
By Daniel1989a .

Published on Jul 31, 2016



Tanning-Part 1

This series is gouig to be spanking and humiliation heavy. If that is not your thing, don't read.

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I was in the middle of one of my favorite things, tanning naked while stroking my very hard cock. To be honest, stroking my cock anywhere, especially if I could do it in front of others, like in the gym showers was basically what I lived for. I was very creative, using public washrooms, mall changing rooms, anywhere I could get naked and stroke. You might wonder how I got away with this, it's easy, I'm 15 years old, dark haired and dark eyes and lucky enough to have acquired my Fathers looks. At 5'9" I weigh 145 pounds and work out very hard and am proud of my body. I started to realize men and women thought I was attractive when I was around 12. I would notice men looking and then looking away, women were more open wand would always comment on how cute I was. Teachers, nurses, pretty much everyone so by the time I turned 13 I was already using it tot my advantage. I found I could con people out of things, candy at the store, things like that. All I had to do was give a shy smile or look sad and most of the time women always gave in.

When I was almost 14 and had been working out harder, by accident I learned how to deal with men, especially gay men. There was a gay man who works at the convenience store near me and I was in getting some candy. I had enough money but I had noticed him checking me out several times and decided to see if I could get it for free. I put my stuff on the counter and made a show out of checking my shorts pockets for money, noticing that the man was watching every move I made. When I looked up at him he quickly looked to the side so I knew he was anxious about staring at me. I was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt with slits up the sides, shorts and shoes with no socks. I looked at him and said,

"I forgot my money at home, anyway I can just bring it in later Sir?"

"I'm not really allowed to do that kid."

He looked skeptical and there was a sign saying this was not allowed but as he looked at me I let my hand roam under my t-shirt and made like I had an itch. The farther I pushed my hand up, the more of my abdomen came into view. His eyes darted to it and stayed there and I knew he was interested. I pushed my hand up farther and heard him let out a low sound, like a sigh or deep breath. I twisted my torso a bit, with the slits up the sides of my t-shirt it would give him a perfect view of my chest from the side. It also let him stare without me facing him. His sigh got louder and I knew he was into it so I let my hand run over my nipple and let a low moan of my own, then to make no mistake about it, I ran my hand over the other one and let out a louder moan. I could see him staring so I let my hand roam lower over my abs and then just for fun, gently ran it over the front of my shorts as I said,

"You sure you can't make an exception?"

When I looked at him his face was red and looke3d like he was lightly sweating, he gave a very nervous smile and said,

"No problem kid, don't worry about it."

I grabbed the candy, winked at him and walked out, feeling amazing that I had just used my looks and body to get something for free and even better, had aroused someone in the process. I knew ity was wrong, but I was past that now. I ate the candy on the way home, feeling almost high, and from then on I used my looks and body anyway I could. When I was almost 15 my Mother and I moved to a retirement home where she was thew activities director, so not a real exciting place for me, but I soon learned a lot of the men, although older were very into me. I had already identified at least 10 who were straight up gay and another few who I had my ideas about. I knew I was getting a bit out of control, something my Mother complained about constantly, but I also enjoyed taunting her, which brings me back to the present. I was laying on the back porch, naked and very hard, loving the sun and the feeling of my hand stroking my cock, I also knew my Mother had just come in the front door. I heard her call out,

"James, are you home?"

I had never actually done this before, although I had let her catch me naked to embarrass her so I called back,

"Yep, on the back porch."

I heard her approaching and kept stroking my cock, my other hand under my head and heard her gasp and cry out,

"Damn James, hat are you doing?"

She turned and walked back into the house causing me to smile a huge satisfied smile. I kept stroking and shot my load a few minutes later, smoothed it into my skin and then stood and walked naked into the house. My Mother looked at me quickly and said,

"You should wear clothes around me, this is crazy James."

I just shrugged my shoulders and went upstairs to shower and pull on pair of gym shorts. Later at dinner she brought up my nudity again and I shrugged again and said,

"Just experimenting Mom."

"Well, you should experiment a bit more privately young man."

