Taming Draco and Harry

By Banky Edwards

Published on Apr 28, 2023


Harry Potter and all characters associated to J.K Rowling are property of her. The characters are copywritten. I am not her.

If you are underage or offended by male on male sex, get outta here.


Taming Draco & Harry by Banky Edwards

It was against school rules for me to be out this late, but I had my ways around it. I heard a noise suspiciously like Mrs. Norris, so I closed my eyes and concentrated. My body grew older, much older. My hair lengthened and turned a shimmering silver. A matching beard shot out of my chin, not stopping until it was down to my waist. I had become Albus Dumbledore. And, just in time. Mrs. Norris, along with a panting Filch, appeared around the corner. Filch stopped just as he opened his mouth, probably anticipating catching a student. "Evening, Headmaster," he said. I nodded curtly and moved past him. I could easily mimic someone visually, but I was still not entirely capable of mimicking their voice. I could with people close my age, but the rasp of an older person's voice was hard to imitate. I remained as Dumbledore until I reached the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Mimbulus mimbletonia," She stirred lightly from her sleep, then swung open. In the shadows of the doorway, I resumed my normal appearance. The Gryffindor common room was abandoned, a small fire still going on in the hearth. There were a number of small woolen bumps lying around the room, but I had no clue what they were. I heard something behind me. "Hedwig broke the window trying to get your letter to me," I said. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist. "How did you know I was behind you?" "I heard you," Harry chuckled slightly, but it sounded fake, like he was trying to convince me he found it funny. His touch was gentle, but needy. He pressed every possible inch of himself onto me. But, I was used to it. Harry had a hard life. No parents, a horrible Muggle family and, now, the entire school thought he was a lunatic. I knew he was right about You-Know-Who. My uncle was an admitted Death Eater and had disappeared just before Harry had come back with Cedric Diggory's dead body. I had no doubt that he had been a part of the chaos. I never told Harry this, though. Harry was my boyfriend. Or, the second, rather. He knew that I was also with Draco and vice versa. Ironic. Me dating the two fiercest rivals in our school. I hadn't planned to date both of them at the same time. It just happened. I had informed both of them about the situation and they, hesitantly, agreed. Instead of easing their rivalry, though, it only made it worse. I had thought about trying to get them together, but it would probably end up nastily. "Can you stay?" Harry asked, his hands massaging my stomach lightly. I shook my head. "Dra... he asked me to stay with him tonight." "Oh." I turned to face him. He was, obviously, disappointed. Being in the same house as Draco made it easier for me to see him. Harry, on the other hand, only got to see me every once in a while, excluding our joined classes. It was somewhat unfortunate that the person who needed me most got to see me the least. "I can stay for a while," I told him reassuringly. "He always sleeps in on Saturday mornings." This seemed to lift Harry's spirits a little. Seeing him smile was refreshing and I couldn't resist kissing him gently. Harry stood on his tiptoes, seeing as he was a good four inches shorter than me. We duck walked to the nearest chair and plopped down, Harry on my lap. Whereas Draco's kisses were fervent and passionate, Harry's were tender and loving. He held my face in his hands, running his fingers through my hair. I began to change my hair, making it slightly longer and darker, but Harry objected. "Don't change, Em," he whispered. "I just want you," I nodded and returned my hair to normal. Harry smiled outwardly, but I knew he was unhappy inside. I didn't have much time to think about it, though. Harry's hands crept down to my trousers, undoing the snap and zipper. "Right here?" I asked. "In the common room?" "Everyone's asleep," Harry replied, not entirely confident. "Besides, I don't want to be in that room with Seamus anymore," I understood. Harry had told me that Seamus' mother thought he was a lunatic and lying about You-Know-Who returning. It had been a serious insult to Harry that one of his own friends and fellow Gryffindors didn't believe him. I pushed that out of my mind as Harry slid my robe off my shoulders. I shifted so he could completely remove it, leaving me bare-chested with my pants wide open. I pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it somewhere. Harry leaned forward to kiss me, but a voice stopped him. "Harry? Where are you?" He sat bolt upright. The voice had come from behind us, where the staircase was. "Ron! What are you doing up?" "I woke up to use the bathroom and... Harry? What are you sitting on?" I was completely concealed by the high back of the chair, which I forgot. Ron walked around into my line of sight. "Oh. Oh! Hullo, Emeric," "Ron," I saw his eyes dart to my bare chest and open fly. He laughed nervously. "I, um... didn't mean to interrupt anything. I just wondered where you were." Harry nodded and Ron looked at me, obviously unsure of what to do. "Um. I guess this is what your hair actually looks like?" "This is my natural hair color and style, Ron," I said, smiling slightly. Ron, as well as many people at the school, wasn't one hundred percent sure what I looked like. Being a Metamorphmagus meant that I changed my appearance for every class. For Potions, I had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and dark eyes. For Herbology, blonde