Tamed Jock Goes Crazy

Published on Nov 15, 2023


Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Thirteen - Creed, Axel, Tommy & ...

Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Thirteen - Creed, Axel, Tommy & ...


* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences – images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* This story depicts unprotected sex. In real life, be safe! Don’t gamble.

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By Colton Aalto

11:00 P.M. - CREED, AXEL, TOMMY & …

After Reynolds juiced my ass on his motorcycle and fed me his cock to clean, he climbed back into his compression shorts and I pulled on my running shorts. I willed my boner to go down, but it only partially cooperated. The shorts kinda stuck in my ass crack and soaked up some of Reynolds’s thick cum that was leaking from my hole. Hopefully the wet stain wouldn’t show. If it did, maybe it would look like sweat.

The stud skater didn’t help matters by pulling me next to him and sticking his big finger into me, shoving the thin material of my running shorts into my hole. He grinned, pushing farther into me and grinding his finger against my prostate. “I like how easy you are to control. Put something in this ass and you’re like a puppet on a string. You’d let me do anything I want to you, wouldn’t you?”


“Fuck, you’re something else.” He planted a kiss on my lips as he pressed his bare, sweaty chest against mine. “There’s gonna be a lot more of my cum in this fine ass before the night’s over. I’m just getting started dicking you. Whaddaya think about that?”

What I was thinking about was Reynolds drilling my ass as many times as he could. Recalling what he’d told me before he butt-fucked me on his motorcycle, I said, “Dick me whenever you want to. I don’t say no.”

Reynolds laughed. He pulled his finger from my ass and stuck it in my mouth. It was wet with his cum. “I like that you’re hungry for it. With girls, ya gotta beg ‘em over and over and hope you get lucky. With you there’s no bullshit. Open hole, insert cock, release cum. Repeat.” His talk wasn’t doing anything to help my erection go down. Not to mention that I was kinda getting off on how he took it for granted he controlled me and would use me whenever he wanted. It wasn’t anything like the way it was with Tyhcinn, but there was a hint of that.

Barefoot, I followed Reynolds down a path that started at the end of the parking lot and led into the woods. I hadn’t managed to get my dick to completely soften when Reynolds stopped suddenly, turned around and grabbed my junk, squeezing it under my thin running shorts. Detecting my semi hard tool, he said, “Thinking about sucking my cock and taking it in your ass again?”

Oddly, I hadn’t been thinking about that. I’d had sex on the brain most of the summer, but instead I’d been wondering what I’d gotten myself into. I was barefoot, wearing nothing but jogging shorts, with no ID or money and miles from anywhere. I was with a dude I barely knew who I’d only met yesterday. Admittedly I’d already sucked him off and let him seed my ass, but I knew almost nothing about him, other than he liked using my holes.

I didn’t admit that to Reynolds. Rather I replied, “You said back there that you weren’t done dicking my ass.”

He grinned. “I’m not. You want it again, don’t you? You want my cock?”


He paused, feeling me up. “That dude in the park. You sucked him off. You ever do anything like that before? I mean, you know, hang out in the park and do it with guys who want to get off?”

“No.” He seemed disappointed. He squeezed my junk and gazed into my eyes with a wild, excited look. He literally had me by the balls.

“You’d do it again, wouldn’t you? You’d mill around in the park late at night and wait for a dude to notice you, then suck his cock. You’d even bend over, grab your ankles and take it in the ass. You’d let him cum in your hole. And if somebody else happened to see you getting fucked and want to get off too, you’d let him do you.”

I hadn’t really thought about it. Would I? Perhaps. Well, probably. But I was more curious about why Reynolds wanted to talk about my sex life.

He didn’t wait for an answer. “Anonymous sex is so freaking hot. You were on your knees and that hairy dude in the leather harness just walked up and fed you his dick. You had no idea who he was but you sucked his cock and swallowed his cum.”

That wasn’t exactly true. Reynolds thought it was anonymous sex, but I knew exactly whose cock I was sucking. Mr. Graves, my old chemistry teacher. I didn’t spoil things for Reynolds by telling him that. He really seemed turned on by the whole idea of doing it with a stranger.

