Tamed Jock Goes Crazy

Published on Nov 30, 2023


Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Fourteen - Tony and a Tommy Tale

Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Fourteen - Tony and a Tommy Tale


* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences – images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* This story depicts unprotected sex. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

* If it is illegal for you to read this story because of your age, location or any other reason, don't read it.

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By Colton Aalto


I was awake before my alarm sounded at 5:20 a.m. I could have slept in because it was my last day before leaving for college and I'd finished my pool boy job the day before. But during the summer I'd gotten used to the routine of being at the gym by 6:00 a.m., six days a week and I didn't mind it all that much. It felt good to follow Tyhcinn's instructions to work out every day, Monday through Saturday. Actually it felt completely right.

I'd miss Tyhcinn ordering my life when we both left for college. It was hard to explain but it felt so natural when the black nerd told me what to do. I didn't resent his instructions in the least, regardless of what he told me to do, or not to do. Indeed, knowing what he wanted and following his orders gave me a warm, happy feeling inside.

I'd stayed on his strict schedule all summer. By any measure it had been good for me. My body was in great shape and I'd never played better baseball. I'd gotten great reviews on the job because I was polite and helpful – none of which would have happened if Tyhcinn hadn't told me how to behave. Fuck, I hadn't even guzzled a beer during the entire summer – not that I was supposed to anyway, given that I was only 18. I'd smoked only a single joint, the night of the gangbang in the woods with Reynolds and Tommy. I'd practically been a model teenager.

Of course, if my sex life was taken into account I'd be disqualified as a model teenager. For the last three weeks I'd embraced being a cock whore and slutted around the city with abandon. I hadn't broken the dubious record for cocks taken that I set the night of the gangbang, but I also hadn't gone a day during that time without sucking a cock, swallowing a load, taking it in the ass, and getting my butt juiced. Hell, I probably hadn't gone twelve hours between fucks.

It was barely light when I left for the gym at 5:40, but I knew the pathway through the woods so well that I could have run it in my sleep. Before setting out I treated myself to a quick glance at Tyhcinn's house next door, knowing the skinny black geek would be asleep upstairs, his big black python slumbering between his thin legs. Or maybe not slumbering. Tyhcinn told me that lately he'd been in an odd pattern of having wet dreams every night. My cock plumped up a bit thinking about the nerd's big tool firing cum ribbons in the dark.

I finished my 5k run to the gym before it opened and did a lap around the baseball field next door to kill time. Once inside I had the place to myself. It was Saturday morning, so nobody was hurrying through a workout before heading into work. The only other person around was the sleepy-looking attendant who opened the place. Xavier, the black basketballer who opened the gym during the week – for the last three weeks he'd done the honors of opening my boi pussy too – didn't work on Saturday.

I started my routine and finished before Tony showed up. If he appeared and wanted to work arm and chest muscles – he usually did – I'd be doing a double workout and would be gassed.

Waiting for him, I checked my messages. My heart skipped a beat when I saw a message from the mystery man who'd been texting me pictures of his enormous, mouth-watering cock for the last three weeks. He'd started with a message that said, "Want this?" and a closeup of his huge, veiny erection. Since then he'd texted every few days with another intriguing picture, always adding a leading question, like "Want milk?" or "U a ho for this tool?" or "Worship this, pig."

A few days ago he'd texted, "Send pic ur ho hole." I'd debated but figured even if the shot got posted on the internet, nobody would know it was my bum. I snapped a picture of my fuck chute and sent it. It took me a while to get a good one, since I had to figure out a way to spread my ass cheeks and hit the photo button at the same time. I finally put my cell on delay and spread my crack with both hands. The picture was awesome, as long as you liked hairless holes. My balls were hanging low and predictably my dick was hard, although you couldn't see much of it. Funny that I really had no idea what my ass looked like, but I had to admit it was right up there with my abs as one of my best features. I understood why for the last three weeks a parade of men wanted to nail me.

The new text was, "Meat u?" The accompanying picture might have been the best one yet. His cock was hard, as it had been in all the photos, but in this one he was cumming. His dick was standing straight up and jizz was running down the shaft like a volcano erupting. I wanted nothing more than to lap it up and savor the taste.

