Taming Draco and Harry

By Banky Edwards

Published on May 11, 2023


Harry Potter and all characters associated to J.K Rowling are property of her. The characters are copywritten. I am not her.

If you are underage or offended by male on male sex, get outta here. Word.

Taming Draco & Harry by Banky Edwards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stirred from my sleep for no apparent reason. Light was streaming across the bed, sneaking in through the corners of the bed curtains. I yawned, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. I looked down at Harry who was still quite asleep. He hadn't moved all night, as he was still strewn across my torso. I played with his untidy hair for a minute before I noticed something I hadn't the night before.

The back of Harry's right hand was slightly swollen and looked as though he had been cut. Upon further inspection, I saw that the cuts were actually words reading, `I must not tell lies.' I gingerly touched the words causing Harry's hand to twitch. They were fresh. My stomach lurched as I realized that someone was hurting Harry, an anger building up in me. Before I could dwell on it too much, a particularly loud snore rose from the bed next to us and Harry snapped awake.

He stretched out, then peeked up at me, smiling. "Morning,"

"Same to you, Mr. Potter,"

"I didn't expect you to be here when I woke," he said plainly. "I thought you'd..."

He clearly didn't want to finish the sentence, so I took the opportunity to change the subject. "What are you doing today?" I asked, stifling a yawn. Harry took a moment to think. "I've got Quidditch practice after lunch and loads of homework to do. I wouldn't be so behind if it weren't for that Umbridge woman and her detentions,"

I made a mental connection. "How did that go?"

"Fine," Harry replied, obviously lying. He slid his hand under the covers. "She just made me do some lines. Nothing too bad,"

"I must not tell lies?" I posed, eyebrow raised. Harry looked shocked. "But, I put a spell on... you're not supposed to be able to see that,"

"Harry, the spell probably wore off. Why haven't you told Dumbledore about this?"

He sat up in the bed so suddenly that he nearly toppled out of it. "Dumbledore has enough to worry about," he said bitterly. "I'm not going to run up to him just because I got detention,"

"But -,"

"I don't want to talk about it," he cut in. I nodded, knowing when to admit defeat. "Well, I do suppose I should go. Want to get there before he wakes up, you know,"

Harry said nothing, but crawled up the bed and placed an oddly erotic kiss on my lips. I ended up in that kiss for ten minutes, going a little further than I intended. Finally, I broke myself away from the lovely vision before me, dressed and bid him farewell. I didn't want to leave him, but he seemed to want some time alone. I slithered out of the portrait hole and headed down towards the dungeons and the Slytherin dormitories.

Seeing as it was just after daybreak, everyone in the castle was still asleep. I snuck into the fifth year room and crept over to Draco's bed, stripping and sliding in noiselessly. He was curled up in the sheets, completely knocked out. As soon as my head touched the pillow, a voice asked, "Spent the night with Potter, did you?"

Not as knocked out as I thought. "He needed to see me,"

Draco rolled over to face me, contemplating what to say. He chose not to speak, though. Instead, he kissed me, then closed his eyes and returned to sleep. Draco's silence wasn't a good sign. I could tell he was hurt by my midnight escape, but he would never admit it. He was too proud. I watched him sleep for a while before falling asleep myself.

A few hours later, after Draco had stormed off, not bothering to talk to me at all, I found myself sitting down near the lake studying. Well, not studying so much as lounging about with bare feet in the water, admiring the last of the sunny, warm weather. My Arithmancy book lay by my side, open to a random page, pleading to be studied. I refused however, and lay back on the grass.

There were plenty of students on the grounds, enjoying the weather. Some were studying as I should be and others were free to bathe in the sunlight. The sky was an overwhelming blue dotted here and there with floating puffs of blanche white clouds. The sun itself was at just the right angle not to get in your eyes, but keep you perfectly warm. It was a gorgeous day.

But, as they say, it's always lightest before it gets dark.

Or something.

I heard a slight commotion behind me and turned to see Draco, Crabbe and Goyle harassing a third year student under a grand tree. I sighed and stood, making my way across the lawn. Upon seeing me, Draco released the terrified kid and glared at me. I stood an inch away from him. To Crabbe and Goyle, "Sod off." They looked at each other and remained. "SOD OFF!" They moved away quickly, leaving me standing barefoot in front of an infuriated Draco.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked patiently. Draco practically spit in my face. "What's it to you, Mrs. Potter? Why don't you go save the world from a rogue dragon or something?"

I closed my eyes, rubbing my temple. This was by no means the first time Draco and I had a tiff. Almost every time I was with Harry, Draco threw a fit afterwards, moodily expressing his stresses on anyone he could. He was convinced that I favored Harry over him, which was not true at all. I favored them both, each for different reasons. Despite my best efforts to inform Draco of this, he chose never to believe me and go on a tantrum.

"Draco, we've had this conversation before," I said quietly. "You know I don't favor Harry over you. I don't know why you think so,"

"Because you always leave me for him!" he snipped, unusually emotional. His anger was quickly becoming sadness and I hoped that he would refrain from crying. Twice in twenty four hours was too much. "I don't leave you for him. I have to. divide my time between the two of you. I can see you during the day and him at night. Or whatever. I have to cut my time with him to be with you, too, you know,"

Draco broke his gaze, looking around the lawn. I'm sure everyone had been watching since I yelled at Crabbe and Goyle. They were all watching with rapt attention, waiting to see what was the outcome of this explosion. Draco and I were somewhat notorious for arguing around school. I can't say that it wasn't sometimes fun to scream my head off at him for something idiotic, though.