He slipped his hand into my shorts and stroked my leaky boner back into a full erection, squeezing out a big blob of pre-cum. He scooped it up with two fingers and stuck them in my mouth, leering at me. I sucked them for a long while, wondering what he was going to do to me. But he finally pulled his fingers from my mouth, wiped them on my chest, and said, “I like keeping you crazy horny, just like this. Desperate for dick and ready to do anything for it.” He turned and headed back down the pathway.

We didn’t go much farther before I heard voices and the path opened onto wide, sandy opening. A fire was blazing, even though it was far too hot for one. At least twenty-five kids were sprawled out, drinking beer, smoking weed and making out.

Guys outnumbered girls by two-to-one, but that hardly made the party unusual. Half of the crowd was white and most of the rest black, with a handful of Asians and Latinos thrown in. Some of the guys were older, but most were high school teenagers, too young to drink. Not that being underage stopped anyone from getting trashed.

This wasn’t the jock crowd, the brains bunch or the rich kids. It was a collection of misfits, skaters and stoners. Kids who your parents concluded long ago were a bad influence. I immediately recognized Creed, shirtless with his tat-covered arm wrapped around a chubby black girl, as well as five or six other guys from my high school. Several graduated with me but a couple were a year or even two behind me.

A dude leaning against a tree at the entrance to the clearing asked, “Hey, Ren, what took you so long? What’s happening?” He was one of the older guys at the party, or at least I assumed he was older because he had a scruffy beard, a spray of dark hair on his bare chest and a thick treasure trail. He was rough-looking with a long nose that was too big and thin lips that pursed together in a harsh line. He wasn’t handsome by any means but had a masculine air. Actually more than masculine; he came off as rough, ready to get into fights and carrying a chip on his shoulder. He was reasonably well built, in contrast to most of the dudes in the crowd who into one of two camps: skinny or overweight. Or both. A couple of rail-thin teenagers had pot bellies.

“Just hanging,” Reynolds replied. “One last party before starting senior year of high school. I can’t wait to be done with that shit. Whazzup with you Axel?”

“Nothing much. Chaz brought some dynamite dope. You wanna hit?”

“Sure.” Axel handed Reynolds a fat joint. He took a drag and passed it to me. I sucked it in and gave it back. We smoked most of it before I realized I’d broken one of Tyhcinn’s rules for the summer. No drinking or drugs. No more weed for me, although my head was already spinning and I knew I didn’t need more anyway. I was a complete lightweight when it came to marijuana.

Creed had been making out with his girlfriend but belatedly spotted me as we finished the joint. He pointed and exclaimed in a loud voice, “What the fuck is he doing here?”

I halfway expected Reynolds to say, “He’s a cock whore and I’m using his holes to get off.” Instead, he shrugged matter-of-factly and said, “He’s with me.” He glanced at me with an expression that signaled puzzlement over Creed’s hostility.

Predictably, several guys I’d gone to high school with groused about my presence. I couldn’t blame them, given that I’d been the consummate asshole during four years of school. Emboldened by the talk, Creed snickered, “You here to suck my cock again, Tyler?” He laughed and several other guys giggled.

“Sure,” I replied, dead serious. I took a step into the light of the fire. “Whip it out.”

It wasn’t the response Creed expected and he was dumbfounded, unable to react. His girlfriend didn’t share his hesitation, instead shoving him and giving him an angry glare.

I instinctively reverted to my high school mentality of challenging anyone who crossed me. Old habits die hard. “What’s the matter, dude? Yesterday you weren’t complaining about my mouth. You liked it. You really, really liked it when I swallowed.” I gave him a big smile, licking my lips. Creed’s girlfriend’s face flushed and I figured out why Creed was so happy yesterday. I swallowed; his girlfriend didn’t. With his big Prince Albert ring, maybe she didn’t even give him head.

Creed blinked, worried about her reaction and regretting that he’d broached the subject. Without Mel to call the shots, the tatted boy was indecisive and uncertain. Maybe he feared that if I reversed course and denied it all, nobody would believe him. I mean, would the high school jock, ladies’ man and all around big-man-on-campus really go down on a freak stoner?

I would and I had, but nobody in this crowd would believe it. Well, maybe Reynolds. He’d seen me in action.

Still in my aggressive jock mode, I turned on Drek, one of Creed’s friends, for no reason other than because he’d bitched about my presence and laughed loudest when Creed asked if I was here to suck his cock. I have no idea if Drek was a nickname or actually his name. It’s what everybody called him in high school. Looks wise, he was the opposite of Creed – hairy and thick-bodied, with a puffy, round belly. He was well on his way to becoming a bear.

