Taming Draco and Harry

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 13, 2023


"Harry Potter" and all related characters are copywritten material of JK Rowling, Scholastic, and so on. I am not JK, nor do I claim to be.

There is gay sex in this story, so, if you're not 18 or not allowed to view this material where you live, go to another site, damn it.

Taming Draco and Harry Pt. 5 by Banky Edwards


"See if you can do it faster this time,"

"Don't rush me, Eben. It takes some time right now."

"I can do it eighty times faster."

"You've had practice!"

"Well, sure. But, you should be naturally good at it."

"It has nothing to do with genetics."

Eben threw up his hands, eyes rolling. We had been arguing for five whole minutes and I had just won. In my mind, at least. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, concentrating on the task at hand. In a matter of minutes, where I had once stood, was a sandy brown wolfdog. I scratched an itch behind my ear and looked up at Eben who was laughing. "Fleas already, Emeric?"

I growled at him, but it only prompted more laughter. When he managed to stop, he looked down at me. "Okay. Do it,"

I scrunched my forehead in effort, or whatever a dog does when it thinks, and opened my eyes. I looked back and saw that my fur had changed to pure white. I did it again, my fur now pepper gray. I returned to brown, then focused my efforts on becoming human. It took a few minutes, but I managed it. When I stood before Eben again, he clapped.

"A Metamorphmagus learning to become an Animagus," he said. "You could register with Cornelius Fudge personally and they'd never be able to track you,"

I shrugged. "The Ministry of Magic would never have any reason to track me,"

"If you keep threatening Umbridge, they will," he replied, plopping down on a dusty chair that slid a few feet as the building leaned to the right. He and I were sitting in the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade, the precariously perched building that everyone claimed was haunted. We had come here many a time and we knew that there were no ghosts. Not so much as a doxy resided in the shack. That's why it was the perfect place for us to hide out and practice using our Animagus abilities. Well, I was practicing. Eben had his down.

"I managed to get mine down over the summer," he continued, casually looking about the room as if he hadn't seen it a million times before. "I don't see why you didn't,"

"Because I was in a hostel with fourteen other wizards," I retorted, exasperated. "I couldn't exactly practice turning into a dog/wolf half breed Animagus. I would have been caught." Eben nodded, as if hearing me say it for the thirtieth time was adequate. "Have you heard about Harry?" he asked suddenly. I looked up from my arm where I was inspecting what look suspiciously like a flea bite. "What about him?"

"He got another week's worth of detention with Umbridge,"

"What?!? Why?!?"

He shrugged. "Apparently, he blew up again about You-Know-Who. Told her about Quirrell housing him under his turban,"

I sighed tolerantly. Harry's temper with that woman was shorter than a troll's attention span. I hadn't brought up the topic after the morning I saw his hand, as I didn't want to provoke him further. I knew that he still hadn't informed Dumbledore about the use of the Darkblood quill and I doubted he would. Regardless, hearing that he had repeated his mistake meant that I should talk to him about it. It was bad enough that he had crossed her once. Twice was too much.

"Come on. Let's get back," I said, standing. "I'm ready for bed,"

We silently traipsed down the stairs and to the secret passageway that would take us back to school. Inside the low tunnel, Eben said something else that surprised me. "Did you hear about Harry starting a spellwork club?"

"A what?" I asked, shocked for the second time. Eben nodded. "I heard about it from Fred and George. They say they want to teach themselves Defense Against the Dark Arts. Since Umbridge couldn't teach us Defense Against Gnats."

"What else do you know?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Except that they're meeting in the Hog's Head next time we're in Hogsmeade."

By the time I had processed all this information, we were underneath the Whomping Willow. Eben quickly became his Animagus, a full grown, black and green boomslang. All five feet of him slithered out of the hole and I heard the tree stop moving. I clambered out after him and saw him sliding towards the castle. I changed into Professor Snape and swept after him, picking him up on the way.

<<It'll be quicker if I carry you,>> I `said' to him. He cocked his snake head up at me and hissed, but I understood every word. <<I forgot you were a Parselmouth,>>

<<Convenient for us, eh?>>

We made our way inside the castle and down the stairs to the Slytherin dormitories. Eben and I both returned to own bodies and began to head to the beds. "Emeric,"

I looked into his eyes, then broke away quickly. He begun to chuckle. "You did something you shouldn't have, didn't you? I just can't figure out what it is,"

"I swear, you need to stop,"

I awaited Hogsmeade with baited breath. I hadn't been able to see Harry for that entire week and I was eager to see how he would manage to build this club under Umbridge's nose. I got to the Hog's Head early, in full disguise of course. I turned myself into a much older man, but my features were unimportant as I wrapped my whole head in gray bandages. I ordered a smoky, fiery drink called Wallop Water. It wasn't water, but it packed a wallop. Lucky for me, it wasn't alcohol. I was downing them with fervor, trying to blend in.

As if I've ever had a problem with that.