I gulped and texted back, "When? Where?" Fuck. I'd long ago made it clear that I was totally ready to hook up with the dude, even if I didn't know his name. I didn't even know what his face looked like, only his hard penis. I'd crossed the sex-with-an-anonymous-stranger line three weeks ago at the gangbang with Reynolds and hadn't looked back. Three weeks of texting practically made us old friends by the standards of my recent sex life.

I stared at my cell hoping for a response and feeling my cock rise, but after several long minutes it became apparent I wouldn't hear back. Damn. The mystery man certainly knew how to bait a trap.

When Tony staggered in he looked awful. "Hell, I don't even know why I'm here. I am so fucking hung over! I'll throw up if I try to lift anything." He peered at me through bloodshot eyes and added, "What, you already did your whole workout?"

"Um, yeah."

"Good. Let's turn on the sauna."

Tony and I used the sauna frequently but we never turned it on. Instead, we fucked in it. It wasn't occupied in the early mornings so we had plenty of privacy. Given how bad he felt, I discounted the odds of getting it on with him. I was disappointed, because I'd been looking forward to his fat cock breeding my ass one last time before I left for college. There still might be a possibility; he and I were going to a party at Lang's tonight, so maybe he'd recover enough to want to seed my hole after the party. Or hell, during it.

It had been a while since we got it on in the sauna. Instead we'd been using the gym's stairwell. Three weeks ago I'd discovered there was a security camera in the stairwell and Xavier was watching Tony and me having sex. That's what caused Xavier to approach me and reveal he liked sinking his big black cock into white boys' asses and that he'd like a go at mine. Since then Tony had gotten sloppy seconds on my ass on the four days that the tall black baller opened the gym. If the Italian Stallion noticed he didn't let on, but he liked being able to ram his fat cock into my ass without having to wait for my hole to relax. He probably thought that a summer of fucking had stretched me. I don't know how my fuck chute couldn't have been a gaping mess, but dudes I was with still raved about how tight I was.

And there were plenty of dudes who could rate the tightness of my pussy. It was not a small, select group. Nope. After Tyhcinn instructed me three weeks ago to let my inner cock whore out, I'd gone crazy. It seemed like around every corner was another man who wanted the use of my jock hole. I was so used to cum seeping from my ass that it felt as normal as sweating in the sun while I made the rounds on my pool-boy job.

After I discovered Xavier watched, I consistently guided Tony into the stairwell when he announced that we were done working our muscles, except for the one between our legs. I suppose using the stairwell and knowing Xavier was watching made me a slutty exhibitionist, but I liked giving the black stud a show. That made him hornier when he drilled my ass with his big black cock. For the last three weeks my morning routine had involved swallowing a cup of black coffee, swallowing a big black dick and then taking a load of black ball juice in my ass. I didn't take cream in my coffee but wanted plenty in my butt.

When the Xavier deep-dicked me Thursday morning, it was the last time I'd have his cock in my ass until we got to college. He'd be a sophomore at the same school I was attending and he'd already planned a hookup on campus. I'd be getting a twofer, because Xavier's roommate Yves was into fucking white boys' asses too, so a hookup with one stud meant a hookup with the other. Actually, while I hadn't met Xavier's and Yves's buddy Zain, Tyhcinn had warned me that I'd be getting a threefer. An X, Y and Z trio of basketball players who liked blond jock bottoms and who'd pass me back and forth between them once we were on campus. Spending the night in a dorm room shuttling between cramped twin beds – particularly beds occupied by towering black men – didn't sound like the way to get a good night's sleep, but it did sound like the way to get a night of great sex. Sleep wasn't the point. The prospect made me hard merely thinking about it.

Tony and I lounged inside the sauna and before it heated all the way up, he gave me a sly grin and said, "My head hurts too much to get my butt pounded or to pound your ass, but how about you crawl on top of me and ride me? I think I could handle that. Yeah. My cock is ready to go even if no other part of my body is." He lazily groped his crotch, grabbing his big dick and squeezing it.

I frowned and gave him a dubious look. "I don't know if that sounds right."

He was devastated, his disappointment showing in his brown eyes. I loved playing him.

I laughed and said, "The right way to do this is that before I ride your fat cock, I give you some head to get it going. Nothing too stressful. You stretch out and close your eyes, and I mouth your prick. Can you say deep throat? Once it's good and hard, then I sit on it and ride you nice and easy."