That was the end of the talk and I knew she was feeling nervous and I felt great. The next morning I pulled on some clothes and headed to the gym. I had quite a following there, men who waited for me to show up and get changed. I always gave them a show, slowly stripping down, flaunting my body, but never getting naked. Even in the showers I always wore either a bathing suit or my underwear, knowing how much they wanted me to take them off drove me wild. I worked out very hard and was very pleased with ho defined my abs, chest, arms and shoulders were. I knew the men loved it to, so I stripped down to my underwear, a pair of bikini briefs today for the first time. They were very tiny and tight and left almost nothing to the imagination. I walked into the shower room and hung up y towel, then stepped to the shower spout that would give the 6 men the best view of me. I washed my hair and then slowly began lathering my torso, paying special attention to my nipples. I ran my soap hands over them repeatedly, letting out a low moan of pleasure each time, then lathered lower, down my abs, over my arms and shoulders. I then got my hand very soapy and bent down, my butt facing the men and soaped my feet and all the way up my legs, turning back to face them as my hands got closer to my groin.

I was always careful to avoid looking directly at them, it made it seem like I had no idea they were watching and I know it drove them wild. I soaped my hand and let them roam down over my abs and ever so slightly pushed the front of the briefs down, just a tiny bit but I heard a couple of the men actually gasp. I had not intention of showing them my cock, proud of it as I was but I decided to go a bit further. I turned to face the water spray rinsing soap from my torso, then stepped back and soaped my hands and let tem slide under my briefs and soap up my butt. This time I heard an actual gasp of pleasure from the men. I let my hands roam a bit lower, pushing the back o my tiny briefs down a bit more, so that the tops of my boy mounds would be visible. I had never gone this far before, had never shown any ass at all, but it was driving them wild and at the same time, it was making my cock hard too. I reached in an adjusted my cock, the briefs so tiny that it would have popped out the top, then slid my hand behind and down the back of my briefs again,this time pushing far enough that almost half my butt cheeks were visible. It sounded like one of the men had said,

"Take them off kid."

But there was no way that was going to happen. The more I soaped my butt, the harder my cock got. Knowing my body was driving these men wild was driving me wild too as my cock popped to full erection. When I looked down at it, the bikini briefs so small that there was danger of it popping right up and out so I knew I had to end this soon, but I was not quite finished. I soaped up both my hands and reached back and pushed them down the back, all the way this time until the elastic of the briefs was caught under my butt cheeks. With it stuck there I soaped my hands and slowly ran them over my exposed butt cheeks, carefully tracing every inch and without meaning to, letting out a much louder moan of pleasure. I was now basically naked in front of 6 men, only my cock was covered and knowing how crazy I was driving them was making me go wild too. My cock was throbbing, trying to pop out the top waistband and in danger of doing sop. I used one finger and let it trace slowly up my crack, then down, then as I ran it up I gently massaged it over my hole and really surprised myself by letting out a very loud, very distinctive moan of pleasure. I also had to use my other hand to quickly stop my cock from popping out of the waistband of my briefs. As I was adjusting it, this time there was no mistake, one of the men said,

"Sweetest ass I have ever seen, would love to fuck that."

This was the first overtly sexual comment anyone had said to me and I found that it aroused me even more, to the point where I felt my nipples hardening. Also I had no idea how or if I should respond. It had been loud enough that the men knew I heard, but I ignored it and ran my finger up and down my crack again, moaning louder each time, my cock throbbing and pushing to get past the waistband. I knew I had to end this so I soaped up my index finger, ran it down my crack then up, pausing at me hole and very carefully pushed the very tip of of it into me. I gasped and could not hold back my loudest moan yet and found I had to really hold back and concentrate because my cock was about to explode and there was no way I was doing that here for these men. I had to stop, my cock could not take anymore, so I let my finger slide in about an inch farther, moaned even louder then slowly slid it out. I rinsed off and then carefully pulled up the back of my briefs covering my ass. As I grabbed my towel I saw that all 6 men were stroking their cocks and as I started to leave the shower I heard clearly,

"Kids a tease. Kids a slut. Needs to be taught a lesson."

