Taming Draco and Harry

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 18, 2023


"Harry Potter" and all related characters are copywritten material of JK Rowling, Scholastic, and so on. I am not JK, nor do I claim to be.

There is gay sex in this story, so, if you're not 18 or not allowed to view this material where you live, go to another site, damn it.

Taming Draco and Harry Pt. 6 by Banky Edwards


The following Monday, I found an unpleasant surprise as I walked into Potions. Dolores Umbridge was sitting in the corner, clipboard resting in her lap. I looked towards Harry who was glancing between Snape and Umbridge, two people he hated. I only hoped that he would restrain himself and focus. We were working on Strengthening Solutions, a very complex task. Before class actually started, Snape swooped down over me. "I hope that we will be able to keep our tongues in check today, Mr. Baddock," he said. Not threateningly, but as a warning. "Absolutely, sir,"

Snape left in a flurry of black robes, reminding the class of our task. With a wave of his wand, the words wormed their way across the board and we continued our work.

"Your boy's in a bad position, isn't he?" Eben asked, taking a seat next to me as usual. "I mean, Draco, Snape and Umbridge all in the same room? If only You-Know-Who were here,"

I rolled my eyes and continued working on my solution, occasionally stealing a peek at Umbridge. The only time I had encountered her since our duel had been in class where nothing could happen. She looked up the moment I chose to look at her and our eyes locked. That second lasted forever. I'm sure the loathing she felt for me was nothing I felt for her. I had one-upped her and there was nothing she could do about it. I smiled smarmily at her, making her flush.

About half an hour into class, she began questioning Snape as she had done every other teacher in the school. I was pleased to see that Snape held her in low opinion. His voice was taut as her brainless questions were answered. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one intrigued by their rivalry. Harry watched as well, adding all the wrong ingredients. Once the questioning was done, his potion looked nothing like a Strengthening Solution. Snape sneered at him as he wiped his cauldron clean with a flick of his wand. "No marks again today, Potter,"

I felt a surge of hot anger, but there was nothing I could do. I had never understood why Snape was so cruel to Harry. Yet, it would have not been my place to say anything. At the end of class, as we all exited, I quickly grabbed Harry in the back shadows of the class and placed a reassuring kiss on his lips. He glanced up at me, arms wrapped around my waist. "I don't like your hair like this," he said, gently playing with my dark ponytail. I shook my head, returning it to its natural state. "Better?"

At that moment, Snape walked over, looking disgusted at Harry. "As touching as this moment is," he said oily. "I think the two of you should find your way to the Great Hall for lunch."

"Yes, Professor," I said, saving Harry the trouble of having restraining himself. I took Harry by his hand and guided him out of the dungeons. He said nothing, but I knew he was in a foul mood. I would have been as well if I were him, yet I had the idea that he wasn't telling me half of what was going on in his life. When we reached the entrance hall, I stopped. "Harry, are -,"

"I have to eat quickly," he interrupted, looking into the Great Hall. "I have a lot of work to do,"

He kissed me on the cheek and darted off, leaving me somewhat shocked. Harry had never just blown me off like that and I felt a little hurt. He hadn't even bothered to look at me as he talked. I didn't dwell on it for too long, joining my house at the long table.

Nothing eventful happened until the next day, when I noticed a buzz from a few students. Particularly, the students who had gone into the Hog's Head for Harry's DADA meeting. I managed to get close enough to one gaggle to hear the details of the meeting. Eight o'clock on the seventh floor across from the tapestry of Barnaby the Barmy. Good.

Unfortunately for me, Draco cornered me at five till, wanting some affection. I managed to give him an adequate excuse, claiming that I had to go on Prefect duty, which was a complete load. I moved fast enough that I got to the seventh floor at two minutes after. I knocked on the door and it instantly swung open to reveal Harry. Behind him, twenty four people sat on cushions in a room I had never seen before. He jerked at the sight of me. "Em? What are you doing here?"

"Coming to learn some defenses," I replied, sidling inside. Everyone in the room, with the exception of Hermione, stared at me. "A Slytherin?" a boy snipped. "Well, we might as well turn ourselves in to Umbridge right now." Before I could retaliate, Harry stepped in front of me. "He's not going to rat us out. He's trustworthy,"

"You only trust him because he's your boyfriend," the boy continued. This time, it was Ron who came to my defense. "Shut your hole, Zacharias. Em isn't going to tell Umbridge. He hates her just as much as we do. Maybe even more,"

Zacharias flushed and remembered how much crap he had been talking in the Hog's Head. I wondered if Harry would let me demonstrate some curses and hexes on him. Harry began to greet everyone, standing over them all. I noticed that some people were still watching me nervously, as if I was suddenly going to turn into Umbridge or something. In the middle of Harry's sentence, Hermione raised her hand.