"Hell yes," he responded with a big grin. I had no intention of going nice and easy, but I was confident that after I got Tony's dick hard he wouldn't be in a nice-and-easy mood either. He never was.

Tony got up long enough to gather some lube from his locker – we'd gone through a ton of it during the summer – and when he returned he spread out on a sauna bench. "Be gentle," he whispered. That was a switch. Tony wasn't as bad as his buddy Lang, but neither dude knew how to deliver anything but a rough fuck. When I returned the favor and plowed his ass, he begged for me to ram him harder and harder.

Before the lube I had some work to do – getting his fat prick stiff and wet – so I crawled between his thick thighs and went down on him. Tony had his eyes closed and his arms behind his head as I licked his dick, swallowed it and worked it into a hard on. I loved his fat prick. He was cut and while the head of his penis was nothing to be ashamed about, the shaft was something else. When it was hard, it looked like it was about to burst.

Tony's thick cock was a challenge to deep throat but I sorta zoned out and before I knew it, his tool was rigid and all the way down my throat. My nose was buried in his pubes and I felt his cock press against the sides of my neck. Damn did I love to suck dick.

With Tony's cock wet and my ass lubed, I crouched down over the muscle teen and guided his rod into my hole. I liked this position because I could impale myself as cautiously as I needed to. Without Xavier to open me up, I needed to go slowly to get Tony's tool inside me without ripping my hole. He murmured a couple of times as I carefully lowered my ass on his rod. I only had to pull off him twice before he was all the way in. We both let out happy moans. I loved to suck cock but boy did I ever love the feeling of a hard dick inside me.

In deference to how bad Tony felt, I began raising and lowering my ass slowly, fucking myself on his fat prick in a relaxed, leisurely way. He was so still that he could have been asleep. I liked the change of pace. During the week, he had to be at work early, so we only had time for fast fucks. But today I was going to enjoy a nice, long ride on his tool. I'd have to make the memory of my final fuck with Tony last until we saw each other again, probably Thanksgiving or Christmas at the earliest. And who knew if things would change between now and then? We might not still be fuck buddies. Even if we weren't, I had a summer of hot, erotic memories of getting it on with the hunk jock with the awesome guns.

Despite our leisurely fuck, the heat of the sauna caused me to sweat and I was quickly dripping. Tony was out of it and in the heat I totally zoned out, too, focused only on lifting my butt up, dropping back down and enjoying the feeling of his cock sliding through my crack, jabbing my prostate and stretching my ass. It was a slow and languorous fuck, something I hadn't experienced with Tony. I hadn't experienced it much at all during the summer. For some reason the motion of his shaft penetrating me as I slowly moved up and down made me think back to last week, which was only other time I'd had long, seemingly endless fuck sessions.


The previous Saturday afternoon I'd enjoyed two long, leisure fucks with different guys. The summer baseball season was wearing down and we only had one baseball game that day, so my afternoon was free. I was on a long bike ride when I got a message from Coach Mac, casually asking if I wanted to drop by. He mentioned that his wife had an event in the afternoon and wouldn't be back until after dinner. I told him I'd love to hookup so long as he didn't mind me showing up in bike shorts and dripping sweat.

He didn't. Indeed, balling a sweaty jock was right down his alley. More accurately, he wanted to shove it right up my alley.

I'd first hooked up with him two weeks before that when his wife was out of town. As hot as it had been to fuck my old football coach and take his dick on his kitchen floor, I figured it was a one-time experience. So I was happy about the encore. I'd been so stunned the first time it happened that everything flew by. This time I was going to slow down, take my time, and memorize every detail of his massive body and dark dick.

Coach said it would be awkward to fuck me in the same bed he shared with his wife, so we screwed in his basement rec room with a baseball game playing in the background. The young dudes I'd been having sex with all summer were in the pump and dump club. Get it in, pump it in and dump it in. Coach took his time, licking the sweat off my chest and abs and even my pits, and rimming my ass before sinking his hard shaft into my hole and penetrating me with slow, deep thrusts of his cock. When we flipped and I got my cock into his ass, I didn't go as slowly. He got me back after that, however, drilling me a second time. He balled me for like an hour. He delivered a wild, thorough and complete fucking. It was profoundly strange to sit on a bike seat after taking dick for much of the afternoon.

