Tanning Salon

By Stephanie H

Published on Jun 22, 2009



Hi there and welcome to my world. If you are a minor you need to leave. If you are offended by erotic stories you also need to quit reading and leave. If you are still reading then I assume reading this story in your locality does not violate any laws (if it does then you also need to leave). Now that the obligatory warning is out of the way, I hope you enjoy the story, feel free to send any comments to me _ Stephanie at ironkitten_87@yahoo.com

I was putting my bikini on when I heard the bell indicating door was open. I left them naked in the room after instructing them to assume the position.

I went to the front desk to see who was there but I didn't see anyone. Some folks use the restroom when they first get there, so this was no suprise, but the restroom is on the corner of the hall where I left Heather and Lindsay. I had to find out who was there, so I walked down the hall. I got to the bathroom, just as the door opened and a face I didn't recognize came out. She was blonde, in her 40's and deeply tanned.

"Hi there," I started.

"Is this your place?"

"Yes ma'am, been here for couple of years. I don't remember seeing you before."

"I've been here all of my life. I just returned from a vacation and I tan pretty easy," she said extending her dark arms. "I've never been in one of these, but I thoughtI might keep my tan up for a change. Treat yourself as they say."

She spoke with genuine smile and ease. I almost forgot about Heather and Lindsay not more than 15 feet away. Then my mind thought of them, I started to walk back to the desk.

"Follow me to the front and I'll show you our beds and plans. I'm Stephanie,"I said, extending my hand to hers.

"Hi Stephanie, I'm Greta," she said with a smile. Her teeth extremely white next to her bright red lipstick and deep bronze tan. Her dark skin making her yellow sun dress shine all the more. I couldn't help but notice her large breasts swaying free. At around 5"3 or 4 she was definitely a knock-out in her younger days, she is still a very beautifull and graceful person, though I'm sure she would be happier losing 5-10 lbs (wouldn't we all?)

I showed her the booklet of the beds and various packages. She picked out a nice package and bought maximum # of minutes, surprising me for a first timer.

"Would you like to tan today, Greta?"

"I wasn't planning on it. I didn't know you would be so open."

"Oh sure, we don't take appointments and this is a slow time as the high school kids are not out yet. Here try out this lotion and let me know what you think," handing her a sample of deep bronzer.

She hesitated a bit. I could sense she was nervous. "Do you want to start out slow, 8-10 minutes or so? I wouldn't go beyond 12 minutes first time."

"Could I come back later?"

"If you have another place to be, we're open until 8."

"It's not that." She hesitated and looked from side to side before continuing," I didn't plan on tanning today. I didn't bring my suit."

"Most people don't bother. First time, I almost forgot. Small warning, you will sweat a little in the beds, we have fans for a breeze, but the sweat will still pool a little.It is mostly a comfort thing to just not wear a suit."

"Really, then I don't have anywhere to be. Could I give it a try?"

"Sure thing Hon." This day, no, this week is turning out to be interesting. "Would you like to try some lotion? I have a sample I can give you."

"Yes, thanks"

"Here you go, here's your towel. I'll set you up in bed 4 for 10 minutes to start. I'll show you how it works."

We walked down to bed, I showed her the controls, headphones,etc...As I was cleaning the bed, she kicked off her shoes and sat in the chair and began applying lotion to her legs and feet. Having had my top on and off a few times already today, I really felt the top moving around as I was cleaning. Looking down and bak to Greta, I moved my arms together such as to discreetly nudge my top up a bit. In this position it was almost too easy to bring it up near my nipple on the left side, exposing the entire underside of my breast. A quick look back to Greta and I saw her putting lotion on her face and arms with her dress still on. I stood and said that the bed was all ready for her, just need to set the controls.

Her gaze was clearly well below my chin as I just stood there nearly topless. My heart was pounding as she opened her mouth, "No tan lines I see" She kept smiling andlooking down.

The rush of this wild week was getting to me, I looked down and acted surprised, ""Oops, sorry, I do like my work outfit. Too bad this isn't a nudist colony nearby. I hope you don't mind"

"But there is one, if you don't mind a little drive. Just with gas these days, I thought I would come in here." With saying that Greta surprised me.

My heart was really pounding, I was not in control. There's no way I could go naked around strangers with my half man half woman body. What is she driving at? She's just standing there. I reached behind my back and untied my top and lifted the necktie over my head. Now completely topless she could tell I had no tan lines at all.

All I heard was, 'Turn around." Something in her voice jus made me instantly obey. "Very nice." I heard her voice behind me then I felt the tips of her finger on my back. Gently raking the nails up and down the back, out to the sides, up and down. Just then her bed turned on (automatic timer).

I can use this as my out, as she could get me into trouble I hadn't foreseen. "You should really get in now, I guess."

"Yes. It seems as if I should."

I started to leave with my top in my hand. "Stephanie." Turning back I saw that her sundress was off and she stood in a demi bra and thong. "Please see me when I am done tanning. Be a dear and close the door, thanks."

I started to close the door and go back to see Heather, but I stopped. I repoened the door as she was bent over removing her thong. "Greta," I began but stopped...Greta was more like me than any woman I had ever met!

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