“What about you, Drek? You don’t have a girlfriend here. No surprise there. When’s the last time you got a good blow job? Never? Pull it out and I’ll give you the best head ever.”

Drek clenched his jaws but said nothing. He didn’t have a quick retort and more importantly, wasn’t about to expose his junk to the crowd and take the risk that I was playing him.

In my jerk-jock days at high school, I would have declared victory and split, snarling something as I left like, “Losers!” Instead, I doubled-down on my new role as a cock whore. I walked confidently to the sand in front of Creed and dropped to my knees. I reached for his shorts, unzipped his fly and pulled out his thin, pierced rod before he had a chance to react. His PA ring looked humongous threaded through his soft cock. A couple of girls, including his girlfriend, let out shocked gasps.

I turned to her, smiling sweetly. In the cattiest voice I could muster, I said “I like the ring, and I swallow. Watch closely and you’ll pick up some useful pointers.” If any doubt existed about my exhibitionist streak, I was about to answer the question definitively by going down on a guy in front of a big audience. Before I risked getting cold feet, I gulped down Creed’s tool, being careful with the thick PA ring.

The crowd was dead silent. All I could hear was the crackling of the fire and the persistent chirping of the cicadas.

Creed’s girlfriend hissed, “Leticia, let’s get out of here!” With my nose buried in Creed’s shaved crotch, I couldn’t watch, but she made plenty of noise as she split with several other girls. I couldn’t blame her. I mean, what else are you supposed to do when you’re snuggling with your boyfriend and a dude starts sucking him off?

Creed was frozen and speechless, but his skinny dick responded quickly, thickening and lengthening in my mouth. I broke long enough to pull off his shorts and underwear before crawling back between his pale, skinny legs. They were as hairless as the rest of his body and could have used some of the hot tat work he’d had done on his arms and chest. Anything to obscure the bony white poles.

My quick demonstration that I was a cocksucker sunk in slowly and several of the crowd murmured stunned, one-word exclamations. One guy gasped, “I can’t believe Tyler’s sucking Creed’s cock!” I couldn’t believe it either. Well, I’d done it the day before so it was totally believable, but I couldn’t believe I’d gone down on him in front of an audience.

Creed got over his shock – and maybe his disappointment at his girlfriend leaving – and slowly returned to the vocal boy he’d been in his sister’s backyard. He predictably lit a joint and sucked it down, sharing it with Drek and a couple of other dudes. He growled, “Suck that cock, jock boy! Gimme head. Swallow my spunk! Eat every drop!”

Behind me, Axel asked Reynolds, “Damn, did you know your blond buddy was a cocksucker?”

Reynolds didn’t respond immediately. He obviously knew I was a slut. I’d demonstrated it by getting dicked by Lang in a public john, eagerly accepting the skater’s invitation for more of the same, letting him fuck me almost before I knew his name, and sucking off a complete stranger in the park. Perhaps it took him a moment to assess the evidence and conclude I was a cock whore who’d give it up to anyone. When he spoke, his voice betrayed surprise at just how much of a slut I was. “Uh, yeah, I uh… yeah, I knew.”

“He suck you?”

“Yeah. Gives good head.”

“Didn’t think you were into dudes.”

Reynolds paused. “First time for everything, I guess.”


He chuckled. “Yeah. First time I’ve let a dude get on my dick and blow me and first time I’ve fucked a dude in the butt. His mouth and ass were so great I might reconsider doing it with guys.” He paused for a long moment, seemingly surprised at what he’d just said, and added, “Fuck! His holes were frigging awesome! Totally different than boning a cunt.”

Huh. So Reynolds was a newbie, which I hadn’t detected, but that explained his tentativeness when I’d blown him in the park. I seemed to be on a roll introducing guys to gay sex. Ashton and Piers yesterday and now Reynolds. Little did I know that the floodgates were about to open.

Reynolds quickly warmed to his subject. “I saw him yesterday getting butt fucked in the john in the park. It was weird. This tall redheaded dude had him pinned to the wall and was ramming his ass like it was made for fucking. After that I figured I’d try it. Enjoyed it just now. Bubble butt and a tight hole. Sucks good – hell great – and loves getting balled. I always wanted to fuck on my bike and I took him on it in the parking lot. It was hot.”

