Tamed Jock Goes Crazy

Published on Sep 5, 2023


Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Eight - Coach Mac

Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Eight - Coach Mac


* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences – images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* This story depicts unprotected sex. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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By Colton Aalto

4:30 P.M. - COACH

I dropped the pool equipment in the back of Klahan's truck and hopped into the cab, squeezing my ass cheeks to keep the pool of cum I'd accumulated over the course of the day inside my hole. I didn't want Klahan to look at me and wonder why I smelled like spunk. There was a risk that might happen anyway, regardless of my efforts.

Klahan was in college and had worked for Lang's brother for a couple of summers. He got his odd first name from his grandfather, who was Thai. I thought the stud was incredibly sexy. He sorta looked like a young Keanu Reeves, with dark hair, dreamy eyes and a tight body.

I assumed Klahan was straight because the other pool boys were constantly talking about how hot his girlfriend was. They must have been an awesome couple, because he was a stud. In my new cock-whore mentality, I couldn't help but scope out his junk. It looked like the hunk had a nice package. Lord knows, I shouldn't have been horny, but somehow my day of getting dicked had only whetted my appetite for more.

Perhaps Klahan played both ways. Even if he was straight, he might not mind a blow job from another dude. Maybe he'd even use a guy's ass. Flirt and give it up, Tyhcinn had said.

I asked Klahan some questions about his girlfriend, looking for an opening to say something suggestive. He was a nice guy and the conversation went well enough, but I resigned myself to considering him a long-term project. I'd keep on the lookout for an opportunity to suggest that I'd be happy to service his cock.

Klahan and I quickly knocked off two more pools. I liked being paired with him for a change. He took control and was quick and efficient, but that wasn't the reason I liked working with him. Instead, it was because I got to ogle his shirtless body as we worked.

My mind was hopelessly in the gutter. I kept looking at his bare chest and wondering what it would be like to nuzzle into his big brown tits and bite his nipples. I kept looking at his muscular shoulders and wondering about what they would feel like if he was hovering over me while ramming his stiff shaft into my boi pussy. I kept looking at his swim trunks and wondering what his cock looked like. Or tasted like. Or felt like.

Regrettably Klahan had to split after the second pool. He dropped me off at the next house. Lang had texted and said he'd be done after I finished and would pick me up.

I put some tunes on my phone, stuck my headphones in my ears and went to work. The pool was little more than a lap pool and the house was on the small side for the neighborhood and didn't have much landscaping, so it didn't take me long to finish. I was packing up equipment and figuring I would hang in the shade until Lang returned when I saw my old high school football coach coming out of the house.

I knew Coach Mac lived there, but I hadn't seen him the entire summer even though Lang and I had serviced his pool. He was married to another teacher, so they had the summers off and travelled frequently. They were the reigning rock stars of the high school faculty, mainly because Coach Mac had played professional football and Mrs. Mac was hugely hot and rumored to have been in the Miss America pageant. They were an odd couple because he was huge – at least 6'6" and a good 250 pounds – while she was petite – 5'3" and barely 110 pounds. She could walk down a hallway at school and cause every teenaged boy she passed to pop a boner. Except me, of course.

Not that I didn't think she was beautiful, but my eyes were on Coach Mac. His father was Samoan and his mother was from someplace in the Caribbean and was half black and half Latin. He'd been a defensive lineman in the pros and was in incredible shape. He'd dropped like 40 pounds since playing, and despite his massive frame he could still hold his own with virtually every high school boy in the 40-yard dash. I'd beaten him my senior year, a feat that kept me on high for weeks and gave me bragging rights with the rest of the football team. Of course, Coach was twice my age so I shouldn't have been so cocky about it.

"Hey, Tyler, how's it going?" Coach asked as I pulled my headphones off. He reached to shake my hand.

"Good, Coach," I replied.

"You look like you've been working out." I thought that his eyes lingered on my bare chest and abs. It crossed my mind that he was checking me out, but that was silly. He was married to Miss America and guys were constantly talking about how lucky he was. I was probably only reacting to the bizarre string of events during the day, when it seemed as if every man I met wanted my ass and I'd given it up to each of them. Well, actually not each of them yet, but I was hopeful and willing. The hot skater dude was scheduled for tomorrow night, and if Lang was to be believed Quyen was all but a done deal. Klahan remained a long-term project.

"Um, yeah, I've been hitting the gym regularly."

With a nod that signaled satisfaction with the results, Coach said, "Whatever you're doing, keep it up. You always had a good body, but you're really ripped now."

"Thanks, Coach," I said, feeling kinda proud that he noticed.

