Tarzan and The Dance of Dominance

By tarzan

Published on Sep 9, 2024



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot.

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Chapter 60 - The Power Play of the Puppet Master-------------------------------- (c) tarzanstud1@gmail.com

Chapter 60 -- The Power Play of the Puppet Master

The Baron continues his subliminal grooming of tarzan to accept his true purpose at the mercy of superior alpha's like himself, visiting tarzan in ape-man's dreams and summoning those from tarzan's world who can help train the savage beast to embrace his new role.

Tarzan's dream unfurls like a tapestry of vivid images and sensations. In this dreamscape, the jungle is both familiar and transformed, suffused with an otherworldly glow. The towering trees whisper secrets, and the moonlight bathes everything in an ethereal luminescence.

As Tarzan moves through the dream, he senses a presence, an enigmatic force guiding him forward. He stumbles upon a secluded clearing, where a throne made of intertwined vines and exotic blossoms stands, bathed in a celestial radiance. Upon the throne sits the Baron, his form exuding an aura of authority and dominance.

"Kneel," commands the Baron, his voice a resonant echo in the dreamworld. Tarzan obeys, lowering himself to the ground before his master. The Baron's eyes gleam with an otherworldly intensity, and he extends a hand, beckoning Tarzan closer.

With each step, Tarzan feels a strange, pulsating energy coursing through him, infusing him with a newfound sense of purpose. He reaches the Baron, who places a hand upon Tarzan's head, channeling waves of power and submission.

"You are mine, Tarzan," intones the Baron, his voice a potent incantation. "Your destiny is woven into the fabric of the jungle, bound to serve those who hold dominion."

In this dreamscape, Tarzan's identity undergoes a profound transformation. He is no longer the wild, untamed force of nature, but a vessel of servitude, his purpose eternally intertwined with the will of his master. As the dream continues, the Baron imparts knowledge, molding Tarzan's subconscious to accept this new reality.

"Listen closely, Tarzan," commands the Baron, his voice resonating like a primal force. "Within the heart of the jungle, there exists a hierarchy, an order forged by nature's hand. You, once the king, now find yourself at the precipice of a new existence.

"First and foremost, understand that your purpose is to serve. Anticipate the needs of your master before they even manifest. Anticipate their whims, their cravings, and fulfill them with grace and efficiency. Let your instincts guide you, and in doing so, you shall demonstrate unwavering devotion.

"Learn the language of subservience. Your every word and gesture should be a testament to your willingness to obey. Speak with humility, and let your actions reinforce your submission.

"Embrace the rituals of servitude. Washing your master's feet, kneeling in obeisance, these acts are not mere formalities, but declarations of your place in this hierarchy.

"Strive for perfection in every task. Your duties, whether menial or monumental, are a reflection of your commitment to your master. Leave no room for error, for mediocrity has no place in the service of an alpha.

"Embody gratitude in all you do. Every command, every correction, is an opportunity to express your appreciation for the guidance and discipline bestowed upon you.

"Embrace your vulnerability. Understand that in submission, true strength is found. Your willingness to surrender is a testament to your fortitude, your resilience, and your unwavering loyalty.

"Find solace in your submission. Understand that in this newfound role, you are liberated from the burdens of leadership. Your purpose is clear, your path illuminated by the will of your master.

"Embrace your own transformation. Shed the vestiges of your former self and emerge as the embodiment of servitude. In this evolution, you find purpose, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging.

"Know this, Tarzan, your journey has just begun. As you yield to the will of your master, you will discover a profound sense of purpose, a depth of fulfillment that transcends all previous understanding."

Tarzan bows his head, a symbol of the submission that now flows through his veins. His fingers deftly work at the laces of the Baron's boot, each tug and pull a reverent gesture. The boot rests against his loincloth, the pressure a tangible reminder of the hierarchy that now defines him.

As the boot slips free, Tarzan's hands instinctively find their way to the Baron's feet, cradling them with a reverence bordering on adoration. He dips a cloth into a basin of warm water, the touch gentle as he begins to cleanse his Master's feet. Every stroke, every caress, is infused with a devotion that resonates through the silent chamber.

The Baron observes with a sense of satisfaction, his gaze fixed upon the bowed figure before him. He revels in the sight of his once-proud adversary, now reduced to this humble act of service. It speaks to the power of transformation, to the malleability of the human spirit.

