Taming Draco and Harry

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jun 23, 2023


"Harry Potter" and all related characters are copywritten material of JK Rowling, Scholastic, and so on. I am not JK, nor do I claim to be.

There is gay sex in this story, so, if you're not 18 or not allowed to view this material where you live, go to another site, damn it.

Taming Draco and Harry Pt. 4 by Banky Edwards


The news of my encounter with Umbridge spread faster than a Verchulian sneeze charm. Of course, the story had been altered quite a few times. Some claimed that I had transfigured her into a worm and dangled her over the giant squid. Others thought that I had threatened to perform an Unforgivable Curse on her. Amusing, although untrue.

I was in the middle of discussing the events with a group of Slytherins in the Great Hall one morning when the post owls began to swoop in. I spotted my father's barn owl, Alastor, approaching me with a medium sized box in his talons. He landed smoothly between my empty plate and goblet full of pumpkin juice. I took the box, feeding Alastor a spare strip of bacon. He hooted graciously and took off for home. I examined the box, nibbling on a piece of toast. It was plain brown with white string and on the top left corner it simply said, "Luel".

I smiled. Luel was my older brother by almost six years. He had graduated from Hogwarts and gone off to the Ministry of Magic to train to become an Auror, just like our father. He had passed his training and was now a full-fledged fighter of dark magicians. In title, at least. Despite the fact that Fudge sent him on codswallop missions rather than had him looking out for Death Eaters and You-Know-Who, he enjoyed his job. I pulled open the box and quickly closed it back. Luel had sent me a bottle of Firewhiskey. Needless to say, I was a little excited by the prospect of being drunk at school. I placed the bottle in my bag, saving it for later.

"Firewhiskey, eh? Looks like someone's going to be shit-faced later,"

I turned to my right to see Eben, full name Ebentariel Sebastian Dolohov, taking a seat next to me. Son of a Death Eater, Eben had one of the most dysfunctional families I had ever encountered. His father, under the hand of You-Know-Who, had tormented his own wife to death after she threatened to hand him over to the Ministry of Magic. Eben had been a toddler at the time, but it was still a huge blow to him to lose his mother. He coped, though, by being the third most destructive person in the school, after his long time prank-challengers Fred and George Weasley. His motto: "If they won't do it, I will. And, I won't get caught."

"Not all of us are that irresponsible, Eben," I replied. "Besides, I don't intend on drinking it,"

He stared into my eyes for a second before speaking. "You're a dumb git. And, a bad liar."

"And, you need to stop doing that," I replied, breaking eye contact. Eben laughed innocently. "What ever do you mean?"

I shook my head tolerantly and looked down the table at the pale, white blonde headed boy sitting between two boulder-like bodies. Draco had been oddly romantic after our encounter on the lawn. He seemed like a whole different person, kissing me in the hallways and cuddling with me at night. I assumed that, because I actually stayed with him that night, he was beginning to trust me again. He had toned down his attitude and was quite keen on being somewhat nice. I hadn't been able to spend as much time with Harry as I would have liked, but that was about to change.

That night, I waited until about midnight when everyone else was slightly asleep to drink some of my new Firewhiskey. The name was not a deception, at all. One swig and my throat felt like a Common Welsh Green dragon had spit down my mouth. My ears steamed and I fought down the desire to strip off all my clothes and run naked to the lake. Within minutes, two more shots had been taken and I was far from coherent. I had a quick internal dialogue, took another sip or two, then rushed out of the room and out through the portrait hole.

I became Professor McGonagall this time, but never encountered anyone as I made my way to Gryffindor tower. I spoke the password and changed as I walked inside, not expecting the sight I saw. Ron and Hermione were smiling contentedly as Harry hugged a dark haired stranger passionately. Harry kept his arms around the stranger's neck as they talked, both smiling. I felt a tiny pinch of jealousy.

I cleared my throat.