hair like the sun and earthy brown eyes. For Transfiguration, white hair and blank eyes, ripe for the changing. "Nice. I mean... it suits you." He exited the room rather awkwardly. So awkwardly, in fact, that I couldn't help but look to Harry for an explanation. He rolled his eyes. "Ron is nervous around you because you're in Slytherin. He doesn't know if you like him or if you pretend to so you can jinx him behind my back. Quite ludicrous, really. Plus, he's been acting real off lately. Like something's bothering him." "Did you talk to him about it?" Harry nodded. "But, he just changed the subject and kept talking. Said it was nothing." I shrugged, as did Harry. Then, he smiled sneakily as he slid his hand down my pants, making me inhale sharply. Harry was no Draco, but he did have a certain sexual fervor. His lips latched onto mine, tongue invading my mouth. I placed my hands on his bare back, pulling him closer. In response, Harry arched his back, breaking our kiss, and sighed. I locked onto a nipple, making Harry's sigh become a moan. He wrapped his arms around my head, drawing me closer into his chest. I moved all over, planting kissed and nibbles here and there. After a few moments, Harry slid off of my lap and settled to his knees on the floor. As he moved to take off my pants, I stopped him and removed his glasses, placing them on the nearby table. Harry untied my shoes, staring up at me lovingly. As he pulled one shoe off, I said, "You know I hate it when you do this," "What?" "Act so subservient." Harry shucked off my pants, throwing them on the sofa. "You don't seem to mind what comes out of me acting so subservient, though." He said this with a hand on my crotch, of course. I stared at him. "Seriously, Harry. Never lay down for anyone," He chose not to take me seriously. "I was hoping to lay down for you tonight," he pouted. I rolled my eyes at his corny line, his hand still massaging me gently. I was so completely content with Harry's physical contact that I wasn't aware of him slowly pushing my legs apart. I rested my head back on the seat, so relaxed, I didn't feel Harry slip his hands inside of my shorts. When his hand wrapped around my cock, I shuddered and came to my senses. He was looking up at me expectantly, as if I had to give him the go ahead. I gave the slightest of nods and Harry continued. He guided my erection through the hole in my boxers, stroking me lazily. He leaned in and kissed my stomach, then my chest and finally my lips. Nothing was said, but everything was understood. Harry made his way back down my body until he resumed his position on the floor. I ran my fingers through his untidy black hair, coaxing him to do what we both wanted. Harry didn't hesitate to take my cock in his mouth, wrapping his lips tightly around the head and flicking with his tongue. I bit my lip to keep from moaning too loudly. After all, I was a Slytherin in the Gryffindor common room receiving a blowjob from The Boy Who Lived. Speaking of which, Harry was moving on. He now had half of my dick in his mouth, sucking as if it would kill You-Know-Who and end all his woes. I added the other hand, pushing Harry down even further. He complied, deep throating me to the root. I groaned, knotting my fingers in his hair. My cock twitched in the warmth of Harry's throat, aching for even more attention. I lifted my hips, trying to fit even more down his gullet. Harry gagged, so I let up, not wanting to harm him. He pulled off, coughing a little. A dribble of spit lingered on his chin. Harry wiped it away with his wrist and gazed up at me. He opened his mouth to talk, then stopped and stood. He undid his slacks, sliding them over his long legs. He wore no shorts underneath, so his seven and a half inch cock was exposed immediately. He took a step forward and watched me. I guided his cock into my mouth, tasting a layer of precum on the head. Harry whimpered at the contact, pushing into my mouth. I reached up, caressing his balls and legs. He pulled out of my mouth, moving his cock away and allowing me access to his low hanging sack. I dove in, sucking both into my mouth. Harry jacked his dick above my face as I licked and suckled his nuts. He was breathless, gasping for air above me. His free hand was entwined in my hair, alternating between caressing and grabbing. I stood quickly, grabbed Harry in my arms, turned and set him into the chair. Right before I resumed our fornication, I thought I saw a flash of orange in the stairwell. When I looked again, it was gone. I shrugged it off and dove into Harry's lap, inhaling his rod. The blowjob lasted for a good half an hour before Harry groaned. "Em, I'm gonna shoot," he warned, tightening his grip on my hair. I pulled off to the tip of Harry's cock, jacking him with my hand. He thrust a few more times before tensing up and firing into my mouth. I swallowed his load graciously, as he was the only one I did that for. Harry slumped into the seat, panting and sweating. I kissed him deeply, which seemed to renew his vigor. He reached between my legs and pumped my erection. "Fuck me," he whispered, his eyes burrowing through me. I shook my head. "I got you off. That's all I wanted to do," "Bollocks to that!" Harry protested. "All I want to do is the same." "Harry -," His demeanor changed from upset to innocent and pleading. "Please, Em? Just this once," `This once' was probably the tenth time he had done this to me. Harry had this inhuman way of guilting me into doing things I usually wanted to do anyway. "Fine, but we do it my way," I moved to the opposite chair and sat down so I would be facing the stairs and Harry would be looking towards the exit. Harry, not missing a beat, took my cock in his