“Damn. That’s wild.” Axel paused before adding, “Your boy has an ass to die for.”

“You got that right. You should do it, dude! His hole is already lubed and primed. Sorry about the sloppy seconds.”

“You think he’d go for it?”

“Hell, yeah. That’s why he’s here. Every party needs a cum dump.”

The two dudes were silent for a few moments before Axel added, “Fuck I’m horny!”

Nothing happened for several long minutes as I worked Creed’s tool with my mouth. I almost decided that nothing would come of Axel’s interest in my ass when I felt his rough hands on my hips, lowering my running shorts to expose my leaky hole. Barefoot and shirtless, my shorts were the only thing standing in the way of me being totally naked. I raised one knee and then the other to let the stud pull them off, all the while bobbing up and down on Creed’s pierced tool.

Axel wrenched my crack open and stuck a fat finger inside me. I moaned as he punched my prostate. Whether he was intending to massage it or not, he was hitting my spot. My newly-freed cock was rock hard and bobbing in the night air.

Axel kept adding fingers to my ass. The longer he finger-fucked me, the more the anticipation of getting dicked killed me. I squirmed and clenched my ass around his finger, doing my best to beg for his cock without saying it. I suppose he was jacking himself to get hard. He must have liked lubing his tool with Reynolds’ thick jizz, because he kept pulling his finger out of my hole and smearing it on his dick.

With what felt like half his hand jammed in my sloppy boi pussy, Axel leaned over me and practically lifted me off my knees with his hand. I saw a dude in a porno once with an anal hook stuck in his ass, and that’s what his hand felt like. He growled in my ear, “You wanna stiff cock in your boi hole, slut? You want a fresh load of cum to mark your faggot ass as a cum dump?” I groaned, “Yes!”

Axel slapped my ass a couple of times, the sound echoing in the night. I felt his boner probing my crack. I continued to chow down on Creed’s skinny fuck stick and huge PA ring, kneading the dude’s hairless ball sac at the same time. He kept up a string of mostly derogatory references to me. “Suck it bitch! Beg for my spunk! Gag on my cock, jock boy!”

Even though it was coming up on midnight it was still hot and steamy, and I was sweating like a pig. My long blond hair was plastered against my head.

Axel guided the head of his cock to the entrance to my hole, breached my sphincter with a sudden thrust and halted his advance for a second to get a tight grip on my hips. Then he rammed his rod all the way inside me. I gasped in surprise and at that moment Creed’s cock erupted with a huge blast of hot jizz. The first shot splattered on my face, but the skinny stoner’s cum geyser wasn’t done by any means. His pierced pole continued to fire rockets and I recovered quickly enough to slurp the rest down, although I had to swallow fast to take all his juice. Damn. The dude filled my mouth with cum the day before but still shot a massive load.

Creed had been delighted when I swallowed his nut in Mel’s back yard, but he was even happier to see my face painted with it. He pulled his tool from my mouth and rubbed his PA ring across my face, spreading his jizz and mixing it with my sweat. He had a big, shit-eating grin on his face as he laughed and said, “You like my cum on your face, don’t you, jock boy? You’re a total faggot slut.”

Correct on both counts.

Muttering about how they didn’t want to be around a faggot getting fucked, several guys and most of the girls left after realizing my presence had turned the party into a gay gangbang. But at least fifteen guys remained. All the black boys seemed to have all stayed, so they now outnumbered the whites. More than a few of the dudes had pulled their dicks out and started stroking as they watched the show. I glanced up at Drek and said, “Best head ever, dude. Offer still stands.” He looked indecisive but probably thought his friends would laugh if he passed up a blow job now that Creed had enjoyed my mouth and Axel was demonstrating that it was okay for a masculine stud to use a gay boy’s ass to get off. Drek slowly moved in front of me, sitting down on his knees.

I pulled his short, fat prick from his pants. The dude was semi hard and I quickly went down on him, sliding his cock down my jizz-coated throat and beginning to bob up and down. Unlike Creed, he didn’t shave his pubes or even trim them. My nose was soon buried in a suffocating bush. Even the sides of his cock were hairy. No way you could suck the dude without getting a mouthful of hair.

Axel was into butt-fucking me. He held my hips with his hands and slammed balls deep into me with each thrust. “Arch that back and raise that ass, slut. Show me how much you want my dick deep in your guts.” I did as he ordered and was rewarded by Axel growling, “Fuck yeah! I love fucking a tight ass!”