Rather than change the subject, he continued. "Your abs are amazing, Tyler. They've definitely popped out. You must have like zero body fat. Have you put on weight or lost since football season?"

I was mildly puzzled by the man's fixation on my body and his high praise. Shouldn't we be talking about, I dunno, the Red Sox and the Yankees or something? Maybe preseason football? "Uh, I think I'm about the same," I replied. I didn't get on a scale regularly, but Coach was right. I'd added muscle and lost fat since the beginning of summer. It wasn't like I had huge muscles or anything like that. I was more toned and a long way from looking like a body-builder.

"You look great. You really do."

"Thanks! How's your summer been?"

"Great. We spent a month in Europe, which made me wonder why we bothered to even open the pool, but it's nice to have it when it's this hot. Speaking of that, how about a cold drink? It's miserable out here today." Coach was still scanning my body.

"Sure, that'd be great." I had time to kill and by late afternoon any water Lang and I carried was on the wrong side of lukewarm.

"Come inside. It will be cooler there. You look like you've gotten plenty of sun this summer, being outdoors all the time."

"Yeah, my skin is so light that I never thought I'd get tan lines, but it turns out even I can get them if I'm outside enough."

"It looks great. Really great."

We entered the house and its smallish kitchen. It took my eyes a few moments to adjust to the light. "Where's Mrs. Mac?" I asked.

"She's been gone all week, visiting her mother. As mothers-in-law go, her mother could be worse, but let's just say I don't mind baching it for a week instead of listening to the two of them jabbering nonstop. They prefer it that way, too."

I sat down at the kitchen table and Coach opened the refrigerator, which was almost empty, save for a row of Cokes and some bottled beer. His idea of being a bachelor apparently meant eating out. "Soda, beer?" he asked.

I was surprised that he'd offer me a beer when I was only 18, but I resisted the temptation to accept. Lang's brother would be pissed as hell if he found out I'd been drinking on the job, even if it was at a customer's invitation. Instead I asked for ice water, but as soon as I did, I regretted it. How cool would it be to drink a beer with Coach? Lang would never get over it and Tony would be jealous as hell. Of course, it would have violated the no-drinking rule Tyhcinn ordained for me during the summer, so it was just as well that I declined.

As Coach filled a glass with ice and water, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was checking me out. Damn, was I imagining things? My brain, with the high-school-boy fantasy of Mrs. Mac as exhibit one, kept telling me no way was he gay or even bi. But I couldn't rid myself of the idea that the man was eyeing me and that suspicion was threatening to supercharge my cock.

Why I don't know, but I was reminded of Tyhcinn's order from last night. Flirt and give it up. Shit. I wasn't keeping up with the program. At least I needed to test the waters. Still, I was nervous as hell. The sexy man in the kitchen was my coach, after all. Well, former coach.

As Coach handed me the water, he said, "You've definitely put on some muscle, Tyler."

It was an opening and I was ready with a response. "Well, a gay boy has to work it to attract hot men."

Stupid! What an inane response. Totally lame. I was an idiot.

Coach blinked, giving me a surprised look. "You're gay, Tyler? When did you come out? How did it go?"

Hell. The conversation was going in the wrong direction. I didn't want to have a heart-to-heart with Coach about being gay and when I'd come out. I hadn't actually come out yet. Yeah, I'd been fucking nonstop with Tyhcinn, Tony and Lang for two months – ever since the Friday afternoon before Memorial Day – but I hadn't said to anyone, "I'm gay." Tyhcinn knew what I was without asking. He'd always known, years before I did. Lang had a never ending string of girlfriends and probably assumed I was also still dating girls while fooling around with him because we both needed more sex than we got from chicks. Tony had more-or-less stopped going out with girls, but I don't think he'd come around and acknowledged he was gay. We fucked but didn't talk about being gay. My parents didn't have a clue. I'd never given much thought to coming out, but now I'd done it.

"Just now," I replied, shell-shocked by the reality of what I'd done.

He gave me a puzzled look. "Just now?"

Okay, time to get my shit together. Tyhcinn's orders were clear. I'd worry about coming out later, but now I had to get into character as the jock cum whore. "Yeah, because I want your cock."

My God! I was an idiot. I couldn't think. I was babbling one ridiculous thing after another.

I was so insanely nervous and panicked that I had to move. I set my water down and got up, not certain whether I should flee or stick it out. In an instant, I decided to double down on where I'd been heading. I'd always been curious about what Coach was packing and the whole situation couldn't get any worse, so I moved quickly to grab his junk beneath his shorts. If nothing else, I might salvage a feel of his equipment from my disastrous conversation.