"I think we ought to elect a leader," she said. A Ravenclaw immediately named Harry, but Hermione pressed the importance of making it fair and voting. Nagging she may be, but smart as well. Everyone threw up their hands immediately, including the smart-ass. When I raised my hand, Harry turned three shades of red. Once again, Hermione cut Harry off by raising her hand and suggesting a name for the rag-tag group.

There were a few stupid suggestions before it was decided on `Dumbledore's Army', a rather apropos name. Harry suggested that the group start on a Disarming Charm, but Zacharias objected, stating that it would be useless against You-Know-Who.

"I've used it," Harry replied. "It saved my life in June."

The room was struck with silence. Not even I had expected that. Harry suggested that, if he thought it so unimportant, the boy should leave. He didn't move. As a matter of fact, the whole room was still. "All right," Harry continued. "I suppose we should pair up and practice,"

I chose not to participate, having mastered the Disarming Charm a long time ago. Harry looked at me curiously before joining the only person without a partner, Neville Longbottom. It was fortunate that Harry had suggested to start with a simple spell like that. The spellwork going on in the room was, at best, sloppy. Not many wands were being forced out of hands, except for the occasional innocent bystander getting hit by a spell from Fred and George.

Harry stopped the action for a second. "That was okay," he said. "But we can definitely do better. Let's go again,"

He moved around the room, occasionally making suggestions to pairs. When he got near the Ravenclaw girl who suggested him as leader, she began flubbing her spells and ended up setting her partner's sleeve on fire. He had a somewhat involved conversation with her that I couldn't hear across the room, but, by the look in her eyes, she fancied Harry quite a bit. Their conversation went on for a while before Hermione called across the room, "Harry! Do you know the time?"

He glanced down at his watch and blew a whistle. "Good job, guys But, we're over our time. Next week, same time?"

Many people wanted it to be sooner, but with Quidditch season coming, all of the teams had practices coming up. It was finally decided that the following Wednesday would be a workable time. Harry pulled out a piece of parchment I had never seen and began guiding students out in groups of three and four. Finally, it was Harry, Ron, Hermione and I left. He looked at me and then looked at Ron and Hermione. "We'll go ahead," Ron said, catching the hint. "See you in the common room,"

Harry closed the door behind them and sighed, crossing his arms. "You didn't have to come,"

"But, I did,"

He nodded, not saying anything. "Harry, you've been a little distant lately. Any particular reason? If it's about Ron and Oliver -,"

"I already told you I don't care about that," he snapped. I raised an eyebrow, but Harry looked away. "You do care,"

He turned his back to me, staring into a bookshelf. "It's bad enough I have to share you with Draco. Now, I have to share you with my best friend?"

"I haven't even seen Ron since then," I defended. "And, it was a one-time thing."

"Two if you count kissing in Hogsmeade,"

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "I am not taking on another boyfriend, Harry. Believe me, you and Draco are enough."


"I promise,"

"Well... in that case, I'd like..."

Harry ended his sentence with silence, but I thought I had some idea of what he was hinting at. `If only there were a bed in the room,' I thought. Just as I finished the thought, one appeared in the corner, large and extravagant. Harry glanced at it, then turned to me. "The Room of Requirement conjures whatever you please,"

"Maybe that explains why I came," I told him whimsically. "Maybe you wanted me here,"

A small smile crept across his face before he pressed his lips to mine. I felt his hands working across my chest, removing my cloak, tie and shirt. I did the same to him, running my fingers over his skin. I toed off my shoes, still holding onto Harry's body. Some of the candles went out, leaving us in dim light. I assumed it was Harry who had thought that. I hadn't.

Harry's hands moved around my body, playing up and down my spine. He caressed lower and lower until his hands were planted on my ass. I sighed, breaking our kiss and leaving Harry to kiss my chest. Harry moved lower, kissing my stomach, dipping his tongue in my belly button. "The bed?" he asked, looking up at me lovingly. I took him by the hand, guiding him across the room. He pounced on me, lips on mine, taking me down onto the bed.