The session with Coach was a nice prelude to my date with Tommy later that evening. He was the big-dicked kid from my high school who I'd met at the gangbang. He was also a nonstop fuck machine, and I'd planned the hookup with him as a warmup for Tyhcinn, who was coming home from two weeks of vacation with his parents. Coming home with two weeks of pent up cum. Coming home with a cock that hadn't invaded my hole for far too long.

Tyhcinn had continually texted me about the coming night, reminding me to be ready. I was insanely horny for him, and Tommy's big white ass buster was the perfect way to follow Tyhcinn's orders and be loose and juiced before he fucked my brains out. I could hardly wait to pick the black nerd up at the airport later in the evening and surrender my ass to be pillaged all night long.

Tommy's mom was home when I arrived at his house, but he confidently guided me to the attic, maintaining his mother never ventured there. We quickly put to good use an old mattress. Tommy spermed me three times in less than an hour, twice in my ass and once in my mouth, proving that his performance at the gangbang was no fluke.

As I licked his shaft after the third time, he claimed his first couple of climaxes only took the edge off and the later ones were the ones that felt really good. He said, "I think my fourth or fifth time is usually the best."

I was happy that he was talking about at least two more fucks and our attic affair still had some legs. His comment caused me to give into my damn competitive streak. I couldn't resist comparing myself with dudes' other partners. "Jenny let you ball her four or five times?"

"Yeah, she's like me. Takes her a while to get the climaxes rolling, but once she does they come fast and furious. She says four or five times is great."

Alas, they were a match made in heaven. Once again I marveled at how Jenny found a diamond in the rough when she started dating Tommy. Dudes and chicks I knew in high school scratched their heads, wondering what the hot babe saw in the goofy – and goofy-looking – kid, but the last couple of weeks had given me a good insight. Big dick and big personality. Nice body. Once you got past his face, Tommy was great.

I grinned and got an evil look in my eye, swirling my tongue around the head of Tommy's massive prong. "If number four is the best for you, you better make it the best for me. Ready to ram this big tool into my ass and ride me like a bitch?" Tommy gave me a huge smile. It was game on.

He pretty much did exactly what I said. I loved getting slam-fucked.

Tommy barely got soft in between excursions into my holes. He was more than happy to take care of me too. He offered to beat me off after round two, offered to suck me off after round three and offered to let me ball him after round four. I had a feeling it would have been his first time. I mean, he had a girlfriend who put out whenever he wanted, and even if he fancied a dude now and then, around a cock like his, any gay boy would turn into a crazed bottom if he wasn't one already. Even if Tommy was desperate to get fucked, it probably wouldn't happen because of his dick.

I'd taken a couple of dudes' cherries during the summer and under different circumstances would have jumped at the opportunity or, more accurately, jumped Tommy. But I had to pass. I needed to save my nut for Tyhcinn.

After the slam fuck, we lounged on the mattress and waited for Tommy's huge shaft to recover for round five. I asked why he'd shaved his pubes. On Tommy, the shaved pubes made his dick look improbably massive. In the forest fuck two weeks earlier, his pubes were trimmed but not shaved. That was one thing that convinced me he wasn't the mystery dude who'd been texting pictures of his huge cock to me.

"For my job."

O-kay. That made no sense. Tommy had a summer job as a recreation counselor for kids. My puzzlement must have shown on my face, because he added, "My second job. I moonlight an hour a day, five days a week."

"Doing what?" I was curious about what type of job required shaved pubes.

Tommy launched into his tale. He was a born storyteller. He could turn a mundane trip to the corner store into a riveting story that kept you on the edge of your seat. That was one of the things I liked about him.

"Remember Mr. Graves, the chemistry teacher at school?"

"Yeah!" I perked up. Graves didn't stand out in my memory because of school, but rather the night in the park before the gangbang. He'd caught me blowing Reynolds and joined in the fun, feeding me his cock and shooting a load down my throat.

"Well, I had his class last spring. I fucked up an experiment one day so I had to stay after school and do it over. I always sat at the back of the class, but since I was the only kid redoing the experiment, he had me at a table at the front. I had on some shorts that kinda showed my bulge and I swear he was like staring at my junk the whole time. You know, finding excuses to check on how I was doing except he wasn't checking on anything other than my cock and balls.