Fuck! If I wasn't mistaken, he was semi-hard.

Coach let out a strangled gasp. "Tyler..."

I wasn't giving him a chance to stop me. I pulled his shorts over his hips, revealing a pair of boxers losing a battle to keep his tenting cock at bay. A yank on the boxers and his manhood popped out. Coach had a thick dick, sorta like Tony's, and it was much darker than the rest of his skin, almost as black as Xavier's tool. I dropped to my knees, ready to go down on the hunk.

"Tyler, we shouldn't be..."

"Doing what, Coach, fucking? You're not my coach anymore and I'm 18. You gotta be hornier than hell with your wife out of town all week. You like my body and I wanna suck your cock. Don't tell me you're gonna turn down a hot blow job."

I hoped like hell that I hadn't misread the situation. I was gambling, playing the cock whore. I dove onto Coach's manhood, licking it and taking the head in my mouth before he could object again. He tasted salty, probably from sweat. Before long, he was moaning and lightly touching my head with his hands as I deep throated him.

Fuck! I was actually sucking Coach's cock. I can't say it was a dream come true because it had never even crossed my mind that it might be possible. Now that it was happening I was totally into it.

I released Coach's tool to slurp on his low hanging nuts and it occurred to me that it was the fifth time today that I'd been on my knees staring up at a dark-skinned stud with a hard cock resting on my face. Maybe Tyhcinn would make if an even six later in the day. I was becoming quite the connoisseur of dark meat.

I left Coach's big balls wet and slobbery and went back to sucking his cock. Damn. Not only was I having sex with my coach, I'd seduced him. Tyhcinn wanted me to accept that I was a cock hungry bitch and I was well on my way. Tony would never believe me. After a moment's reflection, however, I realized I'd never tell him. Out of respect for Coach, I'd never tell anyone about it. Well, maybe Tyhcinn. If he asked what I'd done to let out my inner cock slut, I'd have to tell him. But Tyhcinn would be cool and not repeat anything.

Coach had a leaky cock or maybe he was super horny after a week without balling his wife. His dick was oozing pre-cum and I lapped it up happily, bobbing back and forth on his pole. I grabbed his balls and played with them, causing him to moan happily. They were firm and meaty, weighing heavily in my hand. Filled with juice that I wanted in my mouth. Or my ass...

Fuck, I wanted Coach naked. I'd gone directly for his cock without getting his shirt off. I saw his treasure trail rising toward his bellybutton and ran my hand under his shirt, feeling his flat, hairy stomach.

I hopped to my feet and pulled his shirt over his head while at the same time dropping my swim trunks and releasing my cock, which bobbed free happily. He had a damn masculine chest, covered with trimmed hair that spilled down the middle of his stomach. I ran my hands over his body as he pulled me into a kiss, grabbing my ass.

Coach was in his early forties. I'd had nothing but teenaged cock in my holes until Mel bred me after lunch, but the dam had burst after that and I'd gotten fucked by Rai and Nils and now Coach was clenching my ass cheeks with his big, rough hands. Since lunch I'd been on an exclusive diet of older men. Well, not exclusive, because I'd sucked off Creed, but I was four for five. Coach was old enough to be my father and that thought sent a shiver of anticipation and excitement through me. I had my hand wrapped around a dick that was shooting cum when I was still a glimmer in my father's eye. I imagined Coach fucking boys, fucking girls, fucking men, fucking his wife and now, fucking me.

My mind raced with possibilities while I sucked face with him, ran my hands over his masculine body and played with his cock and balls. All the scenarios I conjured up had some flavor of getting my brains fucked out by the older stud. I was ready to spread my ass cheeks and throw my legs into the air. Not that I hadn't done that already today – nine times and counting so far today – but this was different. I was about to get bred by a mature man I looked up to and admired.

I was dumbfounded when Coach broke our kiss and growled, "Fuck me, Tyler! Fuck me in the ass."

Surprise must have shown in my face. "I want your dick," he barked, "I want your cock cream inside me. I can get off in my wife any time I want. But I don't get many opportunities to enjoy a hard cock in my ass. Fuck me silly. I want your dick all the way up my ass."

As much as I wanted him inside me, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to fuck him. "Okay," I mumbled. Damn. I'd started out thinking maybe Coach would let me suck him off. When he kissed me and grabbed my ass, I began thinking that he'd fuck me. It never occurred to me that I'd be topping.

Coach pulled me onto the floor of his kitchen and hissed, "Right here, right now. Ram your dick into my ass! Fuck me raw. Use your spit." He got on all fours, spread his legs wide, and pulled his ass crack apart to reveal a dark, hairy hole.