"Em! I didn't know you were coming,"

He ran over to me, pecking me on the lips. The boy he had been hugging was watching curiously and I noticed his eyes stray to my Slytherin robes. I recognized him as the former Gryffindor team captain, Oliver Wood. He was attractive, to say the least. I made a note to combine short brown hair and equally brown eyes sometime. "Come here. I want you to meet someone," Harry said, taking my hand and guiding me across the room.

"Oliver, this is Emeric, my boyfriend. Em, this is Oliver,"

I shook his hand. "Slytherin, eh, Harry?"

Harry blushed, then nodded, looking up at me. Oliver turned his attention to me. "So, I hear Harry's not your only boyfriend,"

"True. I'm also dating Draco Malfoy,"

Oliver's eyebrows raised. "I imagine that's a difficult position to be in,"

I nodded and turned my eyes on Ron, who blushed immediately. I hadn't talked to him since he had not-so stealthily spied on Harry and myself in the middle of a romantic encounter. "Ron," I nodded. He forced a smile. I looked to the person next to him and my demeanor changed from amused to tolerant in a flash. "Hermione,"


I didn't hate her. I couldn't. It would crush Harry. But, I didn't exactly favor her as much as I did Ron. I spoke to her only around Harry. I doubt that she favored me much either, but her opinion of me meant less than zero. Harry turned to me, wrapping his arms around me. He looked at me oddly. "You're burning up. Are you sick?"

"No, just had a little Firewhiskey before I left,"

"Firewhiskey?" Ron repeated. "How much?"

I shrugged, definitely feeling a little less stable. "Half the bottle,"

Ron and Oliver gawked at me. "You're still standing?"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked curiously. Ron explained. "Well, Firewhiskey isn't exactly for the weak of heart. Most people that drink that much are out for a few days, at least."

There was a long silence before I realized that I had been staring at the fireplace throughout this entire conversation. When I came to, everyone in the room was staring at me. Harry stifled a laugh. "Well, we were just getting bed," he said to Oliver. And, to me, "Are you coming?"

I glanced at Oliver, who was standing behind Harry, partially hidden in shadow. He gave the slightest of head shakes. I looked at Harry. "I have to go get a change of robes from my trunk. I'll join you as soon as I can."

Harry nodded, kissed me on the cheek and headed upstairs with Ron and Hermione. When I heard two doors close, I turned to the tall, slender vision in front of me. Well, I say turned. I actually stumbled more than anything. "Well, Mr. Wood, is there any particular reason you wanted me to stay?"

He took a step up to me, smiling invitingly, and nodded. "Actually, there's a few reasons,"

Before I knew what was happening, Oliver had me in his arms, his lips dueling with mine. His body seemed to envelop me, every possible point of contact was pressed against me. I moaned quietly, somewhat taken aback. This complete stranger was pouncing on me with no hesitation. Not that I particularly minded, seeing as how attractive he was.

When he finally backed off, I stared at him with glassy eyes. "Well, Mr. Wood. That was certainly unexpected."

He laughed. "I suppose it was a bit forward. But, I've never been known to be subtle when I see something I want,"

On the word `subtle', Oliver placed his hand on my crotch and grabbed roughly. I bit my lip to suppress a moan, not wanting to draw attention to our meeting. "So, what exactly is it that you want?" I asked. He smiled deviously. "The same thing that every man wants: a good lay."

If you ask me, to this day, I still can't tell you how both of us ended up naked on the rug in front of the dimming fireplace. Oliver's hands were like roaming snakes, sliding up and down my body. He was on top, hips grinding against mine, forcing me into the carpet. His erection was nearly as big as mine, though not as thick. I found out exactly how big it was when he crawled up my body and forced it between my inebriated lips.

Oliver sighed something under his breath as I raised my head to take his cock. His long body seemed to tower above me. High up, I could see his face contorted in pleasure, eyes closed and mouth open. There was no talking, simply Oliver sliding in and out of my mouth contentedly.