"He never said or did anything so I sorta forgot about it. I figured maybe it was my imagination. Then, on the day of graduation he tracked me down and said he might have a part time job for me if I was interested. It would only be an hour or two at night and I could make really good money. He didn't want to talk about it then but had me meet him later that night. You know where the skatepark is? He lives nearby and asked me to meet him in the park, which I thought was totally strange.

"Turned out Graves is part owner of that gay bar in the old historic district. It's actually two bars, a normal one on the first floor – well, as normal as a gay bar can be, I suppose – and a totally kinky one in the basement. I'm too young to bartend or even bus glasses, but Graves said if I was interested I could audition to be a dancer in the kink bar. One hour a night, Wednesday through Sunday. The place is closed on Monday and Tuesday. Fifty bucks plus tips, and he said all the dancers made as much or more in tips than the fifty bucks. Fuck! A hundred bucks for an hour!

"The job is strange. Totally strange. I wear a different mask every night. Nobody ever sees my face. I have Batman, an executioner, Darth Vader, a leather mask with a dog's ears and nose, a weird rubber one that covers my entire head and shows only my mouth. No clothes. Nada. Zip. Well, I start in like a jock strap or briefs but I work them off quickly. Occasionally I wear a leather collar or some wrist or ankle bands.

"Also, I always wear a cock ring. It keeps my dick hard. I'm the only dancer who can keep it up for the whole time. The rest take Viagra and still can't make it an hour. I'm in this cage that has bars like a jail cell and it's set up so none of the patrons can touch me. I just shimmy around so that it flops around a lot. Show my ass some. Lick my biceps really slow. I do some gymnastics moves like the iron cross. There's a tip jar and I pocket more in a night than I make at the rec center in a month. They put me on at the beginning of the night to get more dudes into the place early, and I'm done by 11:00, which is good because I have to be at the rec center by 10:00 a.m.

"Dude, it is so wild to be in a room of horny gay guys getting off on seeing me naked and boned. They go nuts. They keep begging me to jack off, but Graves told me that is a big no-no. So I tease `em. The hour goes by fast!

"Walking through the crowd to the dressing room after my set is done is something else. They can't touch me in the cage, but they sure as hell can afterwards. Every man in the place gets to cop a feel of my boner and I end up with bills stuffed in my ass crack so I gotta squeeze my buns and walk real slow.

"That's not the weirdest part, though. Get this! The first night I performed, Graves was waiting for me in the dressing room when I finished. He was in this wild leather outfit, a military hat with a leather harness across his chest, showing a lot of skin! The dude is super hairy. His frigging nipples are pierced and in his getup, his ass was bare. Totally! He never said anything, just clenched his jaws, stared me in the eyes and went down on me. I'd been rock hard for an hour and I shot my load in his mouth in like two minutes. He sucked out the last drop of my jizz, wiped his mouth with his hand, got to his feet, continued to stare me in the eyes, and left, never saying anything.

"The next night, he came in after my set again. This time instead of going down on me, he greased my cock, climbed on top of me and rode me. Fuck! I came in like no time.

"It's been that way every night since, although Graves's costume changes all the time. He likes being handcuffed or chained. He's big into ropes. He has this ball gag that fits in his mouth and another metal thing that clamps his mouth open so a stiff cock can slide in with no resistance. A couple of times he's worn this iron weight dangling from his balls, which looks like it hurts like hell. Once he had a giant metal hook in his ass that was attached to a collar around his neck. I had to take it out to plug his ass and when I put it back in my spunk was like running down the backs of his legs."

I had a hard time believing everything he'd said. Like I said, Tommy was a born storyteller. Two weeks earlier I wouldn't have believed a word of it, but I'd seen Graves in his leather harness the night I met Reynolds at the skatepark, and I had firsthand knowledge that the dude was into gay sex. Tommy's tale was consistent with what little I knew.

Tommy grinned at me and reached for his cell. "You gotta see this!" He pulled up what was apparently an advertisement for the bar. It showed Tommy in the cage. He looked damn hot. He was stark naked, with a strategically placed scrawl that obscured his junk. The ad read, `Tom Dong! 10 at 10.' At the bottom was the line, `All you can eat buffet of white meat!'