Tarzan's movements are deliberate, thorough. He pays meticulous attention to each inch of skin, as if by tending to the Baron's feet, he tends to his own newfound purpose. The water takes on a hue of cleansing, carrying away the residue of the day's trials.

As the task nears its completion, Tarzan's heart pounds in his chest. He knows that the final act is one of unparalleled reverence, a gesture that solidifies his place in this new order. He lowers his head, lips gently pressing against the Baron's feet, a cascade of kisses that punctuate his submission.

The musk of the Master emanates from the studded leather cod piece, enveloping Tarzan in its heady embrace. It mingles with the scent of warm water and the earthy undertones of the jungle, creating an olfactory tapestry that cements this moment in his memory.

Each kiss is a testament to his acceptance, a pledge of unwavering loyalty. He tastes the sweat of his Master, the tang of authority that now defines his existence. It is a communion of sorts, a merging of wills that leaves Tarzan breathless with a sense of purpose.

As he lifts his head, the Baron's eyes meet his, a silent acknowledgment of the significance of this act. Tarzan remains on his knees, a living embodiment of servitude, his heart and soul bound to the will of his Master.

Tarzan rises from his kneeling position, a new purpose surging within him. He senses the Baron's gaze upon him, a silent command that drives him forward. With each step, he can feel the eyes of his Master, the weight of expectation, and it fuels a determination to please.

As he reaches the center of the chamber, Tarzan hesitates for a moment, the energy of anticipation humming through his veins. Then, with a deep breath, he surrenders to the rhythm of his own submission. His body sways and undulates, every movement demonstrating his newfound role.

The Baron, ever the puppeteer, steps forward, his tools of authority in hand. The whip and the collar become extensions of his will, guiding Tarzan's movements with a precision that borders on artistry. With a flick of his wrist, he commands Tarzan to twirl, to arch his back, to offer himself fully to the dance.

Tarzan is a symphony of submission, his limbs an offering to the Master who now commands his every step. He loses himself in the dance, the world around him fading into a blur of shadows and echoes. There is only the Baron, only the dance, only the relentless pulse of his own submission.

The whip cracks in the air, a stinging reminder of the authority that now governs him. It is a sensation that Tarzan welcomes, a visceral affirmation of his place in this new order. He moves with a fervor born of both obedience and a desperate need to please.

As the dance reaches its crescendo, Tarzan's body is a testament to the transformation that has taken root within him. Every sinew, every muscle, is a vessel of submission, a canvas upon which the Baron's will is painted.

Finally, as the last notes of the imagined music fade, Tarzan stands before the Baron, breathless and exhilarated. He is acutely aware of the eyes upon him, of the scrutiny that now defines his existence. He awaits his Master's judgment, a silent plea for affirmation.

The Baron's gaze lingers upon Tarzan, a mix of satisfaction and possession. He nods, a subtle acknowledgment of the performance that has unfolded before him. It is a dance that transcends the physical, a dance of wills that leaves them both breathless with the power of their newfound dynamic.

In this dream, the Baron, ever the cunning manipulator of both reality and dreams, summons a figure from Tarzan's past. A person who once stood as an adversary, now brought forth to serve as a stark contrast to Tarzan's new existence.

As the dream landscape shifts and morphs, a new figure emerges, a specter from Tarzan's past. It is none other than Kessler, the enigmatic leader of the jungle resistance who betrayed tarzan and set him up to be auctioned to Lord Hastings. Once a formidable foe, now a shadow in the presence of the Baron's dominating aura.

Kessler, though still cloaked in the guise of defiance, seems diminished in the face of the Baron's palpable authority. His eyes, once fierce and unyielding, now betray a glimmer of uncertainty. He surveys Tarzan, taking in the subtle shifts in posture and demeanor, and there is a dawning realization in his gaze.

The Baron observes this encounter with a wolfish grin, relishing the contrast between the former adversaries. It is a calculated move, a demonstration of Tarzan's transformation from formidable warrior to willing servant. The Baron revels in the power he wields, not only over Tarzan, but over the very fabric of his subconscious.

"Kessler," the Baron's voice rumbles, the tone carrying an edge of triumph, "you once stood as a challenge to this one's reign. But now, look at him. He kneels willingly, he dances to my command, he is mine in every sense."

Kessler's gaze flickers, torn between the memories of past battles and the undeniable reality before him. He senses the shift in power, the seismic change that has occurred. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but there is a begrudging acceptance in his expression.

Tarzan, caught in the crossfire of this spectral reunion, feels a surge of conflicting emotions. The memories of past struggles swirl within him, but they are tempered by the intoxicating allure of submission. He looks to the Baron, awaiting his command, his newfound purpose burning brightly within him.