“Ride ‘em Axel!” somebody said. “Pound that ass and fuck his brains out!”

I’d barely gotten Drek hard when Axel started ramming me rapidly, panting and taking deep gulps of breath. He was close. He pounded me feverishly for a couple of minutes and jizzed, squirting time and time again as his hot load flooded into me. Even after his balls stopped pumping, he kept dicking my hole, his pace slowing gradually until he stopped and pulled out. My hole was dripping cum. I felt some running down my legs.

“Damn,” he exclaimed, slapping my bare ass hard enough to make it sting. His handprint was probably visible. “That’s the way a tight hole should feel around a stiff cock!”

Reynolds laughed and handed Axel a beer. “Told you it was a bubble butt to use and be used again.”

The issue of what the group would do to my leaky ass hung in the air like a thunderstorm on a hot summer day; it would either blow over or result in a deluge. Looking back, the decision was a foregone conclusion. I wanted it and the group wanted to punish me, the consequence of me being such an idiot in high school.

Devon, one of the kids I’d gone to school with, announced, “We’re gonna fuck him! We’re all gonna fuck him! We’re gonna fuck him so hard that he won’t be able to walk for a week. Maybe the next time little Tyler won’t be such a jerk.” He grabbed my head, pulled my mouth off Drek’s stubby prick, and sneered. “Whaddaya think about that, jock hole? Your whore hole is gonna service every dude here who wants to get off.” To drive home his point, he spat in my face. I was so sweaty it easily rolled off, not leaving a trace.

Despite Devon’s tough talk, the crowd was tentative. Indeed, Tommy, another kid from my high school, spoke up. “Leave him alone, Devon. No means no, whether it’s a guy or a girl.”

Tommy was spot on. I agreed whole-heartedly with his position.

The problem was… I hadn’t said no.

Growing up, Tommy was goofy looking, with perpetually flushed cheeks, a spray of freckles across his nose and cheeks, and big ears that stuck out from his head. He’d been nicknamed Alfred E. Newman after the Mad magazine character. He got better looking as he got older, but his freckles, red cheeks and big ears remained and it was hard to shake the mental image of how much he looked like a total hayseed as a kid.

He always seemed to like me, despite me being an all-around a-hole. I’d never paid much attention to him because he didn’t hang with the cool kids, although his friends were loyal to each other and liked one another, which were things I hadn’t enjoyed much in high school. He also wasn’t a big jock, meaning he wasn’t on the football, basketball and baseball teams. Instead, he was a gymnast. The jocks didn’t consider gymnastics a real sport because it wasn’t a team sport and worse, it was sorta artistic.

Like many things recently, I was beginning to see things in a different light and regretted that I hadn’t gotten to know Tommy. In school he was funny, with a great sense of humor, and I had a feeling we could have been good friends if I hadn’t had my head up my ass. I was a little surprised he was hanging with the other stoners and skaters at the party, but maybe he knew somebody.

Tommy’s stand meant that whether I got fucked was my decision. It wasn’t much of one. Tyhcinn had decreed that I was a cock whore and I was. There were half a dozen dicks being stroked into erections around the fire and the promise of more. I wanted them all.

“I want you to fuck me,” I said, panning the crowd. “All of you. You can ride me as rough as you want. Do it to make up for me being an asshole. You heard Axel. My ass is tight and I guarantee it will make your cocks feel great. You first, Drek. You’re hard already. And Tommy, I wanna suck your cock. I owe you that much. Once I get you rock hard, I want you to shove it in me and cum in my ass. Please do it. I want you to.”

The group blinked in disbelief. Tommy broke the silence when he grinned happily and exclaimed, “Fuck, yeah!” I’d correctly guessed that, like most teenaged boys who were drunk and high, he wouldn’t resist the prospect of getting off regardless of how straight he was.

Although I didn’t sense that Tommy fit neatly on the gay-straight spectrum. He’d had the same girlfriend, Jenny, throughout high school. She was hot and most guys puzzled over what she saw in him. I knew he fucked her because I dated some girls who gossiped about it. However, he wasn’t bothered by me being gay. He wasn’t bothered by me being a slutty cock whore. He wasn’t bothered by me begging a random group of randy dudes to do me. He found it fun and interesting and was a dude who would live life never passing up an intriguing possibility. Once again I wished that I’d never gotten to know him better in school.