"They serve food?"

He giggled. "No, I'm the white meat."

I should have figured that one out. "What's 10 at 10?"

"Ten inches at ten p.m. Tom Dong's my stage name. There's a couple of different posters, but I don't have them on my cell. Friday is sci-fi night, and there's one of me in the Darth Vader mask that says, `May the force be with you. And in you'." I stared at the photo, finding it a little surreal. Was Tommy really ten inches? Even accounting for advertising hyperbole, he might be.

I looked closely at the white tower of cock resting inches in front of my face, mentally measuring it. Yeah, he was.

"What about Jenny? She know about this shit?"

"Oh God, she loves it! I snuck her into the bar one night and she watched my show from the dressing room. She went nuts. I told her she should leave before I got back to the dressing room because I thought the whole thing with Graves might be too much for her. But he got there before she left so she hid in the closet. She couldn't see anything and Graves never says anything, but she figured out what was going down. She thought it was hot. When we got home, we had the best sex we've ever had. She's been begging me to take her again. Now she makes me wear the cock ring and strut around for her before we do it, but it's worth it because she like milks my dick dry."

He paused. I did too, still trying to digest the story.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about shaving my pubes! You know how sometimes people shave their heads to raise money for cancer victims who lose their hair? Well the bar had a fund raiser last night for one of the bartenders who has cancer and all the dancers agreed to auction off their pubes to be shaved. Two dudes paid a frigging thousand bucks to shave mine off. Balls too. They sure took their time. I kinda like it because the cock ring is easier to get on and off."

And I thought my summer had been wild...

Tommy's reliable erection had returned as he talked. I reached out and squeezed it, causing his face to light up. Time to coax load number five from his big eggs. I stroked him slowly as I contemplated how to do it, causing a big glob of cum and pre-cum to ooze from his piss slit. I'd sucked him off at the beginning, and then he'd done me standing up. Round three was doggy style, which was hot because I could look between my legs and see his low hangers bouncing back and forth. In round four I'd thrown my legs into the air, grabbed my knees and rolled my ass up so that he could power into me and fuck me into next week.

Tommy solved the problem of what to do in round five. "Um, there's one thing I've always wanted to do. Jenny isn't into it so I never got to try it. I always wanted to be tied up and tortured by being edged but not allowed to cum."

Finally! Something I'd do happily that Jenny wouldn't. My competitive juices were flowing.

Tommy had the cuffs he wore at the bar, which I wrapped around his wrists and ankles. I used some rope to tie his arms and legs to the bed frame. He was helpless, spread eagled on the mattress. I teased his big tool by sucking on it until I sensed he was close and then pulled off, but I did it over and over until he was moaning constantly. I stuck a couple of fingers into his tight little hole, working his prostate and driving him nuts. It was probably the first time he'd had anything in his ass. His big pole was leaking pre-cum like crazy.

I was afraid I might be going too far, but I was on a roll so I slipped my cock into his mouth and face fucked him for a minute or two. Probably the first dick he'd had in his mouth. I couldn't do it long, however, because I would have shot.

Over and over he begged me to let him cum, but I kept teasing him, telling him we were far from done. I climbed on top of him, positioned his rock-hard fuck rod at the entrance to my hole and sank down, taking the entire white python inside me. Damn. I did love being filled by dick. He tried to thrust up, but his legs were stretched so wide by the ropes that he couldn't get any leverage. It was hot. He was like a wild animal, caged and struggling to get loose before destroying me.

I continually edged him, bobbing up and down on him and getting him to the brink of a climax before pulling back. My dick was begging for release, too. It flopped back and forth between Tommy's tight abs and mine, leaving slimy strings of pre-cum on both of us. Tommy was sweating and thrashing as much as the ropes would let him. His smooth skin and pale gymnast's muscles looked damn hot covered by a sheen of sweat. Too bad we didn't have one of those masks he wore at the bar.

I edged myself as much as I edged Tommy. I rode him for what seemed like an hour, an excruciatingly slow fuck. When I finally relented and let him flood my ass, both of our bodies were shaking. He gasped and groaned, "OH MY GOD!"

My ass was torched and tingling, jizzed and juiced, ripe and ready for Tyhcinn.