The Baron, reveling in this display of dominance, raises his hand, a silent directive that speaks volumes.

"Kneel," he commands, and Kessler, once the embodiment of defiance, now bows before the Baron's superior presence.

It is a moment of profound transformation, a testament to the Baron's mastery over both reality and dreams. As the dream tableau solidifies, Tarzan stands at the center, flanked by the symbols of his past and present. He is the fulcrum upon which the balance of power rests, the living embodiment of the Baron's unyielding dominance.

In this powerful dream, the Baron, with his mastery over the dream realm, conjures another figure from the shadows of Tarzan's newly defined existence. As the dream unfurls, Alden, a formidable new presence in Tarzan's life, materializes from the darkness, his figure stark against the surreal dreamscape.

Alden emerges from the shadows, a spectral presence in this vivid dreamworld. His eyes, sharp and calculating, take in the tableau before him--the Baron, the transformed Tarzan, and the subdued figure of Kessler. He senses the palpable shift in power, the undercurrents of dominance that course through the dream.

The Baron, aware of Alden's presence, regards him with a knowing glint in his eye. He understands the significance of Alden's inclusion in this dream, the role he is to play in solidifying Tarzan's newfound submission. The chessboard of the mind is set, and each piece moves with purpose.

Tarzan, caught in this convergence of past and present, feels a surge of conflicting emotions. Alden was once a mentor, a figure of authority, and now he stands as a witness to Tarzan's transformation. The weight of his gaze is both a reminder of his recent journey and a harbinger of the future.

The Baron, ever the puppeteer, orchestrates the scene. He gestures for Alden to step forward, a silent command that Alden obeys. He approaches Tarzan with measured steps, his presence a blend of familiarity and apprehension.

"Alden," the Baron's voice reverberates through the dream, "you once held sway over this one's training. Now, bear witness to his evolution. He is no longer the defiant warrior you once knew."

Alden studies Tarzan, his gaze discerning and probing. He recognizes the subtle shifts in posture, the nuances of submission that now define Tarzan's demeanor. It is a revelation, a transformation that Alden cannot deny.

Tarzan, conscious of Alden's scrutiny, kneels before him, a gesture of deference that speaks volumes. He acknowledges the role Alden has played in his life, embracing his newfound purpose as a devoted servant.

As the dream tableau solidifies, Tarzan, flanked by the Baron, Kessler, and Alden, stands at the nexus of past and present. He embodies the Baron's vision of submission, a living testament to the power of the dream realm.

As Alden steps further into the dream, the atmosphere crackles with tension and anticipation. He is keenly aware of the transformation that has befallen Tarzan, the once-proud jungle king now a submissive figure at the Baron's command. This spectacle is a revelation, a narrative that Alden, as a chronicler of both truth and fantasy, cannot ignore.

His discerning gaze sweeps over Tarzan, taking in the nuances of his submission--the lowered eyes, the deferential posture. It is a sight that both intrigues and challenges Alden, for he is no stranger to the complexities of power dynamics.

"Tarzan," Alden addresses him, his voice carrying a blend of familiarity and inquiry, "you have undergone quite the metamorphosis. The jungle's mighty protector now bows before another. A compelling story, indeed."

Tarzan's response is measured, his words chosen with care.

"The Baron is my Master, and I am here to serve."

The Baron, observing this exchange, recognizes the potential in Alden's presence. Here is a figure who wields the power of words, a man whose narratives shape perceptions. The Baron steps forward, a silent command for Alden to witness the depths of Tarzan's submission.

"Alden," the Baron's voice resonates, "you have the power to immortalize this transformation in ink. To tell a story that will echo through the ages. But first, you must understand the magnitude of what has transpired."

With a gesture, the Baron invites Alden to stand beside him, offering him a view of Tarzan from a vantage point of authority. It is a calculated move, one that acknowledges Alden's influence and seeks to align it with the Baron's narrative.

Alden, ever perceptive, seizes the opportunity. He envisions the headlines, the ink-stained pages that will bear witness to Tarzan's evolution. The story writes itself--a legendary hero brought to his knees in deference to the power of the dominant will.

Yet, as the dream unfurls, Alden finds himself drawn into a more personal fantasy. He envisions a narrative of submission and desire, a tale where he, too, succumbs to the allure of power play. It is a revelation, a revelation that stirs something within him, a recognition of the complexities that define human nature.