Tommy fished out his tool with a big smile. My eyes flew open in amazement. The kid was totally hung. He was soft so I couldn’t tell for sure, but unless I was wildly mistaken he was a charter member of the long dong club, like Lang and Tyhcinn. Unlike Lang, the boy’s slab of man meat was thick. It hung heavily between his legs, making my mouth water.

Suddenly, I understood Jenny completely. That girl knew a good thing when she saw it. Or stroked it with her hand. Or took it down her throat. Or felt it inside her pussy.

I heard somebody say, “Hell! Look at that monster!” Another dude said, “He’s fucking hung like a horse!” More exclamations of surprise followed. I took things into my own hands – well, my own holes – by scrambling around so that Drek was behind me and I was face-to-face with Tommy’s prize-winning equipment. Well, face-to-cock.

He casually slipped out of his shorts and got on his knees in front of me. His man meat began a slow, impressive rise to the occasion. I started licking it, and it lurched happily several times before powering into a full erection.

Staring at the tower of cock, I wondered how I’d managed to go through high school and not realize what Tommy was packing between his legs. Fuck, it was like another leg. Probably we’d never shared a shower after gym class or sports; I wouldn’t have missed noticing his monster. It was probably a good thing, because I’d have sprung a boner watching him soap his junk.

The close visual of Tommy’s massive meat sent a sudden shock through me. Shit! Was Tommy the mystery dude who’d texted me the picture of his giant cock yesterday with the message, “Want this?” The two shafts had to be close to the same size and might be almost identical. Tommy’s pubes weren’t trimmed as much as the dude’s in the photo, but they weren’t all that bushy to begin with and maybe the photo was taken when they’d been shaved. I remembered the mystery dude being taller, but that might have merely been camera angles and lighting. And really, can you really tell you how tall a guy is from a dick picture? I was left pondering the possibility.

Tommy was shirtless like most of the partiers and had a nice, tight body that was better than any of the skinny teenagers around the fire. His arms in particular were nice. I suppose that was a consequence of being a gymnast, but they were almost as good as Tony’s. By teenaged boy standards he was muscular, and with his big dick he was hot if you ignored his ears and freckles. I wouldn’t have any problem ignoring them, not when I could fixate on his mammoth rod. Frankly I kinda liked his face – ears, freckles, flushed cheeks and all. It was friendly and engaging.

Drek rammed his tool into me as I chowed on Tommy’s manhood, struggling to get it down my throat. I studied his big white python carefully as I deep throated it and realized it couldn’t be the mystery cock on my text after all. Tommy was cut, while the mystery cock was uncut. I’d have to wait to discover its owner. In the meantime, I had a job to do – servicing an improbably long and thick, rigid slab of horse cock.

It didn’t take long for Drek to seed me with his hairy cock and it was Tommy’s turn to drill my hungry hole. I was kinda disappointed that my tour of duty sucking him was over so soon. I’d eagerly reup, anytime, anyplace.

Tommy happily plugged my hole with his big schlong. I was damn lucky that Reynolds, Axel and Drek had opened me up, but even so I grimaced a couple of times as Tommy buried his dong in me. It helped that I had a major buzz from the dope I’d smoked. Every time I thought he must be balls deep inside me, he’d drill deeper, claiming even more of my fuck chute.

Once he was all the way in, he fucked with abandon. I swear I practically came when he first pulled out and then buried his tool in me, seeming to split my ass apart permanently. His meat was so thick that it crushed my prostate, sending waves of pleasure straight through my balls to my dick. He shoved the three loads of fresh spunk that were already swimming in my hole deeper inside me. He would soon add a fourth. My abused hole would probably leak for days.

With the gangbang officially on, it didn’t take long for another cock – an uncut black one – to replace Tommy’s in my mouth. I didn’t know the dude whose meat was stuffed down my throat. That was a first for me. Not sucking black cock – I did plenty of that. Tyhcinn’s black monster was the first dick I’d ever had in my mouth and yesterday I’d started at the crack of dawn with Xavier and finished after dark with Tyhcinn, enjoying a couple of other black cocks in between. But I was giving head to a complete stranger, a dude I didn’t know. Reynolds had fantasized about anonymous sex only a short time ago, and now I’d crossed over the line into it. He probably was loving it.