I held on to Harry's untidy hair as he pumped his hips into mine, kissing me fervently. I forced my hand down the back of his pants, massaging his ass. The ass that I wanted so badly. Harry sucked in a sharp breath, arching slightly. I removed my hand and rolled us over, sitting on Harry's waist. I shucked off my pants and pulled Harry's off roughly, leaving us only in our socks. I dove back onto him, having been deprived of him for so long. I lodged my face in his neck, sucking furiously.

"Em... unh... let me fuck you... please,"

My head popped up. "Pardon?"

Harry bored his eyes into me, pleading. "I want to fuck you. Just like Ron did that night. I want to know what it feels like to be inside you,"

I hesitated, not necessarily wanting to become notorious for bottoming. It had been enjoyable while drunk, but I hadn't attempted it sober, nor had I intended to. Harry noticed my distracted look. "Please, Em?"

I felt his hands creep down to my ass again and I caved. "All right,"

Harry rolled us over and squirmed up my chest. I knew what he was doing, as I had done it to him so many times. He slipped his cock into my mouth, hard as it ever had been. I gave him the best blowjob I could, preparing him. As far as I knew, he had never topped anyone before, so I wanted to make this good for him. He tired of the blowjob quickly, anticipating what was going to happen.

I slid up the bed, spreading my legs for him. Harry grinned and slithered (yes, I know. That's more Draco's thing.) up between my limbs. "Just go easy," I whispered. "I haven't done this since..."

"I know,"

Harry stayed true to his word and took it easy on me. He placed his rock-hard erection at my ass and gently pushed. With a slight twinge of pain, his cock popped in, inciting a moan from both of us. "Oh, god," Harry whispered. His face broke into a crooked smile as he began pushing in further. I can't say it wasn't enjoyable, having him inside of me. As he wasn't as big as say Oliver, there was relatively no pain. Once he was buried inside of me, I bit my lip, suppressing a moan of pleasure.

"No wonder you like fucking me so much," Harry breathed. I smiled. "No wonder you like getting fucked so much," I replied. He sat back on his haunches, slowly moving his hips. His eyes were fixated on his cock as it slid in and out of me. I was content staring at him. Every now and again, he would bite or lick his lips. He was completely entranced by what was happening, as was I. I began to pleasure myself, wanking my erection. Harry, however, didn't seem to want me to do any work at all. He wrapped his own hand around my dick and began pumping it in the same pace he was fucking me.

He shoved all the way into me, gyrating his waist obscenely. I took the nearest pillow and covered my face, wanting to stifle my moans. Harry snatched the pillow away, planting his lips on mine before I could object. He slid one arm under me, cradling me as we made out. His hips began moving faster, slamming in and out of me. I threw my head back, loving every thrust, every push. Harry placed his arms under the crooks of my knees and pushed back until he was nearly in a push-up position. He was now pounding into me at an insane speed, kissing me every now and again.

Harry pulled out and silently turned me over. He bent me over and slid back inside, not missing a beat. I leaned back on my knees, but he gently pushed me back down. I rested my head on a pillow, jacking my dick. Harry gripped my hips, slamming into me. I couldn't last any longer. I sat back, Harry still fucking me, and jacked my dick until I shot. "Oh, fuck!" I jerked eight times before I collapsed, propping myself up on one hand.

"I'm close, Em," Harry grunted. In one fluid movement, he pulled out, flipped me back over and shimmied up my body. Before I could take him in my mouth, he began to cum. It flew out in spurts, landing in my hair and on my face. Harry let out a string of moans, eyes closed. One of mine was, seeing as the alternate was having a few thousand sperm swimming in my retina. When Harry finally stopped shooting, I had globs of cum in my hair, on my left eyelid and eyebrow, on my nose, on my right cheek, on my lips and on my chin.

Harry looked down. "Oops,"

"Yeah, I bet,"

Harry leaned over and did something unbelievably erotic: began licking his own load off of my face. He licked my chin, my nose, my cheek, my eye and then my lips, kissing me passionately. The moment was so hot, I shot again, underneath Harry. My load hit his crotch and stomach, making him look down. "Wow."

I slumped back onto the bed. "Wow, indeed."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* So SO SO SO SO SO SO Sorry guys! I can't believe I skipped this chapter! Wow. Well, Chapter 8 is already ready, so as soon as this one's up, that will be too! Let me hear from you! MoonDawgy99@excite.com

Next: Chapter 7

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