In this dream, the Baron benefits from Alden's presence in myriad ways. He gains an ally in shaping the narrative, a wordsmith whose pen can immortalize Tarzan's transformation. He also recognizes the potential for a new dynamic, one that transcends the boundaries of dominance and submission.

As the dream continues its dance of power and submission, Alden, Tarzan, and the Baron stand at the crossroads of fantasy and reality. Each figure embodies a facet of human nature, a reflection of the intricate interplay between authority and surrender.

The Baron's presence looms large over the dream, his aura of dominance palpable. As he steps forward, a wicked glint in his eyes, the atmosphere crackles with anticipation. He raises his hand, and suddenly, Tarzan is swept into a whirlwind of motion.

Tarzan's limbs move with a frenetic energy, each step and sway orchestrated by the Baron's will. It is a dance of submission, a testament to the power that the Baron wields over him. Every movement is executed with precision, a reflection of Tarzan's complete surrender.

The dance, a fervent display of Tarzan's obedience, unfolds before the Baron's delighted gaze. It is a sight to behold, a testament to the malleability of even the mightiest spirits. Tarzan, once the untamed jungle king, is now a figure entranced by the Baron's command.

Then, with a calculated shift, the Baron redirects Tarzan's focus. His gaze now fixates on Alden, who watches with a mixture of awe and desire. The dance takes on a new intensity, a seductive fervor that leaves no room for doubt--Tarzan is wholly consumed by his submission.

Alden, swept up in the spectacle, can hardly contain the fire that courses through him. He is no stranger to the dance of power, but this... this is something altogether different. Tarzan's movements are a symphony of desire, a siren's call that beckons Alden into uncharted territory.

Tarzan, guided by the Baron's will, approaches Alden with a sensuality that borders on the sublime. His movements are a declaration of his inferiority, a recognition of Alden's authority. It is a dance of surrender, the intricate dance of dominance and submission.

As the dream unfurls, Tarzan's transformation is laid bare for all to see. Here, in the realm of dreams, the boundaries blur, and the dynamics shift. The Baron, Alden, and Tarzan stand at the nexus of desire and control, each figure a reflection of the complexities that define human interaction.

In this dream, the Baron revels in the power he wields, the knowledge that even the mightiest can be brought to their knees. Alden, swept up in the tempest of sensation, grapples with his own desires, a recognition of the allure that submission holds. And Tarzan, the epicenter of this dance, embodies the transformation that is reshaping his very essence.

In the depths of his own fantasies, Alden envisions a dreamworld where he is the master, a figure of undeniable authority and desire. The setting is opulent, draped in silks and bathed in a soft, golden light. His presence commands attention, his every gesture laden with power.

Enter Tarzan, a vision of submission, clad in a loincloth that barely conceals his allure. He moves with a graceful sensuality, his eyes fixed on Alden with a mixture of reverence and longing. The dance that unfolds is a symphony of desire, each movement calculated to elicit a response from his master.

Alden, in this dreamworld of his own making, embraces the role of dominance with an intoxicating fervor. He commands Tarzan's movements, dictating the tempo of the dance with a flick of his wrist. The air crackles with tension, a palpable current that courses between them.

As the dance reaches its crescendo, Alden steps forward, his fingers grazing Tarzan's skin. The touch is electric, sending shivers down both their spines. Tarzan yields, surrendering to Alden's every whim, his body a canvas upon which Alden paints his desires.

In this fantasy, Alden revels in the heady cocktail of power and seduction. He guides Tarzan with a sure hand, reveling in the knowledge that he alone holds the reins. The boundaries blur, and they exist in a liminal space, a dance of dominance and submission that defies definition.

As the dream unfurls, Alden loses himself in the intoxicating fantasy. Tarzan becomes a vessel for his desires, a willing participant in the intricate play of power. Their connection is primal, a fusion of need and satisfaction that transcends the boundaries of reality.

And as the dream reaches its climax, Alden is left breathless, aching with a desire that can only be sated in this ethereal realm. The echoes of their dance linger with the potency of their connection.

In this dreamworld, Alden experiences a transformation of his own. He embraces his desires, explores the intricacies of dominance, and revels in the allure of submission. It is a fantasy that leaves an indelible mark, a reminder that in the realm of dreams, anything is possible.

END OF CHAPTER SIXTY-------------------------------------

Thanks for the emails! I always appreciate hearing your reactions, including your constructive criticism. If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com .

Next: Chapter 61

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