Tony let out a happy groan and I was jolted back to the present. I couldn't tell if he was getting close or not, given that he barely moved and kept his eyes closed. He sighed a couple of times and said, "Oh fuck, yeah," but that was the extent of his reaction. Normally he was more vocal.

I ramped up the pace a bit. As much as I liked the slower pace, his cock felt too good and I couldn't help but speed up.

I figured out exactly how to lower myself on Tony's fat cock so that I worked my prostate and worked it good, keeping myself on the verge of a climax. Usually when riding a dude's dick, my cock bounces up and down, slapping between my abs and whoever's stomach that I'm riding. But for some reason, this time it was flopping more side to side, almost in a circular motion. Maybe it was because of how I was poking my prostrate.

Tony stirred, pulling his amazing arms from behind his head and gripping my hips. I loved watching his big muscles flex as he began guiding my ass onto his cock. Damn, would I ever miss scoping out his guns and feeling his fat cock slide inside me.

"Your ass feels so fucking good!" Tony gasped. "Ride me, dude. Fuckin' ride that cock!"

I normally would have gone for it, bouncing up and down like a wild man and meeting Tony's thrusts with force. But I sensed that he wasn't up for a hard fuck and I was enjoying the slow sex play. I kept it measured and steady. Plus, in the heat of the sauna, I didn't want to get too hot. As I lowered myself on his fat dick, I swear it felt like his tool was pressing against the bottom of my cock, making my leaky rod lurch a bit each time.

Tony liked my ass and the leisurely pace. It wasn't long before he whimpered and exhaled, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" I flexed my glutes, clamping my hole around the stud's manhood while quickening my pace, continuing to swallow his tool with my ass. Thirty seconds later, his hot jizz blasted into my butt. It coated his shaft and some leaked onto his pubes. Hot and sweaty, I panted and couldn't resist bending forward and kissing the stud. He closed his eyes and for a change, let me take the lead, exploring his mouth with my tongue. And yeah, I got a final opportunity to feel up his incredible arms.

Tony's dick softened and slipped out of my spermy hole. I carefully cleaned him up with my mouth. He spread his legs to let me lick the cum from his dick and balls and taint, and when I was done, he whispered, "Fuck I needed that."

I was drenched with sweat and as we got up to leave, Tony stared at my bouncing hard-on mournfully and said, "Damn would it be good to ride that." He looked into my eyes and for a second I thought he might give it up despite how bad he felt. A moment later, he grimaced and I knew his pounding head was driving away any thought of getting butt fucked. Too bad. I did love plowing his muscular ass.

Tony looked better in the shower. He maintained that getting ridden in the sauna was the best hangover cure he'd ever tried.

As he left the gym, the dude turned surprisingly melancholy. He hugged me and said, "Dude, I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss your tight ass most of all, but I'm gonna miss you dicking me and I'm gonna miss working out and hanging together. Too bad we wasted all of high school."

I chalked his emotional state up to his hangover, but I would miss the big lug too. "Hey, at least we had a great summer. It's not like we won't see each other at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe we can use my parents' cabin at the lake over Thanksgiving. Too cold to do anything outside, but I can think of plenty of things to do inside. We could do a Memorial Day reunion with Lang and Tyhcinn. But this time I'm not waiting on you jerks all weekend long."

Tony laughed. "I'm gonna save up plenty of jizz for your sweet ass."

"I'm holding you to it."

He turned serious again and hesitated, making no move to leave, instead chewing his lip and staring at the ground. I recognized the signs; he had something on his mind. After an agonizing few seconds, he said, "So, um, dude. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. You're the first person I've said this to, but I think I'm gay. Yeah, I know I'm gay. I get hard thinking about your tight abs and awesome ass. Even when I was dicking Melissa constantly, thinking about her body never did that to me. And fuck, balling her was nothing compared to doing you."

I was sorta happy about the compliment – my competitive nature again – and had to admit thinking about Tony's big guns and fat prick did the same thing to me. One of the main reasons I rose religiously before 6:00 a.m. all summer was the anticipation of Tony drilling me with his thick dick and dumping his hot nut inside me.