Harry, Ron and Hermione entered alone, looking around nervously. They kept their words to themselves with the exception of ordering three butterbeers. I felt their eyes pass over me, so I kept my own gaze down to my glass. It wasn't long before more students arrived. There were plenty of Gryffindors, including all three Chasers from the Quidditch team, the Weasley twins, Ginny Weasley, Lee Jordan, the unlucky Longbottom, and a vaguely familiar tall black boy. There were four or five Hufflepuffs and a few Ravenclaws. It was no surprise not to see a single Slytherin.

I listened intently during the entire meeting. Hermione's idea of having Harry teach DADA was a good one. Of all the students at the school, he had certainly defended himself against dark arts very well. The meeting didn't last long. They conferred about location and times, not really coming to a solid conclusion. Hermione had the group sign a piece of parchment with an odd looking quill before they all dispersed. I threw back my last Wallop and headed outside, making the change in the doorway. I pulled the bandages off and removed the dirty trench coat I had been wearing to reveal a dark green, tight fitting turtleneck and black slacks. I ran to catch up to Harry, catching him in front of Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.


Harry, Ron and Hermione turned to face me. Harry beamed, Ron blushed and Hermione busied herself in a Scrivenshaft's bag. Harry moved to hug me, but stopped, looking at Ron and Hermione. They got the hint and continued to walk through the village. "I have something to tell you," I told him after a quick, but loving kiss. He chuckled. "I do, too. I think I should tell you first,"

"No, Harry, listen -,"

"Em, this is important. I really -,"

"Harry, I have to tell you I overheard your meeting,"

"Em, I know about you, Oliver and Ron."

The last two things were said simultaneously. Harry looked as surprised as I was feeling. If I had heard correctly, Harry had told me that he knew about my drunken adventures in the Gryffindor common room. I knew Oliver hadn't told him, so I looked at Ron's shrinking figure. Harry followed my gaze and guessed correctly. "No, Ron didn't tell me. Well, not exactly. I overheard he and Hermione talking."

"What did he tell her?"

"Just what happened. He told her that he walked in on you and Oliver... together," Harry said with a pause. "And, then he said that he joined and ended up fucking you after Oliver left."

"Harry -,"


My heart sunk through my stomach. Harry wasn't happy with the situation, obviously. He kept running his fingers through his hair, something he only did when he was upset. I was talking more at him than anything, seeing as he didn't look at me. "Harry, I know anything I say isn't good enough to make up for what I did. But, I -,"

"I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell me he liked guys,"

I stopped in mid-sentence. "What?"

Harry looked at me as if I hadn't been talking at all. "I mean, I know he can't tell me about the Ord-... he doesn't have to tell me everything, but I am his best friend and all. I guess Hermione already knew. She was rather calm about it. I just feel so... left out,"

"Are you saying you don't care that it happened?" I asked, somewhat taken aback. Harry rolled his eyes. "Em, you sleep with Draco weekly. I've always known you enjoyed sex. I knew you had other outlets for all your energy,"

"But, I haven't!" I said rather defensively. "This was the first time!"

Harry sniggered, only making more agitated. "Em, it's all right. I know you can't be tied down or anything like that. Everyone knows that. I'm just worried about Ron,"

"Ron can handle himself," I told him, remembering that night. Harry nodded, not noticing my distant look. "I assume so. I just want him to be comfortable enough with me to tell me,"

"He'll tell you in time,"

Harry smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, starting down the road after Ron and Hermione. We caught up to them after a while, Ron standing on my right, Harry on my left and Hermione next to him. Harry began to talk to Hermione about the club, so I turned to Ron, who blushed yet again. "So, have you had any more fun since that night?" I asked casually. Ron, an unusual shade of scarlet, looked quickly at Harry. "It's okay," I said quietly. "He knows. He's kinda upset you didn't tell him though. You know, being best mates and all,"

Ron nodded understandingly. "I wanted to, but... wait a tick. How did he know?"

"He overheard you and Hermione,"

Ron sighed and forced a smile. "Well, is he upset?"

"Only that you kept it from him,"

There was a pause where Hermione and Harry's conversation drifted in one ear and out the other. Ron looked at me for a split second before his lips were pressed against mine. Sober or not, I couldn't turn him away. He was a master a kissing, using his tongue like a dueling wand. His lips were extremely soft, like two pouty pillows. I kissed Ron for a while before I heard, "Hem, hem."

I jerked away, expecting to see Umbridge standing in front of us, but it was only Harry, smiling curiously. "Ron, I don't remember us ever talking about you liking my boyfriend. As a matter of fact, I don't even remember us talking about you liking boys,"

Ron sputtered through a string of syllables before deciding on, "Well, yeah. I was going to get around to it. Sometime. Like, now." We all had a good laugh at Ron's explanation and I found myself in another precarious situation. Apparently, Ron did have feelings for me beyond his first fuck. Could I handle another guy? Immediately, my loins screamed yes. But, my brain kept up for once and told me to slow down and actually think about it.

So I did.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Damn! I so wanted to have this done before the next book came out, but alas! Well, I hope you guys will keep reading even after HBP comes out! Let me know! MoonDawgy99@excite.com

Next: Chapter 6

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