I scrambled to get behind him and applied as much spit to his hole and my leaky cock as I could. I was pre-cumming enough so that I didn't need much. Aiming my rigid shaft at his hole, I forced the head into his ass. Coach pushed back, almost like he was taking a shit and trying to engulf my dick with his hole. My cock popped inside it with ease and without thinking I shoved it farther inside. He groaned appreciatively and said, "Fuck yeah, ram your big dick into me. Fuck me like you fuck your girls."

My high school reputation as a ladies' man was haunting me. I didn't want to think about the girls I'd fucked. I'd spent my high school years chasing pussy that I didn't really want. I could have been riding dick instead. Memorial Day had made me realize I'd much rather have fucked dudes in high school rather than chicks.

I drilled the rest of the way inside his hot hole and pulled out before slamming back in. He let out a guttural moan, demanding, "Fuck me harder. Use that ass. Fuck it!" He was practically milking my dick.

I was getting a lesson on being a power bottom from a man who I never thought did it with dudes. Even if I'd imagined him with another man, I didn't envision him taking it up the ass. I told myself to pay attention. A good cock whore must be a good bottom. It wasn't like I'd been getting complaints from the guys who'd gotten off in my ass, but hey, you can always do better. I was competitive enough that I wanted to be a great bottom. I'd fucked Tony and Lang, but neither of them was doing what Coach was doing to my cock with his hole. He'd gotten fucked before. Hell, he'd probably been taking it up the ass years before I was even wanking.

"Fuck yeah, that feels good," Coach growled as I dicked him. He periodically grabbed his hard shaft and jerked it, but he obviously didn't want to climax. As much as I wanted to wrap my hand around his meat and milk it, I resisted the urge, instead concentrating on my building nut. My competitive streak was on full display again and I wanted to give the man a fuck that he would appreciate and remember. I began trying to rake his prostate as my dick plunged into his dark hole. I think it was working because he moaned appreciatively.

I suppose I was channeling Lang a bit because I got a little wild, slamming into Coach's ass and grinding my cock inside him. Maybe it was because I remembered Lang's story about him and Kyle double fucking their cougar on her kitchen floor and then Lang balling Mel's wife only a few hours ago in her kitchen. The redheaded fuck machine wasn't the only pool boy to get some action on a customer's kitchen floor.

I edged myself close a couple of times and backed off, but I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. I went for it, piston-fucking his ass until I was out of breath and gasping as I blew. My cock rifled jizz deep inside his fuck hole and it felt like it would never stop. As my last drop of spunk shot, what I'd done sunk in. I'd fucking seeded Coach's ass.

There was a reason Coach had edged himself but not climaxed while I fucked him. I should have figured it out. He wanted my ass. He didn't wait long to take it. I had barely pulled out of his hole when he put me on my back and hoisted my legs onto his broad shoulders. He directed his thick, hard dick to the entrance to my chute and began forcing his way inside.

Damn, was I ever ready to get fucked. It was totally stupid, because I'd already taken nine cocks and ten loads of jizz in my whore hole and it wasn't even time for cocktails. Somehow the more sex I had, the more I wanted it. I was breaking out in my new role as a cock whore and I meant to do it in style. In this case, I wanted a first-hand lesson on how to fuck. Coach taught me a ton during football, had just finished giving me pointers on bottoming and now I wanted a demonstration from him on how to properly and thoroughly breed a man's ass.

Coach slid his cock into my abused hole in one steady, deep thrust. He held it inside me, bending down to kiss me as his massive body engulfed me. I knew how his wife must feel. And damn, she was one lucky lady. I could stay underneath the man all night long, feeling his strength, power and raw masculinity. The stud was inside me, ready to breed and seed me.

He began to slowly pump my ass, withdrawing slightly before plunging back, then withdrawing some more. The man would do more than simply fuck me. He'd own me.

Coach ramped up his fuck slowly and steadily. It was the opposite of one of Lang's frenzied fucks. Not that I didn't love Lang going crazy on my ass and driving the long dong so far inside me I could almost taste it. But Coach was thoroughly dominating me, from the way he ravished my mouth as he kissed me to the way his broad shoulders and meaty body hovered over me and threatened to crush me. To the way he held my body with his strong hands, controlling it effortlessly. To the way his cock filled me, toyed with my prostate and occupied my hole.

"Fuck your ass is sweet, Tyler."

"You feel so good inside me, Coach."

"Damn, you're tight."

