Tanning Salon

By Stephanie H

Published on Apr 14, 2008



Hi there and welcome to my world. If you are a minor you need to leave. If you are offended by erotic stories you also need to quit reading and leave. If you are still reading then I assume reading this story in your locality does not violate any laws (if it does then you also need to leave). Now that the obligatory warning is out of the way, I hope you enjoy the story, feel free to send any comments to me _ Stephanie at ironkitten_87@yahoo.com

Heather arrived on time precisely at 1:10 the next day. I had two customers beds, one at the desk when she came in. The lady at the desk, Lindsay, had to wait for a opening in the Ultra which would be another 7 minutes. Lindsay is a regular customer, early 30's , 5' 2" or so and pleasantly plump with a nice pear shaped body not large or flabby by any means, maybe filled out a b-cup. Wearing her cotton beach dress (it ties around the neck and doesn't cover too much), she took a seat in the waiting area.

I checked Heather in and told her room 9 (across from the restroom). I whispered to her, "Heather dear - I will forget to turn on your room. Go to your room, strip, and then walk back here to tell me that I had forgotten."

Heather was a true submissive. She glanced around the waiting area, gulped, and then quietly said, "Yes ma'am."

Lindsay and I were chit-chatting when Heather appeared nude at the desk. "Miss Sharpe, I think you didn't set my bed. The timer is not on."

"Heather dear, I'm sorry. Let me get that for you. " Heather turned to walk down the hall. Lindsay was looking at the floor and shifting in her seat.

"Heather," I called. "I forgot to give you a towel." She was two-thirds down the hall when she turned and walked back to me. I went to typing in her visit and setting the bed, I was just finishing when she got back to the desk. I continued to enter her time making her wait a few more seconds. As I handed her the towel, I took hold of her wrist. "You are starting to develop a nice base tan, wouldn't you agree Lindsay?"

I had caught her off guard. She was a little red faced even thru her deep brown complexion.

"A few visits to the ultra and she could get really dark." Still holding Heather's wrist I walked over to Lindsay, "Hold your arms out and see what I mean." Lindsay stood to hold her arm next to Heather's. The ladies were absolutely stunned by me nonchalantly parading Heather without a stitch to cover her.

"I have to say, she will need at least a trim or the bikini will never hide that hair. What do you think Lindsay, trim or shave?" I had suspected Lindsay to be quite the daring girl. Her beach cover is a daily ritual when the weather is above 40 degrees. I know that is all she wears too, well her sandals of course.

"Well both would work for her,: Lindsay stammered. "It's a matter of preference."

Not wanting to push it too much, I sent Heather on to her tan with whispered instructions to come back to me when she was finished and leave the door wide open. She walked on down the hall to her room.

"Does that happen often?" Lindsay asked.

"I usually don't forget to turn on the beds, I haven't had lunch today yet," trying not to have this conversation.

"Not turning on the beds is an accident, she walked out here naked."

"It has happened a couple times. People get lotion on and don't want to mess it up as it is expensive. No biggie, did it bother you?"

"No not at all, just a little surprised. I just didn't expect it, that's all."

"Goodbye," I said as one of the customers was leaving, "See you soon." Turning back to Lindsay, "The ultra just stopped, I'll have it cleaned in a jiffy as soon as they get out of the room. By the way. you have a much nicer tan than Heather."

I walked down the hall to check on Heather. Door still open, she's being a good girl. I grabbed her towel and dress, hmm she wore panties and a bra today, have to talk with her about that. Just then the door to the ultra opened and she went out, depositing her towel in the bin as she left.

I cleaned the bed as Lindsay was at the door.

"All yours."

"Don't forget to turn it on or I'll get you," she said playingly shaking her fists. She closed the door as I left. Only Heather and Lindsay here now. I went to the front and started to turn on Lindsay's bed. What am I doing? This could be fun. I walked down the hall and hid in the restroom. Sure enough, the ultra door opened and I saw Lindsay peek out. She tentatively stepped into the hall trying to hold her small towel to cover her front and failing to cover anything. She tossed the towel into the room. (The ultra requires a turn before there is a hall to the front desk.)

As she made the turn, I went to her room and removed the cotton cover-up and shoes, and placed them in my office. I could hear my name being called. I came out of my office as Lindsay was turning back into her hallway.

"Lindsay, what are you doing? You did that on purpose," I said accusatorily.

"What? No. You didn't.."

"Enough!" She was so wet she was oozing down her thick thighs. She nearly jumped out of her skin when I inserted two fingers directly into her hot puffy hairless snatch. I kneeled in front of her using my forearm to spread her legs, my hands grabbing her cheeks to pull her into me. I placed my mouth over her labia, breathing in her scent.

I twirled my tongue a bit, sucked in hard, furiously moving my lower jaw to flick her clit with as most of my tongue as possible. Her knees buckled. She gasped, then her body shivered as the spasms caused her to buck. She was long overdue for having someone other than herself bring her to orgasm.

I directed her into the closest room, turning her toward the bed. "Put your hands down there sweetie." She put her hands on the taning bed, then started to protest being bent over the bed.

"Why do you want me like this?."

The answer was obvious as a second later, I had my bikini off and hard cock pushing into her. I gave her several hard and quick thrusts before planting my empty seed inside her (I had my testicles surgically removed, but I can still orgasm and produce a small empty seed).

As I plopped out, Heather was standing at the door. "Heather dear, it's your turn."

Heather took a similar position next to Lindsay who stayed put while I thrusted and pumped Heather, planting an empty seed again in less than 5 minutes.

I sat on the chair as they fondled, licked and explored my male 'clitty'. although it has lost some girth and length since my surgery and hormones, I still had about 4 inches to offer them. They thought my 'clitty' was cute and both of them said that my secret would always be safe.

I was putting my bikini on when I heard the bell indicating door was open. I left them naked in the room after instructing them to assume the position.

Next: Chapter 4

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