mouth again, this time with the intention of lubing it up. When he arose, my dick was covered in his spit, glistening in the remains of the firelight. Harry climbed into the seat and lowered himself onto my erection. With a little push, I was inside. Harry let out a small whine as I pushed a little further. He sunk into my lap a tad more, but stopped, wincing and gripping my shoulder. "All right there, Harry?" "Just haven't done this in a while," he replied, looking up at me with wetness in his eyes. "Not since before the break," I had forgotten that this was the first time I had been with Harry since the previous year. That made it more obvious as to why he wanted it so much. Then again, Harry had never been one to turn down a good boff. I kissed him comfortingly as he adjusted to the invasion. He slowly continued his advances, sinking lower and lower into my lap. I knew the instant he had bottomed out when he let out a deep moan and clutched my shoulders tightly. Harry took in a deep breath and opened his eyes. I was nearly startled by the green of his eyes, as if I had never seen them before. They startled me, like two cat's eyes in the dark. Harry leaned into the nape of my neck, burying his face as he began to move, rising off of my thighs. I wrapped my arms around him, eyes closed, enjoying the sensations. A small sound nearby caught my attention, so I partially opened my eyes. Another flash of orange swept out of my sight in the stairwell. Before I could say anything, though, Harry clenched around me making me sigh. "I missed you," Harry whispered, slowly riding me. "You didn't send me an owl all summer," "I told you I would be away in the States," I replied between breaths. It was true. I had been doing an exchange program in New York City in a course called Modern Magic. But, I had also been advised by Dumbledore not to write Harry for certain security reasons. I chose to withhold that information from Harry though. At the moment, anyway, Harry was grinding his hips against mine, making me groan under my breath. "You couldn't write me in the States?" I thrust up into him rather roughly. "Would you want Hedwig flying across the ocean?" "Why didn't you come and see me?" I stared at him. "At the Dursley's? How would I explain that? Harry, I'm a pure-blood and have no idea what to do in that situation." Harry nodded, looking somewhat downtrodden. "I just felt like everyone abandoned me," I forcefully took his face in my hands, making him look at me. "Harry James Potter, I love you. I will never abandon you," Harry held my hands in his and I saw something that rattled me down to my heart: tears began flowing from his eyes. He looked away from me, apparently ashamed at such an emotional outburst, so I reassured him by kissing him tenderly. There was so much I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't for one reason or another. It was so hard to be in love with him and withholding so much at the same time. A sexual silence crept through the room, punctuated only by heavy breathing and the occasional moan of appreciation from Harry or myself. Harry couldn't bear to look at me, so he buried his face in my neck, kissing my shoulder every now and again. I simply enveloped him in my arms, wanting to be as near to him as possible. This went on for quite some time before I looked up and saw something that made me almost smile. Ron was standing in the stairwell, not particularly well hidden, observing Harry and I. He had a very curious look on his face, as if he wished he could come closer and ask questions. He glanced up from my spread legs and locked eyes with me. Ron froze, blushing heavily, before disappearing up the stairs. Harry, of course, had been oblivious to all of this. A familiar sensation arose and I knew that I was close. Harry seemed to sense it as well and began moving at a faster pace. He finally made eye contact with me, making me lose all composition. I groaned loudly as I shot my second load of the night into Harry, who moaned at the feeling of being filled. My orgasm subsided and I rested back into the seat. "I suppose you have to go back to him now," Harry said forlornly. I shook my head. "I told you, he doesn't wake up until well past noon on Saturdays. I'll stay with you tonight, get up in the morning and hop into bed with him before he wakes," Harry smiled slightly. "You know, you're in a rather awkward position, dating both Draco and I." "I love you both," I said honestly. "I can't make the choice between the two of you." Harry seemed content with the answer and rested onto my chest, on the verge of sleep. "Don't fall asleep, bugger. Can you imagine the chaos if everyone woke up to find you sitting on my dick asleep in the middle of the common room?" Harry laughed which made me laugh as well. He slid off my lap, grabbed our clothes and jaunted up the stairs with me in tow. We quietly hopped into his bed, Harry immediately cuddling up next to me. He placed his head on my chest as I let down the bed curtains. "Em?" Harry whispered as I began to drift back into sleep. "Hm?" He hesitated. Even in the darkness, I knew his eyebrows were furrowed and face serious. "Will you protect me?" "From what?" "Voldemort," Instinctively, I twitched at the name, but my response was immediate. "Always," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And, lo, the second chapter ends. Thanks to all of those who have e-mailed me with feedback. It's greatly appreciated. Next chapter: a little less sex (a LITTLE) and a little more plot. Lemme know whatcha think. And, hey, if you throw in an idea, I might just tie it into the story... MoonDawgy99@excite.com

Next: Chapter 3

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