I took his chin in my head, forcing him to look at me. He looked downward, so I tapped his chin, letting him know that I was serious. His eyes locked onto mine, obviously hurting. I kissed him softly, tongues dueling. When I broke off, he looked a little more willing to talk. "I don't want to be second to Harry Potter to you, too,"

I felt an immense pang in my chest upon hearing these words. Was that the cause of all the animosity? Being compared to Harry Potter all the time? Was all the spite and jealousy and hatred due to being second best? I was at a loss for words and Draco noticed. "You think I'm just a prick like everyone else, right? And, that I have no feelings? Well, I do! And, I'm tired of losing everything to him!" He had begun crying, of course. He paused for a gasp of air. "I just don't want to be the loser anymore,"

He looked up at me, broken. "Draco, you're not second to me."

"Then, stay with me tonight. Really stay,"

"Of course,"

"I'll know if you don't!"

I chuckled slightly. "I know. I'll stay."

Draco nodded, then leaned in for a kiss. An inch before our lips would meet, he stopped and I felt his hand slide into my pants. I let out a tolerant sigh. "Draco, not here,"

"Why? Afraid Potter will see?"

I looked over Draco's shoulder to see Harry, Ron and their friend Hermione sitting about twenty feet away. "No, I just don't think that giving me a handjob in the middle of the lawn is a smart idea."

"You like it though," he replied smartly, wrapping his fingers around my growing erection. He wasn't lying, as I was losing stability in my legs as the seconds passed. I placed one arm on the tree, hoping to support myself. Draco continued his assault, lazily stroking my piece in front of a hundred or so students. I looked around, making sure that no one was aware of our illicit activities. Seeing as no one was paying attention to us anymore, I figured it wouldn't be too wrong to continue.

Draco's lips met mine, making the sensations even better. I leaned against him, making his arm invisible to everyone, even if they were looking directly at us. Draco noticed and got a little bolder, undoing my slacks and freeing my hard-on. I began to tell him to stop, but he silenced me with a gentle, but firm squeeze. I melted into his grasp, sighing quietly.

"Promise you'll stay the entire night?"

"I told you I would,"

Draco stopped, glaring up at me. "I mean it, Em."

"I mean it, too. Now, stop being such a git and finish what you've started,"

Prodded by my insult, Draco doubled his efforts, doing basically everything except dropping to his knees in front of me. For ten minutes, he continued giving me a superb handjob on the lawn. But, it couldn't last forever. The combination of Draco's thin fingers, piercing eyes and pouty lips sent me over the edge. I had to reign in my groans as I shot my load all over Draco's hands and the front of his robes. He lifted his hand to his face, licking his fingers like a kid in Honeydukes. The sight of him sucking my load off of his fingers almost made me shoot again. But, unfortunately, we were interrupted.

A loud whistling snapped me to attention. Over Draco's shoulder, I could see Harry holding his wand high in the air. He caught my eye, frantically gesturing towards the castle. I followed his signs and saw Professor Umbridge strolling, or waddling rather, towards us. I stuffed myself into my pants and whipped out my wand, pointing it at Draco. "Evanesco." The mess disappeared just as Umbridge laid her eyes on us. She walked up to me, reaching only up to my chest. "Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Baddock, may I have a word with you?" she asked in that falsely sweet voice. I nodded curtly, summoned my book and shoes and followed her towards the castle.

Once inside, she turned to me, smiling. "I was simply wondering, Mr. Baddock, how your boyfriend's hand is doing?"

It was as if I had been hit by a hippogriff. Was this tart actually coming to me for this? Before I could even think to restrain myself, words were flying out of my mouth. "Listen carefully, you dumpy little git. Since you're in the ministry, I'm sure that you're aware of the illegal ban of Darkblood quills since seventeen eighty six. I'm sure that you're also aware that if I choose to present this evidence to my father, you would no longer be in the position of temporary power that you find yourself. As for Harry, he's doing quite well, given the circumstances. You know, Lord Voldemort rising again and all."

Umbridge seemed to have not heard my insult or threat, as she was taken aback by the name of You-Know-Who. "Mr. Baddock, do you actually believe the rants of a delusional teenager?"

"I believe Harry more that I believe that crackpot Cornelius Fudge. If he wants to cover up the return of Voldemort, so be it. Just know that the Ministry of Magic with suffer the first losses."

Umbridge's smile was gone and she stared at me, contemplating a response. "Baddock, I think that detention with me -,"

"Would be pointless," I cut in, leaning closely. I lowered my voice to an almost silent whisper. "I know hexes that would make you wish for death. Continue on this path and you will find yourself at the wrong end of a wand, whether it be mine or someone else's."

I swept away before she could respond, feeling immensely pleased with myself. That'll show her, I thought. Obviously, I was wrong.

Well, well, well. Will Emeric survive the encounter with the less than friendly Umbridge? Will he stay with Draco? Will there be a surprise guest next chapter? You'll just have to read and see, won't you? Let me know what you think: MoonDawgy99@excite.com

Next: Chapter 4

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