There was more, but I walked quickly to my locker and changed and walked home as fast as I could. I was as horny as I had ever been and as soon as I got home I stripped down and went out back to lay in the sun. I kept a bottle of baby oil there and covered my cock and balls with it, then slowly started stroking, thinking of being in the shower. I had never really played with my hole before, but I found myself applying some of the oil there and running a finger up and down over it. Soon my finger tip was inside and I was moaning again. I stopped stroking my shaft and applied more oil to my finger and after adjusting, manged to get more of it into me. The sensation was incredible, intense and it was driving my cock crazy. I pulled out and applied oil to two fingers and this time as they slipped in a few things happened at once. I heard the door open and knew my mother was home, but was way into my sensations to care. The next was my cock was actually bouncing up and down on my belly and just as I saw my Mother out of the corner of my eye, standing right beside me my fingers lid in a bit more and my cock erupted. I moaned loudly, then groaned as spurt after spurt of my cum arched up and landed on my face, then my chin, neck, another of my neck, my chest. It was like a fountain and each spurt made m moan even louder as more hit my chest, upper torso and a couple more landed on my abs. I lay there panting, my chest rising and lowering and saw a socked look on my Mothers face. After all, I was her son, laying naked on my back, all 7 inches of my hard cock on display, two finger tips up my ass and my body covered with cum. Instead of being embarrassed, I looked up at her smiled and then winked at her. Her face looked even more shocked as she almost screamed,

"James, how dare you! Have some decency."

She turned and walked away as I lay there, relishing the after effects of my most intense orgasm ever. Eventually I smeared my cum into my body and walked naked inside. My Mother looked angry, really angry, but I did not care. I walked upstairs and showered and was about o pull on some shorts but then thought, I'm the man of the house, so I walked back downstairs naked. By the time I hit the last stair, my cock had hardened again, fully. I made a point of walking into the den, knowing my Mother was there. She looked at me and then looked away,

"James this is too much. If you want to try being a nudist, I have no problem, but please, cover your erections, it is just common decency."

I sneered and said,

"You mean like this?"

She looked at me again and saw that I was running my hand up and down my shaft, then looked away again and said,

"James, that's enough, stop it right now."

I stood there, stroking my shaft for a couple minutes, proving who was boss around here, then walked into the kitchen, feeling pleased. The mail had come but it looked like she had not been through it yet. I leafed through it, tossing bills aside until I saw a flyer that looked interesting. All it said was old fashioned tanning salon, grand opening. On the back it said, call for an appointment, you will not be disappointed. I ran upstairs and called the number, a male answered and asked,

"Who are you referring please?"

It sounded an odd question, but I replied,

"Myself please."

There wass a long pause and I almost hung up, but the voice came back and asked,

"How old are you, this for adults only?"

I thought, adults only, perfect, tanning salons had showers and change rooms, a perfect opportunity for me to practice my favorite thing, being almost naked in front of strangers. I answered,

"I'm 18."

There was another pause and then the voice asked for a credit card number. I had memorized my Mothers number a long time ago, so I read it off and a minute later the man told me,

"Approved. For only a few more dollars you can be naked the entire time."

Now I paused, but thought, who would see, so I said,

"Yes Please."

I heard a keyboard typing over the phone then heard,

"For an extra $50, our staff can decide the type of tanning you require, and for $75 our staff will decide the type of tanning you require and by accepting, you will receive this tanning. Keeping in mind, if accepted, the customer has no way of backing out."

I thought that was odd, but my Mothers card was paying for it, so I happily said,

"That would be perfect. Are there any other extras?"

There was a pasue and then,

"Yes, our deluxe package involves everything mentioned before, but staring with a cursory medical exam, a full neck to toes depilatory, after which the referral will be fully committed to the tanning, with no option to back out."

I was not sure what depilatory meant, but how bad could it be, and I did not want to back out, I wanted the best tan ever so I said,

"Great, give me the deluxe package please."

There was a pause and then,

"You understand that once accepted, the referral has no option of backing out. Once again, how old are you? This is for adults only."

I thought that lame and said,

"I already told you, I'm 18."

Short pause and then,

"The last option available is for the Greek experience, there are 5 levels of........"

I was getting tired so I cut the voice off and testily said,

"Level 5."

There was a long pause and then,

"Great. Your appointment is for 9:00 am tomorrow, see you then."

I smiled at my cleverness. An expensive tan, all on my Mothers crt card. I slept well that night and woke early the next morning. It was sunny and hot out so I pulled on a t-shirt, shorts, no underwear and my shoes. My mother had left already so it was easy to leave unobserved. I made my way into town and was soon imn fron t of the tanning salon. It looked different than I had thought, no lam trees or sunsets, instead the banner over the shop had a what looked like a hairbrush at one end and a belt at the other end. I ignored it and walked in and was greeted by a woman dressed in a Nurses outfit. I found this odd too, but gave her my name when she asked. She flipped through something her computer, then smiled and said,

"Please take a seat, the Doctor will be right with you."