Before too long, Oliver retreated from my mouth and forcefully flipped me over. "What are you doing?" I asked, as if I didn't know the answer. Oliver chuckled behind me. Not a menacing chuckle, but more of a `Don't-Play-Dumb' chuckle. "I told you that I get what I want. And, right now, I want to fuck you into the carpet,"

"I'm a top," I said unconvincingly. "I don't bottom,"

Oliver sighed, shaking his head. "Well, that's where there's a problem. I bottom for no one. And, seeing as you're drunk, I could probably spend five minutes trying to convince you that it would be a good thing for you to bottom for me. Or, we could save time and get down to business,"

Even in my drunken stupor, the words made sense. I doubted that I could argue my way out of this situation. Maybe if sober, but not right now. Instead of answering, I merely nodded. A smile crept across Oliver's face as he prepped himself. "So, you're completely virgin, eh?"

I nodded, unable to speak. Oliver became a little less abrasive and more compassionate. "I won't hurt you. We'll take this slow,"

I hesitantly agreed and lay down on the carpet, bracing myself mentally and physically. I knew, from topping Harry and Draco, that taking a cock up your ass wasn't exactly a walk in the park the first few times. And, Oliver wasn't exactly little in that department either. Regardless, I was interested to see what Harry and Draco felt and enjoyed so often.

Oliver wasted no time with formalities, placing his erection right at my hole. "Relax," he whispered. "If you tense up, it'll only make it harder. Well, more difficult, that is." I did as he suggested and relaxed, feeling him slowly adding pressure. It seemed like an eternity before the tip of his cock slid into me. I drew in a deep breath and then a moan, probably louder than I should have been. Oliver didn't seem to notice. He kept still, allowing me time to adjust to the invading member. I buried my face in my arms, unable to understand why Draco and Harry enjoyed this so much.

We remained in this position for a while before Oliver pushed a little farther in. I lifted my head off of the floor instantly, groaning from the mix of pain and odd pleasure. Oliver gave me a second to adjust, then slid inside more, continuing until he was completely buried inside of me. I could do nothing but whimper at the feeling of domination that both of my boyfriends constantly begged for. Oliver, on the other hand, moaned appreciatively.

"Damn, Emeric," he grunted. "You weren't kidding when you said you were virgin,"

From that point on, there were no holds barred. Oliver thrust in and out of me with a vigor only a Quidditch player had. His hands were on my hips, pulling me back into him as he pushed forward. He seemed to have lost all concern about my well-being and was fixated on getting his kit off. As the minutes passed, the feeling of having another man inside of me was becoming more and more enjoyable. Oliver's piece continually rubbed against my prostate, sending waves of electricity through me. I relaxed my head on the floor, reaching under me to wank my own erection.

The Firewhiskey in my veins was blurring my vision and slurring the few words I cared to speak. I was so into the boff I was receiving, I didn't notice another person enter the room. It was only when Oliver stopped thrusting into me that I looked up. I was mid-way through asking him what was wrong when I saw Ron standing in front of me. He shuffled nervously before speaking.

"I - I don't want to interrupt or - or whatever, but I'm, um, wondering if I might just... you know, join you. If that's okay. I mean, if not, I can just, you know, go back to bed or something. It's not really like I have to do this. I mean, I want to. Well, I'm curious to know... I don't really have a constant desire to, uh, be w-with guys. Not that I'm homophobic or anything. Just... curious. I guess,"

All of this was said very quickly. I said nothing in response, but Oliver laughed and said, "Sure, Ron. I'm sure Emeric here would be glad to help you out as well,"

I made no attempt to deny what Oliver said. I was sexually excited and nothing would please me more than another source of pleasure. Ron nervously removed his clothes, revealing a rather taut body, muscles shadowed in the firelight. The piece that bounced between his legs was nothing to brush off either. Ron might have had Oliver beat in size, and that was saying something. I daresay he rivaled my own throbbing meat. I didn't focus on that for too long, though. Ron kneeled in front of me and his cock instantly disappeared into my mouth.

Ron shuddered and placed his hand on my head, pulling me lower into his crotch. In the dim sparks of the fire, Ron's pubes seemed to burn. Every inch I took in my throat felt like a rod of heat. I suppose that the Firewhiskey was still elevating my temperature, making Ron and Oliver heat me up even more. I was sweating profusely and I could feel the occasional bead of sweat from Oliver hit my lower back every once and again. Ron wasn't sweating, that I knew of, but he was definitely breathing heavily. I buried my nose in his groin and he half-laughed, half-moaned.

