Taming Mark

By Foxpark Foxpark

Published on Oct 8, 2012



Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between two consenting males of legal age (in the uk). If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Whilst it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind.

Another short story just for you- thankyou to everyone for your comments, feedbacks and suggestions for new stories. I'll be working on the follow up to "Uni Rugby' next. The first part is in the gay/college section.

This and other stories can also be found here: http://thefoxpark.blogspot.co.uk/.

Keep your comments coming :) cheers Foxpark


I don't think i could have disliked him any more if i tried. Sure he was good looking. I couldn't deny that when I first met him he'd been the subject of many a wank fantasy but now... he was just so arrogant! He always had to be right, Always had to correct me; he even tried to upstage me infront of our friends. Yes i'd known him the whole way through senior school and yes he was technically my mate but right at that moment I couldn't stand the tosspot.

Mark had changed since we started college. I guess everybody did a little bit but this was different. He stopped being the best-mate and turned into an arsehole. He just became on of those people that had to put his friends down all the time. I guess he thought it was witty, and yeah sometimes it was, but most of the time he just came off as being a bitchy twat. This time he had gone after my clothes. Okay so I was going to be wearing a certain outfit to a house party- so what? Mark just had to jump in and take the piss. For someone who prides himself on not being camp despie being bi he acts like an onstage drag-queen sometimes. Oh yeah... for got to mention that bit. He says he's bisexual but would never let anyone fuck him and he's adamant on that. Now i know for a fact his bullshitting.

Maybe I should introduce myself at this point.I'm Ashley (or just Ash) and this is the story of how I leveled the playingfield with my shit head mate.

Anyways- post arguement I left 6th form college and went home to get ready for this party. Ah yeah- that was the other problem- it was Mark's party. Nothing special- just his parents were off to Norfolk for the weekend so he had a free house. So I ate dinner and chucked on a different outfit to thwe one he had made fun of, brushed my teeth, did my hair and went out to the party.

He didn't live incredibly far away but the bus ride back of a night passed through a really rough area. You couldn't get that bus and not get into some sort of trouble with a pissed up chav. The plan pre-arguement had been to stay at mark's place but now i was seriously considering getting a taxi back. I couldn't afford it but fuck it at least i'd have my pride.

It turned out to be a pretty good party. There were quite a few people milling about and drinking. A few people started copping off with each other which i took as a sign that i should probably make myself inconspicuous in the kitchen for a while. When I got in there there were a couple of lads chatting away with Mark. I still couldn't forgive him he just riled me up. I made a half hearted at getting involved in the conversation but to be honest I wasn't in the mood. Mark did eventual ask if I was still staying. He was all friendly like he hadn't obviously pissed me off today. I agreed. I knew I probably couldn't afford to pay for a cab and I was getting tired. By midnight people had already begun to leave. It wasn't meant to be a wild party- just a gathering. I wasn't meant to be the only one staying but one of our mates had a bit to much so the others took him home. The rest of the night was uneventful- I slept in Mark's spare room and he slept in his room.

It happened in the morning. It wasn't anything special- I just woke up in my clothes and decided to take a walk to the toilet to get rid of all the drink from the night before. Maybe he had completley forgot that anyone had stayed over... maybe he meant for me to see him... whatever the reson, when i passed by his bedroom door I was greeted with the sight of him laying toward the end of his bed- one hand stroking his nice looking cock the other driving two fingers into his arse. He was moaning like a cheap whore, writhing around as he fucked himself on his own digits. A few things ran through my head at once. The first was WOW. The second was THIS IS FUCKING HOT. But the third was "If he says he'd never let anyone fuck him why was he now trying to shove a third finger inside himself?"

I was moving before i even realised it. Suddenly I was between his legs watching his fingers manipulate his hot hole, slick with his saliva. He had his eyes shut tight as he made a few more moans of ecstacy. His eyes shot open as my fingers touched his whole. He went to move but i had one hand on his chest and began driving two of my fingers into his now empty hole.

We stayed in taht position frozen for a moment. Then he gave a slight smile- maybe it just came out of confusion- not knowing what else to do in the situation. Anyway i took it as permisson and began fingering his tight little arsehole. His silky insides were red hot and I could feel him begin to work his arse musles on my fingers. I kept spitting on my hand, getting his hole as slick as I possibly could. He didn't seem to notice I had added further fingers until he reached down and found that my thumb was pretty much all that was left outside. Neither of us said a word as I continued to fuck him- I don't know how much time passed before he started moaning my name and coating his abs with cum.

The effect of his orgasm was immense, I had barley registered the raging hard-on in my jeans until i saw his erupt and felt my cock leak thick pre-cum into my underwear. I didn't relieve myself at that point. I was too wrapped up in what had happened. I'd just fucked my seventeen year-old friend with my hand- i'd nearly fisted him. His arrogance was gone and i could see in his face that he knew he could never make another snide comment to me. Our friendship wouldn't be the same as it was but, as I soon found out, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Thats all for now- remember this site needs your help to survive so feel free to donate to nigty.org.

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