I resisted the urge to respond to his revelation with, "Duh!" After a summer of having sex six days a week, it seemed obvious that we were both gay. Or at least bisexual, like Lang. I'd only crossed that bridge three weeks ago when I blurted it out to Coach, so I could hardly criticize Tony for being late to the party. Once I'd said it, I quickly accepted it. Being a full-fledged cock whore left little doubt about my sexual orientation.

Instead of hitting Tony with a snarky comment, I pulled him into an embrace and said, "I'm gay too. I'm really glad I'm the first person you told."

"My dad will blow a fuse when I tell him."

I rolled my eyes. "Hell, mine too." My dad might take it better if he thought I was getting it on with jocks like Tony and Lang, but he'd go ballistic if he knew I was Tyhcinn's bottom boy. He'd never liked me hanging out with the black nerd, instead preferring that his only son play the role of a jock athlete and a big man on campus. He'd like Tyhcinn even less if he knew I was throwing my legs in the air every chance I got and begging the geek to breed me with his big black cock.

After telling Coach I was gay I'd spent a lot of time thinking about telling my parents but hadn't come up with a good plan. I was happy to be leaving the house and heading off to college, where the odds were lower of them finding out about me before I was ready to tell them. My dad had been subtly grousing about me not dating girls during the summer, but I'd deflected him by claiming I was too busy between working out, my pool job and baseball. As time wore on, however, it would become starkly apparent that I no longer had any interest in women.

"Damn, all through high school it never occurred to me that we'd end up being like best friends."

I chuckled. "Or best fuck buddies."

Tony laughed. He was damn cute when he smiled. His teeth were a dazzling white next to his tanned face and curly black hair, and his broad shoulders and ripped guns were mesmerizing. If and when he ever settled down, he'd make some dude incredibly happy. However, I had a feeling Tony would be ramming his fat cock into tight asses and sowing plenty of wild oats for a good long time before that happened. Hopefully, I'd be getting more than my share of those oats planted deep in my ass. I did love how it felt when his muscular arms held my body and his thick dick was deep inside me.

I wondered how life would have been different if we'd both come out a year ago. Or two years ago. Would we have dated in high school? Gone to the prom together, being crowned King and King? Snuck off whenever we could to fuck each other? I would have enjoyed high school a lot more if that had been the case. Instead of spending time plotting how to get into some girl's panties, I could have been dumping cum in Tony's holes. Instead of enduring an endless date in hopes of getting lucky at the end, I could have gone straight to slurping on Tony's fat cock and taking it up my ass. Instead of feeling I had to fuck girls to confirm my masculinity and my status as a big jock, I could have been flip flop fucking with Tony every Friday and Saturday night, not to mention Sunday afternoon and... well, you get the picture.

If I'd been out in high school, maybe I wouldn't have been such a jerk, overcompensating by playing the tough guy because deep down I knew I was a gay boy. My journey through high school might have been very different.

I almost wished you were informed about your sexual orientation at the beginning of high school. Get your freshman schedule and a card identifying you to either gay, straight, bi or some combination. Sort of like Harry Potter and the other students being sorted into different houses at the beginning of their stays at Hogwarts. It probably could never work that way. If you're not straight you have to work out your sexual orientation by yourself, often in the face of massive resistance with little or no help. Going through that unique experience is part of what being gay is all about.

Even though we were in the entryway of the gym where everyone could see us, Tony grabbed me and planted a sloppy kiss on my mouth. We sucked face for a long time before Tony broke away. He couldn't resist grabbing one last handful of my ass and giving me a hungry look that made me wonder if he was going to haul me back into the gym and fuck me despite his hangover. However, he released my butt, grinned weakly and said, "Later, dude." He headed off, squinting and complaining that the sun was too bright despite his dark sunglasses.

I watched him disappear into the parking lot. I didn't want him to go. I never thought that the dude who only three months ago was my biggest rival in high school – and had been for four years – would become my best fuck buddy. Life is weird sometimes.


This chapter begins the story of Tyler's last day before leaving for college. Plenty of wildness ahead! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far; send me a note if you did. I'm interested in feedback and finding out what appeals to readers – plot twists, characters, lines, setup, whatever. ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

I plan to continue to post new chapters every two weeks. At this point, I'm planning six more chapters, so stay tuned.

My other Nifty stories are listed in the author index under `Colton,' or can be found by searching for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance
I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2018

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