It was kinda hot. Hell, it was totally hot. I was officially a slut cock whore. I didn’t know at least half of the dudes lining up to enjoy my holes and would probably never see them again. For them I was merely a way to get off, a sex toy. The thought sent a shiver through my ass straight to my junk.

Tommy fucked me so deeply I halfway expected the head of his cock to meet the dick the black dude was ramming down my throat. I was loving every minute of getting spit roasted by the black and white duo. Tommy handled my ass like a pro, using his big pole to fuck me thoroughly. Either my boi butt wasn’t the first ass he’d drilled or he was a natural, instinctively knowing how to pillage my prostate and burrow his bull cock deeply into my guts. His balls were massive and damn plentiful, a perfect match for his big fuck rod, and when he juiced, he shot an incredible load deep into my chute.

The fuck parade was on. I was in for a night of being spit roasted.

The guys from my high school took delight in slapping their dicks across my face and then shoving them down my throat as a preface to slapping my ass with their hands and balling me as roughly as they could. I was treated to one harsh fuck after another. It was totally a peer group thing. Horny teenagers competing to show they could punish my holes more than the guy before. I’m sure most of the crowd had never had gay sex before, and for many it might be their only time. Drunk and stoned, they succumbed to peer pressure and used my boi butt to get off.

Devon in particular enjoyed torturing me. The dude had furry arms that promised a thick mat of hair on his chest, but it was just getting started, with a couple of rings around his tits and a few wispy hairs in the middle of his chest. His prick was just average but his balls were covered with thick fur.

The three girls who remained were apparently turned on by gay sex. Maybe it was only the novelty, but they were eager to see their boyfriends fuck a dude. The guys weren’t all that keen on doing me – I guess they preferred to save their nut in the hopes that their girlfriends would put out later. But the girls weren’t having it and were excited about seeing their boyfriends in a little man-on-man action. All three guys seeded me as the girls egged them on like cheerleaders and watched in excited fascination. I was kinda hoping the dudes would look back and think my ass was better than their girlfriends’ pussies. At times I was too damn competitive.

The night around the campfire was surreal. I was giving it up to kids who I scorned and dumped on throughout high school. They loved making me pay and if I admitted it, I sorta liked the humiliation of being used as their cum dump. Virtually every cock in my mouth and my ass was attached to either a skinny rail or a chub who’d never be taken for handsome. Of the group, only Reynolds and maybe Tommy were hot. Actually, if you got past his face – he wasn’t ugly or anything like that, but merely homely – Tommy’s body was damn good. And yeah, his cock was incredible. Beyond the two of them, however, only one or two of the dudes were guys who’d rate above average. Here I was taking it up the ass from all of them. And getting off on it.

My knees began to get sore as several of the gangbangers decided to take seconds. Axel led the way and I was relieved that he put me on my back for round two. This time I got to stare at his hairy chest as he dicked me. I suppose my initial cock whore day yesterday was heavy with guys who were hot and handsome, but this night was the opposite. But hell, I was getting off on doing it with them too.

After Axel nutted, driving his jizz deep into my sloppy fuck chute, Creed announced he was going to fuck me. I suppose it was only fair, because he was the only dude left who hadn’t enjoyed my ass. A couple of guys held my legs up so everyone could watch as he jabbed his PA ring inside me and rode me until he juiced, growling, “Fucking faggot bitch dick head!”

The night exposed Tommy’s balls as being supercharged, a nice match for his supersized cock. A lot of really big cocks don’t get that hard, but not only was Tommy’s manhood a steel shaft, it scarcely softened in between fucks. As for his nuts, they would not stop. He won the crown for dumping the most loads in me – six – easily outpacing anyone else. I took four in my ass, one in my mouth and one across my face as I sucked on his big eggs. He could have kept going. I made sure to clean his huge prong after each time because I couldn’t get enough of it.

I’d happily deliver my holes for him to use whenever and wherever he wanted and I told him that. Straight or no, he was all over an encore. I’d come up with the perfect solution to Tyhcinn’s charge that I be loose and juiced when he returned in two weeks: Tommy’s white python. Three or four rounds with the freckle-faced dude would leave my asshole primed and ready for a night of taking Tyhcinn’s big black cock. I’d be getting a vanilla crème afternoon delight followed by a chocolate jizz nightcap and a black mocha wakeup.

