Tarzan and The Dance of Dominance

By tarzan

Published on Aug 11, 2024



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot.

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Chapter 54: The False Hero-------------------------------- (c) tarzanstud1@gmail.com

Chapter 54 -- The False Hero

As the Baron delved deeper into the recesses of his memory, he unearthed a trove of infuriating tales, each one glorifying the insufferable meddler known as Tarzan. These stories had spread like wildfire, painting Tarzan as some kind of jungle savior, when in truth, he was nothing more than a thorn in the side of true alpha dominance.

One particularly infuriating account told of Tarzan's intervention in a territorial dispute between two rival tribes. The fools cheered him on, blissfully ignorant of the natural order that dictated such conflicts. In the Baron's eyes, Tarzan's interference was a blatant affront to the very essence of dominance.

Then there was the tale of Tarzan rescuing a damsel in distress from a rampaging beast. The crowd's adulation was deafening, their misguided applause drowning out the harsh reality--the beast was a magnificent specimen, a prime example of untamed power. Tarzan's interference was an insult to the circle of life itself.

The Baron's blood boiled at the memory of Tarzan thwarting a carefully planned hunt. The jungle's balance depended on the culling of weak and inferior prey, a fact lost on the ignorant masses who hailed Tarzan as a protector of all creatures. In the Baron's eyes, Tarzan was a misguided fool, blind to the natural order.

Another tale told of Tarzan taming a ferocious wildcat, transforming it into a docile companion. The crowds marveled at this supposed triumph, utterly blind to the raw, primal strength that defined the beast. To the Baron, Tarzan's act was an act of emasculation, a betrayal of the essence of true alpha dominance.

And then there was the insufferable incident where Tarzan dared to challenge a rival alpha male for control of a coveted territory. The audacity of such an act was beyond comprehension. The rightful alpha was destined to rule, and yet, the ignorant masses cheered for Tarzan, blind to the inevitable outcome. In the Baron's eyes, Tarzan's actions were nothing short of sacrilege.

The final straw came when Tarzan took it upon himself to protect a tribe of feeble humans from a formidable threat. The tribe should have been left to fend for themselves, to face the crucible of survival that would have determined their worthiness. Tarzan's intervention was an affront to the very principles that governed the jungle.

As the Baron recounted these infuriating stories, a burning determination ignited within him. He had dedicated his life to righting the wrongs perpetrated by this self-proclaimed hero. It was time to strip away the false veneer and reveal Tarzan for the meddlesome nuisance he truly was.

To be continued...

END OF CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR-------------------------------------

Thanks for the emails! I always appreciate hearing your reactions, including your constructive criticism. If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com .

Next: Chapter 55

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