"Oh, bloody hell,"

Oliver's assault continued, forcing me even further into Ron's spread legs. In fact, he pushed me so far forward that I found myself gagging on Ron's piece. Unable to move away, I continued to cough around his member. Oliver found this somewhat erotic I guess, as he prodded Ron to kept where he was. "Ooh, that's good, Ron. Make him choke on it,"

I did choke indeed until I gained my bearings. But, by that point, Oliver was satisfied. He pounded me harder, slamming his hips into mine. He planted himself in me one last time, hands clenched on my waist, and groaned loudly. I felt his dick spasm in my ass, shooting an impressive load inside of me. I moaned around Ron's dick, amazed by the sensations. Oliver sighed and slowly eased out of me. "Wow. I haven't shot like that in a while," he panted, slapping my ass. "Thanks. I've got to get back to Hogsmeade, though. Ron, I suggest you try the other end before the night is up,"

With that said, Oliver threw on his clothes and disappeared from the common room. Ron removed himself from my mouth and looked down at me. "I'd like to fuck you," he said simply. I hesitated, then replied, "I don't know, Ron. I'm a little sore,"

A strange look passed over Ron's face. All of the nervousness and apprehension was gone, replaced by determination. "I wasn't asking." Completely bewildered by Ron's change of pace, I was completely unaware of him flipping me onto my back and lifting my legs in the air. I was, however, aware of Ron sliding two of his long fingers into my hole. He twisted his fingers around as I relaxed my head on the floor, moaning quietly. Before long, I felt the tip of his cock at my back door. I opened my eyes and locked onto Ron's. He paused to look at me for a second before forcing his way inside.

I whimpered loudly seeing as Ron was bigger than Oliver. Ron groaned as well, sliding further and further into my hole. Thanks to Oliver's abundant load, there was little resistance to Ron's cock. When he bottomed out, I clutched at his shoulders, pulling him down to me. Ron looked surprised for a moment before resuming his fuck, sliding out and slowly pushing back in. I gripped at his neck, drunk with the feelings of being full as well as alcohol. Ron looked at me for a second thoughtfully, then leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I forced my tongue into his mouth and was rewarded with the same.

I didn't expect Ron to last as long as he did. For fifteen solid minutes, Ron wailed on my bum, making me squirm in delight. It was all too soon for me when he suddenly pulled out, slid up my body and thrust his cock in between my lips. My tongue had barely touched the tip when he shot. And, shoot he did. Ron jerked about eight times before his load began to wane. By that point, cum was dribbling out of my mouth and onto my chin. Ron managed to roll off of me before collapsing on the floor.

"I can't believe I haven't tried this before," he mumbled. I wasn't concerned with him, though. I was worried about my dick that I was dealing with. "Fuck me," I begged, looking at Ron. "So, I can shoot,"

There was no hesitation at all. Ron was inside of me and pounding away as I jerked furiously. After a minute, I tensed up and blasted all over my chest and stomach, legs wrapped firmly around the redhead on top of me. Well, that motivational quick fuck for my load ended up in Ron placing me on my stomach and fucking me for another ten minutes, adding another dose of cum in my ass.

Ron removed himself from me and gathered his clothes, now turning back into the shy, nervous Ron I knew. "Um... thanks. I really enjoyed it. All of it. So, um, if you want to do this again, that'd be okay with me. But - but, only if you want to. So... good night."

Ron disappeared in a flash, leaving me to compose myself. I cleaned up, put on my shorts and snuck upstairs to crawl in bed with Harry. As I passed Ron's bed, I couldn't help but smile to myself.


Sorry for the delay! SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! I really want to thank all of the fans who have written me with suggestions and opinions about the story. There is more to come, so keep reading! And, keep e-mailing: MoonDawgy99@excite.com

Next: Chapter 5

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