I had forgotten about the medical exam part, but ity had said cursory, which I knew meant hasty or quick. A minute later a man who looked vaguely familiar came out and calle4d my name. I stood and shook his hand, wondering where I had seen him before, but followed him through a copuple doors. He said,

"We have never had someone take the deluxe package before, you look young to be 18."

I knew I had to be cool so I said,

"No problem Doc, everyone says that."

He smiled and pointed at a door and said,

"please go in and strip and hop up on the t able, I'll be right in."

I hesitated and said,

"You mean naked?"

He said matter of factly,

"That was the plan you ordered right, the deluxe package?"

I hesitated again, but remembered what I had ordered and said,

"Okay, no problem, you're the Doctor."

I walked through the door and saw a standard medical exam room. There were hooks on the wall, so I pulled off my shoes and put them under the hooks, then pulled off my t-shirt, hung it up and a bit nervously pulled off my shorts and hung them up beside my shirt. The exam table was covered with that crinkly paper and as I walked towards it i felt my cock start to harden. I sat down, my legs hanging off the side and looked around. The room looked like every other exam room I had ever been in before, the only difference, I had never been naked in one before. A minute later the door opened and the Doctor walked in, knowing my cock was a bit hard I covered it with my hands. If he noticed he said nothing. He grabbed the blood pressure cuff and rapped it around my right bicep and after pumping it up said,

"Perfect blood pressure."

He grabbed his stethoscope and listened to my heart, then my back and then took my pulse.

"You are the healthiest client I have ever had."

I thought it odd that he said client and not patient, but then his hands poked under my arms, then up checking the nodes in my neck. I felt my cock harden a bit more as he tapped my knees with the reflex hammer. After checking my ears and throat he said,

"Please lay back, head on the pillow."

I did as he said, my hands covering my now even more hard cock. Looking at me he said,

"You did choose the deluxe package right, knowing you would be naked the entire time? Please move your hands out of the way."

I knew I had to agree, but no one except my Mother had ever seen my hard cock before, and that had been on my terms. The Doctor looked angry and said,

"Although not usual, I can give you this option to back out now."

I almost did, but instead said,

"Sorry Doc, just not used to being fully naked."

I slowly put my hands to my sides and my now fully hard cock popped straight up towards my chin.

Without a word he gently grasped my testicles in one hand and after having me cough said,

"Yes, the depilatory will,not take as much time as usual."

I had no idea what that meant as he said,

"You are uncircumcised, I will now retract your foreskin a couple times."

Again without a word he grasped my erection in his hand and pulled down until my foreskin pulled right back. I let out a moan, it was so sudden and unexpected and the first hand other than my own to to touch my erection. He pushed up, covering my cock head then pulled back again and this time I moaned and felt pre cum start to ooze. Instead of pushing my foreskin back up he held it back, applying pressure which caused my cock to strain and pulse in his hand. I thought i might blow my load, but he let go of my cock, with my foreskin still pulled back and said,

"Please push down the end of the table."

As I did, he grabbed my feet and easily paced them in some time of holders. I had seen them before but had no idea what they were for until mine were in them and he was spreading them wide. It became obvious that they were made for that and a second later I felt some kind of oil on my hole. I gasped as his finger pressed in and felt my hole pressing down on his finger, my cock now going wild. His finger slid in a bit more and I could not hold back a very loud moan. His finger slid out and he said,

"Yes, you are very healthy indeed. Please follow me."

I pushed myself up, a little stunned and went to push my foreskin over my exposed cock head, but stopped when he said,


I jumped off the table and followed him through another door, down a hallway, my cock bouncing and won the entire way and into another room. In the middle of the room there was what looked like a very shiny bathtub, filled with liquid.

"Get into the tub."