That hardly seemed possible after I'd been dicked nine times already but the compliment gave me a warm glow inside. I was thrilled that Coach liked my chute. I grabbed his ass and pulled him closer into me. I growled, "Fuck it! Fuck that ass!" He responded with a guttural groan as he dicked me faster and deeper.

I was on cloud nine. The cool floor of the kitchen felt great after a day in the sun skimming pools and I kept marveling at the fact that I'd balled my football coach and now he was breeding my ass. I wanted the fuck to never end.

Of course, it did. It probably lasted longer than I had any reason to expect. Sure Coach was close to twice my age and didn't have a horny teenage cock that shot in seconds whether he was ready or not, but he'd edged himself while I was fucking his ass, and with his wife being gone all week he probably hadn't gotten any. He began to ram me mercilessly and I sensed he was in the home stretch.

My dick had made a quick recovery after juicing Coach's ass and he wrapped his big hand around it and began to stroke in time to his thrusts into my hole. Damn, it felt amazing. I moaned. And busted a nut. The constant thrusts of his fuck pole against my prostate were too much and a long string of white jizz exploded from my cock and splattered on my abs. The first volley was followed by half a dozen more as the man worked my tool like an expert. I was amazed that I could shoot that much after firing into Coach's ass and dumping a load in Tony early in the morning.

Coach released my spent cock and spread my hot jizz across my abs as he continued to pound me. From my perspective on the floor, the sight was incredible. Coach's dark skin was glistening with sweat and he had an intense look on his handsome face. His muscles were taunt and straining. Something about knowing he was old enough to be my father and that the thick dick pillaging my hole had fired countless cum missiles turned me on. Hell, I'd been turned on all day but this was the icing on the cake. Coach had an incredibly sexy wife and could probably have any gay man he wanted. But he was on top of me, using my ass to get off. I wondered how many men he'd fucked but was damn happy that I was now in that select category.

His breathing got heavier and with one final, deep thrust into my hole, he unloaded. He bent down to kiss me as his balls emptied into my hole and his cock burrowed deeper into me.

Coach was in no hurry to break the kiss and kept his manhood inside me after it stopped shooting. His hands returned to my slimy abs and he continued to rub my cum into my smooth skin. When he pulled away, he said, "Fuck, that was hot." It was beyond hot.

Coach's cell signaled a message and he dug it out of the pocket of his shorts without pulling out of me. He glanced at a text and said, "Damn. I gotta get to the airport. My wife's plane is early."

I didn't want to lose the feeling of the stud's tool being inside me. He looked down at me with a smile and said, "You're amazing, Tyler."

"You can do what you just did whenever you want, Coach. Don't worry about me saying anything to anybody. What happened was incredible, but it's our secret. I'm serious about wanting an encore performance. You can have one any time you want."

He chuckled and said, "I might take you up on that offer." He paused and grinned. "Hell, I'm gonna take you up on that offer."

There was one final task I couldn't resist. As Coach pulled out of me I flipped up and swallowed his softening black meat. I wanted to taste his spunk. And yeah, I wanted to suck his cock once more. He moaned appreciatively, running his hands through my long blond hair as I sucked. I thoroughly washed his dick and balls. I wasn't leaving any of his delicious jizz for Mrs. Mac to find later.

We retrieved our clothes and Coach pulled me next to him and kissed me, saying, "Damn, Tyler, your tight body is amazing. I don't normally go for twinks but you're incredible." I wasn't thrilled to be called a twink, but when you're 18 I suppose it comes with the territory.

Before Lang pulled up I had a few minutes to relax in the shade and enjoy the happy feelings emanating from my freshly-fucked ass. It continued to feel tingly and relaxed. And full. Damn. I was carrying around like a gallon of fresh ball juice.

Belatedly I noticed that I had spots of crusted cum on my abs. I didn't bother to scrape them off. I sorta wanted to keep them as a badge of honor and decided they could pass for dried sweat.

"How'd it go?" Lang asked after I stowed the equipment and hopped in his truck.

"Great. I saw Coach Mac."

"Fuck, was Mrs. Mac around? That woman is nothing but foxy."

"Nah, she's been out of town."

"Damn. What I wouldn't give to be on top of her."

I smiled, remembering how awesome it was to be underneath Coach as his fat cock filled my hole and he held my body like he owned it. It wouldn't be the last time that I'd have a load of his cum inside my hole. Lang and virtually every other high school boy had the hots for Mrs. Mac, but I wanted her husband.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter; email me if you did and let me know what you liked - ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

Tyler's wild summer continues. My plan is to post new chapters every two weeks, so look for them!

My other Nifty stories are listed in the author index under `Colton,' or search for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance
I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2018

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