I kept count of the dudes who used my ass and reached fifteen, along with something like twenty-five loads. Twenty-five loads, assuming they were delivered by cocks averaging six inches, came up to twelve and a half feet of cock. It had to be more than that because four of the loads were Tommy’s. Including Tony and Lang, my ass had hosted seventeen different cocks, three more than my inaugural cock-whore day yesterday. It didn’t seem possible I could be more of a slut, but I had broken my dubious record.

As promised, Reynolds used my asshole again. Twice. He did me in the gangbang next to the dying campfire, and as we were leaving he bent me over his motorcycle and seeded me a third time. The last time he jerked me off, finally giving my balls some relief. They were aching after I’d been rock hard for hours. I shot all over his bike seat and he made me lick up my cum. I didn’t mind. He marveled about how tight my boi butt still was, which seemed improbable, particularly after Tommy had been inside me four times.

As the party broke up I was confronted by a nasty problem. Somehow the jogging shorts I’d worn disappeared. I remembered Axel pulling them down as I’d sucked Creed – I’d made it easy for him to take them off by lifting my knees – but the shorts were nowhere to be found. I looked all over but found no trace of them. It wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that someone had intentionally taken them so I’d be stranded in the middle of the woods in my birthday suit.

Reynolds found the problem funny. Hilarious. After he fucked me on his bike, he slapped my ass and said, “Hop on! It’s late and maybe nobody will notice. If they do, maybe they’ll want some!”

I didn’t have much choice. To keep my junk from being exposed, I huddled as close to Reynolds as possible. I couldn’t do anything about my bare butt, and several passing cars noticed. One stayed behind us for a long time, the driver occasionally flashing his brights and honking his horn. Reynolds loved the show, waving to passing cars and taking a route that went through a congested part of town heavy with stop lights and street lights. We got a big cheer as we passed a gay bar that had a big outdoor porch packed with dudes taking advantage of last call and guzzling drinks before closing time.

Reynolds paid little attention to the speed limit and while I was happy to get home quicker, I was scared to death that we’d be stopped. I had no desire to be booked into jail barefoot and wearing no clothing. When he finally pulled up to my house, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. For the second night in a row, I walked up the sidewalk stark naked.

I had to face a second problem: the lateness of the hour. Reynolds didn’t drop me off until 2:00 a.m., well after my curfew, which meant I’d be in deep shit with my parents. I was a mess – naked, sweaty and cum-smeared, with so much jizz in my asshole that it felt like it would blow out at any moment. Praying my parents wouldn’t hear me, I snuck into the house, thankful that I was barefoot. I’d never been so quiet in my life.

I made it into my room and at least had wiped down and pulled on some shorts before they appeared, looking tired and grumpy. I stood as they read me the riot act, clenching my ass cheeks to keep cum from dribbling out.

They assumed I was drunk. My mom was ready to ground me for God-knows-how-long, but when they realized I hadn’t been drinking after all, they backed off. My dad told her to give me a break, pointing out that in three weeks I’d be in college and wouldn’t have a curfew.

I was probably asleep two minutes after my head hit the pillow, but in those two minutes, I figured out why he cut me slack. He was happy that I wasn’t hanging out with Tyhcinn the way I’d spent most Saturday nights during the summer. He assumed there were only two reasons an 18-year-old would be out until 2:00. Getting drunk or getting laid. I wasn’t drunk, ergo I must have been balling a chick. At the beginning of the summer he was totally excited when I dated Tony’s ex Melissa once. She was a hot cheerleader, and he was disappointed when I hadn’t kept it up, although that one date confirmed completely that I wasn’t straight. My dad was easy to read. He wanted his son to be a big jock who bopped the ladies.

He got the first part of that. I was on the way to playing college baseball. As for bopping the ladies, if he only knew he was two months too late. During the eight weeks since Memorial Day, I’d gone from the ladies’ man he wanted to the city’s biggest gay slut cock whore…


If you enjoyed this chapter (or if you hated it), send me a note. I’m always interested in what readers like – characters, lines, the setup, etc. ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

My plan is to post new chapters every two weeks. However, the story does have an ending (at last count, it will come in chapter 20) and won’t go on endlessly.

My other Nifty stories are listed in the author index under ‘Colton,’ or search for “Colton Aalto” using the Nifty Archive Search button: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance
I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you’ll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2018

Next: Chapter 14

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