His voice had taken on a very authoritative tone so I did what he said and instantly felt a tingling sensation over my entire body. Not unpleasant, just different. He watched carefully, making sure every part of my body was soaked from the neck down. After a few minutes he told me to stand up and when I did the lights lowered to a level where I could hardly see anything. I heard a female voice and seconds later felt a towel being rubbed all over my body, followed by a warm water spray, and then the towel again. I felt different, impossible to tell exactly how, but something was different. The light came on so suddenly my eyes closed and when they opened a female nurse handed me a set of tiny glasses, ones i HAD seen others wear when tanning. They were quite dark and suddenly I realized that I was naked, very hard and there was female nurse who had been toweling me of. I had no time to concentrate on this as my right in the middle of the room I felt;t hands grab my wrists and ankles and realized there was more than one person. I tried to struggle but the hands held me tight and soon I felt my legs stretched wide apart and then heard metal snapping and found I could not move them together. They had been attached to something that connected to my ankles. I panicked and tried to get my wrists free, but a second later they were spread wide above my head and clamped to something as well. I was now standing up, naked, very hard, with my legs spread wide and my arms spread wide above my head. I had never felt so vulnerable and open before.

I felt a pair of hands running over my butt, not just feeling, but gently kneading and rubbing, like they were testing muscle tone. The hands then went down to my back upper thighs, then back to my butt. The hands spent several minutes there, then i felt a finger push into my hole, followed by another causing me to moan so lud it was almost a scram. Then to my surprise one of the hands smacked my right butt cheek hard and said,

"Perfect condition, tanning can commence and continue to the deluxe package maximum. Muscle tone is perfect, flesh level is optimum. Referral can be taken to the ultimate level, all implements allowed. Greek level five approved."

The goggles were pulled from my eyes and suddenly the lights came on very bright. Blinked several times until eyes focused on a roof to floor mirror right in front of me. I saw myself reflected in a huge mirror and saw right away that my wrists were cuffed and held wide above my head and attached to rings in the ceiling, my legs were bound the same. The next thing I saw made me blink hard, I was now totally hairless from the neck down to my feet, I could not see a single hair. The next thing I saw was how extremely hard my cock was, it was so hard it was standing straight up against my belly. I quickly saw that no matter how I struggled I would never get out of my binds. The next thing I saw which made me take in a huge breath was that there was a mirror behind me, reflected in the one io front t of me and my back side was just as exposed. What was more scary was that on both sides of me as well as behind and off to the sides in front of me the room was full of mostly men, but also some women. I thought that was the worst but then I noticed the table reflected behind me and saw it had paddles, straps, brushes and what looked like canes on it. Beside those, there were several different sized dildos.

I opened my mouth to protest, but just as I did a man behind me inserted a gag of some kind, which made every sound I made muffled. A minute later one of them men from the gym shower stood in front of me and said,

"Welcome to Old Fashioned Tanning Salon. From the look on your face you were expecting something different. Just settle in boy, you are in for a very long ride."

I shook my head from side to side and pleaded with my eyes, but he said,

"You have been a very naughty boy. Using your body and looks to tease and torment people, even your own Mother."

My eyes opened wide as he said,

"Oh Yes boy, she told us all about it before leaving the brochure for you to find. Myself, I always enjoy starting a spanking with my hand, how about you?"

I shook my head again but a second later a hand cracked hard across my right butt cheek, then my left. This went on for a few minutes, then he started hitting each butt cheek two or three times before moving on to the next. Several minutes later I felt tears in y eyes, just as he landed the last spank. I could see him reflected in the mirror behind me, a huge smile on his face as he went to the table and picked up small dildo, smaller than my own cock. I watched as he spread lube on it and as he approached me he said,

"Had no idea you would choose the Greek option boy."

There was no use struggling, I could not move as he put his arm around my waist and applied a generous amount of lube to my hole, then started pushing the dildo into me. My hole clamped down, trying to push it out but his left hand pinched my nipple hard and mu hole opened and the dildo slid part way in. The sensation was intense, amazing, my cock bounced and I moaned through my gag as he slowly slid another inch into me. The mirrors were so clear that I could see every movement, everything he did. I heard him say,

"Up to you boy, gag in or out?"

I nodded as he said out and he pulled it free from my mouth. I thought about yelling but the dildo slid further in and instead I moaned again, louder. He applied more pressure and the dildo slid all the way into me. I felt full, thrilled and horny as he slowly started to pull it out, right to the tip, then he slowly slid it back in. I groaned loudly as he kept this up for a few minutes until I felt my cock about to explode. I was frustrated to feel him pull it free just before IO came, then I saw him smile as he said,

"Everyone here is an expert boy, you will not be shooting your load. This is for our pleasure, not yours."

Suddenly another man from the gym shower walked up behind me and my eyes widened to see he was holding a wooden ruler in his hand.

I hope you have enjoyed part one of this series. Comments ans suggestions are always welcome.

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