers to hand Tarzan back over to him. The leash was relinquished, the cruel control exchanged for Lord Harrington's own dominion.

"Back to work, Tarzan," Lord Harrington commanded, his voice dripping with authority. "There's still much to be done."

Hargrove, a master of his craft, stepped forward, his bullwhip crackling in the air, the sound echoing across the field. Tarzan, already attuned to the cruel symphony of the whip, knew what was expected of him.

"Mush!" Hargrove barked, the command as sharp as the crack of his whip.

Tarzan surged forward, the plow cutting through the earth with renewed vigor. Hargrove's whip danced through the air, a menacing presence that kept Tarzan's pace relentless.

But it was Hargrove's favorite move that truly showcased his skill. With precision born of countless hours of practice, the whip darted between Tarzan's legs from behind, finding its target expertly. It reached up, encircling Tarzan's loincloth, applying pressure that forced the once-mighty king to his knees.

Tarzan grunted, the whip's sting a cruel reminder of his place. He pressed his forehead against the earth, the familiar taste of soil and sweat mingling on his lips. In this moment, he was nothing more than a beast of burden, a slave to the whip's merciless command.

END OF CHAPTER SIXTY-TWO-------------------------------------

Thanks for the emails! I always appreciate hearing your reactions, including your constructive criticism. If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com .

Next: Chapter 63

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